Spacecraft | CHOMPTT (CubeSat Handling of Multisystem Precision Time Transfer) |
Form factor | CubeSat |
Units or mass | 3U |
Status | Reentry 2024-05-13. Was operational until? (Official tweet on 2019-11-21 checked on 2020-01-01. Marked as Complete on NASA CubeSat Fleet Database) |
Launched | 2018-12-16 |
NORAD ID | 43855 |
Deployer | RailPOD [Tyvak] |
Launcher | Electron |
Entity name | University of Florida |
Institution | University |
Entity | Academic / Education |
Headquarters | US |
Launch brokerer | TriSept |
Oneliner |
Demonstrate low cost, precision time transfer between ground and satellite using a laser. |
Description |
Demonstrate low cost, precision time transfer between and atomic clock on the ground and in our satellite using a laser. To demonstrate nanosecond-level time transfer from Earth to a low Earth orbiting CubeSat using optical frequencies. |
Sources | [1] [2] [3] |
Photo sources | [1] [2] [3] [4] |
On the same launch |
Last modified: 2024-05-26