The largest CubeSat database. Launched, planned and cancelled missions.
Nanosatellites, CubeSats, PocketQubes, picosatellites and ThinSats.

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Last major update: 2024-12-31
Mission name Organisation Nation Type (U/mass) Launch date Status Mission description Photo
TUBSAT-NTechnical University of BerlinGermany8.5 kg1998-07-07Reentered, Was operational

Store and forward communication.

TUBSAT-N1Technical University of BerlinGermany3 kg1998-07-07Reentered, Was operational

Store and forward communication.

Artemis JAK (MASat, Picosat 5)Santa Clara UniversityUS0.2 kg2000-01-27No signal

Simple beacon transmitter.

Artemis JAK
Artemis Louise (Lightning, Picosat 8)Santa Clara UniversityUS0.895 kg2000-01-27No signal

Research the effects of lightning on the outer ionosphere.

Artemis Louise
Artemis Thelma (Thunder, Picosat 7)Santa Clara UniversityUS0.6 kg2000-01-27No signal

Research the effects of lightning on the outer ionosphere.

Artemis Thelma
ASUSat 1 (Arizona State University Satellite)Arizona State UniversityUS6 kg2000-01-27Was operational

Educational space systems engineering and Earth imaging.

ASUSat 1
MEMS 1A (Pico 21, PICOSAT-1, OPAL PICOSATS)DARPAUS0.275 kg2000-01-27Was operational

Demonstrate the basic functional elements of a low-power LEO “swarm” or formation PICOSAT array.

MEMS 1B (Pico 23, Picosat 1, OPAL PICOSATS)DARPAUS0.275 kg2000-01-27Was operational

Demonstrate the basic functional elements of a low-power LEO “swarm” or formation PICOSAT array.

StenSat (Picosat 6)Stensat GroupUS0.2 kg2000-01-27No signal

Voice repeater for amateur radio operators.

SNAP-1 (Surrey Nanosatellite Applications Platform)Surrey Satellite TechnologyUK6.5 kg2000-06-28Was operational

SNAP-1 nanosatellite, weighing 6.3kg, had a number of firsts, including what we believe to be the first nanosat with propulsion.

MEMS 2A (Pico 20, PICOSAT 7, OPAL, MIGHTYSAT II.1 PICOSATS)DARPAUS0.275 kg2000-07-19Reentered, Was operational

Demonstrate the basic functional elements of a low-power LEO “swarm” or formation PICOSAT array.

MEMS 2B (Pico 22, PICOSAT 8, OPAL, MIGHTYSAT II.1 PICOSATS)DARPAUS0.275 kg2000-07-19Reentered, Was operational

Demonstrate the basic functional elements of a low-power LEO “swarm” or formation PICOSAT array.

MuninSwedish Institute of Space PhysicsSweden6 kg2000-11-21Was operational

Collect data on auroral activity to predict space weather.

MEPSI 1A (MEMS-based PicoSat Inspector)DARPAUS0.8 kg2002-11-23Reentered, Was semi-operational

Demonstrate technologies for miniature autonomous inspector.

MEPSI 1B (MEMS-based PicoSat Inspector)DARPAUS0.8 kg2002-11-23Reentered, Was semi-operational

Demonstrate technologies for miniature autonomous inspector.

AAUSAT 1 (AAU-CubeSat, AAU CubeSat)Aalborg UniversityDenmark1U2003-03-30Was operational

Educational space systems engineering with ADCS and imaging.

CanX-1Space Flight LaboratoryCanada1U2003-03-30No signal

Demonstrate novel technologies for ADCS.

CUTE-I (Cubical Tokyo Tech Engineering Satellite-I)Tokyo Institute of TechnologyJapan1U2003-03-30Operational

Communication and solar panel deployment.

DTUSat-1Technical University of DenmarkDenmark1U2003-03-30No signal

Tether deployment to test deorbiting method.

QuakeSatStanford UniversityUS3U2003-03-30Was operational

Detecting earthquake ELF emission data. First 3U CubeSat.

XI-IVUniversity of TokyoJapan1U2003-03-30Operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies and COTS camera.

UNOSAT 1 (Undergraduate Orbital Student Satellite)Universidade Norte do ParanáBrazil8.83 kg2003-08-22Launch failure

Simple beacon transmitter of telemetry packets.

TNS-0 (TEKh-42, Technologicesky Nanosputnik)Moscow Russian Scientific Research InstituteRussia4.5 kg2005-02-28Reentered, Was operational

Testing Globalstar constellation to operate satellite.

nCube-2Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)Norway1U2005-10-27Deployment failure, On spacecraft

Educational space systems engineering and AIS receiver.

UWE-1University of WürzburgGermany1U2005-10-27Was operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies and solar cells.

XI-V (Cubesat-OSCAR-58, Cubesat XI-V)University of TokyoJapan1U2005-10-27Was operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies and COTS camera.

CUTE-1.7+APDTokyo Institute of TechnologyJapan2U2006-02-21Reentered, Was operational

Demonstration of PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) as an onboard computer and other experiments.

AeroCube-1Aerospace CorporationUS1U2006-07-26Launch failure

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies and CMOS camera.

CP1California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly)US1U2006-07-26Launch failure

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies with focus on sun sensor and magnetorquers.

CP2California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly)US1U2006-07-26Launch failure

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies and energy dissipation experiment.

HAUSat-1 (Hannuri-1, Hankuk Aviation University SATellite-1)Korea Aerospace UniversitySouth Korea1U2006-07-26Launch failure

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies with focus on ADCS.

ICECube 1 (Ionospheric sCintillation Experimental CubeSat)Cornell UniversityUS1U2006-07-26Launch failure

Educational space systems engineering and GPS scintillation experiment.

ICECube 2 (Ionospheric sCintillation Experimental CubeSat)Cornell UniversityUS1U2006-07-26Launch failure

Educational space systems engineering and GPS scintillation experiment.

IONUniversity of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignUS2U2006-07-26Launch failure

Measuring oxygen airglow emissions and testing thruster module.

KUTESatUniversity of KansasUS1U2006-07-26Launch failure

Educational space systems engineering and taking photos.

Mea Huaka'i (Mea Huaka, Voyager)University of Hawai’i at MānoaUS1U2006-07-26Launch failure

Demonstrate CubeSat bus and test active antenna for high speed communication.

Mea Huaka
MEROPE (Montana Earth-Orbiting Pico-Explorer)Montana State UniversityUS1U2006-07-26Launch failure

Measure the radiation of the Van Allen radiation belts.

nCube-1Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)Norway1U2006-07-26Launch failure

Educational space systems engineering and AIS receiver.

PicPoT (Small Satellite of Politecnico di Torino)Politecnico di TorinoItaly2.5 kg2006-07-26Launch failure

Educational space systems engineering and taking photos.

RinCon 1University of ArizonaUS1U2006-07-26Launch failure

Independent low-power beacon system in analog form.

RinCon 1
SACRED (AlcatelSat)University of ArizonaUS1U2006-07-26Launch failure

Measure the total amount of radiation and test radiation effect on four commercial integrated circuits.

SEEDSNihon UniversityJapan1U2006-07-26Launch failure

Educational space systems engineering.

HIT-SatHokkaido Institute of TechnologyJapan2.7 kg2006-09-22Reentered, Was operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies.

RAFT1US Naval Academy Satellite LabUS4 kg2006-10-12Reentered, Operational

Calibrating of and tracking by Navy Space Surveillance (NSSS) radar fence.

MARScomUS Naval Academy Satellite LabUS3 kg2006-12-09Reentered, No signal

Educational space systems engineering with communications focus.

MEPSI 2A (MEMS-based PicoSat Inspector)DARPAUS1.1 kg2006-12-09Reentered, Was operational

Demonstrate technologies for miniature autonomous inspector.

MEPSI 2B (MEMS-based PicoSat Inspector)DARPAUS1.4 kg2006-12-09Reentered, Was operational

Demonstrate technologies for miniature autonomous inspector.

GeneSat-1NASA Ames Research CenterUS3U2006-12-16Reentered, Operational

Perform experiment on E. Coli bacteria in space, first cubesat to carry a biological experiment.

PehuenSat 1National University of ComahueArgentina6 kg2007-01-10Reentered, Was operational

Educational space systems engineering.

PehuenSat 1
AeroCube-2Aerospace CorporationUS1U2007-04-17Was operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies and CMOS camera.

CAPE-1 (CAPE1)University of Louisiana at LafayetteUS1U2007-04-17Was operational

Educational space systems engineering.

CP3California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly)US1U2007-04-17Was operational, ?

Educational space systems engineering with focus on ADCS.

CP4California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly)US1U2007-04-17Was operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies and energy dissipation experiment. Backup model of CP2.

CSTB-1 (CubeSat TestBed 1)BoeingUS1U2007-04-17Was operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies.

Libertad-1Sergio Arboleda UniversityColombia1U2007-04-17Was operational

Educational space systems engineering and transmission of Colombian national anthem.

MAST (Multi-Application Survivable Tether)Tethers UnlimitedUS3U2007-04-17Was semi-operational

3 tethered CubeSats with 1 km tether and middle one will crawl.

MEMS-Pico (ZDPS-1, Zheda Pixing, MEMS)Zhejiang UniversityChina1 kg2007-05-25No signal

Educational space systems engineering.

AAUSAT2 (AAUSat-2, AAUSAT-II)Aalborg UniversityDenmark1U2008-04-28Operational

Education space systems engineering with focus on ADCS and gamma-ray experiment.

CanX-2 (Canadian Advanced Nanospace eXperiments)Space Flight LaboratoryCanada3U2008-04-28Operational, ?, Unknown

ADCS technology demonstrations including propulsion module. Radio occultation experiment, atmospheric spectrometer and space materials experiment.

CanX-6 (NTS, Nanosatellite Tracking Ships)Space Flight LaboratoryCanada6.5 kg2008-04-28Was operational

AIS receiver to detect maritime vessels.

Compass-1Aachen University of Applied SciencesGermany1U2008-04-28Was operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies for educational purposes and GPS receiver. Camera to take photos.

CUTE-1.7+APD-2 (CUTE1.7+APD-II)Tokyo Institute of TechnologyJapan3 kg2008-04-28Operational

Follow-on satellite to the Cute-1.7 + APD plus many improvements and camera.

Delfi-C3Delft University of TechnologyNetherlands3U2008-04-28Reentered, Operational

Educational space systems engineering, transponder for radio amateurs and demonstrate thin-film solar cells and sun sensors.

SEEDS-2 (SEEDS-II, Space Engineering EDucation Satellite-2)Nihon UniversityJapan1U2008-04-28Operational

Demonstrate the reception of spacecraft parameter data.

NanoSail-DNASA Marshall Space Flight CenterUS3U2008-08-03Launch failure

Deploy solar sail for deorbiting.

PreSat (PharmaSat Risk Evaluation Satellite)NASA Ames Research CenterUS3U2008-08-03Launch failure

Demonstrate CubeSat platform for space science laboratory experiments.

PSSC (PSSCT, PSSCT-1, Pico Satellite Solar Cell Testbed)Aerospace CorporationUS6.5 kg2008-11-29Reentered, Was operational

Monitor accelerated radiation degradation of triple-junction solar cells in a high radiation environment.

KKS-1 (Kouku Kosen Satellite-1, KISEKI)Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial TechnologyJapan3.17 kg2009-01-23Operational

Educational space systems engineering and demonstrate laser ignition thruster and reaction wheels.

PRISM (Picosatellite for Remote¿sensing and Innovative Space Missions)University of TokyoJapan8.5 kg2009-01-23Operational

Deployable telescope demonstration and COTS components.

STARS-1 Daughter (KUKAI, KAI, Space Tethered Autonomous Robotic Satellite 1)Kagawa UniversityJapan3.8 kg2009-01-23Reentered, Was operational

Two satellite system connected with 5 meter tether.

STARS-1 Mother (STARS-C, KUKAI, KU, Space Tethered autonomous Robotic Satellite 1)Kagawa UniversityJapan4.2 kg2009-01-23Reentered, Was operational

Two satellite system connected with 5 meter tether.

AeroCube-3Aerospace CorporationUS1U2009-05-19Reentered, Was semi-operational, Was operational

Tethered to the upper stage to image the launcher and ADCS sensor experiment.

CP6 (Polysat)California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly)US1U2009-05-19Reentered, Operational

Backup to CP3 with focus on ADCS and deployment of spring steel tapes.

CP6 (Polysat)
HawkSat IHawk Institute of Space SciencesUS1U2009-05-19Reentered, No signal

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies and materials experiment.

HawkSat I
PharmaSat 1 (GeneSat-2)NASA Ames Research CenterUS3U2009-05-19Reentered, Was operational

Controlled environment micro-laboratory packed with sensors and optical systems.

PharmaSat 1
AggieSat2 (Dragonsat 2, AggiSat-2)Texas A&M UniversityUS3.2 kg2009-07-15Reentered, Operational

Educational space systems engineering and GPS receiver testing.

BEVO 1 (DragonSat 1)University of Texas at AustinUS3.5 kg2009-07-15Reentered, No signal, Deployment failure

Educational space systems engineering and GPS receiver testing.

BEESAT-1Technical University of BerlinGermany1U2009-09-23Operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies and verification of reaction wheels.

ITUpSAT-1ITU (Istanbul Technical University)Turkey1U2009-09-23Operational

Educational space systems engineering and CMOS camera.

SwissCubeSwiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EFPL)Switzerland1U2009-09-23Operational

Educational space systems engineering and camera to image nightglow phenomena.

UWE-2University of WürzburgGermany1U2009-09-23Was operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies with focus on ADCS.

KSat (Hayato, Kagoshima Satellite, K-Sat)Kagoshima UniversityJapan1U2010-05-20Reentered, Was operational

Demonstrate atmospheric water vapour measurements and Ku-band transmitter.

Negai (Negai-Star)Soka UniversityJapan1U2010-05-20Reentered, Operational

Commercial FPGA and camera.

Waseda-SAT2Waseda UniversityJapan1U2010-05-20Reentered, No signal

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies and paddles for attitude control.

AISSat-1Norwegian Space CentreNorway7 kg2010-07-12Was operational

Demonstrate space-based AIS detection.

StudSat-1 (Student Satellite-1)Nitte Meenakshi Institute of TechnologyIndia1U2010-07-12Was semi-operational

Educational space systems engineering and CMOS camera.

TISAT-1 (Ticino Satellite-1)University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI)Switzerland1U2010-07-12Operational

Materials experiment to monitor atomic oxygen effects.

ZDPS 1A 01 (Zheda Pixing, Pixing 1)Zhejiang UniversityChina3.5 kg2010-09-22Was operational

Demonstrate platform technologies with focus on camera, COTS components and ADCS.

ZDPS 1A 02 (Zheda Pixing, Pixing 1)Zhejiang UniversityChina3.5 kg2010-09-22Was operational

Demonstrate platform technologies with focus on camera, COTS components and ADCS.

NanoSail-D2NASA Marshall Space Flight CenterUS3U2010-11-20Was operational

Deploy solar sail for deorbiting.

O/OREOSNASA Ames Research CenterUS3U2010-11-20Operational, ?

Demonstrate technologies for astrobiology experiments.

RAX (Radio Aurora eXplorer)University of MichiganUS3U2010-11-20Was operational

Investigate causes of upper atmospheric/ionospheric plasma turbulence by studying large plasma formations.

Caerus-Mayflower (Mayflower-Caerus)Northrop GrummanUS3U2010-12-08Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies for educational purposes.

Perseus 000Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)US1.5U2010-12-08Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies and development methodologies.

Perseus 001Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)US1.5U2010-12-08Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies and development methodologies.

Perseus 002Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)US1.5U2010-12-08Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies and development methodologies.

Perseus 003Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)US1.5U2010-12-08Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies and development methodologies.

QbX-1US Naval Research LaboratoryUS3U2010-12-08Reentered, Operational

Communications payload and experiments.

QbX-2US Naval Research LaboratoryUS3U2010-12-08Reentered, Operational

Communications payload and experiments.

SMDC-ONE 1 (Space & Missile Defense Command-Operational Nanosatellite Effect)US Army Space and Missile Defense CommandUS3U2010-12-08Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate the ability to rapidly design and develop militarily relevant low cost spacecraft and communications relay.

E1P (HRBE, Explorer-1 Prime, Hiscock Radiation Belt Explorer)Montana State UniversityUS1U2011-03-04Launch failure

Detect the Van Allen radiation belts in honor of the 50th anniversary of Explorer-1.

Hermes 1University of Colorado BoulderUS1U2011-03-04Launch failure

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies and high data-rate communication system.

Hermes 1
KySat-1 (KatySat 1)Kentucky universitiesUS1U2011-03-04Launch failure

Educational outreach using mobile ground stations taken to schools.

PSSC-2 (Pico Satellite Solar Cell Testbed-2, PSSC Testbed-2, PSSCT-2, PSSC2)Aerospace CorporationUS3.7 kg2011-07-20Reentered, Operational

Risk reduction for SENSE and CTECS sensors and characterizing solar cells.

JugnuIndian Institute of Technology, KanpurIndia3U2011-10-12Was operational, ?

Educational space systems engineering with camera and GPS.

SRMSat (Sri Ramaswamy Memorial)SRM UniversityIndia10 kg2011-10-12Semi-operational, ?, Was operational

Monitor greenhouse gases with grating spectrometer.

AubieSat-1 (OSCAR-71, AO 71, AubieSat-OSCAR 71)Auburn UniversityUS1U2011-10-28Reentered, Was operational

Measure average density of ionospheric electronics using Faraday rotation effect.

DICE-1 (Dynamic Ionosphere CubeSat Experiment, DICE-E, Farkle)Utah State UniversityUS1.5U2011-10-28Reentered, Was operational

Mapping geomagnetic Storm Enhanced Density (SED) plasma bulge and plume formations in Earth’s ionosphere.

DICE-2 (Dynamic Ionosphere CubeSat Experiment, DICE-Y, Yahtzee)Utah State UniversityUS1.5U2011-10-28Reentered, Was operational

Mapping geomagnetic Storm Enhanced Density (SED) plasma bulge and plume formations in Earth’s ionosphere.

E1P U2 (HRBE , Explorer-1' U2, William A. Hiscock Radiation Belt Explorer)Montana State UniversityUS1U2011-10-28Reentered, Operational, ?

Detect the Van Allen radiation belts in honor of the 50th anniversary of Explorer-1.

M-Cubed (COVE, MCUBED, M3)University of MichiganUS1U2011-10-28Reentered, Was semi-operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform and image Earth.

RAX-2 (Radio Aurora Explorer-2)University of MichiganUS3U2011-10-28Reentered, Was operational

Investigate causes of upper atmospheric/ionospheric plasma turbulence by studying large plasma formations.

e-st@r (e-star-i)Politecnico di TorinoItaly1U2012-02-13Reentered, Was operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies for educational purposes with focus on ADCS.

GoliatUniversity of BucharestRomania1U2012-02-13Reentered, Was semi-operational

Educational space systems engineering and camera.

MaSat-1 (MO 72, MaSat-OSCAR 72)Budapest University of Technology and EconomicsHungary1U2012-02-13Reentered, Operational

Educational space systems engineering and camera.

PW-SatWarsaw University of TechnologyPoland1U2012-02-13Reentered, Was operational

Demonstrate deorbiting method with Shape Memory Alloy based sail.

ROBUSTA-1A (Radiation on Bipolar University Satellite Test Application)University of MontpellierFrance1U2012-02-13Reentered, No signal

Measure the radiation induced degradation of electronic devices.

UNICubeSat-GG (Gravity Gradient)Sapienza University of RomeItaly1U2012-02-13Reentered, Was semi-operational

Demonstrate passive attitude control technique based on gravity gradient stabilization with deployable boom.

Xatcobeo (Dieste)University of VigoSpain1U2012-02-13Reentered, Operational

Educational space systems engineering with SDR radio and radiation sensor payloads.

HORYU-2Kyushu Institute of TechnologyJapan7.1 kg2012-05-17Semi-operational, ?

Demonstration of solar array discharge suppression technologies at 300V and taking photos of Earth.

F-1 (F1)FPT UniversityVietnam1U2012-07-21Reentered, No signal

Educational space systems engineering with camera.

FITSat-1 (NIWAKA)Fukuoka Institute of TechnologyJapan1U2012-07-21Reentered, Operational

Demonstrated high-speed transmitter for photos and LED-based optical communication.

RAIKOTohoku UniversityJapan2U2012-07-21Reentered, Was operational

Demonstrate technologies for larger satellites including CMOS and CCD sensors.

TechEdSat (Technological and Educational Nanosatellite)NASA Ames Research CenterUS1U2012-07-21Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate plug-and-play architecture and communication systems plus camera.

We Wish (We-Wish)Meisei ElectricJapan1U2012-07-21Reentered, Operational

Educational project with infrared camera and SSTV transmitter.

We Wish
TT 1 (TianTuo 1, Tiantuo Yihao Weixing)National University of Defense Technology (NUDT)China9.3 kg2012-09-08Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies and AIS and camera.

TT 1
AENEASUniversity of Southern CaliforniaUS3U2012-09-13Semi-operational

Tracking cargo containers over the ocean with deployable parabolic antenna.

AeroCube-4A (AeroCube 4.5A)Aerospace CorporationUS1U2012-09-13Was operational

Attitude control with movable solar panels and launch vehicle environment data logger.

AeroCube-4B (AeroCube 4.5B)Aerospace CorporationUS1U2012-09-13Was operational, ?

Attitude control with movable solar panels for formation flying.

AeroCube-4CAerospace CorporationUS1U2012-09-13Reentered, Was operational, ?

Attitude control with movable solar panels for formation flying.

CINEMA (CubeSat for Ions, Neutrals, Electrons, & MAgnetic fields)University of CaliforniaUS3U2012-09-13Was operational, ?

Space weather measurements measuring electron and ions in the range of 2-200 keV.

CP5California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly)US1U2012-09-13Was operational

De-orbiting experiment using a thin-film deployable mechanism.

CSSWE (Colorado Student Space Weather Experiment)University of Colorado BoulderUS3U2012-09-13Was operational

Measure the directional differential flux of Solar Energetic Protons (SEPs) and Earth’s radiation belt electrons.

CXBN (Cosmic X-ray Background Nanosatellite)Morehead State UniversityUS2U2012-09-13Was semi-operational

Measure cosmic x-ray background in the 30-50 keV range.

Re (STARE A, Space-based Telescopes for the Actionable Refinement of Ephemeris)LLNL (Lawrene Livermore National Laboratory)US3U2012-09-13Was semi-operational

Observe objects in space for space situational awareness and orbital parameters refinement.

SMDC-ONE 2.1 (Able)US Army Space and Missile Defense CommandUS3U2012-09-13Was operational

Demonstrate the ability to rapidly design and develop militarily relevant low cost spacecraft and communications relay.

SMDC-ONE 2.2 (Baker)US Army Space and Missile Defense CommandUS3U2012-09-13Was operational

Demonstrate the ability to rapidly design and develop militarily relevant low cost spacecraft and communications relay.

