CRYPTO3 Spacecraft

Satellite name CRYPTO3
Type CubeSat
Units or mass 3U
Status Operational (D-Orbit update on 2024-01-09)
Launched 2023-11-11
NORAD ID 59478 ?
Deployer ?
Launcher Falcon 9 (Transporter-9) (D-Orbit ION)
Entity name CryptoSat
Institution Company
Entity type Commercial
Country US

Third satellite of a CubeSat constellation whose mission is to provide cryptographic applications in space.


The power of Crypto3 lies in its three Crypto Cards - computers equipped with an ARM processors and hundreds of gigabytes of storage, pushing the boundaries of space technology.

Serve a multitude of blockchain applications, including MPC, key management, and data security, as well as a prototype platform for edge computing in space.

Third satellite of a CubeSat constellation whose mission is to provide cryptographic applications in space. Cryptosat is authorized to launch and operate CRYPTO3 through Germany’s Bundesnetzagentur (“BNetzA”). The constellation is in a developmental phase, and the experimental operations proposed in this application will assist in proof of performance for the constellation.

A pair of Iridium 9603 transceiver modems will be installed on CRYPTO3 to communicate with the Iridium constellation. Transmissions will consist of blockchain ledger information, cryptographic primitives such as zero-knowledge proofs, random numbers as well as satellite commands, and telemetry. 

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Keywords Globalstar or Iridium or Inmarsat
On the same launch

Last modified: 2024-12-15

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Created by Erik Kulu


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