Wren Satellite

Satellite Wren
Spacecraft type PocketQube
Units or mass PocketQube 1p
Status Reentry 2023-06-26. Was operational until 2013-11-24. Failed after a short time. Issue with object names (Dove-4) in Space-Track.
Launched 2013-11-21
NORAD ID 39434
Deployer MRFOD (Morehead Rome Femtosatellites Orbital Deployer)
Launcher Dnepr
Deployment Deployed from UniSat-5 on 2013-11-29
Organization STADOKO UG
Institution Company
Entity Commercial
Nation Germany
Launch brokerer GAUSS

Advanced PocketQube with cameras and reaction wheels.


Crowd-funded femto-satellite by start-up company STADOKO to test miniaturized thrusters, 3-axis control and a new image based navigation system. It is equipped with a camera system to take pictures of the Earth, Sun and Deep Space.

In addition to the conventional gyro- and magnetic field attitude sensors, those three components will constitute an adaptive feedback guidance system. Camera and 4 pulsed plasma thrusters. A 3 axis reaction wheel and a colour camera.

Sources [1] [2] [3]
Photo sources [1]
Keywords Propulsion
On the same launch

Last modified: 2024-05-29

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Created by Erik Kulu

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