AAUSAT3 (AAUSAT-3)Aalborg UniversityDenmark1U2013-02-25Was operational

Educational space systems engineering and testing AIS receivers.

STRaND-1 (Surrey Training, Research and Nanosatellite Demonstrator)SSTLUK3U2013-02-25Was operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platforms technologies including Android smartphone and propulsion systems.

TUGSat 1 (Technische Universität Graz Satellite), BRITE-Austria, CanX 3B)Graz University of TechnologyAustria7 kg2013-02-25Operational, ?

Investigation of the brightness oscillations of massive luminous stars, BRITE constellation.

UniBRITE-1 (BRITE-U, CanX 3A)University of ViennaAustria7 kg2013-02-25Semi-operational, ?

Investigation of the brightness oscillations of massive luminous stars, BRITE constellation.

BEESAT-2Technical University of BerlinGermany1U2013-04-19Reentered, Operational

Educational and technology demonstrations of reaction wheels and camera.

BEESAT-3Technical University of BerlinGermany1U2013-04-19Reentered, Operational

Educational training and S-band transmitter demonstration.

Dove-2 (Dove 0405)Planet LabsUS3U2013-04-19Was operational, Retired

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

OSSI-1 (Open Source Satellite Initiative)Open Source Satellite InitiativeSouth Korea1U2013-04-19Reentered, No signal

Simple beacon transmitter and LED array for Morse code messages.

SOMP (Students Oxygen Measurement Project)Dresden University of TechnologyGermany1U2013-04-19Reentered, Operational

Educational training in space systems engineering and measuring atomic oxygen.

Dove-1 (Dove 0601)Planet LabsUS3U2013-04-21Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

PhoneSat 1.0a (Graham)NASA Ames Research CenterUS1U2013-04-21Reentered, Operational

Off-the-shelf commercial smartphone as the control system for the satellite and other technology demonstrations.

PhoneSat 1.0
PhoneSat 1.0b (Bell, TechEdSat-2)NASA Ames Research CenterUS1U2013-04-21Reentered, Operational

Off-the-shelf commercial smartphone as the control system for the satellite and other technology demonstrations.

PhoneSat 1.0
PhoneSat 2.0a (Alexander)NASA Ames Research CenterUS1U2013-04-21Reentered, Operational

Off-the-shelf commercial smartphone as the control system for the satellite and other technology demonstrations.

PhoneSat 2.0a
CubeBug-1 (Capitán Beto)SatellogicArgentina2U2013-04-26Was operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies including reaction wheels and star tracker.

NEE-01 PegasoEXA (Ecuador Space Agency)Ecuador1U2013-04-26Was semi-operational

Transmit live video feed from orbit with SSTV.

NEE-01 Pegaso
TURKSAT-3USATITU (Istanbul Technical University)Turkey3U2013-04-26Was operational

Main payload is linear transponder operating in VHF/UHF.

ESTCube-1University of TartuEstonia1U2013-05-07Was operational

Educational training, testing deployment of 10 m tether for deorbiting and camera.

ArduSatSpireUS1U2013-08-03Reentered, Operational

Platform for students and space enthusiasts to run space-based Arduino experiments.

ArduSat-XSpireUS1U2013-08-03Reentered, Operational

Platform for students and space enthusiasts to run space-based Arduino experiments.

ArduSat X
Pico Dragon (Picodragon)Vietnam National Satellite CenterVietnam1U2013-08-03Reentered, Operational

Educational training and taking pictures of Earth.

Pico Dragon
TechEdSat-3pNASA Ames Research CenterUS3U2013-08-03Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate drag device deorbiting system and Iridium modem.

POPACS (Polar Orbiting Passive Atmospheric Calibration Sphere)Utah State UniversityUS3U2013-09-29Passive

3 passive spheres to assess changes in the density of the upper atmosphere.

Black Knight 1 (BK 1)West Point Military AcademyUS1U2013-11-20Reentered, No signal

Educational training for space systems engineering and camera payload.

Black Knight 1
CAPE-2 (CAPE2, OSCAR 75, LO-75)University of Louisiana at LafayetteUS1U2013-11-20Reentered, Semi-operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies plus voice repeater payload.

ChargerSat-1 (ChargerSat 1.2)University of AlabamaUS1U2013-11-20Reentered, No signal

Educational training and demonstration of CubeSat platform technologies.

COPPER (Close Orbiting Propellant Plume and Elemental Recognition)Saint Louis UniversityUS1U2013-11-20Reentered, No signal

Demonstrate microbolometer array for infrared imaging and radiation measurements.

DragonSat 1 (DRAGONSat-1, USNA-8)Drexel UniversityUS1U2013-11-20Reentered, No signal

Educational training for space systems engineering and taking photos of aurora.

DragonSat 1
FireflyNASA Goddard Space Flight CenterUS3U2013-11-20Reentered, Operational

Investigate Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes (TGFs).

Ho‘oponopono 2 (H2)University of Hawai’i at MānoaUS3U2013-11-20Reentered, No signal

Radar calibration service.

Ho‘oponopono 2
Horus (STARE B, Space-Based Telescopes for Actionable Refinement of Ephemeris))LLNL (Lawrene Livermore National Laboratory)US3U2013-11-20Reentered, Was operational

Observe objects in space for space situational awareness and orbital parameters refinement.

KYSAT II (KySat-2)Kentucky universitiesUS1U2013-11-20Reentered, Was operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies including stellar gyroscope and camera.

NPS-SCAT (Naval Postgraduate School Solar Cell Array Tester)Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) US1U2013-11-20Reentered, Was operational

Experiment to measure solar cells degradation.

ORS Tech 1 (MBD, Multimission Bus Demonstration)Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL)US3U2013-11-20Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies.

ORS Tech
ORS Tech 2 (MBD, Multimission Bus Demonstration)Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL)US3U2013-11-20Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies.

ORS Tech
ORSES (ORS 1, ORS Enabler Satellite)US Army Space and Missile Defense CommandUS3U2013-11-20Reentered, Was operational

Provide communications and data capabilities for underserved tactical users based on SMDC-ONE.

PhoneSat 2.4aNASA Ames Research CenterUS1U2013-11-20Reentered, Operational

Off-the-shelf commercial smartphone as the control system for the satellite and other technology demonstrations.

PhoneSat 2.4a
Prometheus 1-1USSOCOM (US Special Operations Command)US1.5U2013-11-20Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform methodologies and communications for remote field units.

Prometheus 1
Prometheus 1-2USSOCOM (US Special Operations Command)US1.5U2013-11-20Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform methodologies and communications for remote field units.

Prometheus 1
Prometheus 1-3USSOCOM (US Special Operations Command)US1.5U2013-11-20Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform methodologies and communications for remote field units.

Prometheus 1
Prometheus 1-4USSOCOM (US Special Operations Command)US1.5U2013-11-20Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform methodologies and communications for remote field units.

Prometheus 1
Prometheus 1-5USSOCOM (US Special Operations Command)US1.5U2013-11-20Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform methodologies and communications for remote field units.

Prometheus 1
Prometheus 1-6USSOCOM (US Special Operations Command)US1.5U2013-11-20Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform methodologies and communications for remote field units.

Prometheus 1
Prometheus 1-7USSOCOM (US Special Operations Command)US1.5U2013-11-20Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform methodologies and communications for remote field units.

Prometheus 1
Prometheus 1-8USSOCOM (US Special Operations Command)US1.5U2013-11-20Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform methodologies and communications for remote field units.

Prometheus 1
SENSE SV1 (Space Environmental NanoSat Experiment, SV-1)US Air Force Space CommandUS3U2013-11-20Reentered, Was operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies. and radio occultation measurements of total electron content and L-band scintillation.

SENSE SV2 (Space Environmental NanoSat Experiment, SV-2)US Air Force Space CommandUS3U2013-11-20Reentered, Was semi-operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies. and radio occultation measurements of total electron content and L-band scintillation.

SwampSatUniversity of FloridaUS1U2013-11-20Reentered, No signal

Demonstrate on orbit precision three axis attitude control using a pyramidal configuration of control moment gyroscopes.

TJ3satThomas Jefferson High School for Science and TechnologyUS1U2013-11-20Reentered, No signal

Educational space systems engineering.

Trailblazer (SPA-1 Trailblazer)University of New MexicoUS1U2013-11-20Reentered, No signal

Proof-of-concept flight for Space Plug-and-play Architecture.

Vermont Lunar CubeSatVermont Technical CollegeUS1U2013-11-20Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies for Moon mission.

Vermont Lunar Cubesat
$50Sat (50-Dollarsat, Eagle 2, Morehead-OSCAR-76)Morehead State UniversityUSPocketQube 1.5p2013-11-21Reentered, Was operational

Demonstrate very low cost satellites with PocketQube.

BRITE-PL-1 Lem (BRITE-Lem, CanX 3C)The Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of SciencesPoland6 kg2013-11-21Semi-operational, ?

Investigation of the brightness oscillations of massive luminous stars, BRITE constellation.

CINEMA 2 (TRIO 2, KHUSAT 1)Kyung Hee UniversitySouth Korea3U2013-11-21Was semi-operational

Space weather measurements measuring electron and ions in the range of 2-200 keV.

CINEMA 3 (TRIO 3, KHUSAT 2)Kyung Hee UniversitySouth Korea3U2013-11-21No signal

Space weather measurements measuring electron and ions in the range of 2-200 keV.

CubeBug-2 (Manolito)SatellogicArgentina2U2013-11-21Operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies including reaction wheels and star tracker.

Delfi-n3XtDelft University of TechnologyNetherlands3U2013-11-21Semi-operational, ?, Was operational

Education, technology demonstration, CubeSat bus advancement and cold gas miccropropulsion.

Dove-3 (Dove 0711)Planet LabsUS3U2013-11-21Retired, Was operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove-4 (Dove 4)Planet LabsUS3U2013-11-21Deployment failure, On spacecraft

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

FUNcube-1 (AO-73)AMSAT-UKUK1U2013-11-21Operational

Educational and amateur radio mission linear transponder.

GOMX-1 (GATOSS, Global Air Traffic Awareness and Optimizing through Spaceborne Surveillance)GomSpaceDenmark2U2013-11-21Operational

Demonstrate receiving ADS-B signals emitted by aircraft and camera.

HiNCubeNarvik University CollegeNorway1U2013-11-21No signal

Educational training and demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies plus camera.

HumSat-DUniversity of VigoSpain1U2013-11-21Was operational

Educational training and demonstrate IoT solution.

ICUBE-1Islamabad Institute of Science and TechnologyPakistan1U2013-11-21Was operational, ?

Educational space systems engineering and imaging payload.

MOVE (First-MOVE, Munich Orbital Verification Experiment)Technical University of Munich (TUM)Germany1U2013-11-21Was operational

Educational training and CubeSat platform development and testing solar cells.

NEE-02 KrysaorEXA (Ecuador Space Agency)Ecuador1U2013-11-21Was operational

Educational training and demonstration of CubeSat platform technologies.

NEE-02 Krysaor
OPTOS (Optical Nanosatellite)National Institute of Aerospace Technology (INTA)Spain3U2013-11-21Was operational, ?

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies.

Pocket-PUCP (PUCP-Pocket)Pontifical Catholic University of PeruPeru0.127 kg2013-11-21Unknown, ?

Transmit temperature measurements.

PUCPSat-1Pontifical Catholic University of PeruPeru1U2013-11-21Was operational, ?

Deploy PUCP-Pocket and test ADCS system with custom micro wheels and research thermal design for future satellites.

QubeScout 1 (QBscout)Maryland State UniversityUSPocketQube 2.5p2013-11-21Reentered, Was operational, ?

Test a micro sun-sensor that can be used to find and point instruments toward the sun.

QubeScout 1
T-LogoQube (BeakerSat 1, MagPocketQube, Eagle-1)Sonoma State UniversityUSPocketQube 2.5p2013-11-21Reentered, Was operational, ?

Simple attitude determination experiments based on magnetic field.

Triton-1ISISpaceNetherlands3U2013-11-21Operational, ?

Demonstrate AIS payload for ocean traffic monitoring.

UWE-3University of WürzburgGermany1U2013-11-21Operational, ?

Demonstrate modular CubeSat platform technologies and real-time attitude control.

VELOX-P2 (VELOX-PII, VELOX-P)Nanyang Technological UniversitySingapore1U2013-11-21Was operational, ?

Educational training and demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies.

WNISAT 1 (Weather News Inc. Satellite 1)Weather News Inc.Japan10 kg2013-11-21Operational, ?

Observation of sea ice in the Arctic waters.

WrenSTADOKO UGGermanyPocketQube 1p2013-11-21Reentered, Was operational

Advanced PocketQube with cameras and reaction wheels.

ZACUBE-1 (TshepisoSat)Cape Peninsula University of TechnologySouth Africa1U2013-11-21Operational

Educational training and demonstration of multiple payloads for Earth imaging and S-band transmitter.

AeroCube-5A (AeroCube 5A)Aerospace CorporationUS1.5U2013-12-06Reentered, Operational, ?

Demonstrate new technologies for pointing and tracking between two identical CubeSats and to demonstrate a deorbit device.

AeroCube-5BAerospace CorporationUS1.5U2013-12-06Reentered, Operational, ?

Demonstrate new technologies for pointing and tracking between two identical CubeSats and to demonstrate a deorbit device.

ALICE (AFIT LEO iMESA CNT Experiment)Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT)US3U2013-12-06Was operational

Demonstration of new small satellite propulsion based on carbon nanotube array.

CUNYSAT 1City University of New York (CUNY)US1U2013-12-06No signal

Educational training and demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies.

FIREBIRD A (FU1, Focused Investigations of Relativistic Electron Burst, Intensity, Range, and Dynamics)Montana State UniversityUS1.5U2013-12-06Reentered, Was operational

Space weather mission to study electron microbursts in Van Allen belts.

FIREBIRD B (FU2, Focused Investigations of Relativistic Electron Burst, Intensity, Range, and Dynamics)Montana State UniversityUS1.5U2013-12-06Was operational

Space weather mission to study electron microbursts in Van Allen belts.

IPEX (CP8, Intelligent Payload Experiment)California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly)US1U2013-12-06Was operational

Validate onboard instrument processing and autonomous payload operations for the NASA HyspIRI mission.

M-Cubed 2 (MCUBED-2)University of MichiganUS1U2013-12-06Operational

Flight evaluation of a NASA JPL image processing FPGA called COVE.

M-Cubed 2
SMDC-ONE 2.3 (Charlie, SMDC-ONE 3.1)US Army Space and Missile Defense CommandUS3U2013-12-06Was operational, Retired

Demonstrate the ability to rapidly design and develop militarily relevant low cost spacecraft and communications relay.

SMDC-ONE 2.4 (David, SMDC-ONE 3.2)US Army Space and Missile Defense CommandUS3U2013-12-06Was operational, Retired

Demonstrate the ability to rapidly design and develop militarily relevant low cost spacecraft and communications relay.

SNaP-1 (SNAP, SNAP-3)US Army Space and Missile Defense CommandUS3U2013-12-06Was semi-operational

Related to the SMDC NAnosatellite Program (SNaP) - Joint Capabilities Technology Demonstrations.

TacSat-6Space & Missile Defense CommandUS3U2013-12-06Operational, ?, Unknown

The mission will demonstrate nanosatellite communication capabilities.

ArduSat 2SpireUS2U2014-01-09Reentered, No signal

Platform for students and space enthusiasts to run space-based Arduino experiments.

ArduSat 2
Flock-1 Dove-1Planet LabsUS3U2014-01-09Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1 Dove-2Planet LabsUS3U2014-01-09Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1 Dove-3Planet LabsUS3U2014-01-09Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1 Dove-4Planet LabsUS3U2014-01-09Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1 Dove-5Planet LabsUS3U2014-01-09Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1 Dove-6Planet LabsUS3U2014-01-09Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1 Dove-7Planet LabsUS3U2014-01-09Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1 Dove-8Planet LabsUS3U2014-01-09Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1 Dove-9Planet LabsUS3U2014-01-09Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1 Dove-10Planet LabsUS3U2014-01-09Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1 Dove-11Planet LabsUS3U2014-01-09Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1 Dove-12Planet LabsUS3U2014-01-09Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1 Dove-13Planet LabsUS3U2014-01-09Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1 Dove-14Planet LabsUS3U2014-01-09Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1 Dove-15Planet LabsUS3U2014-01-09Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1 Dove-16Planet LabsUS3U2014-01-09Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1 Dove-17Planet LabsUS3U2014-01-09Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1 Dove-18Planet LabsUS3U2014-01-09Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1 Dove-19Planet LabsUS3U2014-01-09Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1 Dove-20Planet LabsUS3U2014-01-09Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1 Dove-21Planet LabsUS3U2014-01-09Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1 Dove-22Planet LabsUS3U2014-01-09Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1 Dove-23Planet LabsUS3U2014-01-09Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1 Dove-24Planet LabsUS3U2014-01-09Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1 Dove-25Planet LabsUS3U2014-01-09Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1 Dove-26Planet LabsUS3U2014-01-09Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1 Dove-27Planet LabsUS3U2014-01-09Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1 Dove-28Planet LabsUS3U2014-01-09Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
LitSat-1Kaunas University of TechnologyLithuania1U2014-01-09Reentered, Operational

Scientific platform for the future scientific experiments with piezo motors in space.

LituanicaSAT-1 (LO-78)Kaunas University of TechnologyLithuania1U2014-01-09Reentered, Operational

Educational training and demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies.

SkyCubeSouthern StarsUS1U2014-01-09Reentered, Was semi-operational

Crowdfunded on Kickstarter. Payloads are camera and tweets names from space.

UAPSAT-1Alas Peruanas UniversityPeru1U2014-01-09Reentered, Was operational

Educational training and CubeSat platform technologies to study meteorological phenomena from space.

Chasqui-INational University of Engineering Peru1U2014-02-05Reentered, No signal

Educational training and CubeSat platform technologies including camera.

ARTSAT1: Invader (INteractiVe satellite for Art and Design Experimental Research)Tama Art UniversityJapan1U2014-02-27Reentered, Operational

Artistic use of satellite telemetry.

ARTSAT1 Invader
ITF-1 (YUI, Imagine The Future-1, IFT)University of TsukubaJapan1U2014-02-27Reentered, No signal

Demonstrate networking technologies with CubeSats.

KSAT2 (Hayato, KSAT-2)Kagoshima UniversityJapan1U2014-02-27Reentered, Operational

Measuring atmospheric water vapour and Ku-band transmitter.

Opusat (CosMoz)Osaka Prefecture UniversityJapan1U2014-02-27Reentered, Operational

Demonstrating performance of lithium ion capacitors and MPPT-based power storage.

STARS-II (Gennai, Daughter)Kagawa UniversityJapan4 kg2014-02-27Reentered, Operational

Electrodynamic tether deployment experiment.

STARS-II (Gennai, Mother)Kagawa UniversityJapan5 kg2014-02-27Reentered, Operational

Electrodynamic tether deployment experiment.

ALL-STAR/THEIA (Agile Low-cost Laboratory for Space Technology Acceleration and Research)University of Colorado BoulderUS3U2014-04-18Reentered, Semi-operational

Demonstrate modular CubeSat platform and camera payload.

KickSatCornell UniversityUS3U2014-04-18Reentered, Semi-operational

Carry and deploy 104 Sprite chipsats.

PhoneSat-2.5NASA Ames Research CenterUS1U2014-04-18Reentered, Operational

Off-the-shelf commercial smartphone as the control system for the satellite and other technology demonstrations.

SporeSatNASA Ames Research CenterUS3U2014-04-18Reentered, Operational

"Lab-on-a-chip" experiments to gain a deeper knowledge of the mechanism of plant cell gravity sensing.

TSAT (TSat3, Testsat-Lite, Taylor Satellite)Taylor UniversityUS2U2014-04-18Reentered, Operational

Characterizing Globalstar link coverage and Langmuir probe.

SPROUTNihon UniversityJapan6.7 kg2014-05-24Was operational, Semi-operational, ?

Demonstration of inflatable membrane structure.

AeroCube-6A (AC6-A)Aerospace CorporationUS0.5U2014-06-19Was operational

Demonstrate upgrades CubeSat platform technologies and radiation measurements.

AeroCube-6B (AC-6B)Aerospace CorporationUS0.5U2014-06-19Was operational

Demonstrate upgrades CubeSat platform technologies and radiation measurements.

AntelsatUniversity of the RepublicUruguay2U2014-06-19Was operational

Educational open-source satellite and CubeSat platform technologies plus camera.

BRITE-CA 1 (BRITE-Toronto, CanX 3E)Canadian Space Agency (CSA)Canada10 kg2014-06-19Operational, ?

Investigation of the brightness oscillations of massive luminous stars, BRITE constellation.

BRITE-CA 2 (BRITE-Montreak, CanX-3F)Canadian Space Agency (CSA)Canada10 kg2014-06-19Deployment failure, On spacecraft

Investigation of the brightness oscillations of massive luminous stars, BRITE constellation.

DTUSat-2Technical University of DenmarkDenmark1U2014-06-19Was semi-operational

Satellite-based radio-tracking system capable of locating small birds with intercontinental migrations.

Duchifat-1Herzliya Science CenterIsrael1U2014-06-19Operational

Transmit real-time information via radio amateur packets APRS protocol to receive with handheld radios.

Flock-1c Dove-1Planet LabsUS3U2014-06-19Retired, Was operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1c Dove-2Planet LabsUS3U2014-06-19Retired, Was operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1c Dove-3Planet LabsUS3U2014-06-19Retired, Was operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1c Dove-4Planet LabsUS3U2014-06-19Retired, Was operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1c Dove-5Planet LabsUS3U2014-06-19Retired, Was operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1c Dove-6Planet LabsUS3U2014-06-19Retired, Was operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1c Dove-7Planet LabsUS3U2014-06-19Retired, Was operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1c Dove-8Planet LabsUS3U2014-06-19Retired, Was operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1c Dove-9Planet LabsUS3U2014-06-19Retired, Was operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1c Dove-10Planet LabsUS3U2014-06-19Retired, Was operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1c Dove-11Planet LabsUS3U2014-06-19Retired, Was operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Lemur-1 (FM1, Low Earth Multi-Use Receiver)SpireUS3U2014-06-19Operational, ?

Technology demonstration of two Earth-observation payloads.

NANOSATC-BR1 (NCBR-1)National Institute of Space ResearchBrazil1U2014-06-19Was operational, Semi-operational

Monitor real time the space weather and atmosphere anomalies over the Brazilian territory.

PACE (Platform for Attitude Control Experiments)National Cheng Kung UniversityTaiwan2U2014-06-19No signal

Conduct attitude control experiment to validate technologies.

Perseus-M 1Canopus SystemRussia6U2014-06-19Was operational, ?

Demonstrate technologies for future constellation and AIS receiver.

Perseus-M 2Canopus SystemRussia6U2014-06-19Was operational, ?

Demonstrate technologies for future constellation and AIS receiver.

PolyITAN-1National Technical University of UkraineUkraine1U2014-06-19Operational

Educational training and demonstrate CubeSat platform.

POPSAT-HIP1MicrospaceSingapore3U2014-06-19Was operational

Demonstrate high resolution optical payload and attitude control with propulsion.

