MTCube 2 Satellites

MTCube 2
MTCube 2
MTCube 2
Satellite name MTCube 2
Type CubeSat
Units or mass 1U
Entity name University of Montpellier
Institution University
Entity type Academic / Education
Headquarters France
Launch brokerer SAB Launch Services
Partners University of Jyväskylä

Characterize the sensitivity of different types of memories with respect to the space radiation environment focusing on SEE.


Testing memories for future space applications. Characterize the sensitivity of different types of memories with respect to the space radiation environment focusing on SEE. SEE shall be characterized (SEU, MCU, Latch-up) and mapped. Additionally, the radiation dose shall be monitored throughout the nominal mission lifetime.

The second mission of the MT-CUBE-2 satellite is to demonstrate the good functionality of the upgraded ROBUSTA-1U platform. The third mission of the MT-CUBE-2 platform is to reemit in the broadcast “tweets” addressed to the Ham radio community. 

Sources [1] [2] [3]
Photo sources [1] [2] [3]
Keywords MEO orbit, Beyond LEO orbit, Mission-As-A-Service

Related Spacecraft

Name Status Launcher Launch date Orbit
MTCube (ROBUSTA 1C, Memory Test CubeSat, MT-CUBE) Reentry 2023-07-15. No signal (LinkedIn post by a team member) Sojuz 2019-07-05 530 km, 97.5 deg
MTCube 2 (MT-CUBE-2, Memory Test CubeSat 2, ROBUSTA-1F) Was operational until 2022-07-XX? (Initial reports on Twitter but no SatNOGS reports with data as of 2022-12-20) Vega C 2022-07-13 MEO, 5900 km, 70 deg

Last modified: 2024-05-29

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Created by Erik Kulu


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