Suomi 100 Satellite

Suomi 100
Suomi 100
Suomi 100
Suomi 100
Suomi 100
Satellite name Suomi 100 (Finland100)
Type CubeSat
Units or mass 1U
Status Operational (Last social media news on 2022-12-03 about starting new measurement campaign last checked on 2023-06-08)
Launched 2018-12-03
NORAD ID 43804
Deployer QuadPack (XL) [ISISpace]
Launcher Falcon 9 (Spaceflight SSO-A, SHERPA)
Entity name Aalto University
Institution University
Entity Academic / Education
Nation Finland
Launch brokerer ISILaunch

Celebrate Finland's 100th independence with camera and low-frequency receiver to detect auroras.


Part of the programme of centenary of Finland’s independence in 2017. The satellite’s payload is a wide-view high detail camera and a low frequency receiver. The payload, especially the radio instrument, will test new CubeSat instrument technology. The instrument is expected to detect dynamical features e.g. aurorae in the Earth’s ionosphere. The satellite makes also technological tests of how to optimize the usage of multi-instrument observations in a single CubeSat.

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Space photos Suomi 100Suomi 100


On the same launch

Last modified: 2024-05-29

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Created by Erik Kulu


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