YOMOGI Satellite

Satellite name YOMOGI
Form factor CubeSat
Units or mass 1U
Status not launched, expected in 2024
Launcher not launched
Organization Chiba Institute of Technology
Institution University
Entity Academic / Education
Nation Japan

ARPS mission and camera payload.


APRS Missions:

  1. 1-1: Store and Forward: Transmission of APRS packet data to ground station At 145.825 MHz, sending APRS queries from the satellite to a specific amateur station with APRS capability, and store the responses. The response data is transmitted from the satellite to the ground station by UHF downlink. The APRS response packets downlinked to the ground station will be published on the web site.
  2. 1-2: Sending responses from the satellite to APRS queries from the ground amateur station and transferring the query records to the ground station When the satellite receives an APRS query from a ground amateur station, it returns an ACK signal. The satellite logs the call sign and reception time of the received query from an amateur station, and log data is transmitted from the satellite to the ground station by UHF downlink. The log downlinked to the ground station will be published on the website.
  3. 1-3: Satellite Digipeater Operation Provides message relay service to the amateur radio community. The APRS digipeaters on board YOMOGI use 145.825 MHz, the defacto standard frequency used by amateur satellites, for both receiving and transmitting signals.
  4. 1-4: APRS beacon operation The APRS beacon with APRS message uplinked from the ground station will be transmitted from the satellite.

Camera mission: Capture images of the Earth surface using two types of cameras (band-pass and RGB) (the maximum image file size will be 0.8 Mbytes for thumbnails and 4 Mbytes for full-size images). Image data from the two types of cameras will be stored in flash memory. The image data will be divided and transmitted to the ground station by UHF downlink, then received and restored at the ground station.

Sources [1]

Last modified: 2024-05-29

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Created by Erik Kulu

Email: erik.kulu@nanosats.eu
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