Name | LunarSail |
Spacecraft type | CubeSat |
Units or mass | 3U |
Status | cancelled |
Organisation | ARES Institute (Aerospace Research & Engineering Systems Institute) |
Institution | Non-profit |
Entity | Commercial |
Country | US |
Oneliner |
Launch a CubeSat amateur satellite containing a solar sail and orbit the Moon. |
Description |
LunarSail is a project to design, build and launch a CubeSat amateur satellite containing a solar sail and orbit the Moon. LunarSail is an effort to demonstrate the ability of a spacecraft under solar sail propulsion to navigate itself into a lunar trajectory and insert itself into Lunar orbit. A primary objective of the LunarSail mission is to serve as a testbed for cubesat operations beyond low Earth orbit and applications requiring cislunar or interplanetary rendezvous. It is a proposed cubesat mission intended to demonstrate practical application of solar sail technology for propulsion, trajectory/attitude control and rendezvous with another body in space. With LunarSail, we will take advantage of the cubesat platform to conduct a first of its kind mission to use a solar sail to send a spacecraft to the Moon and then utilize the sail’s unique characteristics to navigate into lunar orbit. |
Notes |
Kickstarter funding. No updates for the past year and backers have not gotten rewards. Seems to have ended with bad reputation. |
Sources | [1] [2] |
Keywords | Solar sail, Propulsion |
Last modified: 2023-06-09