Spacecraft | TwinCube |
Form factor | CubeSat |
Units or mass | 3U |
Status | cancelled |
Entity name | West Pomeraian University of Technology |
Institution | University |
Entity type | Academic / Education |
Country | Poland |
Oneliner |
Divided in orbit into two subsatellites connected by a 1 km long tether. |
Description |
3U CubeSat that will be divided in orbit into two subsatellites connected by a 1 km long tether. Each subsatellite will be equipped with all the essential subsystems necessary to maintain its independence. The main goal of the mission is to perform two-point diagnostic measurements of electromagnetic emissions in near-Earth plasma. Multi-point measurements play a significant role in understanding energy flows driven by the Sun as well as terrestrial activity. Therefore, each subsatellite will carry a Radio Frequency Analyzer capable of performing passive diagnostic measurements of the electromagnetic field. |
Notes |
Just study. |
Sources | [1] |
Keywords | Tether |
Last modified: 2023-06-08