QB50P1 (EO-79, FUNcube-3)VKI (von Karman Institute)Belgium2U2014-06-19Was operational, Semi-operational

Test key subsystems of QB50.

QB50P2 (EO-80)VKI (von Karman Institute)Belgium2U2014-06-19Was operational, Semi-operational

Test key subsystems of QB50.

TigrisatSapienza University of RomeItaly3U2014-06-19Semi-operational, ?

Detect dust storms over Iraq with camera.

CanX-4Space Flight LaboratoryCanada7 kg2014-06-30Was operational, ?

Demonstration of on-orbit formation flying.

CanX-5Space Flight LaboratoryCanada7 kg2014-06-30Was operational, ?

Demonstration of on-orbit formation flying.

VELOX-I (N-Sat, VELOX 1)Nanyang Technological UniversitySingapore3U2014-06-30Was operational, Semi-operational, ?

Educational training and first Singapore nanosatellite with camera.

VELOX-PIII (VELOX 1, N-Sat)Nanyang Technological UniversitySingapore0.193 kg2014-06-30Deployment failure, On spacecraft

Picosatellite for intersatellite communication experiment.

AISSat-2Norwegian Space CentreNorway6 kg2014-07-08Was operational

Operational mission for space-based AIS detection.

UKube-1 (United Kingdom Universal Bus Experiment 1)UK Space AgencyUK3U2014-07-08Semi-operational, Was operational, Retired

Demonstrate various CubeSat platform technologies.

Flock-1b Dove-1Planet LabsUS3U2014-07-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1b Dove-2Planet LabsUS3U2014-07-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1b Dove-3Planet LabsUS3U2014-07-13Returned to Earth

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1b Dove-4Planet LabsUS3U2014-07-13Returned to Earth

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1b Dove-5Planet LabsUS3U2014-07-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1b Dove-6Planet LabsUS3U2014-07-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1b Dove-7Planet LabsUS3U2014-07-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1b Dove-8Planet LabsUS3U2014-07-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1b Dove-9Planet LabsUS3U2014-07-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1b Dove-10Planet LabsUS3U2014-07-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1b Dove-11Planet LabsUS3U2014-07-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1b Dove-12Planet LabsUS3U2014-07-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1b Dove-13Planet LabsUS3U2014-07-13Returned to Earth

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1b Dove-14Planet LabsUS3U2014-07-13Returned to Earth

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1b Dove-15Planet LabsUS3U2014-07-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1b Dove-16Planet LabsUS3U2014-07-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1b Dove-17Planet LabsUS3U2014-07-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1b Dove-18Planet LabsUS3U2014-07-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1b Dove-19Planet LabsUS3U2014-07-13Returned to Earth

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1b Dove-20Planet LabsUS3U2014-07-13Returned to Earth

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1b Dove-21Planet LabsUS3U2014-07-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1b Dove-22Planet LabsUS3U2014-07-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1b Dove-23Planet LabsUS3U2014-07-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1b Dove-24Planet LabsUS3U2014-07-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1b Dove-25Planet LabsUS3U2014-07-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1b Dove-26Planet LabsUS3U2014-07-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1b Dove-27Planet LabsUS3U2014-07-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1b Dove-28 (Dove 081B)Planet LabsUS3U2014-07-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
GEARRS-1 (GEARRSAT, Globalstar Experiment And Risk Reduction Satellite)NearSpace LaunchUS3U2014-07-13Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate satellite operations through Globalstar network.

Lambdasat (Λ-sat, Lambda-Sat, NanoRacks-Λ-Sat Hellenic Satellite)San Jose State UniversityUS3U2014-07-13Reentered, No signal

Radiation experiment, AIS reicever and communication through Iridium.

MicroMAS-1MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)US3U2014-07-13Reentered, Was operational

Microwave spectrometer to observe weather events.

TechEdSat-4 (TES-4)NASA Ames Research CenterUS3U2014-07-13Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate technologies for re-entry and drag device for deorbiting.

BRITE-PL-2 Heweliusz (BRITE-Heweliusz, CanX 3D)The Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of SciencesPoland6 kg2014-08-19Operational

Investigation of the brightness oscillations of massive luminous stars, BRITE constellation.

Arkyd 3Planetary ResourcesUS3U2014-10-28Launch failure

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies for future constellation.

Arkyd 3
Flock-1d Dove-1Planet LabsUS3U2014-10-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1d Dove-2Planet LabsUS3U2014-10-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1d Dove-3Planet LabsUS3U2014-10-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1d Dove-4Planet LabsUS3U2014-10-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1d Dove-5Planet LabsUS3U2014-10-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1d Dove-6Planet LabsUS3U2014-10-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1d Dove-7Planet LabsUS3U2014-10-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1d Dove-8Planet LabsUS3U2014-10-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1d Dove-9Planet LabsUS3U2014-10-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1d Dove-10Planet LabsUS3U2014-10-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1d Dove-11Planet LabsUS3U2014-10-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1d Dove-12Planet LabsUS3U2014-10-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1d Dove-13Planet LabsUS3U2014-10-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1d Dove-14Planet LabsUS3U2014-10-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1d Dove-15Planet LabsUS3U2014-10-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1d Dove-16Planet LabsUS3U2014-10-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1d Dove-17Planet LabsUS3U2014-10-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1d Dove-18Planet LabsUS3U2014-10-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1d Dove-19Planet LabsUS3U2014-10-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1d Dove-20Planet LabsUS3U2014-10-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1d Dove-21Planet LabsUS3U2014-10-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1d Dove-22Planet LabsUS3U2014-10-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1d Dove-23Planet LabsUS3U2014-10-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1d Dove-24Planet LabsUS3U2014-10-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1d Dove-25Planet LabsUS3U2014-10-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1d Dove-26Planet LabsUS3U2014-10-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
GOMX-2GomSpaceDenmark2U2014-10-28Launch failure

Test a de-orbit system and optical communications experiment.

RACE (CHARM, Radiometer Atmospheric CubeSat Experiment, CubeSat Hydrometric Atmospheric Radiometer Mission)University of Texas at AustinUS3U2014-10-28Launch failure

Spaceborne validation of a 183 GHz radiometer.

AESP-14Technological Institute of AeronauticsBrazil1U2015-01-10Reentered, No signal

Demonstrate CubeSat platform for and Langmuir probe.

Flock-1d' 1Planet LabsUS3U2015-01-10Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1d' 2Planet LabsUS3U2015-01-10Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
CP10 (ExoCube)California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly)US3U2015-01-31Reentered, Was semi-operational

Measure neutral and ionized species in the exosphere and thermosphere.

CP10 (ExoCube)
FIREBIRD-2 C (FU3, FIREBIRD-3, FIREBIRD 3, Focused Investigations of Relativistic Electron Burst, Intensity, Range, and Dynamics)Montana State UniversityUS1.5U2015-01-31Reentered, Operational

Space weather mission to study electron microbursts in Van Allen belts.

FIREBIRD-2 D (FU4, FIREBIRD-4, FIREBIRD 4, Focused Investigations of Relativistic Electron Burst, Intensity, Range, and Dynamics)Montana State UniversityUS1.5U2015-01-31Reentered, Operational

Space weather mission to study electron microbursts in Van Allen belts.

GRIFEX (GEO-CAPE ROIC In-Flight Performance Experiment)University of MichiganUS3U2015-01-31Reentered, Operational

Validate technology for the Panchromatic Fourier Transform Spectrometer (PanFTS).

Arkyd 3 ReflightPlanetary ResourcesUS3U2015-04-14Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies for future constellation.

Arkyd 3
Centennial-1Booz Allen HamiltonUS1U2015-04-14Reentered, No signal, ?

Demonstrate small optical sensor package.

Flock-1e 1Planet LabsUS3U2015-04-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1e 2Planet LabsUS3U2015-04-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1e 3Planet LabsUS3U2015-04-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1e 4Planet LabsUS3U2015-04-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1e 5Planet LabsUS3U2015-04-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1e 6Planet LabsUS3U2015-04-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1e 7Planet LabsUS3U2015-04-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1e 8Planet LabsUS3U2015-04-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1e 9Planet LabsUS3U2015-04-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1e 10Planet LabsUS3U2015-04-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1e 11Planet LabsUS3U2015-04-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1e 12Planet LabsUS3U2015-04-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1e 13Planet LabsUS3U2015-04-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1e 14Planet LabsUS3U2015-04-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
AeroCube-8A (IMPACT)Aerospace CorporationUS1.5U2015-05-20Reentered, Operational, ?

Demonstrate electrospray propulsion system and materials experiments.

AeroCube-8 (IMPACT)
AeroCube-8B (IMPACT)Aerospace CorporationUS1.5U2015-05-20Reentered, Operational, ?

Demonstrate electrospray propulsion system and materials experiments.

AeroCube-8 (IMPACT)
BRICSat-P (Ballistic Reinforced Communication Satellite, previously PSat B, ParkinsonSat B, Oscar 83, BRICkSat-1, USNA-11)US Naval Academy Satellite LabUS1.5U2015-05-20Was semi-operational

Demonstrate propusion system and maneuvers in space plus APRS transponder.

GEARRS 2 (GEARRSAT 2, Globalstar Experiment And Risk Reduction Satellite)NearSpace LaunchUS3U2015-05-20Was operational, ?

Demonstrate satellite operations through Globalstar network.

LightSail-A (LightSail 1)The Planetary SocietyUS3U2015-05-20Reentered, Was operational

Demonstrate deployment of a solar sail.

OptiCube 1 (O/C, Optical CubeSat)California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly)US3U2015-05-20Passive

Passive on-orbit target for calibration and orbital debris studies.

OptiCube 2 (O/C, Optical CubeSat)California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly)US3U2015-05-20Passive

Passive on-orbit target for calibration and orbital debris studies.

OptiCube 3 (O/C, Optical CubeSat)California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly)US3U2015-05-20Passive

Passive on-orbit target for calibration and orbital debris studies.

PSat A (PSat, ParkinsonSat A, UltraSat1?, NO-84, PSAT-1, USNA-7)US Naval Academy Satellite LabUS1.5U2015-05-20Reentered, Operational

Communications transponder for IoT demonstration.

PSat A
USS Langley (Unix Space Server, USNA-10)US Naval Academy Satellite LabUS3U2015-05-20No signal

Unix server in space and transponder experiments.

USS Langley
Flock-1f 1Planet LabsUS3U2015-06-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1f 2Planet LabsUS3U2015-06-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1f 3Planet LabsUS3U2015-06-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1f 4Planet LabsUS3U2015-06-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1f 5Planet LabsUS3U2015-06-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1f 6Planet LabsUS3U2015-06-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1f 7Planet LabsUS3U2015-06-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-1f 8Planet LabsUS3U2015-06-28Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
DeorbitsailEU FP7 consortiumUK3U2015-07-10Was operational, Semi-operational, ?

Deploy a 5-metre solar sail to demonstrate deorbiting.

AAUSAT5 (AAUSAT 5)Aalborg UniversityDenmark1U2015-08-19Reentered, Operational

Educational training and monitoring ship traffic using a new and improved AIS receiver.

Flock-2b 1Planet LabsUS3U2015-08-19Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2b 2Planet LabsUS3U2015-08-19Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2b 3Planet LabsUS3U2015-08-19Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2b 4Planet LabsUS3U2015-08-19Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2b 5Planet LabsUS3U2015-08-19Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2b 6Planet LabsUS3U2015-08-19Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2b 7Planet LabsUS3U2015-08-19Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2b 8Planet LabsUS3U2015-08-19Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2b 9Planet LabsUS3U2015-08-19Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2b 10Planet LabsUS3U2015-08-19Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2b 11Planet LabsUS3U2015-08-19Returned to Earth

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2b 12Planet LabsUS3U2015-08-19Returned to Earth

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2b 13Planet LabsUS3U2015-08-19Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2b 14Planet LabsUS3U2015-08-19Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
GOMX-3 (GOMX 3)GomSpaceDenmark3U2015-08-19Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate attitude control, high-speed downlink SDR and ADS-B.

S-CUBE (S3, Shootingstar Sensing Satellite)Chiba Institute of TechnologyJapan3U2015-08-19Reentered, No signal, ?

Take an image of meteor by a camera to estimate the meteoroid size from brightness.

SERPENSSERPENS (Sistema Espacial para Realização de Pesquisa e Experimentos com Nanossatélites) programme university consortiumBrazil3U2015-08-19Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate store and forward messaging and plasma propulsion.

DCBB (CAS 3G, Chinese Amateur Radio Satellite, Zhineng hao shouji weixing, KAITUO 1B)Shenzhen Aerospace Dongfanghong HIT Satellite LtdChina2U2015-09-19Reentered, Was operational, ?

Amateur radio missions with transponders and telemetry downlinks.

Dust 1 (XC 1, Xingchen 1, Tiantuo-3, TT-3)National University of Defense Technology (NUDT)China30 g2015-09-19Was operational, ?

Test out inter-satellite communication techniques.

Dust (XC)
Dust 2 (XC 2, Xingchen 2, Tiantuo-3, TT-3)National University of Defense Technology (NUDT)China30 g2015-09-19Was operational, ?

Test out inter-satellite communication techniques.

Dust (XC)
Dust 3 (XC 3, Xingchen 3, Tiantuo-3, TT-3)National University of Defense Technology (NUDT)China30 g2015-09-19Was operational, ?

Test out inter-satellite communication techniques.

Dust (XC)
Dust 4 (XC 4, Xingchen 4, Tiantuo-3, TT-3)National University of Defense Technology (NUDT)China30 g2015-09-19Was operational, ?

Test out inter-satellite communication techniques.

Dust (XC)
KJSY 1 (Kongjian Shiyan 1)Tsinghua UniversityChina0.173 kg2015-09-19Unknown, ?

Test formation flying on tethers and inter-satellite communications and GaN electronic boards in space.

LilacSat-2 (Zidingxiang-2, CAS 3H)Harbin Institute of TechnologyChina10 kg2015-09-19Operational

Education, amateur radio communication and technology demonstration.

Smart (NUDT-PhoneSat, CAS 3I, Kaituo 1B, KT-1B, Tiantuo-3, TT-3)National University of Defense Technology (NUDT)China1U2015-09-19Reentered, Operational

Phone-satellite for technical experiment purposes. It is planned to be 98x98x7mm dimension.

Smart (NUDT-PhoneSat)
XW-2B (CAS 3B, Chinese Amateur Radio Satellite)CAMSAT (Chinese Amateur Satellite Group)China10 kg2015-09-19Operational, Semi-operational, ?

Atmospheric physics experiments and amateur radio missions.

XW-2C (CAS 3C, Chinese Amateur Radio Satellite)CAMSAT (Chinese Amateur Satellite Group)China10 kg2015-09-19Operational, Semi-operational, ?

Atmospheric physics experiments and amateur radio missions.

XW-2D (CAS 3D, Chinese Amateur Radio Satellite)CAMSAT (Chinese Amateur Satellite Group)China10 kg2015-09-19Reentered, Operational, Semi-operational, ?

Atmospheric physics experiments and amateur radio missions.

XW-2E (CAS 3E, Chinese Amateur Radio Satellite)CAMSAT (Chinese Amateur Satellite Group)China1.5 kg2015-09-19Reentered, Semi-operational, Was operational

Amateur radio missions with transponders and telemetry downlinks.

XW-2F (CAS 3F, Chinese Amateur Radio Satellite)CAMSAT (Chinese Amateur Satellite Group)China1.5 kg2015-09-19Reentered, Operational, Semi-operational, ?

Amateur radio missions with transponders and telemetry downlinks.

ZJ 1 (Zijing 1, Zijing-1)Tsinghua UniversityChina0.234 kg2015-09-19Unknown, ?

Test formation flying on tethers and inter-satellite communications plus camera.

TW-1A (STU-2, Shankeda 2, Tianwang-1A, Sat-A, SECM-1, STU-2A)Shanghai Engineering Centre for Microsatellites (SECM)China3U2015-09-25Reentered, Operational, ?

Test inter-satellite communication and multiple other technologies.

TW-1B (STU-2, NJUST 2, Tianwang-1B, Sat-B, SECM-1, STU-2B)Shanghai Engineering Centre for Microsatellites (SECM)China2U2015-09-25Reentered, Was operational

Test inter-satellite communication and multiple other technologies.

TW-1C (STU-2, NJFA , Tianwang-1C, Sat-C, SECM-1, STU-2C)Shanghai Engineering Centre for Microsatellites (SECM)China2U2015-09-25Reentered, Operational

Test inter-satellite communication and multiple other technologies.

exactView-9 (EV-9, EV9)ExactEarthCanada5.5 kg2015-09-28Operational, ?

Operational mission for AIS messages to detect ships.

Lemur-2 1 Joel (FM2, Low Earth Multi-Use Receiver )SpireUS3U2015-09-28Operational, ?

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 2 Peter (FM3)SpireUS3U2015-09-28Operational, ?

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 3 Jeroen (FM4)SpireUS3U2015-09-28Operational, ?

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 4 Chris (FM5)SpireUS3U2015-09-28Operational, ?

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

AeroCube-5CAerospace CorporationUS1.5U2015-10-08Unknown, Likely operational, ?

Demonstrate new technologies for pointing and tracking between two identical CubeSats and to demonstrate a deorbit device.

Aerocube-7A (OCSD, Optical Communications and Sensor Demonstration, IOCPS-A, Integrated Optical Communications and Proximity Sensors)Aerospace CorporationUS1.5U2015-10-08Semi-operational, Was operational

Demonstrate optical communications from a CubeSat.

Aerocube-7 (OCSD)
ARC-1 (Alaska Research CubeSat)University of AlaskaUS1U2015-10-08No signal

Educational training and demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies.

BisonSat (Nwist Q̓ʷiq̓ʷáy, SKC)Salish Kootenai CollegeUS1U2015-10-08Semi-operational

Educational training and camera to study various hydrologic processes.

Fox-1A (AMSAT-OSCAR 85, AO-85)The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT)US1U2015-10-08Operational

Amateur radio mission with transponder.

LMRSTSat (LMRSat , LMRST-Sat, Low Mass Radio Science Transponder - Satellite)Stanford UniversityUS2U2015-10-08No signal

Far-field source for calibration of the Deep Space Network in X-band.

PropCube 1 (Flora, Propagation CubeSat)Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) US1U2015-10-08Operational

Perform dual frequency ionospheric calibration measurements of ionospheric electron density and irregularities.

PropCube 3 (Merryweather. Propagation CubeSat)Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) US1U2015-10-08Operational

Perform dual frequency ionospheric calibration measurements of ionospheric electron density and irregularities.

SINOD-D 1 (SRI International NanoSat Orbital Demonstration)SRI InternationalUS2U2015-10-08Unknown, Likely operational, ?

High-speed data downlink for via software defined radio.

SINOD-D 3 (SRI International NanoSat Orbital Demonstration)SRI InternationalUS2U2015-10-08Unknown, Likely operational, ?

High-speed data downlink for via software defined radio.

SNaP-3 A ALICE ((Space and Missile Defense Command Nano-Satellite-3)US Army Space and Missile Defense CommandUS3U2015-10-08Was operational

Related to the SMDC NAnosatellite Program (SNaP) - Joint Capabilities Technology Demonstrations.

SNaP-3 B EDDIE ((Space and Missile Defense Command Nano-Satellite-3) US Army Space and Missile Defense CommandUS3U2015-10-08Was operational

Related to the SMDC NAnosatellite Program (SNaP) - Joint Capabilities Technology Demonstrations.

SNAP-3 C JIMI (Space and Missile Defense Command Nano-Satellite-3)US Army Space and Missile Defense CommandUS3U2015-10-08Was operational

Related to the SMDC NAnosatellite Program (SNaP) - Joint Capabilities Technology Demonstrations.

Argus (SLU-02)Saint Louis UniversityUS2U2015-11-04Launch failure

Improve the ability to model the effects of space radiation on modern electronics.

EDSN 1 (Edison Demonstration of Smallsat Networks)NASA Ames Research CenterUS1.5U2015-11-04Launch failure

Demonstrate inter-satellite communications.

EDSN 2 (Edison Demonstration of Smallsat Networks)NASA Ames Research CenterUS1.5U2015-11-04Launch failure

Demonstrate inter-satellite communications.

EDSN 3 (Edison Demonstration of Smallsat Networks)NASA Ames Research CenterUS1.5U2015-11-04Launch failure

Demonstrate inter-satellite communications.

EDSN 4 (Edison Demonstration of Smallsat Networks)NASA Ames Research CenterUS1.5U2015-11-04Launch failure

Demonstrate inter-satellite communications.

EDSN 5 (Edison Demonstration of Smallsat Networks)NASA Ames Research CenterUS1.5U2015-11-04Launch failure

Demonstrate inter-satellite communications.

EDSN 6 (Edison Demonstration of Smallsat Networks)NASA Ames Research CenterUS1.5U2015-11-04Launch failure

Demonstrate inter-satellite communications.

EDSN 7 (Edison Demonstration of Smallsat Networks)NASA Ames Research CenterUS1.5U2015-11-04Launch failure

Demonstrate inter-satellite communications.

EDSN 8 (Edison Demonstration of Smallsat Networks)NASA Ames Research CenterUS1.5U2015-11-04Launch failure

Demonstrate inter-satellite communications.

PrintSatMontana State UniversityUS1U2015-11-04Launch failure

Demonstrate inter-satellite communications.

STACEMUtah State UniversityUS3U2015-11-04Launch failure

Demonstrate camera to collect imagery in visible and hyperspectral.

SUPERNOVA-BETA (TechSat I, TechSat 1)PumpkinUS6U2015-11-04Launch failure

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologues.

BEVO 2 (Bevo-2, LONESTAR)University of Texas at AustinUS3U2015-12-06No signal, Reentered

Demonstratine Autonomous Rendezvous and Docking (ARD) technology.

CADRE (CubeSat investigating Atmospheric Density Response to Extreme driving)University of MichiganUS3U2015-12-06Reentered, No signal

Flight-test low-cost dual-frequency GPS to measure atmospheric and ionospheric total electron content.

Flock-2e 1Planet LabsUS3U2015-12-06Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2e 2Planet LabsUS3U2015-12-06Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2e 3Planet LabsUS3U2015-12-06Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2e 4Planet LabsUS3U2015-12-06Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2e 5Planet LabsUS3U2015-12-06Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2e 6Planet LabsUS3U2015-12-06Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2e 7Planet LabsUS3U2015-12-06Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2e 8Planet LabsUS3U2015-12-06Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2e 9Planet LabsUS3U2015-12-06Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2e 10Planet LabsUS3U2015-12-06Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2e 11Planet LabsUS3U2015-12-06Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2e 12Planet LabsUS3U2015-12-06Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
MinXSS (Miniature X-ray Solar Spectrometer CubeSat)University of Colorado BoulderUS3U2015-12-06Reentered, Operational

Measure the intensity of the soft x-ray spectrum from 0.6 keV (20Å) to 25 keV (0.5Å).

Nodes J (Nodes B, Nodes 2)NASA Ames Research CenterUS1.5U2015-12-06Reentered, Was operational

Technology demonstration of a pair of CubeSats with advanced cross-link and downlink communications capability.

