Ursa Maior Satellite

Ursa Maior
Ursa Maior
Spacecraft name Ursa Maior (University of Rome la SApienza Micropropulsion for Attitude and In Orbit debris Removal testing, IT02)
Form factor CubeSat
Units or mass 3U
Status Was operational until 2018-03-XX? (Last DK3WN report 2018-03-18. Last SatNOGS report with visible packets 2018-03-07. No further news on official social media. Checked 2019-05-27)
Launched 2017-06-23
NORAD ID 42776
Deployer QuadPack (XL) [ISISpace]
Launcher PSLV (QB50)
Organization Sapienza University of Rome
Institution University
Entity type Academic / Education
Nation Italy
Launch brokerer ISILaunch
Partners QB50, Sapienza Aerospace Research Center (CRAS), The Sapienza Space Systems and Space Surveillance Laboratory (S5Lab)

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.


QB50. The space station will operate to conduct scientific experiments in the framework of the QB50 project QB50. Micropropulsion system which main goal is to design and test a new integrated MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical System) valve-nozzle system. The whole system is designed to fit in a 1/2 U of the CubeSat.

Sources [1] [2]
Photo sources [1] [2]
Keywords Propulsion, QB50
Space photos Ursa MaiorUrsa MaiorUrsa MaiorUrsa Maior


On the same launch

Last modified: 2024-05-29

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Created by Erik Kulu

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