EarthNext Satellite

Spacecraft EarthNext
Type CubeSat
Units or mass 16U
Status not launched, expected in 2027
Launcher not launched
Entity name Officina Stellare
Institution Company
Entity type Commercial
Headquarters Italy
Manufacturer AIVT by ?
Operator ?
Partners Officina Stellare, TSD Space, T4i, AIKO, University of Naples, Planetek Italia

Hosting eletrical propulsion, a multispectral payload and on-board automation based on AI to demonstrate Earth Observation from VLEO.


EarthNext, a mission led by Officina Stellare, wants to explore and define a new paradigm to establish space infrastructure.

EarthNext proposes to demonstrate the viability and reveal the advantages of operating CubeSats and other small satellites in Very Low Earth Orbits (VLEOs).

EarthNext 16U CubeSat represents an innovative satellite platform, tailored to operate at an altitude between 300 and 350 km. Taking full advantage from its proximity to the Earth, EarthNext integrates a spectral imaging payload with high spatial resolution, developed by Officina Stellare and TSD Space, filling the gap between airborne and spaceborne remote sensing.

Mission empowering system for the on-board mission management and processing, developed by TSD Space, are conceived to host on CubeSat format, deep learning algorithms, developed by Aiko. Last but not least, the electric propulsion technology developed and commercialised by T4i is the EarthNext's key enabling technology to operate in the challenging VLEO mission scenario.

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Keywords Propulsion, VLEO (Very Low Earth Orbit)

Last modified: 2024-05-29

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