SpaceTeamSat1 Satellite

Spacecraft SpaceTeamSat1 (STS1)
Type CubeSat
Units or mass 1U
Status not launched, expected in 2024
Launcher not launched
Entity name TU Wien Space Team
Institution University
Entity Academic / Education
Headquarters Austria

Give pupils in Austria the possibility to run self-developed software on the educational payload of the satellite.


Give pupils in Austria the possibility to run self-developed software on the educational payload of the satellite. The payload consists of a Raspberry Pi with various sensors and cameras, which can be accessed by the pupils’ self-developed code.

The pupils will have the opportunity to develop their software code in close collaboration with the TU Wien Space Team. After successful validation of the code, it will be transmitted via RF communication from a ground station to the satellite, which will execute the code and transmit the results of the experiments back to the ground station. From there, the (processed) data is handed over to the students. The data can then be analyzed and presented by the pupils in the final step.

Since STS1 is the first CubeSat of the TU Wien Space Team, which will be completely developed and operated by the TU Wien Space Team, special emphasis will be put on building up know-how concerning the development, operation and legal steps of a satellite mission in the elaboration of the CubeSats mission.

Primary Mission Objectives

  • To develop and build a working CubeSat.
  • To ensure the operation of our self-developed CubeSat
  • To provide students the opportunity to run their self-developed software on a CubeSat.
  • To motivate students to participate in a space project

Secondary Mission Objectives

  • Capture an image from space
  • To make the collected data and experience available to the public, and in particular to other CubeSat missions.

Educational Mission Objectives:

  • Student teams compete in a space betting competition
  • Python code on the Educational Payload (Raspberry Pi)
  • Countless software projects are possible. Many sensors are available for this purpose
  • The measured values and/or images are made available to the student teams for further processing
  • The student teams present their results and learn a lot about space technologies.

The Educational Payload includes the following sensors:

  • Temperature Sensor
  • Magnetometer
  • Acclerometer
  • Gyroscope
  • Dosimeter
  • GNSS module
  • Strain gauges
  • Photodetectors
  • Cameras
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Photo sources [1] [2]

Last modified: 2024-05-29

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Created by Erik Kulu


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