14-BISat Satellite

Spacecraft name 14-BISat
Form factor CubeSat
Units or mass 2U
Status cancelled
Organization Instituto Federal Fluminense
Institution University
Entity Academic / Education
Nation Brazil
Partners QB50

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.


14-BISat will host one of the QB50 science package to study the lower thermosphere. Apart from this cooperation with the QB50 scientific goals, 14-BISat will have two technological objectives: GAMANET and radio-based attitude determination. Radio signals in the S-band region of the spectrum will be sent from three patch antennas on each face of the CubeSat, allowing the receiver(s), either ground stations or other GAMALINK enabled satellites, to measure the carrier phase difference between antennas. QB50.

Sources [1] [2]
Photo sources [1]
Keywords QB50

Last modified: 2024-05-29

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