SHFT Satellites

Satellite name SHFT (Space-based High Frequency Testbed)
Spacecraft type CubeSat
Units or mass 3U
Entity name DARPA
Institution Military
Entity Government (Civil / Military)
Headquarters US
Partners NASA

Collect radio frequency signals in the HF (5-30 MHz) band to study the galactic background emissions.


Collect radio frequency signals in the HF (5-30 MHz) band to study the galactic background emissions, the HF signals from Jupiter, and the signals from terrestrial transmitters after having passed through the earth’s ionosphere. The ionosphere changes its characteristics on a minute to minute basis, particularly changing between day and night, but also in response to geomagnetic phenomena and solar events.

Sources [1]
Photo sources [1]

Related Spacecraft

Name Status Rocket Launch Orbit
SHFT-1 (Goergen, Space-based High Frequency Testbed) Operational (Indirect tweet from Jonathan McDowell on 2019-03-04) Electron 2018-12-16 510 km, 85 deg
SHFT-2 (Space-based High Frequency Testbed) not launched not launched 2024-12-26 not launched

Last modified: 2024-05-29

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Created by Erik Kulu


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