UiTMSAT-2 Spacecraft

Spacecraft name UiTMSAT-2
Type CubeSat
Units or mass 1U
Status not launched, expected in 2025
Launcher not launched, (ELaNa 52)
Organisation Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
Institution University
Entity type Academic / Education
Nation (HQ) Malaysia
Nation (AIT) Japan
Manufacturer AIVT by Kyushu Institute of Technology
Partners Kyushu Institute of Technology

obtain practical exposure, participate in hands-on training, learn and involve in the entire process of developing and launching the Nanosatellite.


This research program is a low cost, non-profit, educational program which involves international universities collaboration between Universiti Teknologi MARA , Malaysia, University of Perpetual Help System DALTA , Philippines, King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok (KMUTNB), Thailand, and Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan, to jointly develop a 1U-sized Nanosatellite called UiTMSAT-2.

The project is funded by the International Collaborative Fund from Malaysian Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation and technically supported by Malaysian Space Agency (MYSA) under the Researcher-Industry Scientific Exchange Program of MOSTI. The project kicked-off in February 2021.

The main objective for this project is for UiTM and UPHSD students/lecturers to obtain practical exposure, participate in hands-on training, learn and involve in the entire process of developing and launching the Nanosatellite. By this UiTMSAT-2 Project collaboration, human capital and expertise among students/lecturers in the field of space technology will be built-up. International network between universities, government agencies as well as international space agencies will be established which will drive into the development of Nanosatellite technology in participating countries.

During these 2 years project, team members shall design, develop and operate 1 unit of identical 1U CubeSat (1kg, 10cm x 10cm x 11.35 cm cubic) in Malaysia. UiTMSAT-2 design will be implementing BIRDS Program’s bus system (from Japan), utilizing the same radio frequencies. UiTMSAT-2 will be released from the ISS by using JAXA’s Kibo Module under the J-Cube program.

The satellite will perform the following missions:

  1. Camera mission The CubeSat will carry a Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) camera which will capture optimal ground resolution images from space, store the images onboard and transmit it to ground station upon command from the ground station. The command for image capturing and data acquisition will be using Ultra-High Frequency (UHF). This mission is meant for promotional and educational awareness of the project and to provide tangible proof of Nanosatellite’s operation in space. All measurements and image data will be shared with the public on the UiTMSAT-2 project website.
  2. Store-and-Forward Another mission is to develop a system that utilizes the ground-based sensor for data collection in remote areas by using Store-And-Forward (S&F) application. Other than that, the system is to demonstrate the 6 letters message Store-And-Forward (S&F) in line with the Universal Amateur Radio text. Store-and-Forward system utilized the Automatic Packet Reporting System-Digipeater (APRS-DP), and thus, the 6 letters message can be transmitted to the Nanosatellite from ground using Very-High Frequency (VHF). The ground-based sensor data will also be transmitted to S&F onboard the Nanosatellite through VHF. All of the above missions are envisioned to promote awareness of amateur satellite technology as well as amateur radio communication among the general public and students, especially in the participating nations of UiTMSAT-2 Project.

Involvement of KYUTECH, Japan, is to support the development of UiTMSAT-2 as it is using the similar bus system implemented in BIRDS Projects and as the second Nanosatellite of UiTM after the success of UiTMSAT-1 from BIRDS-2 Project. Both missions utilize amateur frequencies. Only participating stakeholders from each participating country can send commands to acquire data from Camera and Store-and-Forward missions. The other countries who involved in BIRDS program that was led by KYUTECH, Japan, will also be given permission to send command to reduce the number of times of packet downlinking (especially for image data). The amateur operators and space enthusiasts can send 6 letters message to the Nanosatellite through the APRS-DP system. This will widen communication between the participants around the globe.

Sources [1]

Last modified: 2024-12-29

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Created by Erik Kulu

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