Hub IOD Spacecraft

Spacecraft name Hub IOD
Form factor CubeSat
Units or mass 12U
Status not launched, expected in 2025
Launcher not launched
Organization Quantum Communications Hub
Institution Institute
Entity Government (Civil / Military)
Nation (HQ) UK
Nation (AIT) Netherlands
Manufacturer AIVT by ISISpace
Partners University of York

Usse light and infrared signals, as well as a radio channel, to communicate with the quantum receiver positioned at the Hub’s OGS site in Scotland. 


Usse light and infrared signals, as well as a radio channel, to communicate with the quantum receiver positioned at the Hub’s OGS site in Scotland. 

The Quantum Communications Hub has selected the Dutch company ISISPACE Group (ISISPACE) as the provider of satellite systems and services in support of the Hub’s In Orbit Demonstration (IOD) mission to demonstrate the distribution of quantum encryption keys from space. The IOD will be the culmination of a core Hub development programme of UK science and technology around quantum secure communication between satellite and the ground.

The programme, part of the Hub’s strategic objective of delivering quantum security at all distance scales, includes the development of novel quantum signal transmitters as payloads for the satellite, and quantum receivers for a dedicated Hub Optical Ground Station (OGS). The development programme, led by the University of York, is a collaboration of Hub academic partners: the Universities of Bristol, Heriot-Watt, Strathclyde and the Hub lead York, together with Science and Technology Facilities Council’s RAL Space Facility.


The other two projects, which also include a number of Hub academic and industrial partners, are Speqtre, a UK/Singapore bilateral project, and ROKS (Responsive Operations for Key Services), a UK industry-led mission.

Sources [1]
Photo sources [1]
Keywords QKD-Quantum Key Distribution

Last modified: 2024-12-09

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