SUTS Spacecraft

Name SUTS (Strategic Upgrades Test Satellite)
Form factor PocketQube
Units or mass PocketQube 3p
Status not launched, expected in 2027
Launcher not launched
Organization Estonian Student Satellite Foundation
Institution Non-profit
Entity type Academic / Education
Headquarters Estonia
Partners Skudo, Falconers, Golbriak Space, University of Tartu, Tallinn University of Technology

Planned payloads for SUTS are: Encrypted optical communication,, Fast moving object camera, Moon regolith solar cell.


Smallest satellite developed in Estonia and it is being developed by Estonian Student Satellite with students from TalTech and Tartu University. New satellites technical payloads are developed by our partners Skudo OÜ, Falconers and Golbriak Space OÜ.

Planned payloads for SUTS are:

We are currently planning to move into the first development phase, which would be primarily based on prototyping. We are creating simulations to develop a satellite navigation system and choosing what magnetorquers are suitable for us.

One of the SUTS satellite's core functionalities will be pointing, so there is a significant emphasis on a compact attitude determination and control system. The satellite’s avionics stack and COM system will be made completely in-house.

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Last modified: 2023-12-27

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Created by Erik Kulu


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