Munin Spacecraft

Name Munin
Spacecraft type Nanosatellite
Units or mass 6 kg
Status Was operational until 2001-02-12.
Launched 2000-11-21
NORAD ID 26621
Deployer Custom
Launcher Delta II
Organization Swedish Institute of Space Physics
Institution Institute
Entity Government (Civil / Military)
Country Sweden
Partners Luleå University of Technology, Umeå University

Collect data on auroral activity to predict space weather.

  • Collect data on the auroral activity on both the northern and southern hemispheres, such that a global picture of the current state of activity can be made available on-line. The data acquired by Munin will then serve as an input to the prediction of space weather.
  • Collect data on the auroral activity on both the northern and southern hemispheres. Combined electron and ion spectrometer, an instrument first to be flown on the Swedish Astrid-2 mission.
  • In addition it will measure high energy particles with a solid state detector, and image the aurora with a miniature CCD camera.
Failure cause Likely to boot PROM failure after manual CPU reset.
Sources [1] [2]
Photo sources [1]

Last modified: 2023-06-08

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Created by Erik Kulu


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