SiriusSat Satellites

Name SiriusSat
Spacecraft type CubeSat
Units or mass 1U
Mass in kg 1.45 kg
Entity name Sirius Educational Centre
Institution School
Entity Academic / Education
Country Russia
Manufacturer AIVT by Sputnix
Partners SPUTNIX, Moscow State University

Assembled by schoolchildren for educational training plus particle detector payload.


The scientific and educational satellites were assembled by schoolchildren in cooperation with SPUTNIX specialists on the basis of the nanosatellite platform OrbiCaft-Pro developed by the company. The payload of the satellite is a space particle detector for studying "space weather". The sensor was developed by the Research Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Moscow State University and was assembled with the participation of a group of schoolchildren from the Sirius Educational Center.

Sources [1]
Photo sources [1]
COTS subsystems
  • PLATFORM - Sputnix
Subsystems sources [1]

Related Spacecraft

Spacecraft Status Rocket Launch Orbit
SiriusSat 1 (SiriusSat-1) Reentry 2020-12-09. Was operational (Last official news on social media on 2020-12-12) Sojuz-2-1a 2018-07-09 400 km, 51.6 deg, ISS
SiriusSat 2 (SiriusSat-2) Reentry 2020-12-09. Was operational (Last official news on social media on 2020-12-12) Sojuz-2-1a 2018-07-09 400 km, 51.6 deg, ISS
SiriusSat 3 (SiriusSat-3) cancelled cancelled x_cancelled 400 km, 51.6 deg, ISS

Last modified: 2024-05-29

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Created by Erik Kulu


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