ORCA-6 Satellites

Name ORCA-6
Type CubeSat
Units or mass 6U
Organisation Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Institution Military
Entity Government (Civil / Military)
Headquarters US
Operator In-house?
Launch brokerer Spaceflight, SEOPS

DARPA CubeSats for testing RF communication between space assets and ground?

Sources [1] [2] [3] [4]

Related Spacecraft

Satellite Status Launcher Launch date Orbit
ORCA (SEOPS-ORCA) Reentry 2022-01-14. Was operational? (No public news found) Falcon 9, (CRS-18) 2019-07-25 475 km, 51.6 deg, Cygnus
ORCA-8 (Unknown DARPA CubeSat) Reentry 2022-08-08. Was operational? (No news found as of 2020-04-10, but likely operational) Falcon 9, (CRS-19), (SEOPS-2) 2019-12-05 460 km, 51.6 deg, Cygnus
ORCA-6 (OrCa1) Reentry 2023-01-31. Was operational? (No sources found as of 2022-01-01) Antares, (NG-15), (Cygnus), (SEOPS-3) 2021-02-20 500 km, 51.6 deg, Cygnus
ORCA-7 Reentry 2023-01-31. Was operational? (No sources found as of 2022-01-01) Antares, (NG-15), (Cygnus), (SEOPS-3) 2021-02-20 500 km, 51.6 deg, Cygnus

Last modified: 2024-05-29

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Created by Erik Kulu

Email: erik.kulu@nanosats.eu
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