Name | RAPSat |
Spacecraft type | ThinSat |
Units or mass | ThinSat (2Ux3U version) |
Organisation | NearSpace Launch |
Institution | Company |
Entity type | Commercial |
Country | US |
Manufacturer | AIVT by NearSpace Launch |
Operator | NearSpace Launch |
Partners | Space Force |
Oneliner |
Deliver a 4 ThinSat slot constellation to improve the rapid demonstration of Space Force subsystems to the Warfighter. |
Description |
NSL will deliver 3 highly reliable, demonstration satellite bus platforms with near ubiquitous communications and terrestrial cloud-based delivery to Air Force Demonstration mission owners. RAPSat ThinSat Platforms for on orbit testing can have small impulse ion and chemical propulsion payloads. With RAPSat, radiation tolerance can be rapidly tested for COTS and tolerant parts in the real energetic particle spectrum environment (Also test self-healing algorithms, spot shielding, and safe recovery circuits tested). RAPSat Prototype ThinSats will focus with SMC and AFRL/RV on the new Space VPX GHz processors and solar cells for SEU and dose and test new lithium batteries for hibernation, performance, and bus integration. The Space Force SBIR Phase II consists of four longer ThinSats with each dimension of 2.5x10x30cm. |
Sources | [1] [2] |
Photo sources | [1] |
Keywords | Globalstar or Iridium or Inmarsat |
Related Spacecraft
Satellite | Status | Rocket | Date | Orbit |
RAPSat A (Rapid Agile Production of ThinSats, RAP-Sat) | not launched | Falcon 9, (TSIS-2) | 2025-10-29 | not launched |
RAPSat B (Rapid Agile Production of ThinSats, RAP-Sat) | not launched | Falcon 9, (TSIS-2) | 2025-10-29 | not launched |
RAPSat C (Rapid Agile Production of ThinSats, RAP-Sat) | not launched | Falcon 9, (TSIS-2) | 2025-10-29 | not launched |
RAPSat D (Rapid Agile Production of ThinSats, RAP-Sat) | not launched | Falcon 9, (TSIS-2) | 2025-10-29 | not launched |
Last modified: 2024-12-29