SpeQtral-1 Spacecraft

Satellite SpeQtral-1
Type CubeSat
Units or mass 16U
Status not launched, expected in 2026
Launcher not launched
Organisation SpeQtral
Institution Company
Entity type Commercial
Nation Singapore
Manufacturer AIVT by NanoAvionics
Operator ?
Partners Mbryonics

Transmit QKD photons from the satellite down to optical ground stations.


SpeQtral, a leading quantum communication technology company, has chosen Kongsberg NanoAvionics (NanoAvionics) as the satellite bus provider for its upcoming SpeQtral-1 mission. The second partner in this mission is Mbryonics, producing the satellite’s optical terminal.

Using the technical expertise of NanoAvionics as a leading smallsat bus manufacturer and mission integrator, and Mbryonics’s state-of-the-art optical terminal hardware, SpeQtral-1 will serve as a pathfinder commercial demonstrator, defining future quantum key distribution (QKD) services.

SpeQtral-1 is aimed at providing communications services that require quantum security, as traditional cryptographic techniques are threatened by the emergence of quantum computing. The nanosatellite is based on NanoAvionics’s high-performance and multi-purpose M16P bus, which has been flight proven during multiple Earth observation missions. The satellite’s quantum-optical terminal by Mbryonics will transmit QKD photons from the satellite’s hardware down to optical ground stations.

SpeQtral-1 will be SpeQtral’s second QKD satellite, following the SpeQtre technology demonstrator mission, itself built on technologies demonstrated on the 2019 SpooQy-1 CubeSat.

SpeQtral cited NanoAvionics’s “consistent track record of building and successfully launching satellite missions, its invaluable expertise and an impressive portfolio of accomplishments as the reason for the mission selection”.

SpeQtral-1 – product demonstrator – 2026

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Photo sources [1] [2]
Keywords Laser transmitter, QKD-Quantum Key Distribution

Last modified: 2024-08-29

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Created by Erik Kulu

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