Nodes K (NODes 1, Nodes 1, Nodes A)NASA Ames Research CenterUS1.5U2015-12-06Reentered, Was operational

Technology demonstration of a pair of CubeSats with advanced cross-link and downlink communications capability.

SNAPS (Stanford Nano Picture Satellite)Stanford UniversityUS0.25U2015-12-06Reentered, On spacecraft, ?

Image other CubeSats autonomously and demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies.

STMSat-1 (STM CubeSat, St. Thomas More Cathedral School)St. Thomas More Cathedral SchoolUS1U2015-12-06Reentered, No signal

Educational mission and take photos of Earth.

Athenoxat-1MicrospaceItaly3U2015-12-16Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate the functionality of night vision optical payload.

GalassiaNational University of SingaporeSingapore2U2015-12-16Reentered, Operational

Educational traiming and measure total electron count and photon-entangling payload.

VELOX-II (VELOX 2)Nanyang Technological UniversitySingapore6U2015-12-16Reentered, Was operational, Semi-operational, ?

Demonstrate data transmission via Inmarsat geostationary communications satellite.

HORYU-4 (AEGIS, HORYU-IV)Kyushu Institute of TechnologyJapan10 kg2016-02-17Semi-operational, Was operational, ?

Test experimental high-voltage solar array and observing corresponding spacecraft charging effects on the satellite.

Flock-2e' 1Planet LabsUS3U2016-03-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2e' 2Planet LabsUS3U2016-03-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2e' 3Planet LabsUS3U2016-03-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2e' 4Planet LabsUS3U2016-03-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2e' 5Planet LabsUS3U2016-03-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2e' 6Planet LabsUS3U2016-03-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2e' 7Planet LabsUS3U2016-03-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2e' 8Planet LabsUS3U2016-03-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2e' 9Planet LabsUS3U2016-03-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2e' 10Planet LabsUS3U2016-03-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2e' 11Planet LabsUS3U2016-03-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2e' 12Planet LabsUS3U2016-03-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2e' 13Planet LabsUS3U2016-03-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2e' 14Planet LabsUS3U2016-03-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2e' 15Planet LabsUS3U2016-03-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2e' 16Planet LabsUS3U2016-03-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2e' 17Planet LabsUS3U2016-03-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2e' 18Planet LabsUS3U2016-03-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2e' 19Planet LabsUS3U2016-03-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2e' 20Planet LabsUS3U2016-03-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Lemur-2 5 Theresacondor (FM6)SpireUS3U2016-03-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 6 Kane (FM7)SpireUS3U2016-03-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 7 Nick-Allain (FM8)SpireUS3U2016-03-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 8 Jeff (FM9)SpireUS3U2016-03-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 9 Cubecheese (FM10)SpireUS3U2016-03-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 10 DrMuzz (FM11)SpireUS3U2016-03-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 11 Bridgeman (FM12)SpireUS3U2016-03-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 12 Nate (FM13)SpireUS3U2016-03-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 13 Beccadewey (FM14)SpireUS3U2016-03-23Reentered, Deployment failure

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Tomsk-TPU 120 (Tomsk-TPU-120)Tomsk Polytechnic UniversityRussia3U2016-03-31Reentered, Was operational

Test new space materials and will be the first space with a 3D-printed structure.

Tomsk-TPU 120
AAUSAT4 (AAUSAT-4)Aalborg UniversityDenmark1U2016-04-25Reentered, Operational

Educational training and test improved AIS receiver.

e-st@r-II (e-star-ii)Politecnico di TorinoItaly1U2016-04-25Reentered, Semi-operational, Was operational, ?

Educational training and demonstrate ADCS technologies.

OUFTI-1University of LiègeBelgium1U2016-04-25Reentered, Was operational, Semi-operational

Test the use of the D-STAR communication protocol in space.

SamSat-218/D (Kontact-Nanosputnik)Samara UniversityRussia3U2016-04-28Reentered, Semi-operational, ?

Demonstration of navigation and control technologies.

BEESAT-4 (BEESAT 4)Technical University of BerlinGermany1U2016-06-22Reentered, Operational

Educational training and demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies plus camera.

Flock-2p 1Planet LabsUS3U2016-06-22Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2p 2Planet LabsUS3U2016-06-22Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2p 3Planet LabsUS3U2016-06-22Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2p 4Planet LabsUS3U2016-06-22Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2p 5Planet LabsUS3U2016-06-22Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2p 6Planet LabsUS3U2016-06-22Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2p 7Planet LabsUS3U2016-06-22Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2p 8Planet LabsUS3U2016-06-22Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2p 9Planet LabsUS3U2016-06-22Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2p 10Planet LabsUS3U2016-06-22Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2p 11Planet LabsUS3U2016-06-22Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2p 12Planet LabsUS3U2016-06-22Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Sathyabamasat (SNSAT, SB Sat)Sathyabama UniversityIndia2U2016-06-22Reentered, Was operational

Measure the densities of the green house gases using ARGUS 1000 IR Spectrometer.

Swayam COEPCollege of Engineering, PuneIndia1U2016-06-22Reentered, Was operational, Semi-operational, ?

Educational mission to develop CubeSat technologies and amateur radio mission.

Swayam COEP
Aoxiang Zhixing (Star of Aoxiang, SAOX, AX-1)Northwestern Polytechnical UniversityChina12U2016-06-25Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate first 12U CubeSat platform and using polarized sunlight.

Aoxiang Zhixing
3CAT-2 (3CAT2, CubeCat-2)Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC, BarcelonaTECH)Spain6U2016-08-15Reentered, Was operational

Perform ocean altimetry by means of Global Navigation Satellite Systems Reflectometry (GNSS-R).

ALSAT-Nano (Alsat-1B, AlSat-1N, ALSAT 1N, AISAT-Nano)UK Space AgencyUK3U2016-09-26Operational

Educational training and demonstrate thin-film solar cells.

AlSat Nano
CanX-7Space Flight LaboratoryCanada3U2016-09-26Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate deployable drag sail.

PISat (PESIT Imaging Satellite)PES Institute of TechnologyIndia5.3 kg2016-09-26Was operational

Educational training and camera payload.

PrathamIndian Institute of Technology, BombayIndia10 kg2016-09-26Was semi-operational

Educational training and measure total electron count of the ionosphere.

Lemur-2 14 Sokolsky (FM15)SpireUS3U2016-10-17Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 15 Xiaoqing (FM16)SpireUS3U2016-10-17Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 16 Anubhavthakur (FM17)SpireUS3U2016-10-17Reentered, Operational, ?

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 17 Wingo (FM18)SpireUS3U2016-10-17Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

CAS 2T (Chinese Amateur Radio Satellite 2T, Fengtai-1, CAS-2T)CAMSAT (Chinese Amateur Satellite Group)China2U2016-11-09Semi-operational

FM transponder.

Lishui-1 (Lishui 1-01)Zhejiang Lizhui Electronic Technology CoChina3U2016-11-09Reentered, Unknown

Prototype of a commercial remote sensing satellites.

XX-1 (Xiaoxiang 1, XX1, TY-1, Tianji-1)SpacetyChina6U2016-11-09Reentered, Was operational

Stabilized camera system.

AeroCube-8C (IMPACT)Aerospace CorporationUS1.5U2016-11-11Operational, ?

Demonstrate scalable ion-electrospray propulsion system and materials experiments.

AeroCube-8 (IMPACT)
AeroCube-8D (IMPACT)Aerospace CorporationUS1.5U2016-11-11Operational, ?

Demonstrate scalable ion-electrospray propulsion system and materials experiments.

AeroCube-8 (IMPACT)
CELTEE 1Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)US1U2016-11-11Unknown, Likely operational, ?

Evaluate the performance of M42 Techs Enhanced Location Transponder (ELT).

OptiCube 4 (O/C, Optical CubeSat)California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly)US2U2016-11-11Passive

Passive on-orbit target for calibration and orbital debris studies.

Prometheus 2.1USSOCOM (US Special Operations Command)US1.5U2016-11-11Unknown, Likely operational, ?

Demonstrate improved CubeSat platform.

Prometheus 2
Prometheus 2.3USSOCOM (US Special Operations Command)US1.5U2016-11-11Unknown, Likely operational, ?

Demonstrate improved CubeSat platform.

Prometheus 2
RAVAN XB3 (Radiometer Assessment Using Vertical Aligned Nanotubes, Ravan XB-3)Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL)US3U2016-11-11Operational, ?

Measure the absolute imbalance in the Earth's radiation budget using radiometer.

Aoba-Velox-III (VELOX-III)Kyushu Institute of TechnologyJapan2U2016-12-09Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate pulsed plasma thruster and internal Bluetooth communication.

EGG (re-Entry satellite with Gossamer aeroshell and Gps/Iridium)University of TokyoJapan3U2016-12-09Reentered, Operational

Test a deployable gossamer 60 cm aeroshell for reentry.

FREEDOMTohoku UniversityJapan1U2016-12-09Reentered, Operational

Test deployment of 1 x 1.5m membrane for deorbiting.

ITF-2 (Imagine The Future 2, Yui 2, TO 89, Tsukuba-OSCAR 89)University of TsukubaJapan1U2016-12-09Reentered, Was operational, Semi-operational

Amateur radio communications and small antenna.

Lemur-2 18 Trutna (FM19)SpireUS3U2016-12-09Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 19 TrutnaHD (FM20)SpireUS3U2016-12-09Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 20 Austintacious (FM21)SpireUS3U2016-12-09Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 21 Redfern-Goes (FM22)SpireUS3U2016-12-09Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

OSNSAT (OSNSat, Open Space Network Satellite)Open Space NetworkUSTubeSat2016-12-09Reentered, No signal

TubeSat based on the IOS TubeSat Personal Satellite Kit.

STARS-C Koki (STARS-III Daughter, Hagoromo)Shizuoka UniversityJapan1U2016-12-09Reentered, Operational

Demonstration of tethered satellites for future space elevator.

STARS-C Oyaki (STARS-III Mother, Hagoromo)Shizuoka UniversityJapan1U2016-12-09Reentered, Operational

Demonstration of tethered satellites for future space elevator.

Tancredo 1Presidente Tancredo de Almeida NevesBrazilTubeSat2016-12-09Reentered, Was operational

One of the first TubeSats for educational training.

Tancredo 1
TechEdSat-5 (PhoneSat 5, TES-5)NASA Ames Research CenterUS3.5U2016-12-09Reentered, Semi-operational

Demonstrate deployable device for precise deorbiting.

TuPODGAUSSItaly3U2016-12-09Reentered, Was operational

Deploy 2 TubeSats and Morse code transmissions.

Waseda-SAT3 (WasedaSat-3)Waseda UniversityJapan1U2016-12-09Reentered, No signal

Deploy a ultra light drag chute for accelerated deorbiting.

BY-1 (BY70-1, Bayi Kepu Weixing 1, ZG2U, BY 1)China Center for Aerospace Science and TechnologyChina2U2016-12-28Reentered, Operational

Amateur radio missions.

Kaidun 1 (Caton 1)Beijing Kaidun Universal TechnologyChina2U2017-01-09Was operational

Test a VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) for communications via the Inmarsat satellite system.

Kaidun 1
XY S1 (Xingyun Shiyan 1, Dong Fang Hong 166, XY S 1)Northwestern Polytechnical UniversityChina2U2017-01-09Reentered, Unknown

Test L-band narrow-band communications. Demonstration for Xingyun / Hongyun constellation.

TRICOM 1University of TokyoJapan3U2017-01-14Launch failure

Take pictures of the Earth.

Al-Farabi 1Al-Farabi Kazak National UniversityKazakhstan2U2017-02-15Reentered, No signal

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies and take photos of Earth.

Al-Farabi 1
BGUSat (NEGEVSAT)Ben Gurion University SatelliteIsrael3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

First educational satellite. VGA Camera, ADCS.

DIDO-2 (SpacePharma, Chen Jiayong 1, Chen Jiayi, Chenjiayi-1)SpacePharmaIsrael3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational, ?

Carry the first generation of their mGnify lab to conduct biochemical experiments in microgravity.

Flock-3p 1Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 2Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 3Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 4Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 5Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 6Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 7Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 8Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 9Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 10Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 11Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 12Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 13Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 14Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 15Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 16Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 17Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 18Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 19Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 20Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 21Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 22Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 23Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 24Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 25Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 26Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 27Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 28Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 29Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 30Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Was operational, Retired

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 31Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Was operational, Retired

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 32Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 33Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 34Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 35Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 36Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 37Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 38Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 39Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 40Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 41Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 42Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 43Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 44Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 45Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 46Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 47Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 48Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 49Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 50Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 51Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 52Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 53Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 54Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 55Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 56Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 57Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 58Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 59Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 60Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 61Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 62Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 63Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 64Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 65Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 66Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 67Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 68Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 69Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 70Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 71Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 72Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 73Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 74Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 75Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 76Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 77Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 78Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 79Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 80Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 81Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 82Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 83Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 84Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 85Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 86Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 87Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p 88Planet LabsUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
INS 1A (ISRO Nanosatellite)ISROIndia8.4 kg2017-02-15Reentered, Unknown

Radiometer to measure reflected sunlight from Earth and Single Event Upsets monitor.

INS 1B (ISRO Nanosatellite)ISROIndia9.7 kg2017-02-15Reentered, Unknown

Radiometer to measure reflected sunlight from Earth and Single Event Upsets monitor.

Lemur-2 22 Jobanputra (FM23)SpireUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 23 Spire-Minions (FM24)SpireUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 24 Satchmo (FM25)SpireUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 25 RDeaton (FM26)SpireUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 26 Smita-Sharad (FM27)SpireUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 27 Mia-Grace (FM28)SpireUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 28 NoguesCorreig (FM29)SpireUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 29 Tachikoma (FM30)SpireUS3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Nayif-1 (Emirates OSCAR 88, EO 88)Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre (MBRSC)United Arab Emirates1U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational, ?

Educational training and amateur radio communications.

PEASSS (PiezoElectric Assisted Smart Satellite Structure)ISISpaceNetherlands3U2017-02-15Reentered, Operational, ?

Demonstrate piezo actuated panels for power generation and instrument pointing.

Aalto-2 (FI01)Aalto UniversityFinland2U2017-04-18Reentered, Was operational

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

ALTAIR 1 (ALTAIR Pathfinder)Millennium Space SystemsUS6U (1x6U)2017-04-18Reentered, Was operational

Test flight of ALTAIR bus.

Aoxiang-1 (Ao Xiang-1, Aoxiang yi hao, BE04, CN04)Northwestern Polytechnical UniversityChina2U2017-04-18Reentered, Operational

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

Atlantis (QBUS 2, US02)University of MichiganUS2U2017-04-18Reentered, Operational

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

BeEagleSat (TR01)ITU (Istanbul Technical University)Turkey2U2017-04-18Reentered, Was semi-operational

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

Challenger (QBUS 1, US01)University of Colorado BoulderUS2U2017-04-18Reentered, Operational

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

Columbia (QBUS 4, US04)University of TuraboUS2U2017-04-18Reentered, Operational

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

CSUNSat 1 (CSUNSat1, California State University Northridge Sat)California State UniversityUS2U2017-04-18Reentered, Was operational

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

CXBN 2 (The Cosmic X-Ray Background NanoSat-2, CXBN-2)Morehead State UniversityUS2U2017-04-18Reentered, No signal

Measure diffuse x-ray background radiation.

Duchifat-2 (Hoopoe-2, IL01)Herzliya Science CenterIsrael2U2017-04-18Reentered, Operational

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

DUTHSat (DUTH, GR01)Democritus University of ThraceGreece2U2017-04-18Reentered, Was operational

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

Ex-Alta 1 (Experimental Albertan #1, EXALTA-1, CA03)University of AlbertaCanada3U2017-04-18Reentered, Operational

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere and demonstrate fluxgate magnetometer.

Ex-Alta 1
HavelSat (TR02)ITU (Istanbul Technical University)Turkey2U2017-04-18Reentered, Was semi-operational

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

i-INSPIRE II (Inspire-2, AU03)University of SydneyAustralia2U2017-04-18Reentered, Operational

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

IceCube (Earth-1)NASA Goddard Space Flight CenterUS3U2017-04-18Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate 883-gigahertz submillimeter-wave receiver to measure atmospheric ice.

IceCube (Earth-1)
KySat-3 (SGSat)University of KentuckyUS1U2017-04-18Reentered, No signal

Evaluate a new Stellar Gyroscope attitude determination system.

Lemur-2 30 JennyBarna (FM31)SpireUS3U2017-04-18Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 31 Angela (FM32)SpireUS3U2017-04-18Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 32 SpiroVision (FM33)SpireUS3U2017-04-18Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 33 RobMoore (FM34)SpireUS3U2017-04-18Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

LilacSat-1 (Zidingxiang-1, BE02, CN02)Harbin Institute of TechnologyChina2U2017-04-18Reentered, Operational

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

Link (Little Intelligent Nanosatellite of KAIST, KR01)Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)South Korea2U2017-04-18Reentered, Was semi-operational

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

NJUST-1 (BE03)Nanjing University of Science and TechnologyChina2U2017-04-18Reentered, Semi-operational, ?

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

nSIGHT (nSIGHT1, nSight-1, AZ02)Space Advisory CompanySouth Africa2U2017-04-18Reentered, Operational

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

PHOENIX (TW01)National Cheng Kung UniversityTaiwan2U2017-04-18Reentered, Operational

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

PolyITAN-2-SAU (KPI-SAU, UA01)National Technical University of UkraineUkraine2U2017-04-18Reentered, Operational

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

qbee (qbee50-LTU-OC, SE01, QB01, OBEE50 LTU-OC )Luleå University of Technology (LTU)Sweden2U2017-04-18Reentered, Semi-operational

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

Qbito (ES01)Polytechnic University of MadridSpain2U2017-04-18Reentered, No signal

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere and demonstrate medium-wave infrared detector.

SHARC Biarri-Point (Spacecraft for High Accuraccy Radar Calibration)Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)US5U2017-04-18Reentered, Unknown, Likely operational

Provide radar calibration for ground based radars.

SHARC Biarri-Point
SNUSat-1 (KR02)Seoul National UniversitySouth Korea2U2017-04-18No signal, Reentered

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

SNUSat-1b (KR03)Seoul National UniversitySouth Korea2U2017-04-18Reentered, Semi-operational

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere and validate FDIR algorithms.

SOMP2 (SOMP 2, SOMP-2, DE02)Dresden University of TechnologyGermany2U2017-04-18Reentered, No signal

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere and measure atomic oxygen.

SpaceCube (FR05)Mines ParistechFrance2U2017-04-18Reentered, Operational, ?

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

SUSat (AU01)University of AdelaideAustralia2U2017-04-18Reentered, No signal

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

UNSW-EC0 (AU02)University of New South Wales (UNSW Canberra)Australia2U2017-04-18Reentered, Operational

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere and test GPS-RO receiver.

UPSat (CubeSat by the University of Patras, GR02)Libre Space FoundationGreece2U2017-04-18Reentered, Was operational, Was semi-operational

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

X-Cubesat (XCubeSat, FR01)Ecole PolytechniqueFrance2U2017-04-18Reentered, Operational

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

ZA-AeroSat (AZ01, ZA Aerosat)Cape Peninsula University of TechnologySouth Africa3U2017-04-18Reentered, Semi-operational

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

SilkRoad-1 01 (Silk Road, Silu 1)Xi'an Institute of Surveying and MappingChina3U2017-04-20Reentered, Unknown

Pathfinder for a constellation of around 30 satellites operating across a variety of wavelengths.

BIRD-B (Brac Onnesha, BIRDS-1, BIRD BB)Brac UniversityBangladesh1U2017-06-03Reentered, Semi-operational

Amateur radio communications and educational training.

Brac Onnesha
BIRD-G (Ghanasat 1, ANUSAT-1, BIRDS-1, BIRD GG)Kyushu Institute of TechnologyGhana1U2017-06-03Reentered, No signal

Amateur radio communications and educational training.

Ghanasat 1
BIRD-J (Toki, BIRDS-1, BIRD JJ)Kyushu Institute of TechnologyJapan1U2017-06-03Reentered, Was semi-operational

Amateur radio communications and educational training.

BIRD-M (Mazaalai, NUMSAT 1, BIRDS-1, BIRD MM)Kyushu Institute of TechnologyMongolia1U2017-06-03Reentered, Semi-operational

Amateur radio communications and educational training.

BIRD-N (Nigeria EduSat-1, BIRDS-1, BIRD NN)Federal University of Technology AkureNigeria1U2017-06-03Reentered, Semi-operational

Amateur radio communications and educational training.

Nigeria EduSat-1
Tanyusha-YuZGU 1 (Radioskaf RS-6, Tanyusha-SWSU 1, Tanusha-SWSU 1 Tanusha 1, RS-6S)Southwestern State UniversityRussia3U2017-06-14Reentered, Was operational

Achieve autonomous grouping of satellites in space and measure density of vacuum.

Tanyusha-YuZGU 2 (Radioskaf RS-7, Tanyusha-SWSU 2, Tanusha-SWSU 2, Tanusha 2)Southwestern State UniversityRussia3U2017-06-14Reentered, Was operational

Achieve autonomous grouping of satellites in space and measure density of vacuum.

TNS 0-2 (Technologicesky Nanosputnik, TNS-0 No. 2, TNS-0#2)Southwestern State UniversityRussia3U2017-06-14Reentered, Operational

Use of the GlobalStar communication system. Obtain the flight qualification of the instruments and sensors installed onboard.

TNS 0-2
Aalto-1 (Aalto1)Aalto UniversityFinland3U2017-06-23Reentered, Semi-operational, Was operational, ?

Build first Finnish Earth Observation nanosatellite and demonstrate technologies including E-sail.

CICERO-6 (Community Initiative for Continuous Earth Remote Observation)GeoOpticsUS6U2017-06-23Reentered, Was operational

Demonstration of GPS radio occultation sensor that allows the measurement of global weather pattern with high accuracy.

D-Sat (Deorbit Satellite, DSAT)D-OrbitItaly3U2017-06-23Was operational

Test deorbiting device and disaster alert payload.

Diamond - Blue (Diamond Blue)Sky and SpaceUK3U2017-06-23Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate voice, M2M and IoT communication services and ISL (Inter Satellite Link).

Diamond (Sky and Space Global)
Diamond - Green (Diamond Green)Sky and SpaceUK3U2017-06-23Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate voice, M2M and IoT communication services and ISL (Inter Satellite Link).

Diamond (Sky and Space Global)
Diamond - Red (Diamond Red)Sky and SpaceUK3U2017-06-23Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate voice, M2M and IoT communication services and ISL (Inter Satellite Link).

Diamond (Sky and Space Global)
DragSail-CubeSat (Dragsat-CubeSat, Compass-2, Compass 2, DE04)Aachen University of Applied SciencesGermany3U2017-06-23Reentered, No signal

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

InflateSail (GB06)University of SurreyUK3U2017-06-23Reentered, Operational

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

Lemur-2 34 ShainaJohl (FM35)SpireUS3U2017-06-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 35 XueniTerence (FM36)SpireUS3U2017-06-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 36 LucyBryce (FM37)SpireUS3U2017-06-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 37 KungFoo (FM38)SpireUS3U2017-06-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 38 McPeake (FM39)SpireUS3U2017-06-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 39 Sam-Amelia (FM40)SpireUS3U2017-06-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 40 LisaSaurus (FM41)SpireUS3U2017-06-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 41 Lynsey-Symo (FM42)SpireUS3U2017-06-23Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

LituanicaSAT-2 (LT01, LITUANICASAT 2)NanoAvionicsLithuania3U2017-06-23Reentered, Semi-operational, Was operational

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

Max ValierMax Valier Technical High SchoolItaly10 kg2017-06-23Reentered, Operational

Test small x-ray telescope and AIS receiver.

