Name | SPROUT |
Form factor | Nanosatellite |
Units or mass | 6.7 kg |
Status | Semi-operational? Was operational until 2016-09-XX? (Last DK3WN report 2016-08-27. Occasional reports from SatNOGS checked on 2019-05-25) |
Launched | 2014-05-24 |
NORAD ID | 39770 |
Deployer | Custom |
Launcher | H-IIA (H2A) |
Entity name | Nihon University |
Institution | University |
Entity | Academic / Education |
Country | Japan |
Launch brokerer | JAXA, ? |
Oneliner |
Demonstration of inflatable membrane structure. |
Description |
Verification of design methods and the space demonstration of deploying of the inflatable membrane structure. Demonstration of the attitude determination and control technology of nano-satellite. Prediction of orbit descent rate change by the inflatable membrane structure. Operation of satellite by a ham radio operator. |
Sources | [1] |
Photo sources | [1] |
Last modified: 2024-05-28