NaSPUoN-0GPM2030 Satellite

Spacecraft name NaSPUoN-0GPM2030 (Nanosatellite Platform for the University of Nairobi)
Type CubeSat
Units or mass 3U
Status not launched, expected in 2025
Launcher Vega C
Organization University of Nairobi
Institution University
Entity Academic / Education
Country Kenya
Partners University of Arizona, NanoAvionics

Educational mission for developing nanosatellite capacity-building in Kenya.


The “NaSPUoN-0GPM2030” satellite is a 3U class CubeSat aiming at building capacity in Kenya by bringing together international partners with existing technical capabilities. The University of Nairobi will house the satellite’s development, with support from the University of Arizona and Space Trust. Furthermore, the development will build on NaSPUoN (Nanosatellite Platform for the University of Nairobi), a test bed to integrate satellite technologies.

Likewise, NaSPUoN-OGPM2030 Mission Principal Investigator Mwangi Mbuthia said: “This is a great opportunity for the University of Nairobi to continue its nanosatellite capacity-building, which is a huge positive for the nascent space sector in Kenya. As a consortium, we are very grateful to UNOOSA and Avio S.p.A. for granting us the opportunity to launch a 3U CubeSat free of charge. This will go a long way in enhancing spacecraft engineering and satellite operation capacity at UoN and in Kenya in general.

Sources [1]

Last modified: 2024-05-29

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