Max Valier
NUDTSat (BE06, CN06)National University of Defense Technology (NUDT)China2U2017-06-23Reentered, Operational

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

PACSCISAT (Tyvak-53b, Tyvak 53, Tyvak 53B, PacSci EMC, Pacific Scientific)TyvakUS3U2017-06-23Reentered, Was operational

Technology demonstration for deorbiting.

Pegasus (AT03)University of Applied Sciences Wiener NeustadtAustria2U2017-06-23Reentered, Operational

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

ROBUSTA-1BUniversity of MontpellierFrance1U2017-06-23Reentered, Operational

Measure the radiation induced degradation of electronic devices.

skCubeSlovak Organisation for Space ActivitiesSlovakia1U2017-06-23Reentered, Was semi-operational, Was operational

Observe the ultraviolet radiation upper atmosphere on the night side of the Earth

SUCHAIUniversity of ChileChile1U2017-06-23Was operational, Reentered

Educational training and optical camera to take photos of the Earth.

UCLSat (GB03)University College LondonUK2U2017-06-23Reentered, Was operational

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

Ursa Maior (URSA-MAIOR, University of Rome la SApienza Micropropulsion for Attitude and In Orbit debris Removal testing, IT02)Sapienza University of RomeItaly3U2017-06-23Reentered, Was operational

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

Ursa Maior
Venta-1University of Applied Sciences BremenLatvia7.5 kg2017-06-23Reentered, Was semi-operational, Was operational

Educational training and AIS receiver.

VZLUSAT-1 (CZ02)Aerospace Research and Test EstablishmentCzechia2U2017-06-23Reentered, Operational

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

CICERO-1 Demo (Community Initiative for Continuous Earth Remote Observation)GeoOpticsUS6U2017-07-14Was operational

Demonstration of GPS radio occultation sensor that allows the measurement of global weather pattern with high accuracy.

CICERO-2 (Community Initiative for Continuous Earth Remote Observation)GeoOpticsUS6U2017-07-14Was operational

Demonstration of GPS radio occultation sensor that allows the measurement of global weather pattern with high accuracy.

CICERO-3 (Community Initiative for Continuous Earth Remote Observation)GeoOpticsUS6U2017-07-14Was operational

Demonstration of GPS radio occultation sensor that allows the measurement of global weather pattern with high accuracy.

Ecuador-UTE-YuZGU (UTE-UESOR, Ekvador-UTE-YuZGU)Tecnologica Equinoccial University (UTE)Ecuador1U2017-07-14Was semi-operational

Educational training and amateur radio mission.

Flock-2k 1Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 2Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 3Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 4Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 5Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 6Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 7Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 8Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 9Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 10Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 11Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 12Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 13Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 14Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 15Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 16Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 17Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 18Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 19Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 20Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 21Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 22Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 23Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 24Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 25Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 26Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 27Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 28Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 29Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 30Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 31Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 32Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 33Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 34Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 35Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 36Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 37Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 38Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 39Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 40Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 41Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 42Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Deployment failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 43Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 44Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 45Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 46Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 47Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-2k 48Planet LabsUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Iskra-MAI-85Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI)Russia3U2017-07-14No signal

Educational training and using only domestically produced components.

Landmapper-BC 1 (Corvus-BC, Perseus-O)Astro DigitalUS6U2017-07-14No signal

Commercial constellation providing multispectral Earth observation data.

Corvus-BC (Landmapper-BC)
Landmapper-BC 2 (Corvus-BC, Perseus-O)Astro DigitalUS6U2017-07-14No signal

Commercial constellation providing multispectral Earth observation data.

Corvus-BC (Landmapper-BC)
Lemur-2 42 Greenberg (FM43)SpireUS3U2017-07-14Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 43 ArtFischer (FM44)SpireUS3U2017-07-14Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 44 Monson (FM45)SpireUS3U2017-07-14Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 45 Furiaus (FM46)SpireUS3U2017-07-14Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 46 Zachary (FM47)SpireUS3U2017-07-14Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 47 AndiS (FM48)SpireUS3U2017-07-14Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 48 PeterG (FM49)SpireUS3U2017-07-14Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 49 Dembitz (FM50)SpireUS3U2017-07-14Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

MayakMoscow State University of Mechanical EngineeringRussia3U2017-07-14No signal

Unfurl a very large reflector to become the brightest object in the sky.

MKA-N 1Dauria AerospaceRussia6U2017-07-14No signal

Multispectral imaging system with a resolution of 22 meters per pixel.

MKA-N 2Dauria AerospaceRussia6U2017-07-14No signal

Multispectral imaging system with a resolution of 22 meters per pixel.

NanoACETyvakUS3U2017-07-14Operational, ?

Validate CubeSat platform technologies and test propulsion module plus cameras.

ASTERIA (ExoplanetSat, Arcsecond Space Telescope Enabling Research in Astrophysics)NASA Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUS6U2017-08-14Reentered, Was operational

Telescope to monitor a single start for two years to find transiting exoplanets.

Dellingr (RBLE, Radiation Belt Loss Experiment)NASA Goddard Space Flight CenterUS6U2017-08-14Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform and magnetometer deployed on a boom.

OSIRIS-3U (Orbital Satellite for Investigating the Response of the Ionosphere to Stimulation and Space Weather)The Pennsylvania State UniversityUS3U2017-08-14No signal, Reentered

Study artificially create space weather events to research radiowave-plasma interactions.

DHFR (DARPA High Frequency Receiver Experiment)DARPAUS3U2017-08-26Reentered, No signal

DARPA High Frequency Receiver Experiment.

Prometheus 2.2USSOCOM (US Special Operations Command)US1.5U2017-08-26Reentered, Unknown, Likely operational

Demonstrate improved CubeSat platform.

Prometheus 2
Prometheus 2.4USSOCOM (US Special Operations Command)US1.5U2017-08-26Reentered, Unknown, Likely operational

Demonstrate improved CubeSat platform.

Prometheus 2
X37B CubeSat 1? (USA 295)DARPAUS3U2017-09-07Reentered, Unknown

Suspected CubeSats deployed from the Boeing X-37B OTV-5 mission.

X37B CubeSat 2? (USA 296)DARPAUS3U2017-09-07Reentered, Unknown

Suspected CubeSats deployed from the Boeing X-37B OTV-5 mission.

X37B CubeSat 3? (USA 297)DARPAUS3U2017-09-07Reentered, Unknown

Suspected CubeSats deployed from the Boeing X-37B OTV-5 mission.

Flock-3m 1Planet LabsUS3U2017-10-31Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3m 2Planet LabsUS3U2017-10-31Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3m 3Planet LabsUS3U2017-10-31Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3m 4Planet LabsUS3U2017-10-31Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Aerocube-7B (OCSD-B, Optical Communications and Sensor Demonstration, IOCPS-B, Integrated Optical Communications and Proximity Sensors)Aerospace CorporationUS1.5U2017-11-12Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate optical communications from a CubeSat and tracking of a nearby spacecraft.

Aerocube-7 (OCSD)
Aerocube-7C (OCSD-C, Optical Communications and Sensor Demonstration, IOCPS-B, Integrated Optical Communications and Proximity Sensors)Aerospace CorporationUS1.5U2017-11-12Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate optical communications from a CubeSat and tracking of a nearby spacecraft.

Aerocube-7 (OCSD)
Asgardia-1 (Asgardia 1)Asgardia SpaceUS2U2017-11-12Reentered, Operational, ?

Test the concept of long-term data storage in orbit around the Earth.

CHEFSat (Cost-effective High E-Frequency Satellite)US Naval Research LaboratoryUS3U2017-11-12Reentered, Operational

Test and prepare consumer communications technology for use in space

EcAMSat (E. Coli AntiMicrobialSat)NASA Ames Research CenterUS6U2017-11-12Reentered, Operational

Investigate how and microgravity affects the antibiotic resistance of E. coli

ISARA (Integrated Solar Array and Reflectarray Antenna for High Bandwidth CubeSat, CUMULOS)NASA Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUS3U2017-11-12Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate deployable reflectarray and Ka-band communications.

Lemur-2 50 Yonglin (FM51)SpireUS3U2017-11-12Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 51 Kevin (FM52)SpireUS3U2017-11-12Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 52 BrianDavie (FM53)SpireUS3U2017-11-12Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 53 Romacoste (FM54)SpireUS3U2017-11-12Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 54 RocketJonah (FM55)SpireUS3U2017-11-12Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 55 Liu-Poh-Chun (FM56)SpireUS3U2017-11-12Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 56 McCullagh (FM57)SpireUS3U2017-11-12Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 57 Dunlop (FM58)SpireUS3U2017-11-12Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

PropCube 2 (Fauna, Propagation CubeSat)Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) US1U2017-11-12Reentered, Operational

Performing dual frequency ionospheric calibration measurements of ionospheric electron density and irregularities.

TechEdSat-6 (TechEdSat 6, TES-6)NASA Ames Research CenterUS3U2017-11-12Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate an Exo-Brake system to provide a targeted nanosatellite de-orbit using fully propellant-less techniques and carries CUBIT identification tag.

MiRaTA (Microwave Radiometer Technology Acceleration)MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)US3U2017-11-14Was operational

Validate new technologies in both passive microwave radiometry and GPS radio occultation.

RadFxSat (Fox-1B)Vanderbilt UniversityUS1U2017-11-14Operational

Demonstrate an on-orbit platform for radiation qualification of components for space flight.

RadFxSat (Fox-1B)
Buccaneer Risk Mitigation (Buccaneer RMM, BRMM)Australian Defence Science and Technology OrganisationAustralia3U2017-11-18Reentered, Operational, ?

High frequency receiver for performance calibration of some aspects of the Over-the-Horizon Radar Network (JORN).

EagleSat 1Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, PrescottUS1U2017-11-18No signal

Test new memory types in space and detect Space Fence.

EagleSat 1
MakerSat-0 (MakerSat 0)Northwest Nazarene UniversityUS1U2017-11-18Was operational, Semi-operational

Test the in-space material properties of various 3D printed polymers.

AISSat-3Norwegian Space CentreNorway7 kg2017-11-28Launch failure

Operational mission of AIS messages collection.

D-Star OneGerman Orbital SystemsGermany3U2017-11-28Launch failure

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies and D-Star radios.

D-Star One
Helios Wire BIU (Landmapper-BC 4, Corvus-BC, SIRION Pathfinder)Helios WireUS6U2017-11-28Launch failure

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M.

Helios (SIRION Pathfinder)
Landmapper-BC 3 (Corvus-BC-C, Perseus-O)Astro DigitalUS6U2017-11-28Launch failure

Commercial constellation providing multispectral Earth observation data.

Corvus-BC (Landmapper-BC)
Lemur-2 58 McGarvey (FM59)SpireUS3U2017-11-28Launch failure

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 59 BenYeoh (FM60)SpireUS3U2017-11-28Launch failure

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 60 Harvey (FM61)SpireUS3U2017-11-28Launch failure

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 61 Matthew (FM62)SpireUS3U2017-11-28Launch failure

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 62 Maximillie (FM63)SpireUS3U2017-11-28Launch failure

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 63 Smilie-Face (FM64)SpireUS3U2017-11-28Launch failure

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 64 NRE-Metts (FM65)SpireUS3U2017-11-28Launch failure

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 65 CylonRaider (FM66)SpireUS3U2017-11-28Launch failure

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 66 Ector (FM67)SpireUS3U2017-11-28Launch failure

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 67 Craig (FM68)SpireUS3U2017-11-28Launch failure

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

SEAM (Small Explorer for Advanced Missions)Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)Sweden3U2017-11-28Launch failure

Demonstrate electromagnetically clean nanosatellite for various experiments.

Arkyd 6A (A6A)Planetary ResourcesUS6U2018-01-12Reentered, Was operational, Retired, ?

Test the instruments and deep space technologies for asteroid prospecting missions.

Arkyd 6
CANYVAL-X 1U JerryYonsei UniversitySouth Korea1U2018-01-12Reentered, No signal

Demonstrate CubeSat astronomy using virtual telescope alignment.

CANYVAL-X 2U TomYonsei UniversitySouth Korea2U2018-01-12Reentered, Was semi-operational

Demonstrate CubeSat astronomy using virtual telescope alignment.

CICERO-7 (Community Initiative for Continuous Earth Remote Observation, Tyvak-0085?)GeoOpticsUS6U2018-01-12Reentered, Operational

Demonstration of GPS radio occultation sensor that allows the measurement of global weather pattern with high accuracy.

CNUSail-1 (Papillon)Chungnam National UniversitySouth Korea3U2018-01-12Reentered, No signal

Deploy solar sail and perform on orbit maneuver.

DemoSat 2AstranisUS3U2018-01-12Reentered, Was operational, ?

Test a UHF radio payload for the planned microsatellite geostationary communication satellites.

DemoSat 2
Flock-3p' 1 (Flock 3pp)Planet LabsUS3U2018-01-12Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p' 2 (Flock 3pp)Planet LabsUS3U2018-01-12Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p' 3 (Flock 3pp)Planet LabsUS3U2018-01-12Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3p' 4 (Flock 3pp)Planet LabsUS3U2018-01-12Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Fox-1D (AO-92 or AMSAT OSCAR 92)The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT)US1U2018-01-12Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate high energy radiation instrument and amateur radio payload.

KAUSAT-5Korea Aerospace UniversitySouth Korea3U2018-01-12Reentered, No signal

Map Earth's surface in infrared and demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies.

Landmapper-BC 3v2 (Corvus-BC, Perseus-O, Corvus BC3)Astro DigitalUS6U2018-01-12Reentered, Retired, Operational, ?

Commercial constellation providing multispectral Earth observation data.

Corvus-BC (Landmapper-BC)
Lemur-2 68 McCafferty (FM69)SpireUS3U2018-01-12Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 69 PeterWebster (FM70)SpireUS3U2018-01-12Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 70 BrownCow (FM71)SpireUS3U2018-01-12Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 71 DaveWilson (FM72)SpireUS3U2018-01-12Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

MicroMAS-2 A (MicroMAS-2A)MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)US3U2018-01-12Reentered, Operational

Validate new ultra-compact and low-power technology for CubeSat-sized microwave radiometers.

PicSatParis ObservatoryFrance3U2018-01-12Reentered, Was operational

Observe the transit of the planet Beta Pictoris.

SIGMA (KHUSAT-3)Kyung Hee UniversitySouth Korea3U2018-01-12Reentered, Was semi-operational

Measure the Linear Energy Transfer (LET) spectrum.

SpaceBEE-1Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2018-01-12Reentered, Operational

Test two-way communications and data relay for planned IoT constellation.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-2Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2018-01-12Reentered, Operational

Test two-way communications and data relay for planned IoT constellation.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-3Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2018-01-12Reentered, Operational

Test two-way communications and data relay for planned IoT constellation.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-4Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2018-01-12Reentered, Operational

Test two-way communications and data relay for planned IoT constellation.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
STEP-1 (STEP Cube Lab)Chosun UniversitySouth Korea1U2018-01-12Reentered, Was operational, Semi-operational, ?

Demonstrate various technologies from universities including propulsion module.

Tyvak-61c (GEOStare, Tyvak 61C)TyvakUS3U2018-01-12Reentered, Operational

Test using CubeSats as Space Situational Awareness observatories.

Tyvak-61c (GEOStare)
Kepler 1 KIPP (Kepler-0)Kepler CommunicationsCanada3U2018-01-19Reentered, Operational

Pathfinder for upcoming constellation for IoT/M2M and wideband communications.

KIPP, CASE (Kepler)
TY-2 (Xiaoxiang 2, XX 2, TY2, Hunan Xiangjiang New Area, Xiaoxiang-2, Tianji-2)Changsha Gaoxinqu Tianyi Research InstituteChina6U2018-01-19Reentered, Was operational

Verify improved communications technologies and amateur radio payloads.

Xiaoxiang 2
TY-6 (Quantutong 1, QTT 1, QTT-1, TY6)Full-chart Location NetworkChina6U2018-01-19Reentered, Was operational

First technical verification satellite for the future communications constellation.

Quantutong 1
Zhou Enlai HA-1 (Huai'an Enlai, ZG2U)Teenagers Amateur Radio Center of Activity in Huaian China2U2018-01-19Reentered, Operational, ?

Amateur radio payloads and SSTV transmitter for images.

Zhou Enlai HA-1
Dove Pioneer (Planet Labs Tech-demo sat)Planet LabsUS3U2018-01-21Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove Pioneer
Lemur-2 72 Marshall (FM73)SpireUS3U2018-01-21Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 73 Tallhamn-ATC (FM74)SpireUS3U2018-01-21Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Weina 1A (NanoSat-1A, Chuangxing 6-6, Weixing-1A)?China3U2018-01-25Unknown
D-Star One v.1.1 PhoenixGerman Orbital SystemsGermany3U2018-02-01Reentered, Deployment failure

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies and D-Star radios.

D-Star One
Lemur-2 74 Jin-Luen (FM75)SpireUS3U2018-02-01Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 75 UramChanSol (FM76)SpireUS3U2018-02-01Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 76 Kadi (FM77)SpireUS3U2018-02-01Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 77 TheNickMolo (FM78)SpireUS3U2018-02-01Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

S-Net 1 (Tubsat 13, S-NET A)Technical University of BerlinGermany8 kg2018-02-01Operational, ?

Demonstrate multipoint inter-satellite-link with S-band transceiver.

S-Net 2 (Tubsat 14, S-NET B)Technical University of BerlinGermany8 kg2018-02-01Operational, ?

Demonstrate multipoint inter-satellite-link with S-band transceiver.

S-Net 3 (Tubsat 15, S-NET C)Technical University of BerlinGermany8 kg2018-02-01Operational, ?

Demonstrate multipoint inter-satellite-link with S-band transceiver.

S-Net 4 (Tubsat 16, S-NET D)Technical University of BerlinGermany8 kg2018-02-01Operational, ?

Demonstrate multipoint inter-satellite-link with S-band transceiver.

FMN-1 (FengMaNiu-1, FENGMANIU 1, Windmill One, ZG3U)Link Space Aerospace TechnologyChina3U2018-02-02Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate CubeSat components and amateur radio payload plus cameras.

GOMX-4A (Ulloriaq)GomSpaceDenmark6U2018-02-02Reentered, Operational

Surveillance demonstration for the Artic in AIS and ADS-B plus inter-satellite links.

GOMX-4B (GOMX4-B)GomSpaceDenmark6U2018-02-02Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate inter-satellite links, hyperspectral camera and propulsion module.

Juvenile (Junior Star, Shaonian Xing, MiniStar, Young Pioneer 1)CommsatChina3U2018-02-02Reentered, Operational

Amateur radio communications and SSTV transmission of images.

TRICOM 1R TasukiUniversity of TokyoJapan3U2018-02-03Reentered, Operational

Take pictures of the Earth.

TRICOM 1R Tasuki
Tanyusha-YuZGU 3 (Radioskaf RS-8, Tanyusha-SWSU 3, Tanusha 3, Tanusha-SWSU 4)Southwestern State UniversityRussia3U2018-02-13Reentered, Operational, ?

Achieve autonomous grouping of satellites in space and measure density of vacuum.

Tanyusha-YuZGU 4 (Radioskaf RS-9, Tanyusha-SWSU 4, Tanusha 4, Tanusha-SWSU 4)Southwestern State UniversityRussia3U2018-02-13Reentered, Operational, ?

Achieve autonomous grouping of satellites in space and measure density of vacuum.

1KUNS-PF (1KUNS-PF)University of NairobiKenya1U2018-04-02Reentered, Operational

Educational project with satellite technology. Earth Observation and technological tests.

DebrisSat-1 (DSAT#1, DS1, Net, RemoveDEBRIS, REMDEB-DS1)SSTLUK2U2018-04-02Reentered, Was operational

Targets for space debris demonstration mission.

DebrisSat-2 (DSAT#2, DS2, VBN, RemoveDEBRIS, REMDEB-DS2)SSTLUK2U2018-04-02Reentered, Was operational

Targets for space debris demonstration mission.

Irazu (Batsu-CS 1, Irazy, Irazú, Dspace)Costa Rican Institute of Technology (TEC)Costa Rica1U2018-04-02Reentered, Operational

Educational training and monitor the growth in biomass of planted trees.

UBAKUSATITU (Istanbul Technical University)Turkey3U2018-04-02Reentered, Was operational

Amateur radio communications and telemetry transmission.

Weina 1B (NanoSat-1B, Chuangxing 6-6, Weixing-1B)?China3U2018-04-10Unknown
MarCO 1 (Mars Cube One, WALL-E, MarCO-A)NASA Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUS6U2018-05-05Was operational

First interplanetary CubeSat and relay data during Insight landing on Mars.

MarCO 2 (Mars Cube One, EVE, MarCO-B)NASA Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUS6U2018-05-05Was operational

First interplanetary CubeSat and relay data during Insight landing on Mars.

AeroCube-12 A (AC12-A, AeroCube 12A)Aerospace CorporationUS3U2018-05-21Reentered, Operational, ?

Demonstrate new CubeSat platform technologies and nanotechnology payloads.

AeroCube-12 B (AC12-B, AeroCube 12B)Aerospace CorporationUS3U2018-05-21Reentered, Operational, ?

Demonstrate new CubeSat platform technologies and nanotechnology payloads.

CubeRRT (CubeSat Radiometer RFI Technology Validation )Ohio State UniversityUS6U2018-05-21Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate technologies for Earth-sensing microwave radiometers.

EnduroSat A (EnduroSat One)EnduroSatBulgaria1U2018-05-21Reentered, Operational, ?

Amateur radio payloads for educational training.

EnduroSat A
EQUiSatBrown UniversityUS1U2018-05-21Reentered, Semi-operational

Educational training with LED beacon visible from Earth.

HaloSat (Halo-Sat)University of IowaUS6U2018-05-21Reentered, Operational

Map the distribution of hot gas in the Milky Way by measuring soft X-ray emissions.

Lemur-2 78 TomHenderson (FM79)SpireUS3U2018-05-21Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 79 Yuasa (FM80)SpireUS3U2018-05-21Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 80 Alexander (FM81)SpireUS3U2018-05-21Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 81 Vu (FM82)SpireUS3U2018-05-21Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

MemSat (MemSat-1)Rowan UniversityUS1U2018-05-21Reentered, No signal

Compare memristors to silicon-based memory in space applications.

RadixHedron (Analytical Space)US6U2018-05-21Reentered, Operational

First pilot satellite for demonstration of the concept of operations for a RF optical data relay.

RadSat-g (RADSat)Montana State UniversityUS3U2018-05-21Reentered, Operational, ?

Demonstrate computer architecture designed to mitigate radiation induced faults.

RainCube (Radar in a CubeSat)NASAUS6U2018-05-21Reentered, Operational

Deployable Ka-band parabolic antenna for rain precipitation measurements.

TEMPEST-D (Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems - Demonstrator)Colorado State UniversityUS6U2018-05-21Reentered, Operational

Risk mitigation for the TEMPEST mission that will provide the first temporal observations of cloud and precipitation processes.

