Tausat Satellite

Name Tausat (TAU-SAT, TAU-Sat 1)
Type CubeSat
Units or mass 3U
Status Reentry 2022-05-05. Was operational (Many reports from radio amateurs on Twitter and on SatNOGS)
Launched 2021-02-20
NORAD ID 47926
Deployer J-SSOD (JEM Small Satellite Orbital Deployer)
Launcher Antares (NG-15)
Deployment Deployed from ISS on 2021-03-14
Organisation Herzliya Science Center
Institution Non-profit
Entity type Academic / Education
Country Israel

Educational mission with radiation measurement and amateur radio transponder.


Will carry two payloads.

  1. University students’ educational research space radiation that will examine physical space radiation. This will be active for about three months.
  2. A U/V FM amateur radio transponder. 
Sources [1]
Photo sources [1] [2]
On the same launch

Last modified: 2024-05-29

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Created by Erik Kulu

Email: erik.kulu@nanosats.eu
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/erikkulu

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