Outpost Mission 2 Spacecraft

Spacecraft Outpost Mission 2 (Ferry-1)
Spacecraft type CubeSat
Units or mass 3U
Status Operational (LinkedIn post last checked on 2023-12-09)
Launched 2023-11-11
NORAD ID 58334
Deployer EXOpod Nova 12U/16U [Exolaunch]
Launcher Falcon 9 (Transporter-9)
Organization Outpost
Institution Company
Entity Commercial
Country US

GasPak, a low mass, clean gas generator, engineered to optimize the functionality of NASA’s hypersonic inflatable aerodynamic decelerators.


Outpost Technologies Corporation (“Outpost”) has been awarded a NASA contract that will support the development of GasPak, a low mass, clean gas generator, engineered to optimize the functionality of NASA Langley’s hypersonic inflatable aerodynamic decelerators (HIAD). This NASA contract compliments the demonstration of GasPak on Outpost's “Mission 2”, a NASA-funded orbital Outpost mission set to launch in the fall of 2023.

GasPak steps in to address the limitations faced by current deployable aerodynamic decelerators, which are restricted by their associated blowdown systems. Traditional systems are challenged with issues such as mass efficiency and the long-term storage of high-pressure gas. While hydrogen offers an ideal storage solution, its high leak rates make it problematic for long-duration missions and space transits. GasPak, however, emerges as a more robust and efficient solution, providing a low mass, clean gas generator solution. It surpasses the constraints of cryogenic liquid hydrogen, offering a high-density alternative and thus, overcoming the barriers that have so far prevented such technology from being space-qualified.

GasPak will be demonstrated on Outpost's “Mission 2”, a NASA-funded orbital Outpost mission set to launch on SpaceX's Transporter-9. This will be the second flight for Outpost, following the launch of their “Mission 1” hosted payload satellite after an impressive 7-month development and build. Mission 1 was a testament to Outpost’s fail-fast philosophy and a first-principles approach, which enables reaching a minimum viable product as quickly as possible. Outpost plans to iterate and improve their platform for their commercially-funded Mission 2. 

Sources [1] [2]
On the same launch

Last modified: 2023-12-15

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Created by Erik Kulu

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