Luojia 1-01 (LJ 1-01)Wuhan UniversityChina6U2018-06-02Operational

Night-light Earth observation with 100 m resolution and prototype for future constellation.

BHUTAN-1 (BIRDS-2)?Bhutan1U2018-06-29Reentered, Operational

Amateur radio communications and educational training.

Biarri-Squad 1US Air Force Space CommandUS3U2018-06-29On ISS, Unknown, ?

International defence-science collaborative program

Biarri-Squad 2US Air Force Space CommandUS3U2018-06-29On ISS, Unknown, ?

International defence-science collaborative program

Biarri-Squad 3US Air Force Space CommandUS3U2018-06-29On ISS, Unknown, ?

International defence-science collaborative program

MAYA-1 (BIRDS-2)University of the PhilippinesPhilippines1U2018-06-29Reentered, Operational

Amateur radio communications and educational training.

UiTMSAT-1 (BIRDS-2)Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)Malaysia1U2018-06-29Reentered, Operational

Amateur radio communications and educational training.

SiriusSat 1 (SiriusSat-1)Sirius Educational CentreRussia1U2018-07-09Reentered, Operational

Assembled by schoolchildren for educational training plus particle detector payload.

SiriusSat 2 (SiriusSat-2)Sirius Educational CentreRussia1U2018-07-09Reentered, Operational

Assembled by schoolchildren for educational training plus particle detector payload.

CP7 (DAVE, Damping and Vibrations Experiment, CP-7)California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly)US1U2018-09-15Reentered, Operational

Characterize particle damper in microgravity and camera to take photos of Earth.

CP7 (Dave)
ELFIN-A (ELFIN, Electron Losses and Fields Investigation)University of CaliforniaUS3U2018-09-15Reentered, Operational

Explore the mechanisms responsible for the loss of relativistic electrons from the radiation belts.

ELFIN-B (ELFIN-STAR, ELFIN*, Electron Losses and Fields Investigation)University of CaliforniaUS3U2018-09-15Reentered, Operational

Explore the mechanisms responsible for the loss of relativistic electrons from the radiation belts.

SurfSatUniversity of Central FloridaUS2U2018-09-15Reentered, No signal

Measure plasma-induced surface charging and electrostatic discharge measurements.

RSP-00 (RymanSat Project)Rymansat Project (Lehman Sat)Japan1U2018-09-22Reentered, No signal

Launch messages collected from the public and amateur radio communications plus camera and high-speed transmitter.

SPATIUM (Space Precision Atomic-clock TIming Utility Mission)Kyushu Institute of TechnologyJapan2U2018-09-22Reentered, Operational

Chip scale atomic clock to help map ionosphere plasma density.

STARS-Me A Mother (Tenryu, Space Tethered Autonomous Robotic Satellite)Shizuoka UniversityJapan1U2018-09-22Reentered, Was operational, ?

Connected by tether to research technologies for space elevator.

STARS-Me A Mother (Tenryu, Space Tethered Autonomous Robotic Satellite) copyShizuoka UniversityJapan1U2018-09-22Reentered, Was operational, ?

Connected by tether to research technologies for space elevator.

AUTCube2 (Gamacube)Aichi University of TechnologyJapan1U2018-10-29No signal

Artificial star seen by the eye CubeSat seen with the Naked Eye.

Changsha gaoxin (Changshagaoxin, TY4-01, TY-7, Zergling)SpacetyChina6U2018-10-29Reentered, Operational

Amateur radio payload satellite and also a technology verification for a next-generation 20U Spacety satellite platform.

CubeBel-1 (BSUSat-1, CubeBel1)Belarusian State UniversityBelarus2U2018-10-29Reentered, Operational

Educational training and demonstration of attitude control plus camera and radiation spectrometer.

Stars-AOShizuoka UniversityJapan1U2018-10-29Was semi-operational

Test super high sensitivity camera WAT-910BD made in WATEC.

Tianqi-1 (Tiange 1, Tianqi yi hao, Apocalypse 1)Guodian GaokeChina6U2018-10-29Unknown

Demonstration mission for IoT constellation to launch 38 by end of 2020.

Tongchuan-1 (Tongchuan No. 1, Zhaojin-1, TY4-02, TY-5, PolarLight)SpacetyChina6U2018-10-29Reentered, Operational

Pick up signals from gamma-ray bursts.

Xiaoxiang-1-02 (TY1-02, TY-4)LaserFleetChina6U2018-10-29Operational

New-technology verification satellite for laser communications.

Xinghe (TY1-03, Tianfuguoxing-1, TY-3)ADASPACEChina6U2018-10-29Reentered, Operational

Remote sensing and 'AI' demonstration for Earth observation constellation.

CICERO-10 (Community Initiative for Continuous Earth Remote Observation, Tyvak-0086)GeoOpticsUS6U2018-11-11Reentered, Operational

Demonstration of GPS radio occultation sensor that allows the measurement of global weather pattern with high accuracy.

Irvine01 (Irvine 01)Woodbridge High SchoolUS1U2018-11-11Reentered, Operational

Educational training plus camera and propulsion module from Accion.

Lemur-2 82 Zupanski (FM83)SpireUS3U2018-11-11Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 83 Chanusiak (FM84)SpireUS3U2018-11-11Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Proxima IFleet SpaceAustralia1.5U2018-11-11Reentered, Operational

IoT satellite network.

Proxima (Fleet)
Proxima IIFleet SpaceAustralia1.5U2018-11-11Reentered, Operational

IoT satellite network.

Proxima (Fleet)
CHEFSat 2 (Cost-effective High E-Frequency Satellite, CHEFSAT-2)US Naval Research LaboratoryUS3U2018-11-17Reentered, Unknown

Test and prepare consumer communications technology for use in space

KickSat-2Cornell UniversityUS3U2018-11-17Reentered, Semi-operational

Reflight of KickSat to carry and deploy 200 Sprites.

MYSAT-1 (MI CubeSat)Khalifa University of Science and TechnologyUnited Arab Emirates1U2018-11-17Reentered, Operational

Educational training plus small camera for vegetation monitoring and new type of battery.

3CAT-1 (CubeCat-1)Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC, BarcelonaTECH)Spain1U2018-11-29Reentered, Operational, ?

Find out how plasma conditions at space affect wireless energy transmission.

Centauri-2 (Centauri II, CENTAURI 2)Fleet SpaceAustralia3U2018-11-29Reentered, Operational

IoT satellite network.

Centauri (Fleet)
CICERO-8 (Community Initiative for Continuous Earth Remote Observation, Tyvak-0087)GeoOpticsUS6U2018-11-29Reentered, Operational

Demonstration of GPS radio occultation sensor that allows the measurement of global weather pattern with high accuracy.

FACSAT-1 (FAC SAT)Colombian Air ForceColombia3U2018-11-29Reentered, Operational

Pathfinder for potential future low-inclination constellation with camera.

Flock-3r 1Planet LabsUS3U2018-11-29Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3r 2Planet LabsUS3U2018-11-29Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3r 3Planet LabsUS3U2018-11-29Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3r 4Planet LabsUS3U2018-11-29Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3r 5Planet LabsUS3U2018-11-29Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3r 6Planet LabsUS3U2018-11-29Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3r 7Planet LabsUS3U2018-11-29Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3r 8Planet LabsUS3U2018-11-29Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3r 9Planet LabsUS3U2018-11-29Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3r 10Planet LabsUS3U2018-11-29Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3r 11Planet LabsUS3U2018-11-29Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3r 12Planet LabsUS3U2018-11-29Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3r 13Planet LabsUS3U2018-11-29Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3r 14Planet LabsUS3U2018-11-29Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3r 15Planet LabsUS3U2018-11-29Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3r 16Planet LabsUS3U2018-11-29Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Hiber One (Hiber 1, Hiber-1, HiberOne)HiberNetherlands6U2018-11-29Reentered, Was operational, ?, Retired

Test the initial IoT/M2M service.

HSAT-1L3HarrisUS6U2018-11-29Reentered, Operational

Orbital testbed for technology development and Earth observation.

InnoSat-2 (Innovative Satellite 2)ATSB (Astronautic Technology Sdn Bhd)Malaysia3U2018-11-29Reentered, Operational

Dosimeter, a CMOS camera and an experimental reaction wheel.

Kepler 2 CASE (Kepler-1, CASE)Kepler CommunicationsCanada3U2018-11-29Reentered, Operational

Pathfinder for upcoming constellation for IoT/M2M and wideband communications.

KIPP, CASE (Kepler)
Lemur-2 84 Orzulak (FM85)SpireUS3U2018-11-29Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 85 Vladimir (FM86)SpireUS3U2018-11-29Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 86 Kobyszcze (FM87)SpireUS3U2018-11-29Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 87 Duly (FM88)SpireUS3U2018-11-29Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Reaktor Hello WorldKuva SpaceFinland2U2018-11-29Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform, take photos and amateur radio mission.

Reaktor Hello World
AISTECHSAT-2 (AISTECH2U-1)AistechSpain2U2018-12-03Operational

Commercial constellation for ADS-B and IoT/M2M.

Al-Farabi-2 (Al–Farabi 2)Al-Farabi Kazak National UniversityKazakhstan1U2018-12-03Semi-operational, Was operational, ?

Educational mission with self-developed OBC and studying the effect of radiation on memory chips.

Al-Farabi 2
Astrocast 0.1 Kiwi (ACN-0, Astrocast-1)AstrocastSwitzerland3U2018-12-03Operational

Constellation demonstrator for IoT/M2M services and radio amateur missions.

Astrocast 0
Audacy Zero (Audacy-0, POINTR)AudacyUS3U2018-12-03No signal

Test in-house hardware to provide continuous communications between satellites and operator.

Audacy Zero
BlackHawk (Black Hawk)ViasatUS6U2018-12-03Unknown, ?

Technological demonstrator for ViaSat by Blue Canyon Technologies.

BRIO (Myriota)MyriotaUS3U2018-12-03Operational, ?

Test IoT/M2M service payload for Myriota.

Centauri-1 (Centauri I)Fleet SpaceAustralia3U2018-12-03Operational

IoT satellite network.

Centauri (Fleet)
CSIM (CSIM-FD, CSIM FD, (Compact Solar Irradiance Monitor)University of Colorado BoulderUS6U2018-12-03Was operational, Retired, ?

Observe the solar spectral irradiance and amateur radio transmissions.

EAGLET-1OHB ItaliaItaly3U2018-12-03Operational

Precursor to 20 satellite constellation for AIS and Earth observation.

Elysium-Star 2 (ELYUSIUM, Shooting Star Memorial)Elysium SpaceUS1U2018-12-03Deployment prohibited, Passive, On spacecraft

Carry loved one ashes, lock of hairs, or meaningful mementos and carries CUBIT identification tag.

Elysium-Star 2
ENOCH (LACMA)LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art)US3U2018-12-03Reentered, Passive

CubeSat-size work of art to be launched into space and carries CUBIT identification tag.

ExseedSat-1 (Exseed Sat-1, Vusat-OSCAR-96 )Exseed SpaceIndia3U2018-12-03Was operational, ?

Demonstrate CubeSat platform and amateur radio communications.

Flock-3s 1Planet LabsUS3U2018-12-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3s 2Planet LabsUS3U2018-12-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3s 3Planet LabsUS3U2018-12-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Fox-1C (Fox 1Cliff, AO-95)The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT)US1U2018-12-03Semi-operational

FM repeater, camera and radiation experiment.

Hiber Two (Hiber 2, Hiber-2, HiberTwo)HiberNetherlands6U2018-12-03Was operational, ?, Retired

Test the initial IoT/M2M service.

ICE-Cap (IceCAP, Integrated Communications Extension Capability)US Navy PEO Space Systems (NAVWAR, SPAWAR)US3U2018-12-03Unknown, ?

Demonstrate communications through the Mobile User Objective System to send data to users on secure networks.

IRVINE02University High SchoolUS1U2018-12-03Was semi-operational, ?

Demonstrate electric propulsion system plus camera for educational purposes.

ITASAT 1 (ITASAT-1)Technological Institute of AeronauticsBrazil6U2018-12-03Semi-operational

Test Brazilian data collection transponder for the Brazilian Data Collection System and Argos System.

JY1-SAT (JY1SAT)Crown Prince FoundationJordan1U2018-12-03Semi-operational, Was operational, ?

SSTV transmitter for radio amateurs and educational training.

K2SATRepublic of Korea Air Force AcademySouth Korea3U2018-12-03Was semi-operational

Amateur radio missions plus camera to take photos.

KazSciSat-1GhalamKazakhstan3U2018-12-03No signal, Unknown, ?

Examine the Earth’s ionosphere to identify the effects of natural and man-made impacts on the Earth’s magnetic field.

KNACKSAT (KMUTNB Academic Challenge of Knowledge SATellite)King Mongkut's University of TechnologyThailand1U2018-12-03Was semi-operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies plus camera to take photos of Earth.

Landmapper-BC 4v2 (Corvus-BC4 v2, Perseus-O)Astro DigitalUS6U2018-12-03Operational, Retired, ?

Commercial constellation providing multispectral Earth observation data.

Corvus-BC (Landmapper-BC)
MinXSS-2 (Miniature X-ray Solar Spectrometer CubeSat)University of Colorado BoulderUS3U2018-12-03Was operational

Better understand the energy distribution of solar flare soft X-ray (SXR) emissions and its impact on Earth’s atmosphere.

MOVE-II (Munich Orbital Verification Experiment)Technical University of Munich (TUM)Germany1U2018-12-03Operational

Detecting antiprotons in South Atlantic Anomaly. S-band downlink.

Orbital Reflector (ORS-1)Nevada Museum of ArtUS3U2018-12-03Was operational

Deploy large reflective sculpture.

Orbital Reflector
Pathfinder II (Pathfinder-2, Helios, SIRION)Helios WireUS6U2018-12-03Operational

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M.

Helios (SIRION Pathfinder)
Polar Scout A (ORS-7, Polar Scout 1, ORS-7, Kodiak)US Coast GuardUS6U2018-12-03Operational

Provide a maritime surveillance capability for the U.S. Coast Guard to detect position of emergency beacons.

Polar Scout
Polar Scout B (ORS-7, Polar Scout 2, ORS-7, Yukon)US Coast GuardUS6U2018-12-03Operational

Provide a maritime surveillance capability for the U.S. Coast Guard to detect position of emergency beacons.

Polar Scout
PW-Sat2 (PWSat-2, PW-SAT2)Warsaw University of TechnologyPoland2U2018-12-03Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate solar sail for deorbiting and sun sensor.

RAAF M1 ( (CubeSat-M1)University of New South Wales (UNSW Canberra)Australia3U2018-12-03No signal

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies and collect AIS and ADS-B messages.

RANGE-A (Ranging And Nanosatellite Guidance Experiment)Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)US1.5U2018-12-03Semi-operational, ?, Unknown

Formation flying and inter-satellite laser ranging system, which also supports communications.

RANGE-B (Ranging And Nanosatellite Guidance Experiment)Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)US1.5U2018-12-03Semi-operational, ?, Unknown

Formation flying and inter-satellite laser ranging system, which also supports communications.

SeaHawk-1University of North Carolina WilmingtonUS3U2018-12-03Operational

Demonstrate miniature ocean color sensor.

Snuglite (SNULITE)Seoul National UniversitySouth Korea2U2018-12-03Semi-operational, Was operational, ?

Amateur radio communication and demonstrate in-house GPS receiver.

SNUSat-2Seoul National UniversitySouth Korea3U2018-12-03Was semi-operational, ?

Early-stage disaster monitoring and demonstrate in-house technologies.

SpaceBEE-5Swarm TechnologiesUS1U2018-12-03Reentered, Operational

Test the world’s smallest two-way communications satellites for future constellation.

SpaceBEE 1U
SpaceBEE-6Swarm TechnologiesUS1U2018-12-03Operational

Test the world’s smallest two-way communications satellites for future constellation.

SpaceBEE 1U
SpaceBEE-7Swarm TechnologiesUS1U2018-12-03Operational

Test the world’s smallest two-way communications satellites for future constellation.

SpaceBEE 1U
SPAWAR-CAL-O (STAR-3A, DoD CubeSat 2A)US Navy PEO Space Systems (NAVWAR, SPAWAR)US1U2018-12-03Passive

Calibration targets and technology demonstrations to improve tracking of small objects in space.

SPAWAR-CAL-OR (STAR-3, DoD CubeSat 2C)US Navy PEO Space Systems (NAVWAR, SPAWAR)US1U2018-12-03Passive

Calibration targets and technology demonstrations to improve tracking of small objects in space.

SPAWAR-CAL-R (STAR-3, DoD CubeSat 2B)US Navy PEO Space Systems (NAVWAR, SPAWAR)US1U2018-12-03Passive

Calibration targets and technology demonstrations to improve tracking of small objects in space.

Suomi 100 (Finland100)Aalto UniversityFinland1U2018-12-03Operational

Celebrate Finland's 100th independence with camera and low-frequency receiver to detect auroras.

Suomi 100
THEA (Aurora Insight, Alpha)SpaceQuestUS3U2018-12-03Operational

Test and evaluate a spectrum survey payload developed by Aurora Insight.

VESTAHoneywellUS3U2018-12-03Operational, ?

Test new two-way VHF payload for the exactEarth maritime satellite constellation.

VisionCubeKorea Aerospace UniversitySouth Korea2U2018-12-03No signal

Obtain images of Transient Luminous Events in the upper atmosphere.

WeissSat-1Weiss SchoolUS1U2018-12-03Operational, ?

Validate a novel lab-on-a-chip system that will demonstrate a live/dead fluorescent dye staining approach and microfluidics.

CAT A (CAT-1, CubeSat Assessment and Test, CATSat-1)Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL)US3U2018-12-05Reentered, Operational

Key lessons learned from the ORS TECH and RAVAN missions are being applied to this mission.

CAT (CubeSat Assessment and Test)
CAT B (CAT-2, CubeSat Assessment and Test, CATSat-2)Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL)US3U2018-12-05Reentered, Operational

Key lessons learned from the ORS TECH and RAVAN missions are being applied to this mission.

CAT (CubeSat Assessment and Test)
Delphini-1 (AUSAT, AUSAT-1)Aarhus UniversityDenmark1U2018-12-05Reentered, Operational

Educational training plus NanoEye camera.

Quantum Radar 1 (SEOPS-Quantum Radar-1)SEOPSUS3U2018-12-05Reentered, Passive

Covered with optical reflectors to investigate Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite decay characteristics.

Quantum Radar 2 (SEOPS-Quantum Radar-2)SEOPSUS3U2018-12-05Reentered, Passive

Covered with optical reflectors to investigate Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite decay characteristics.

TechEdSat-8 (TES-8)NASA Ames Research CenterUS6U2018-12-05Reentered, Was operational

Further develop and demonstrate the Exo-Brake system through full recovery of a payload.

UNITE (Undergraduate Nano Ionospheric Temperature Explorer)Purdue UniversityUS3U2018-12-05Reentered, Operational, ?

Make a series of global measurements in the lower ionosphere to asses drag and compare against thermal models.

Ladybird-2 (Ladybug, lvis Presley Star, Piao chong 2, Maowang Shouyinji Xing )CommsatChina6U2018-12-07Reentered, Operational

Demonstration for IoT constellation.

LadyBird-3 (Ladybug, Hua Mi, Hua Mi Xing (华米星), Piao chong 3, Huami xing)CommsatChina6U2018-12-07Reentered, Unknown

Demonstration for IoT constellation.

LadyBird-4 (Ladybug, Piao chong 4, Panda Star?)CommsatChina6U2018-12-07Reentered, Operational

Demonstration for IoT constellation.

LadyBird-5 (Ladybug, Linda Education Satellite, Piao chong 5, Likeda jiaoyu weixing)CommsatChina3U2018-12-07Operational

Demonstration for IoT constellation.

LadyBird-6 (Ladybug, Tmall International, Piao chong 6, Tianmao guoji xing)CommsatChina3U2018-12-07Reentered, Unknown

Demonstration for IoT constellation.

LadyBird-7 (Ladybug, RE: X, RE:X xing, Piao chong 7)CommsatChina3U2018-12-07Reentered, Unknown

Demonstration for IoT constellation.

TFSTAR (Douyu-666, Xingshidai-2?, TY-10)SpacetyChina6U2018-12-07Operational, ?

Educational mission and live broadcasts.

TY/DF-1 (TY?-01, Sagittarius-01, Tianfu Guoxing 2, Xingshidai 2, TY-9)ADASPACEChina6U2018-12-07Operational, ?

On-board AI platform with image processing capability.

TY3-01 (Xijiang Jiantong-1, Xinjiang Jiaotong-01, Tianfu Xinghe, TY-8)SpacetyChina6U2018-12-07Operational, ?

Serve the transportation infrastructure construction in Xinjiang.

Weina-1 (Wei Na No. 1, MN-10)MinoSpace (Beijing Weina Star Technology Co, Weina Xingkong Keji)China6U2018-12-07Operational

Remote sensing camera with a resolution of 10m@550km and a swath width of 25km.

AeroCube-11A (AC11, TOMSat Eagle Scout , Rapid + Responsive + Reimagined, Testbed for Optical Missions Satellite, AEROCUBE 11-EAGLESCOUT)Aerospace CorporationUS3U2018-12-16Reentered, Operational

Multispectral pushbroom imager and laser transmitter for downlink.

AeroCube-11 (TOMSat, R3)
AeroCube-11B (AC11, TOMSat R3, Rapid + Responsive + Reimagined, Testbed for Optical Missions Satellite, AEROCUBE 11-R3)Aerospace CorporationUS3U2018-12-16Reentered, Operational

Multispectral pushbroom imager and laser transmitter for downlink.

AeroCube-11 (TOMSat, R3)
ALBus (Advanced Electrical Bus)NASA Glenn Research CenterUS3U2018-12-16Reentered, Was operational

Demonstrate efficient battery charging and 100 Watt distribution.

CeREs (Compact Radiation Belt Explorer)NASA Goddard Space Flight CenterUS3U2018-12-16Reentered, Was semi-operational

Study primary radiation belt energization, as well as loss electron spectra and microbursts.

CHOMPTT (CubeSat Handling of Multisystem Precision Time Transfer)University of FloridaUS3U2018-12-16Reentered, Was operational

Demonstrate low cost, precision time transfer between ground and satellite using a laser.

CP11 (ISX, Ionospheric Scintillation eXplorer)California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly)US3U2018-12-16Reentered, No signal

Study multi-frequency radio wave interference produced by the atmosphere at sunset near the equator.

CP11 (ISX)
CubeSail 1 (CubeSail-A)University of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignUS1.5U2018-12-16Reentered, Was semi-operational

Low-cost demonstration of the UltraSail solar sailing concept using two CubeSats to deploy a 260 m-long reflecting film.

CubeSail 2 (CubeSail-B)University of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignUS1.5U2018-12-16Reentered, Was semi-operational

Low-cost demonstration of the UltraSail solar sailing concept using two CubeSats to deploy a 260 m-long reflecting film.

DaVinci (Da Vinci)North Idaho STEM Charter AcademyUS3U2018-12-16Reentered, Retired, Operational

Educational training for students and amateur radio transmissions plus camera.

