HOD-HOD Spacecraft

Spacecraft HOD-HOD-1A (Hodhod, HOD-HOD)
Spacecraft type CubeSat
Units or mass 3U
Status Operational (TinyGS last packets from 2024-12-18, last checked 2024-12-18)
Launched 2024-11-04
NORAD ID 61768 ?
Deployer 12U Deployer [Aerospace Capital]
Launcher Sojuz
Organisation SpaceOMID
Institution Company
Entity Commercial
Country Iran

First in the “HOD-HOD” constellation (IOD).


HOD-HOD satellite is an IOT satellite with the CubeSat standard and follows the mission of creating a specialized platform to provide the customers with the international narrowband Internet of Things service. The largest application of HOD-HOD satellite services is in agriculture, transportation, logistics, and environmental protection.

The HOD-HOD-1A, is the first in the “HOD-HOD” constellation (IOD). It’s a 3U CubeSat(10 x 10 x 30cm) and it weights 4 kg with 4 years operation lifetime and placed in 500 Km altitude, constructed at the SpaceOMID. This project is a proof of concept for IoT communications through nanosatellites in LEO. It has UHF communications (4W LoRa), tumbling , a GNSS receiver, 3J solar cells and a Li-FePO4 battery.

HOD-HOD-1A will transmit a beacon signal using a LoRa transceiver on UHF and SBAND frequencies, providing information such as battery status, IMU data, temperatures, and more.

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On the same launch

Last modified: 2024-12-28

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Created by Erik Kulu

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