Satellite | TechCube 1 |
Spacecraft type | CubeSat |
Units or mass | 3U |
Status | cancelled |
Organisation | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Institution | Space agency |
Entity | Government (Civil / Military) |
Country | US |
Oneliner |
The satellite carries a REPT (Relativistic Electron Proton Telescope) sensor and cam |
Description |
The satellite carries a REPT (Relativistic Electron Proton Telescope) sensor of a new simple, low-cost design, an imager and a SpaceCube high performance processor. REPT can measure electrons in the 1-5 MeV energy range and protons in the 15-50 MeV energy range. |
Sources | [1] |
Photo sources | [1] |
Last modified: 2023-06-03