Da Vinci
NMTSat (New Mexico Tech Nanosatellite)New Mexico Institute of Mining and TechnologyUS3U2018-12-16Reentered, No signal

Correlating state-of-health information from the spacecraft with space weather in LEO and ELROI Optical Satellite License Plate.

RSat-P (Repair CubeSat Prototype, RECS, USNA-19)US Naval Academy Satellite LabUS3U2018-12-16Reentered, No signal

Demonstrate the feasibility of using CubeSats to diagnose malfunctions and perform on orbit repairs on satellites.

SHFT-1 (Goergen, Space-based High Frequency Testbed, SHFT-2)DARPAUS3U2018-12-16Reentered, Operational

Collect radio frequency signals in the HF (5-30 MHz) band to study the galactic background emissions.

Shields-1NASA Langley Research CenterUS3U2018-12-16Operational

Raise the TRL of Atomic Number (Z) grade radiation shielding technologies.

STF-1 (Simulation To Flight 1)West Virginia UniversityUS3U2018-12-16Reentered, Was operational

Demonstrate portable simulation and test platform that allows seamless transition of mission development artifacts to flight products.

D-Star One (iSat) German Orbital SystemsGermany3U2018-12-27Operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies and ADS-B receiver.

D-Star One
D-Star One (Sparrow)German Orbital SystemsGermany3U2018-12-27Operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies and ADS-B receiver.

D-Star One
Flock-3k 1Planet LabsUS3U2018-12-27Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3k 2Planet LabsUS3U2018-12-27Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3k 3Planet LabsUS3U2018-12-27Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3k 4Planet LabsUS3U2018-12-27Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3k 5Planet LabsUS3U2018-12-27Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3k 6Planet LabsUS3U2018-12-27Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3k 7Planet LabsUS3U2018-12-27Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3k 8Planet LabsUS3U2018-12-27Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3k 9Planet LabsUS3U2018-12-27Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3k 10Planet LabsUS3U2018-12-27Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3k 11Planet LabsUS3U2018-12-27Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-3k 12Planet LabsUS3U2018-12-27Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Lemur-2 88 Remy-Colton (FM89)SpireUS3U2018-12-27Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 89 Gustavo (FM90)SpireUS3U2018-12-27Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 90 ChristinaHolt (FM91)SpireUS3U2018-12-27Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 91 Zo (FM92)SpireUS3U2018-12-27Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 92 TinyKev (FM93)SpireUS3U2018-12-27Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 93 SarahBettyBoo (FM94)SpireUS3U2018-12-27Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 94 NatalieMurray (FM95)SpireUS3U2018-12-27Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 95 Daisy-Harper (FM96)SpireUS3U2018-12-27Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

LUME-1University of VigoSpain2U2018-12-27Reentered, Operational

Validate software defined radio for communications and spectrum monitoring capabilities.

SAMSON-Dummy 1 (SAMSON mass simulator)?Russia6U2018-12-27Passive

Passive mass dummy to replace SAMSON CubeSats.

SAMSON-Dummy 2 (SAMSON mass simulator)?Russia6U2018-12-27Passive

Passive mass dummy to replace SAMSON CubeSats.

SAMSON-Dummy 3 (SAMSON mass simulator)?Russia6U2018-12-27Passive

Passive mass dummy to replace SAMSON CubeSats.

UWE-4University of WürzburgGermany1U2018-12-27Operational

Demonstrate and characterize an electric propulsion system.

ZACUBE-2 (FireSat, MDASat)Cape Peninsula University of TechnologySouth Africa3U2018-12-27Reentered, Operational, ?

Testbed for a ship-tracking payload (AIS) and imager for ocean color and fire tracking.

Aoba-Velox-IV (AOBA VELOX-IV)Kyushu Institute of TechnologyJapan2U2019-01-18Reentered, Operational

Observe Lunar Horizon Glow.

NEXUS (Next Education X (cross) Unique Satellite, Fuji-OSCAR 99)Nihon UniversityJapan1U2019-01-18Reentered, Operational

Amateur radio communications plus camera.

OrigamiSat-1 (Fuji-OSCAR-98)Tokyo Institute of TechnologyJapan3U2019-01-18Reentered, Was operational

Membrane deployment mission and amateur radio mission.

Lingque 1A (A xing)ZeroG LabChina6U2019-01-21Reentered, Unknown

Technology demonstration for 132 satellite Earth Observation constellation called Magpie.

Xiaoxiang-1 03 (Qingteng Zhi Xing, Qingtengzhixing, Xiaoxiang-1 03 xing, TY3-04, Tianyi-11, TY-11, XIAOXIANG 3)SpacetyChina6U2019-01-21Reentered, Operational

Full-color miniature remote sensing camera and deorbit drag sail.

Xiaoxiang-1 03
Lingque 1BZeroG LabChina6U2019-03-27Launch failure

Technology demonstration for 132 satellite Earth Observation constellation called Magpie.

AISTECHSAT-3 (Danu Pathfinder 1), AISTECHSAT3) AistechSpain2U2019-04-01Reentered, Operational

Commercial constellation for ADS-B and IoT/M2M.

AISTECHSAT-3 (Danu Pathfinder 1)
Astrocast 0.2 Hawaii (ACN-0, Astrocast-2)AstrocastSwitzerland3U2019-04-01Reentered, Operational

Constellation demonstrator for IoT/M2M services and radio amateur missions.

Astrocast 0
BlueWalker 1 (BW 1)ASTLithuania6U2019-04-01Reentered, Operational

Series of satellites for AST & Science, to be used for testing the company’s patented technologies in space.

Flock-4a 1Planet LabsUS3U2019-04-01Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4a 2Planet LabsUS3U2019-04-01Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4a 3Planet LabsUS3U2019-04-01Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4a 4Planet LabsUS3U2019-04-01Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4a 5Planet LabsUS3U2019-04-01Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4a 6Planet LabsUS3U2019-04-01Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4a 7Planet LabsUS3U2019-04-01Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4a 8Planet LabsUS3U2019-04-01Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4a 9Planet LabsUS3U2019-04-01Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4a 10Planet LabsUS3U2019-04-01Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4a 11Planet LabsUS3U2019-04-01Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4a 12Planet LabsUS3U2019-04-01Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4a 13Planet LabsUS3U2019-04-01Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4a 14Planet LabsUS3U2019-04-01Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4a 15Planet LabsUS3U2019-04-01Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4a 16Planet LabsUS3U2019-04-01Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4a 17Planet LabsUS3U2019-04-01Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4a 18Planet LabsUS3U2019-04-01Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4a 19Planet LabsUS3U2019-04-01Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4a 20Planet LabsUS3U2019-04-01Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Lemur-2 96 JohanLoran (FM97)SpireUS3U2019-04-01Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 97 Beaudacious (FM98)SpireUS3U2019-04-01Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 98 Elham (FM99)SpireUS3U2019-04-01Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 99 Victor-Andrew (FM100)SpireUS3U2019-04-01Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

M6P (LacunaSat-1, BTD-1)NanoAvionicsLithuania6U2019-04-01Reentered, Operational

Hosted payload rideshare mission. LoRaWAN IoT network in space. Payloads from Lacuna Space and Blink Astro.

AeroCube-10A (JimSat)Aerospace CorporationUS1.5U2019-04-17Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate satellite-to-satellite pointing and deployment of small atmospheric probes.

AeroCube-10B (DougSat)Aerospace CorporationUS1.5U2019-04-17Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate satellite-to-satellite pointing and deployment of small atmospheric probes.

EntrySatISAE Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'EspaceFrance2U2019-04-17Reentered, Was operational

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere and study atmospheric re-entry.

IOD-1 GEMS (Global Environmental Monitoring System, OMS IOD Mission 1, IOD 1 Mission)Orbital Micro SystemsUK3U2019-04-17Reentered, Operational

Commercial constellation to provide weather data.

GEMS (Orbital Micro Systems)
KrakSat (KRAKsat)AGH University of Science and TechnologyPoland1U2019-04-17Reentered, Was operational

Demostrate ferrofluid based attitude control.

NepaliSat-1 (BIRDS-3)Kyushu Institute of TechnologyNepal1U2019-04-17Reentered, Operational

Remote Data Collection based on low powered LoRa modulation for demonstration.

Raavana-1 (BIRDS-3)Kyushu Institute of TechnologySri Lanka1U2019-04-17Reentered, Operational

Remote Data Collection based on low powered LoRa modulation for demonstration.

SASSI2 (SASSI-2, SASSI^2, Student Aerothermal Spectrometer Satellite of Illinois and Indiana)Purdue UniversityUS3U2019-04-17Reentered, No signal

Characterize the flow and radiation generated by the diffuse bow shock formed during high-speed flight through the upper atmosphere.

Seeker 1.0 (Seeker Robotic External CubeSat Inspection Vehicle DTO)NASA Johnson Space CenterUS3U2019-04-17Reentered, Was operational

Free-flying robot poised to make its first test inspection in orbit with the Cygnus station cargo resupply vehicle.

SpooQy-1National University of SingaporeSingapore3U2019-04-17Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate the generation of polarisation-entangled photon pairs in space.

Światowid (Swiatowid)SatRevPoland2U2019-04-17Reentered, Operational

Earth observation constellation demonstration and 3D printed structure.

ThinSat-1AVirginia SpaceUSThinSat D+4T2019-04-17Reentered, Operational, ?

ThinSat satellite platform for educational training.

ThinSat-1BVirginia SpaceUSThinSat 3T2019-04-17Reentered, Operational, ?

ThinSat satellite platform for educational training.

ThinSat-1CVirginia SpaceUSThinSat 6T2019-04-17Reentered, Operational, ?

ThinSat satellite platform for educational training.

ThinSat-1DVirginia SpaceUSThinSat 6T2019-04-17Reentered, Operational, ?

ThinSat satellite platform for educational training.

ThinSat-1EVirginia SpaceUSThinSat D+4T2019-04-17Reentered, Operational, ?

ThinSat satellite platform for educational training.

ThinSat-1FVirginia SpaceUSThinSat 6T2019-04-17Reentered, Operational, ?

ThinSat satellite platform for educational training.

ThinSat-1GVirginia SpaceUSThinSat 3T2019-04-17Reentered, Operational, ?

ThinSat satellite platform for educational training.

ThinSat-1HVirginia SpaceUSThinSat 6T2019-04-17Reentered, Operational, ?

ThinSat satellite platform for educational training.

ThinSat-1IVirginia SpaceUSThinSat D+4T2019-04-17Reentered, Operational, ?

ThinSat satellite platform for educational training.

ThinSat-1JVirginia SpaceUSThinSat 6T2019-04-17Reentered, Operational, ?

ThinSat satellite platform for educational training.

ThinSat-1KVirginia SpaceUSThinSat 3T2019-04-17Reentered, Operational, ?

ThinSat satellite platform for educational training.

ThinSat-1LVirginia SpaceUSThinSat 6T2019-04-17Reentered, Operational, ?

ThinSat satellite platform for educational training.

Uguisu (BIRDS-3)Kyushu Institute of TechnologyJapan1U2019-04-17Reentered, Operational

Remote Data Collection based on low powered LoRa modulation for demonstration of remote data collection plus camera.

VCC 1 (Virginia Cubesat Constellation 1, Aeternitas)Old Dominion UniversityUS1U2019-04-17Reentered, No signal

In-situ quantification of atmospheric drag and communicate positions across constellation.

VCC (Virginia Cubesat Constellation)
VCC 2 (Virginia Cubesat Constellation 2, Ceres)Virginia TechUS1U2019-04-17Reentered, No signal

In-situ quantification of atmospheric drag and communicate positions across constellation.

VCC (Virginia Cubesat Constellation)
VCC 3 (Virginia Cubesat Constellation 3, Libertas)University of VirginiaUS1U2019-04-17Reentered, Was semi-operational

In-situ quantification of atmospheric drag and communicate positions across constellation.

VCC (Virginia Cubesat Constellation)
Falcon ODE (AFOTEC-1, Falcon Orbital Debris Experiment, Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center, SFERES, Space Fence Evaluation of Radar EffectivenesS)Air Force AcademyUS1U2019-05-03Reentered, Operational, ?

Evaluate ground-based tracking of space objects and educational mission.

Falcon ODE
SPARC-1 (Space Plug and Play Architecture Research CubeSat-1)Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)US6U2019-05-03Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate Agile Space Radio well as Space Situational Awareness for military utility.

Tianqi-3 (Tiange 3, Tianqi yi hao, Wenchang IOT-1, Apocalypse 3, Tao Xingzhi)Guodian GaokeChina6U2019-06-05Unknown

Demonstration mission for IoT constellation to launch 38 by end of 2020.

Xiaoxiang-1 04 (Xiaoxiang-1 04 xing, Louxing, Lou Xing, Xiaoxiang No. 04 star, Tianyi-13, TY-13)SpacetyChina6U2019-06-05Operational

Full-color miniature remote sensing camera and deorbit drag sail.

Xiaoxiang-1 04
Armadillo (Attitude Related Maneuvers And Debris Instrument in Low (L) Orbit)University of Texas at AustinUS3U2019-06-25Reentered, Operational

Characterize in-situ sub-millimeter level dust and debris particles in LEO.

BricSat 2 (USNA-P1, BricSat-2, BRICSat-D, Ballistic Reinforced Communication Satellite, PSat B, ParkinsonSat B, USNA-14)US Naval Academy Satellite LabUS1.5U2019-06-25Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate a newly designed micro propulsion system.

CP9 (LEO, Launch Environment Observer, CP-9)California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly)US2U2019-06-25Reentered, Operational

Measure and record in-situ telemetry data from within the P-POD during launch.

E-TBEx A (TBEX-A, TBEx, Enhanced Tandem Beacon Experiment, Tandem Beacon Experiment)University of MichiganUS3U2019-06-25Reentered, Operational

Study how the dynamics and processes in the troposphere can cause variability in the behavior of the upper atmosphere and ionosphere.

E-TBEx B (TBEX-B. TBEx, Enhanced Tandem Beacon Experiment, Tandem Beacon Experiment)University of MichiganUS3U2019-06-25Reentered, Operational

Study how the dynamics and processes in the troposphere can cause variability in the behavior of the upper atmosphere and ionosphere.

FalconSAT-7 (DOTSI, Peregrine)Air Force AcademyUS3U2019-06-25Reentered, Unknown

Solar telescope with the deployable Peregrine photon-sieve optic.

LightSail 2 (LightSail-B, LightSail-2)The Planetary SocietyUS3U2019-06-25Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate the deployment of a 32 m2 solar sail from a 3-unit CubeSat platform.

Prometheus 2 Mass DummyUSSOCOM (US Special Operations Command)US1.5U2019-06-25Reentered, Passive

Demonstrate improved CubeSat platform.

Prometheus 2
Prometheus 2.6USSOCOM (US Special Operations Command)US1.5U2019-06-25Reentered, Operational, ?

Demonstrate improved CubeSat platform.

Prometheus 2
PSAT2 (PSAT-2, ParkinsonSat-2, PSAT 2, USNA-15)US Naval Academy Satellite LabUS1.5U2019-06-25Reentered, Operational

Amateur radio payload for APRS communication.

StangsatMerritt Island High SchoolUS1U2019-06-25Reentered, Was operational, ?

Primary mission is to measure shock and vibration data during launch.

TEPCE A (Ren, Tether Electrodynamics Propulsion CubeSat Experiment)US Naval Research LaboratoryUS1.5U2019-06-25Reentered, Operational

Joined by a 1 km tether to test electrodynamic tether propulsion.

TEPCE B (Stimpy, Tether Electrodynamics Propulsion CubeSat Experiment)US Naval Research LaboratoryUS1.5U2019-06-25Reentered, Operational

Joined by a 1 km tether to test electrodynamic tether propulsion.

ACRUX-1Melbourne Space ProgramAustralia1U2019-06-29Reentered, Semi-operational

Educational training and demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies.

Painani-1Mexico Secretariat of National Defense (SEDENA)Mexico3U2019-06-29Reentered, Operational

Carry a low resolution camera and proposes an S Band downlink using frequency hopping technology for the images.

Prometheus 2.7 (Prometheus-B2)USSOCOM (US Special Operations Command)US1.5U2019-06-29Reentered, Operational, ?

Demonstrate improved CubeSat platform.

Prometheus 2
Prometheus 2.9 (Prometheus-B2, 2-9)USSOCOM (US Special Operations Command)US1.5U2019-06-29Reentered, Operational, ?

Demonstrate improved CubeSat platform.

Prometheus 2
SpaceBEE-8 (FM12)Swarm TechnologiesUS1U2019-06-29Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 1U
SpaceBEE-9 (FM13)Swarm TechnologiesUS1U2019-06-29Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 1U
AmGU-1 (AmurSat)Amur State UniversityRussia3U2019-07-05Reentered, Operational

Foton-Amur instrument consisting of charged particle and gamma ray detectors to study space weather phenomena.

AmGU 1 (AmurSat)
BEESAT-9 (TUBSAT-17)Technical University of BerlinGermany1U2019-07-05Reentered, Operational

Educational training and demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies plus camera.

BEESAT-10 (TUBSAT-18, PiNaSys II)Technical University of BerlinGermany0.25U2019-07-05Operational, ?

Pi­co­satel­lite swarm mis­sion of 0.25U CubeSats.

BEESAT 10-13
BEESAT-11 (TUBSAT-19, PiNaSys II)Technical University of BerlinGermany0.25U2019-07-05Operational, ?

Pi­co­satel­lite swarm mis­sion of 0.25U CubeSats.

BEESAT 10-13
BEESAT-12 (TUBSAT-20, PiNaSys II)Technical University of BerlinGermany0.25U2019-07-05Operational, ?

Pi­co­satel­lite swarm mis­sion of 0.25U CubeSats.

BEESAT 10-13
BEESAT-13 (TUBSAT-21, PiNaSys II)Technical University of BerlinGermany0.25U2019-07-05Operational

Pi­co­satel­lite swarm mis­sion of 0.25U CubeSats.

BEESAT 10-13
D-Star One EXOCONNECTGerman Orbital SystemsGermany3U2019-07-05Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies and ADS-B receiver.

D-Star One
D-Star One LightSatGerman Orbital SystemsGermany3U2019-07-05Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies and ADS-B receiver.

D-Star One
El Camino Real (Momentus X1, MX-1, Momentus Flight Experiment 1)MomentusUS16U2019-07-05Operational

Demonstration of water based microwave electrothermal propulsion.

El Camino Real
JAISAT-1RAST (Radio Amateur Society of Thailand)Thailand3U2019-07-05Reentered, Operational

Linear transponder for SSB/CW communications, APRS, a packet bulletin board system (PBBS) and a HD camera for imaging.

Lemur-2 100 Morag (FM101, LEMR2126)SpireUS3U2019-07-05Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 101 Wanli (FM102)SpireUS3U2019-07-05Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 102 Yndrd (FM103)SpireUS3U2019-07-05Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 103 EJatta (FM104)SpireUS3U2019-07-05Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 104 DustInTheWind (FM105)SpireUS3U2019-07-05Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 105 Alex-Maddy (FM106)SpireUS3U2019-07-05Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 106 LillyJo (FM107)SpireUS3U2019-07-05Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 107 GregRobinson (FM108)SpireUS3U2019-07-05Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lucky-7SkyFox LabsCzechia1U2019-07-05Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies for deep space missions.

MOVE-IIb (MOVE-2B, Munich Orbital Verification Experiment)Technical University of Munich (TUM)Germany1U2019-07-05Reentered, Semi-operational, ?

Detecting antiprotons in South Atlantic Anomaly and small improvements to spacecraft.

MTCube (ROBUSTA 1C, Memory Test CubeSat, MT-CUBE)University of MontpellierFrance1U2019-07-05Reentered, No signal

Testing memories for future space applications

NSLSat 1 (NSL-1, NSL 1)BeetleSat (NSLComm)Israel6U2019-07-05Reentered, Operational

Demonstrator for SkyFi constellation. Test the deployable antenna and high power payload of 1 Gbps downlink.

SEAM-2.0 (Small Explorer for Advanced Missions, SEAM Reflight)Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)Sweden3U2019-07-05Reentered, No signal

Demonstrate electromagnetically clean nanosatellite for various experiments. Reflight of SEAM.

SokratMoscow State UniversityRussia3U2019-07-05OperationalSokrat
SONATEUniversity of WürzburgGermany3U2019-07-05Semi-operational, Was operational, ?

Demonstrate autonomous sensor and planning system and diagnostic system.

TTU101 (TTÜ101, Koit, TTUSat, MektorySAT-1)Tallinn University of TechnologyEstonia1U2019-07-05Reentered, Semi-operational, ?

Educational training and demonstrate CubeSat platform plus cameras and X-band communications.

UTE-Ecuador (Ecudor-UTE)Universidad UTE (Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial)Ecuador3U2019-07-05Was operational, ?

Space weather and ionospheric research mission.

VDNH-80 (VDNKh)Moscow State UniversityRussia3U2019-07-05Reentered, OperationalVDNH-80 (VDNKh)
CAS-7B (Bei ligong 1 hao, BP 1, BP-1B, BIT Progress-OSCAR 102, BO-102, CAS 7B)CAMSAT (Chinese Amateur Satellite Group)China3 kg2019-07-25Reentered, Operational

Spheriform of 500 mm diameter with a mass of 3kg and amateur radio missions.

NARSSCube-2National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (NARSS)Egypt1U2019-07-25Reentered, Was operational, ?

Educational CubeSat to image the Earth in color.

ORCA (SEOPS-ORCA)DARPAUS6U2019-07-25Reentered, Unknown

Technology demonstration for advancing Radio Frequency (RF).

Quantum Radar 3 (SEOPS-Quantum Radar-3)SEOPSUS2U2019-07-25Reentered, Passive

Covered with optical reflectors to investigate Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite decay characteristics.

Quantum Radar
RFTSat 1 (Radio Frequency Tag Satellite, NNUSat-2)Northwest Nazarene UniversityUS3U2019-07-25Reentered, Unknown

Collect space weather data wirelessly from an energy harvesting RF tag.

RFTSat 1
TDO (Technology Demonstration Orbiter)Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)US12U2019-08-08Reentered, Passive

First CubeSat in GTO. Test orbital debris tracking technologies.

Tianqi 2 (Apocalypse 2, Tianqi Zhangzhou hao)Guodian GaokeChina6U2019-08-17Reentered, Unknown

Demonstration mission for IoT constellation to launch 38 by end of 2020.

Xingshidai-5 (Star Age 5, MinoSpace MN10-02)ADASPACEChina9.3 kg2019-08-17Unknown

Earth observation. RGG, 10m resolution at 550 km altitude with 25 km swath.

BRO-ONE (BRO-1, BRO 1, Breizh Reconnaissance Orbiter)UnseenlabsFrance6U2019-08-18Operational

Spectrum monitoring service. Maritime surveillance. Electromagnetic intelligence service.

Pearl White 1US Air Force Space CommandUS6U2019-08-18Operational

On-orbit testbed for emerging technologies.

Pearl White 2US Air Force Space CommandUS6U2019-08-18Operational

On-orbit testbed for emerging technologies.

Xiaoxiang 1-07 (TY 1-07, XX-1 07, Zergling, Tianyi-14, TY-14)SpacetyChina6U2019-08-30Operational

Testing systems for spaceborne air traffic management.

