Spacecraft name | SULIS (Solar cUbesats for Linked Imaging Spectropolarimetry) |
Form factor | CubeSat |
Units or mass | 12U |
Organisation | Northumbria University |
Institution | University |
Entity | Academic / Education |
Headquarters | UK |
Manufacturer | AIVT by ? |
Operator | ? |
Partners | Aberystwyth University, Surrey Satellite Technology (SSTL), Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) Space, Andor Technology, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa |
Costs | $105 million for the whole consortium |
Oneliner |
Place three pairs of formation-flying coronagraphs within CubeSats in 1AU orbits around the Sun for Sun magnetic field observations. |
Description |
Understand the Sun’s link to the inner heliosphere via revolutionary UK-led technology. Provide unprecedented measurements of the magnetic field of the corona answering fundamental questions that underpin the sources of space weather.
Sources | [1] [2] |
Photo sources | [1] |
Keywords | Formation flying, Laser transmitter, Propulsion |
Related Spacecraft
Satellite | Status | Rocket | Date | Orbit |
SULIS-A1 (Solar cUbesats for Linked Imaging Spectropolarimetry) | cancelled? (assuming cancelled and that the project did not progress beyond design phase, because the main news were during 2019 and none found recently) | cancelled | x_cancelled | Earth-Sun L4 |
SULIS-A2 (Solar cUbesats for Linked Imaging Spectropolarimetry) | cancelled? (assuming cancelled and that the project did not progress beyond design phase, because the main news were during 2019 and none found recently) | cancelled | x_cancelled | Earth-Sun L4 |
SULIS-B1 (Solar cUbesats for Linked Imaging Spectropolarimetry) | cancelled? (assuming cancelled and that the project did not progress beyond design phase, because the main news were during 2019 and none found recently) | cancelled | x_cancelled | Earth-Sun L5 |
SULIS-B2 (Solar cUbesats for Linked Imaging Spectropolarimetry) | cancelled? (assuming cancelled and that the project did not progress beyond design phase, because the main news were during 2019 and none found recently) | cancelled | x_cancelled | Earth-Sun L5 |
SULIS-E1 (Solar cUbesats for Linked Imaging Spectropolarimetry) | cancelled? (assuming cancelled and that the project did not progress beyond design phase, because the main news were during 2019 and none found recently) | cancelled | x_cancelled | LEO |
SULIS-E2 (Solar cUbesats for Linked Imaging Spectropolarimetry) | cancelled? (assuming cancelled and that the project did not progress beyond design phase, because the main news were during 2019 and none found recently) | cancelled | x_cancelled | LEO |
Last modified: 2024-12-29