SWSU-60 Spacecraft

Spacecraft name SWSU-60 (YUZGU-60, RS6S, FRANK-1, RS41S)
Spacecraft type CubeSat
Units or mass 3U
Status No signal? (Not received according to SatNOGS posts as of 2024-12-19)
Launched 2024-11-04
NORAD ID 61787 ?
Deployer 12U Deployer [Aerospace Capital]
Launcher Sojuz
Organization Southwest State University
Institution University
Entity Academic / Education
Headquarters Russia
Manufacturer AIVT by Tsiolkovsky Research Institute of Space Instrumentation and Radioelectronic Systems
Operator ?

Testing the radio resistance of protective materials. Radiation measurement module. Module for measuring the Earth's magnetic field.


The small spacecraft YUZGU-60 received its name in honor of the 60th anniversary of South-West State University.

Radiation protection is a critical aspect of modern technological and industrial safety. Radiation exposure can have devastating consequences for humans, materials, and the environment. The development of new effective protective materials and coatings is becoming a priority in radiation safety. In recent decades, significant efforts have been made to develop new materials capable of providing reliable protection against radiation exposure. Traditional materials such as lead or concrete have proven their effectiveness in this regard, but have a number of disadvantages, such as heavy weight due to their high density, complexity of structural manufacturing, especially when creating protective equipment housings, and others.

The main objective of this project is to develop and test new protective materials that, on the one hand, would be effective in terms of radiation protection, and on the other hand, lighter and more flexible. These materials should have a high degree of insulation and radiation absorption to various types of ionizing flows: γ-, β-radiation, neutron particles, and also ensure long-term stability and reliability of equipment operation in various radiation conditions, including in outer space.

This project developed new functional materials in the field of radiation protection, as well as an autonomous module for testing them in outer space. It is expected that the test results will prove the effectiveness of the newly developed protective materials, which will be able to significantly improve radiation safety, maintain the integrity and functionality of objects in extreme conditions. This, in turn, will have a positive contribution in various fields: cosmonautics, nuclear energy, medical diagnostics and other industries where radiation protection is an integral part of safety and efficiency.

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On the same launch

Last modified: 2024-12-28

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