Omnispace Spacecraft

Spacecraft name Omnispace
Form factor CubeSat
Units or mass 12U
Entity name Omnispace
Institution Company
Entity Commercial
Country US
Manufacturer AIVT by NanoAvionics
Operator NanoAvionics
Launch brokerer Exolaunch
Partners Syrlinks, NanoAvionics

Constellation for IoT using common cellular standards, but not focused on connecting cellphones to satellites.


Constellation for IoT using common cellular standards, but not focused on connecting cellphones to satellites.

Thales Alenia Space designed and built the satellite, part of the initial two-satellite Omnispace Spark program. The new-generation NGSO satellite in low-earth orbit (LEO) will operate in the 2 GHz S-band. Omnispace Spark will support the mobile industry 3GPP standard* in band n256, making connectivity possible direct to compatible devices. This program will serve to advance the development and implementation of Omnispace’s global hybrid non-terrestrial (NTN) network.

“Omnispace is reinventing mobile communications by building a global hybrid network that will benefit users requiring true mobility, everywhere,” said Ram Viswanathan, president and CEO of Omnispace LLC. “We are pleased with the work that Thales Alenia Space, together with its world-class team of innovators, have done to design and build Omnispace Spark. With their help we are making our vision of a single, ubiquitous, global hybrid network possible.”

“I’m very excited about the successful launch of Spark-1, a nanosatellite we built in conjunction with NanoAvionics, Syrlinks & ANYWAVES. This achievement reflects our ability to develop new space solutions in partnership with innovative SMEs to address market needs. We are convinced that merging flight proven expertise with agility is the key to successfully matching the evolving space demand,” said Hervé Derrey, CEO of Thales Alenia Space.

Spark-1 was delivered into orbit aboard a SpaceX Transporter. Exolaunch provided launch, mission management, integration and deployment services.

Led by prime contractor, Thales Alenia Space, the Omnispace Spark program includes industry partners, NanoAvionics providing the satellites buses, launch support and in-orbit operations, ANYWAVES the payloads user antennas and Syrlinks the S-band instruments for the payloads.

Sources [1] [2] [3]
Photo sources [1]
COTS subsystems
  • PLATFORM - NanoAvionics
Subsystems sources [1]

Related Spacecraft

Satellite Status Launcher Date Orbit
Spark-1 (Omnispace 1, OMNI-L1) Operational (Confirmation on Twitter on 2022-04-02 as of 2022-12-21) Falcon 9, (Transporter-4) 2022-04-01 500 km, 97.4 deg
Spark-2 (Omnispace 2, OMNI-L2) Operational (Social media post on Twitter on 2022-05-26 as of 2022-12-21) Falcon 9, (Transporter-5) 2022-05-25 530 km, 97.5 deg

Last modified: 2024-05-28

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Created by Erik Kulu


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