SEIRIOS Spacecraft

Spacecraft name SEIRIOS
Type CubeSat
Units or mass 6U
Entity name University of Tokyo
Institution University
Entity type Academic / Education
Nation Japan

Two CubeSats reflect the light from a celestial body and the micro-sat combines the two light to observe interferometric fringe with densified pupil spectroscopy interferometer.


SEIRIOS is a pathfinder mission to demonstrate the formation flying space infrared interferometer with densified pupil spectroscopy. SEIRIOS is constructed by one 40-kg class micro-satellite and two 10-kg class 6U CubeSats.

Space infrared interferometer with densified pupil spectroscopy by three satellites. Wave length: 0.7-1um. Aperture diameter : 5cm.

Launched in docking. Initial operation and calibration are executed in docking form. After the calibration, the two Cubesats separate and start formation flying control to get interferometric fringe. The three satellites will form along-track straight line formation for formation flying interferometer demonstration.

The micro-satellite is placed at the center of the two CubeSats, and the CubeSats keep a constant distance between 5 to 50-m from the micro-satellite. Two CubeSats reflect the light from a celestial body and the micro-sat combines the two light to observe interferometric fringe with densified pupil spectroscopy interferometer.

As an extra success, we targets high-resolution imaging of solar system object like Europa by multiple interferometric fringe data at the multiple point in the UV-plane.

Sources [1] [2]
Photo sources [1]
Keywords Formation flying, Propulsion, Intersatellite links

Related Spacecraft

Spacecraft Status Launcher Date Orbit
SEIRIOS Line 1 not launched (cancelled? no news found since 2021-2022) not launched 2025-12-31 not launched
SEIRIOS Line 2 not launched (cancelled? no news found since 2021-2022) not launched 2025-12-31 not launched

Last modified: 2024-12-29

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Created by Erik Kulu


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