Zorkiy-2M Spacecraft

Satellite name Zorkiy-2M
Spacecraft type CubeSat
Units or mass 12U
Organization Sputnix
Institution Company
Entity type Commercial
Headquarters Russia
Manufacturer AIVT by Sputnix
Operator Sputnix

Multispectral camera with a higher resolution, as well as an increased data transfer rate to Earth.


The Zorky-2M nanosatellite is developed on the basis of the OrbiCraft-Pro platform of the 12U format.

The significant differences of the new spacecraft are the use of a multispectral camera with a higher resolution, as well as an increased data transfer rate to Earth. The CubeSat 12U satellite being created has dimensions with folded solar panels of the order of 20x30 cm and a mass of about 20 kg. The device is planned to be put into a sun-synchronous orbit with a height of 500 - 600 km.

The main payload of the Zorky-2M satellite is a camera that shoots in four spectral ranges with a resolution of 2.75 meters per pixel. In addition, the device is equipped with a receiver for receiving automatic identification system (AIS) signals from ships and transmitting them to ground stations, which serves to monitor and ensure the safety of navigation, including along the Northern Sea Route.

The main payload of the Zorki-2M spacecraft is a multispectral camera that allows obtaining images of the earth's surface in four spectral ranges (red, green, blue, near-IR) with a resolution of 2.5 to 2.8 meters per pixel in depending on the orbital altitude and a swath of up to 14 km.

Last year, the first experimental device, Zorkiy-2M, was successfully tested in orbit. It is planned that as part of the implementation of the roadmap for the development of the high-tech direction “Advanced Space Systems and Services”, the Zorkiy-2M satellite constellation will consist of 33 devices. 

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Related Spacecraft

Name Status Rocket Date Orbit
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Zorkiy-2M-2 (ZORKI-2M NO. 2) Operational (Pictures shared as of May 2024) Sojuz 2024-02-29 485 km, 97.4 deg
Zorkiy-2M-4 (ZORKI-2M NO. 4) Operational? (Many SatNOGS reports with data as of 2024-12-16) Sojuz 2024-05-16 540 km, 97.6 deg
Zorkiy-2M-6 (ZORKI-2M NO. 6) Operational? (Many SatNOGS reports with data as of 2024-12-16) Sojuz 2024-05-16 540 km, 97.6 deg

Last modified: 2024-12-16

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Created by Erik Kulu

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Copyright © 2014 - 2025 Erik Kulu