Harvard College CubeSat Satellite

Spacecraft name Harvard College CubeSat
Form factor CubeSat
Units or mass 3U
Status not launched, expected in 2025
Launcher not launched
Entity name Harvard College
Institution University
Entity type Academic / Education
Headquarters US

Test the utility and viability of Shape-Memory Alloys as a means to reduce cost and complexity for instrumentation in a microgravity environment. T


Test the utility and viability of Shape-Memory Alloys as a means to reduce cost and complexity for instrumentation in a microgravity environment. The goal is for this application of shape-memory alloys to represent a simple, scalable, and cost-competitive solution for critical deployment functions in Earth orbit and beyond.

Sources [1] [2] [3]

Last modified: 2024-05-29

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Created by Erik Kulu

Email: erik.kulu@nanosats.eu
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/erikkulu

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