TALISMAN Spacecraft

Spacecraft type CubeSat
Units or mass 16U
Status not launched, expected in 2026
Launcher not launched
Organization SATLANTIS
Institution Company
Entity Commercial
Nation (HQ) Spain
Nation (AIT) ?
Manufacturer AIVT by ?
Operator ?
Partners SENER, Crisa, Supersharp, Messium

Carrying a short-wave infrared (SWIR) optical instrument coupled with a liquid crystal polarimeter.


Carrying a short-wave infrared (SWIR) optical instrument coupled with a liquid crystal polarimeter. The combination is designed to enable point-source methane detection – a vital activity for climate change mitigation – while minimising the impact of aerosol scattering. 

EODDL-LYNX from SENER builds on the company’s previous InCubed activity to integrate an active electronically steerable antenna with a payload data transmitter. The antenna will not only enhance downlink throughput and flexibility, but also provide a more compact, lightweight solution compared with mechanically steered variants.

Madrid-based Crisa will develop the power conditioning module of its NICE instrument control unit for satellites. The power conditioning module will complete the jigsaw of NICE’s core functions, alongside the payload controller and standard discrete interface module. Deimos Space’s Insight4EO picks up on the emerging trend of edge computing onboard satellites by providing a processing and intelligence services package for LEO EO missions. The activity is aimed at facilitating realtime decision-making, increased mission autonomy and higher data throughput.

In the downstream data processing segment, ATR4PAZ from Hisdesat will tackle the thorny issue of rapidly deriving meaningful insight from SAR data. Focusing on the security and intelligence sector, ATR4PAZ will simulate objects of interest on existing SAR imagery in order to train a machine learning to detect those features.

Like its Spanish counterparts, the British contingent also includes an innovative instrument in the form of SPIRIT, an ultra-compact, high-resolution, wide-field-of-view thermal infrared camera to be developed by Supersharp. SPIRIT imagery will be used to produce heat maps with an unparalleled revisit rate to monitor the energy usage of buildings worldwide.

London company Messium will develop an application for monitoring the Nitrogen concentration in wheat crops. Based on satellite-derived hyperspectral data and custom machine learning models, the interface will complement in-situ measurements and help in the adoption of variable-rate fertiliser distribution for more efficient nutrient management and reduced nitrous oxide production.

“Launching targeted national calls enables us to work hand in hand with our Participating States to stimulate EO innovation in individual countries,” commented Michele Castorina, InCubed Programme Manager and head of the ESA Φ-lab Invest Office. “These latest Spanish and British calls have yielded groundbreaking activities that not only include contributions to the green agenda, but have also captured the direction of travel in EO technologies with such topics as edge compute, payload downsizing and high-capacity data transmission. I therefore expect these developments to make a valid contribution to Europe’s commercial space arena.”

Sources [1]

Last modified: 2024-12-26

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