CAS-11 Spacecraft

Spacecraft CAS-11
Spacecraft type CubeSat
Units or mass 6U
Status not launched, expected in 2027
Launcher not launched
Organisation CAMSAT (Chinese Amateur Satellite Group)
Institution Non-profit
Entity type Academic / Education
Country China

Carries several VHF uplink and UHF downlink transponders.


Payloads include:

The CAS-11 satellite will be equipped with a 2.45GHz multi-mode amateur radio satellite beacon transmitter, which is designed and built by university students, high school students and primary school students from Beijing Donggaodi Science and Technology Museum and Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications under the guidance of CAMSAT, aiming to cultivate students’ knowledge, skills and interests in amateur radio satellites.

All transmission modes operate at 2.4 GHz, and the working modes are converted by the on-board computer program and ground remote control commands. It can work in the following modes: CW Telemetry Beacon, FT8 Telemetry Beacon, PPM Telemetry Beacon or USB/SSTV Robot36, PD120 1.

CAS-11 carries three VHF uplink and UHF downlink transponders, including a linear transponder with a bandwidth of 30kHz, an FM transponder and a digital store-and-forward transponder.

CAS-11 carries a linear transponder with a bandwidth of 15kHz for HF uplink and UHF downlink.

CAS-11 carries a basic CW beacon, which operates in the 70cm band and uses Morse code to send satellite telemetry data, which is a popular feature in the amateur radio community. The above transponders and beacon will work 24/7 when the satellite power supply is sufficient. Amateur radio enthusiasts around the world can use it for two-way radio relay communication, data storage and forwarding communication, and receive satellite CW beacons.

CAS-11 carries three cameras, and the photos it takes are stored in the flash memory on the satellite. We have designed a simple remote control system based on DTMF commands. Amateur radio enthusiasts around the world can send DTMF commands to download the photo catalog and all photos taken by all cameras.

CAS-11 carries an experimental payload, which is a multi-mode amateur radio beacon transmitter. This device is designed and produced by university students, high school students and elementary school students from Beijing Donggaodi Youth Science and Technology Museum and Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications under the guidance of CAMSAT. This is an unprecedented satellite project in China. It has brought opportunities for learning and practicing amateur radio and amateur satellites to students of all grades from elementary school to university, and promoted the application of amateur radio in space. This 2.45GHz experimental beacon transmitter can switch to transmit 5 different modes of radio signals, and it will work continuously when the satellite is fully powered.

Sources [1]

Last modified: 2024-12-26

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