PilsenCube2 Spacecraft

Satellite name PilsenCube2
Type CubeSat
Units or mass 1U
Status cancelled
Organisation University of West Bohemia
Institution University
Entity type Academic / Education
Headquarters Czechia

Demonstrating Timepix-based hodoscope for cubesat applications for detecting passing charged particles.


Timepix-based hodoscope for cubesat applications, such as PilsenCube2, developed by the University of West Bohemia. The hodoscope is composed of two Timepix detectors with silicon thickness of 300μm, placed in back-to-back arrangement and rotated relative to each other by 90°, forming a telescope set-up. A copper separator is placed between two detectors to distinguish electrons and protons.

The payload hardware and firmware are designed to support single detector operation as well as dual detector operation mode, in which particle coincidence detection is possible. The hodoscope electronic has been designed with respect to harsh radiation environment present in LEO (Low Earth Orbit). The device involves independent radiation hardened power supplies, including bias high voltage supply (up to 250 V) and auxiliary threshold reference DAC for each Timepix detector.

Considering highly limited achievable data throughput between the CubeSat and the ground control station, advanced on-board data processing has been developed to reduce the size of transmitted data. The on-board data processing is provided by the radiation hardened SoC (System on Chip) Smartfusion2.

Sources [1]

Last modified: 2024-09-02

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