Unicorn (D) Spacecraft

Spacecraft name Unicorn (D)
Form factor PocketQube
Units or mass PocketQube 1p
Status cancelled
Organisation Alba Orbital
Institution Company
Entity Commercial
Nation (HQ) Germany
Nation (AIT) US
Manufacturer AIVT by Alba Orbital
Operator Alba Orbital
Partners TRSI

Amateur radio mission.


To allow amateur radio enthusiasts around the world to listen to the satellite beacon, uplink commands and downlink data from the satellite. To assist users of the satellite, an open-source GUI will be made available. The GUI will have the satellite commands and protocols built-in, as well as facilitating decoding of telemetry and beacons received from the satellite. The GUI will be made available in addition to documentation containing protocols, uplink commands and telemetry formats. As the mission is purely amateur in nature, the satellite will have only a UHF radio payload to facilitate HAM communication. 

Sources [1]
COTS subsystems
  • PLATFORM - Alba Orbital

Last modified: 2024-12-15

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Created by Erik Kulu

Email: erik.kulu@nanosats.eu
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