Xiaoxiang-1 07
Taurus-1 (Jinniuzuo-1, Taurus Naxing, Jinniuzuo naxing, T9)Ases Space (Shanghai ASES Spaceflight Technology, AES Space)China10 kg2019-09-12Operational

Amateur radio FM to Codec-2 transponder and solar sail for de-orbiting.

Taurus-1 (Jinniuzuo-1)
AQT-D (Aqua Thruster-Demonstrator)University of TokyoJapan3U2019-09-24Reentered, Unknown, ?

Demonstration of a water resistojet propulsion system.

NARSSCube-1 (EgyCubeSat-1)National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (NARSS)Egypt1U2019-09-24Reentered, Was operational, ?

Educational CubeSat to image the Earth in monochromatic color.

RWASAT-1 (Rwanda Satellite-1)Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA)Rwanda3U2019-09-24Reentered, Operational, ?

Developing space engineering capacity in Rwanda with cameras and IoT payload.

PALISADEAstro DigitalUS16U2019-10-17Operational, ?

Technology demonstration satellite with propulsion system, communications system, and software developed by Advanced Solutions.

AeroCube-14A (IMPACT)Aerospace CorporationUS3U2019-11-02Reentered, Operational, ?

Nanotechnology payloads to conduct modular experiments and other research.

AeroCube-14B (IMPACT)Aerospace CorporationUS3U2019-11-02Reentered, Operational, ?

Nanotechnology payloads to conduct modular experiments and other research.

AeroCube-15A (Rogue Alpha)Aerospace CorporationUS3U2019-11-02Reentered, Operational

Payload consists of a custom-designed telescope combined with a commercially available camera core.

AeroCube-15B (Rogue Beta)Aerospace CorporationUS3U2019-11-02Reentered, Was operational

Payload consists of a custom-designed telescope combined with a commercially available camera core.

Argus-2 (Argus-02, SLU-05, SLU-03, MVP-Argus, Argus Reflight)Saint Louis UniversityUS1U2019-11-02Reentered, No signal

Design, develop, and test a reliable CubeSat bus capability for sensor and imaging missions.

MVP Argus
HARP (HyperAngular Rainbow Polarimeter)University of MarylandUS3U2019-11-02Reentered, Operational

Measure the microphysical properties of cloud water and ice particles and validate new polarimeter instrument.

HuskySat-1 (OSCAR 107)University of WashingtonUS3U2019-11-02Reentered, Semi-operational, Was operational, ?

Demonstrate propulsion and high-speed transmission for a Moon mission.

Orbital Factory 2 (Orbital Factory II, OF-2, OF2)University of Texas at El PasoUS1U2019-11-02Reentered, Operational

Test additive manufacturing utilizing conductive polymers to perform the simulated repair of a solar array junction in orbit.

Orbital Factory II
Phoenix CubeSatArizona State UniversityUS3U2019-11-02Reentered, Semi-operational, Was operational

Thermal imaging of cities to study spatial and temporal changes.

Phoenix CubeSat
RadSat-uMontana State UniversityUS3U2019-11-02Reentered, Semi-operational, ?

Demonstrate computer architecture designed to mitigate radiation induced faults.

SOCRATES (Signal of Opportunity CubeSat Ranging and Timing Experiment System )University of MinnesotaUS3U2019-11-02Reentered, No signal, ?

Advance a Gamma Ray Incidence Detector (GRID) sensor from TRL 5 to 7.

SwampSat II (SwampSat-2)University of FloridaUS3U2019-11-02Reentered, Operational

Test a boom and antenna spooling and deployment mechanism to support a matched very low frequency (VLF) antenna.

SwampSat II
Xiaoxiang 1-08 (Dianfeng, TY 1-08, XX-1 08, XX1-08, Tianyi-15, TY-15) SpacetyChina6U2019-11-03Reentered, Operational

Main payloads are multi-spectral camera, propulsion unit from ThrustMe and laser communication modules.

Xiaoxiang-1 08
Flock-4p 1 (SuperDove)Planet LabsUS3U2019-11-27Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4p 2 (SuperDove)Planet LabsUS3U2019-11-27Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4p 3 (SuperDove)Planet LabsUS3U2019-11-27Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4p 4 (SuperDove)Planet LabsUS3U2019-11-27Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4p 5 (SuperDove)Planet LabsUS3U2019-11-27Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4p 6 (SuperDove)Planet LabsUS3U2019-11-27Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4p 7 (SuperDove)Planet LabsUS3U2019-11-27Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4p 8 (SuperDove)Planet LabsUS3U2019-11-27Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4p 9 (SuperDove)Planet LabsUS3U2019-11-27Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4p 10 (SuperDove)Planet LabsUS3U2019-11-27Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4p 11 (SuperDove)Planet LabsUS3U2019-11-27Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4p 12 (SuperDove)Planet LabsUS3U2019-11-27Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
MeshbedHedron (Analytical Space)US3U2019-11-27Reentered, Unknown

On-orbit testing of MITRE’s Frequency-scaled Ultra-wide Spectrum Element (FUSE) antenna.

AzTechSat-1Universitat Popular Autonoma del Estado de PueblaMexico1U2019-12-05Reentered, Operational

Communicates with the GlobalStar satellite constellation to improve the transit of data to Earth.

CIRiS (Compact Infrared Radiometer in Space, CIRIS-BATC)Utah State UniversityUS6U2019-12-05Reentered, Operational

Demonstration mission of an imaging radiometer instrument for the 7 to 13 um infrared wavelength range

CryoCube 1 (CC 1)NASA Kennedy Space CenterUS3U2019-12-05Reentered, Operational, ?

A CubeSat-scale testbed for cryogenic fluid management technologies.

EdgeCube (EdgeSat)Sonoma State UniversityUS1U2019-12-05Reentered, No signal, ?

Map Chlorophyll over the entire surface of the Earth on a ~100 km scale.

MakerSat1 (MakerSat-1)Northwest Nazarene UniversityUS1U2019-12-05Reentered, Operational

Printed, assembled, charged, tested, and deployed from the ISS.

Mini-Carb (MiniCarb, CNGB, CubeSat Next Generation Bus)LLNL (Lawrene Livermore National Laboratory)US6U2019-12-05Reentered, Unknown

Measure atmospheric greenhouse gases using mini-Laser Heterodyne Radiometer.

ORCA-8 (Unknown DARPA CubeSat)DARPAUS6U2019-12-05Reentered, Unknown

A CubeSat for DARPA, the U.S. military’s research and development arm, was also deployed from the Slingshot device.

QARMAN (QB50 BE05)VKI (von Karman Institute)Belgium3U2019-12-05Reentered, Was operational

Demonstrate the usability of a CubeSat platform as an atmospheric entry vehicle.

SORTIE (Scintillation Observations and Response of The Ionosphere to Electrodynamics)Orion Space Solutions (ASTRA, Atmosphericc & Space Technology Research Associates)US6U2019-12-05Reentered, Operational

Advance understanding of ionospheric irregularities and the roles of various drivers in their formation.

VPM (Very low frequency Particle Mapper, Very Low Frequency Propagation Mapper, VLF Wave and Particle Precipitation Mapper)Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)US6U2019-12-05Reentered, Was operational

Critical augmentation for the AFRL Demonstration and Science Experiment (DSX) satellite.

ATL-1 (Advanced Technology of Laser, Magyar-OSCAR 106, MO-106)ATL (Advanced Technology of Laser)HungaryPocketQube 2p2019-12-06Reentered, Operational

Testing a new thermal isolation material in space. Thermal insulator material experiment & DVB-T band spectrum monitoring.

FossaSat-1Fossa SystemsSpainPocketQube 1p2019-12-06Reentered, Semi-operational

Testing of a new experimental RF chirp modulation called LoRa.

NOOR 1-A (NOOR1-A, Unicorn-2B)Stara SpaceUSPocketQube 3p2019-12-06Reentered, No signal

Proof of concept for an eventual constellation

NOOR 1-B (NOOR1-B, Unicorn-2C)Stara SpaceUSPocketQube 3p2019-12-06Reentered, Was semi-operational, ?

Proof of concept for an eventual constellation

SMOG-P (SMOG-1, BME-1, Magyar-OSCAR 105, MO-105)Budapest University of Technology and EconomicsHungaryPocketQube 2p2019-12-06Reentered, Operational

Spectrum monitoring payload to make a global map of spectrum usage.

TRSI Satellite (PQ Sat, TRSI, TRSI-Sat)ACME AtronOmatic (MyRadar)GermanyPocketQube 1p2019-12-06Reentered, No signal

Radio waterfall experiment and analyze RF reception capabilities from LEO.

Tianqi-4A (Tiange 4, Tianqi yi hao, Wenchang IOT-1, Apocalypse 4)Guodian GaokeChina6U2019-12-07Reentered, Unknown, ?

Demonstration mission for IoT constellation to launch 38 by end of 2020.

Tianqi-4B (Tiange 4, Tianqi yi hao, Wenchang IOT-1, Apocalypse 5)Guodian GaokeChina6U2019-12-07Reentered, Unknown

Demonstration mission for IoT constellation to launch 38 by end of 2020.

Tianyi-16 (TY-16, Double Star)SpacetyChina6U2019-12-07Reentered, Operational

Medium-resolution remote sensing satellites.

Tianyi 16-17
Tianyi-17 (TY-17, Double Star)SpacetyChina6U2019-12-07Reentered, Operational

Medium-resolution remote sensing satellites.

Tianyi 16-17
Commtrail (Tyvak-0092, NANOVA)Elbit SystemsIsrael3U2019-12-11Reentered, Operational, ?

UHF communication payload providing a direct satellite link for data, voice and text messaging for commercial constellation demonstration.

Duchifat-3 (Duchifat3, Hoopoe 3)Herzliya Science CenterIsrael3U2019-12-11Operational

1) High-school students educational satellite (2) on-board camera for Earth imaging (3) amateur radio transponder and APRS digipeater.

Hera-1 (1HOPSat TD, IHOPSAT-TD, 1st-generation High Optical Performance Satellite)Hera SystemsUS12U2019-12-11Unknown

Commercial constellation for Earth observation.

Lemur-2 108 Pappy (FM109)SpireUS3U2019-12-11Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 109 HiMomAndDad (FM110)SpireUS3U2019-12-11Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 110 JpgSquared (FM111)SpireUS3U2019-12-11Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 111 TheoDosia (FM112)SpireUS3U2019-12-11Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Pathfinder Risk Reduction (Tyvak-0129, PTHFDR, PTD-0, Pathfinder Technology Demonstrator, Pony Express 1)NASA Ames Research CenterUS6U2019-12-11Reentered, Operational

Demonstrating next-generation Tyvak 6U spacecraft and flying Pony Express hosted payload from Lockheed Martin.

PTD-0 (Tyvak-0129)
ANGELS (Argos Neo on a Generic Economical and Light Satellite)CNESFrance12U2019-12-18Operational

Argos Neo instrument to collect and locate low-power messages sent by the 20,000 Argos transmitters operating around the globe.

EyeSat (EYE-SAT, EYESAT-NANO)CNESFrance3U2019-12-18Reentered, Operational

Astronomy mission to study the zodiacal light and imaging of the Milky Way.

OPS-SAT (OPSSAT)ESA (European Space Agency)Austria3U2019-12-18Reentered, Operational

In-orbit test-bed by ESA for various on-board software applications and technologies.

FloripaSat I (FloripaSat-1)Federal University of Santa CatarinaBrazil1U2019-12-20Operational

Dual RF channel 70 MHz – 6 GHz Software Defined Radio (SDR) with on-board FPGA-based processing.

FloripaSat I
Tianyan-02 (Xingshidai-8, Kehuan shijie hao AI weixing, SciFi World AI satellite, MN10-03?)ADASPACEChina6U2019-12-20Unknown

Earth observation. The satellite apparently has a low res Earth video imager.

DeMi (Deformable Mirror Demonstration)MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)US6U2020-02-14Reentered, Operational

Characterize and calibrate the performance of a MEMS deformable mirror over a longduration on-orbit mission.

TechEdSat-10 (TES-10)NASA Ames Research CenterUS3U2020-02-14Reentered, Operational, ?

High temperature, accurate deorbit reentry nanosatellite.

Gundam (G-Satellite, G-Sat)University of TokyoJapan3U2020-03-07Reentered, Unknown

Satellite to celebrate Tokyo 2020 Olympics carrying toy figures and taking photos of a screen with Earth in the background.

Lynk 04 (ULTP, Lynk CubeSat)LynkUS6U2020-03-07Reentered, Operational

Conduct the world’s first orbiting cell tower demonstrations for a space-based cellular network.

Lynk 04
Quetzal-1 (Guatemala CubeSat, Guatesat-1, GTCube)University of the Valley of GuatemalaGuatemala1U2020-03-07Reentered, Was operational

Educational training and take pictures of Earth plus amateur radio communications.

OrCa1 (Orbital Calibration, TDO-2, Technology Demonstration Orbiter, TDO 2 Spacecraft)Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)US12U2020-03-26Reentered, Passive

Second CubeSat in GTO. Test orbital debris tracking technologies.

TDO-2 (OrCa1)
NOUR 01 (NOOR, Noor 1)Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC)Iran6U2020-04-24Reentered, Operational

Provides the Iranian elite force with the capability to monitor Earth from space.

NOUR 01 (Noor)
ANDESITE Mule (Ad-Hoc Network Demonstration for Extended Satellite-Based Inquiry and Other Team Endeavors)Boston UniversityUS6U2020-06-13No signal, ?, Unknown

Deploys 8 small picosatellites to create space-based wireless network.

ANDESITE Sensor Node 1Boston UniversityUS0.38 kg2020-06-13On spacecraft, ?

Small satellite with various sensors for distributed measurements deployed from ANDESITE.

ANDESITE Sensor Node
ANDESITE Sensor Node 2Boston UniversityUS0.38 kg2020-06-13On spacecraft, ?

Small satellite with various sensors for distributed measurements deployed from ANDESITE.

ANDESITE Sensor Node
ANDESITE Sensor Node 3Boston UniversityUS0.38 kg2020-06-13On spacecraft, ?

Small satellite with various sensors for distributed measurements deployed from ANDESITE.

ANDESITE Sensor Node
ANDESITE Sensor Node 4Boston UniversityUS0.38 kg2020-06-13On spacecraft, ?

Small satellite with various sensors for distributed measurements deployed from ANDESITE.

ANDESITE Sensor Node
ANDESITE Sensor Node 5Boston UniversityUS0.38 kg2020-06-13On spacecraft, ?

Small satellite with various sensors for distributed measurements deployed from ANDESITE.

ANDESITE Sensor Node
ANDESITE Sensor Node 6Boston UniversityUS0.38 kg2020-06-13On spacecraft, ?

Small satellite with various sensors for distributed measurements deployed from ANDESITE.

ANDESITE Sensor Node
ANDESITE Sensor Node 7Boston UniversityUS0.38 kg2020-06-13On spacecraft, ?

Small satellite with various sensors for distributed measurements deployed from ANDESITE.

ANDESITE Sensor Node
ANDESITE Sensor Node 8Boston UniversityUS0.38 kg2020-06-13On spacecraft, ?

Small satellite with various sensors for distributed measurements deployed from ANDESITE.

ANDESITE Sensor Node
RAAF M2 Pathfinder (M2PF)University of New South Wales (UNSW Canberra)Australia3U2020-06-13Operational

Deliver to the RAAF AIS / ADS-B capability across the globe using COTS AIS and ADS-B systems.

USA 301National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)US6U2020-06-13Unknown

Suspected NRO CubeSats, but nothing is known and may be larger satellites.

USA 302National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)US6U2020-06-13Unknown

Suspected NRO CubeSats, but nothing is known and may be larger satellites.

USA 303National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)US6U2020-06-13Unknown

Suspected NRO CubeSats, but nothing is known and may be larger satellites.

BY-2 (BY70-2, Xibaipo, Bayi Kepu Weixing 2)gChina Center for Aerospace Science and TechnologyChina2U2020-07-03Reentered, Unknown

Amateur radio missions.

BY-2 (BY70-2)
Faraday-1In-Space MissionsUK6U2020-07-04Launch failure

Hosted payload opportunities for early service and technology demonstration.

Flock-4e 1Planet LabsUS3U2020-07-04Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4e 2Planet LabsUS3U2020-07-04Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4e 3Planet LabsUS3U2020-07-04Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4e 4Planet LabsUS3U2020-07-04Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4e 5Planet LabsUS3U2020-07-04Launch failure

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Tyvak-0172 (SIRION-1, EchoStar 1, Helios 2)EchoStarUS6U2020-08-30Semi-operational, ?

Two tiny S-band satellites to jumpstart a low-Earth-orbit constellation using spectrum gained through its acquisition of Helios Wire. 

AMICal Sat (AMICALSAT)CSUG-IPAG (Univ. Grenoble Alpes)France2U2020-09-03Operational

Observation of the northern and southern lights. Auroral Sparse RGB imaging. Limb and Nadir sighting.

AMICal Sat
DIDO-3 (Dido-1, SpacePharma)SpacePharmaIsrael3U2020-09-03Operational

Carry the first generation of their mGnify lab to conduct biochemical experiments in microgravity.

Flock-4v 1Planet LabsUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4v 2Planet LabsUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4v 3Planet LabsUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4v 4Planet LabsUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4v 5Planet LabsUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4v 6Planet LabsUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4v 7Planet LabsUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4v 8Planet LabsUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4v 9Planet LabsUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4v 10Planet LabsUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4v 11Planet LabsUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4v 12Planet LabsUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4v 13Planet LabsUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4v 14Planet LabsUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4v 15Planet LabsUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4v 16Planet LabsUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4v 17Planet LabsUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4v 18Planet LabsUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4v 19Planet LabsUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4v 20Planet LabsUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4v 21Planet LabsUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4v 22Planet LabsUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4v 23Planet LabsUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4v 24Planet LabsUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4v 25Planet LabsUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4v 26Planet LabsUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
FSSCat A (Phi-Sat-1 A, PhiSat-1, BrainSat, Φ-sat-1, 3Cat-5/A, 3Cat-5A, TYVAK-0161)Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC, BarcelonaTECH)Spain6U2020-09-03Retired, Operational, ?

Demonstrate dual microwave payload, multispectral optical payload and Inter-Satellite Links (ISL) with lasers.

FSSCat B (Phi-Sat-1 B, PhiSat-1, BrainSat, Φ-sat-1, 3Cat-5/B, 3Cat-5B, TYVAK-0162)Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC, BarcelonaTECH)Spain6U2020-09-03Retired, Operational, ?

Demonstrate dual microwave payload, multispectral optical payload and Inter-Satellite Links (ISL) with lasers.

Kepler 3 TARS (IOD-5, Kepler-2)Kepler CommunicationsCanada6U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Pathfinder for upcoming constellation for IoT/M2M and wideband communications.

TARS (Kepler)
Lemur-2 112 FJMSRBijanka (FM112)SpireUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Deployment failure

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 113 DaveHartzell (FM113)SpireUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Deployment failure

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 114 EthanOakes (FM114) SpireUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 115 SchmidtFall (FM115)SpireUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 116 DJUProera (FM116)SpireUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 117 SquareJaws (FM117)SpireUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 118 OscarLator (FM118)SpireUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 119 Ursa Avion (FM119)SpireUS3U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

NAPA-1 (RTAF-Sat, RTAFSAT-1, Royal Thai Air Force CubeSat, Firmament-1)Royal Thai Air ForceThailand6U2020-09-03Operational

Earth Observation satellite for Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR).

OSM1-CICERO (TYVAK-0088, Community Initiative for Continuous Earth Remote Observation)GeoOpticsUS6U2020-09-03Operational

Demonstration of GPS radio occultation sensor that allows the measurement of global weather pattern with high accuracy.

PICASSO (PICASSO-BEL, Pico-Satellite for Atmospheric and Space Science Observations)Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy and the Royal Observatory of Belgium.Belgium3U2020-09-03Operational

Retrieve vertical profiles of ozone via Sun occultation and study the ionosphere.

SIMBA (Sun-earth IMBAlance)Royal Meteorological Institute of BelgiumBelgium3U2020-09-03Retired, ?, Operational

Measure the Total Solar Irradiance and Earth Radiation Budget climate variables with a miniaturized radiometer instrument.

SpaceBEE-10Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-11Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-12Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-13Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-14Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-15Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-16Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-17Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-18Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-19Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-20Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-21Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-09-03Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
TRISAT (NANOsky, Misija Trisat)University of MariborSlovenia3U2020-09-03Operational, Reentered

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies and multispectral infrared imager payload.

TTU100 (TTÜ100, Hämarik, TTUSat, MektorySAT-1)Tallinn University of TechnologyEstonia1U2020-09-03Reentered, Semi-operational, ?

Educational training and demonstrate CubeSat platform plus cameras and X-band communications.

Tyvak-0171 (SIRION-2?, EchoStar 2, Helios 3)EchoStarUS6U2020-09-03Reentered, Semi-operational, ?

Two tiny S-band satellites to jumpstart a low-Earth-orbit constellation using spectrum gained through its acquisition of Helios Wire. 

Dekart (DECART, Descartes)Moscow State UniversityRussia3U2020-09-28OperationalDescartes
Kepler-4 AntillesKepler CommunicationsCanada6U2020-09-28Operational

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M and wideband communications.

Kepler GEN1
Kepler-5 AmidalaKepler CommunicationsCanada6U2020-09-28Reentered, Operational

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M and wideband communications.

Kepler GEN1
LacunaSat-3 (LS-3)Lacuna SpaceUK3U2020-09-28Operational

Innovative Internet-of-Things (‘IoT’) connectivity-via-satellite payload demonstrator.

Lemur-2 120 DayWzAGoodDaySpireUS3U2020-09-28Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 121 NicholSpireUS3U2020-09-28Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 122 SlicersSpireUS3U2020-09-28Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 123 SusurrusSpireUS3U2020-09-28Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

MeznSatMasdar Institute of Science and TechnologyUnited Arab Emirates3U2020-09-28Operational

Short-Wave Infra-Red (SWIR) spectrometer for CO2 and Methane measurements in the atmosphe.

NetSat-1Zentrum für TelematikGermany3U2020-09-28Operational

4 satellite formation flying mission. Distributed computing capabilities, formation control, DTNs, MANets.

NetSat-2Zentrum für TelematikGermany3U2020-09-28Operational

4 satellite formation flying mission. Distributed computing capabilities, formation control, DTNs, MANets.

NetSat-3Zentrum für TelematikGermany3U2020-09-28Operational

4 satellite formation flying mission. Distributed computing capabilities, formation control, DTNs, MANets.

NetSat-4Zentrum für TelematikGermany3U2020-09-28Operational

4 satellite formation flying mission. Distributed computing capabilities, formation control, DTNs, MANets.

Norbi (Norby)Novosibirsk UniversityRussia6U2020-09-28OperationalNorbi
Yarilo N1 (Yarilo-1, Yareelo, Yareelo-1 Yarilo A, Yarilo No. 1, Yareelo №1, BMSTU-Sail)Bauman Moscow State Technical UniversityRussia1.5U2020-09-28Operational

Continuous monitoring of solar activity and a solar sail for orbit control.

Yarilo N2 (Yarilo-2, Yareelo, Yareelo-2, Yarilo B, Yarilo No. 2, Yareelo №2, BMSTU-Sail)Bauman Moscow State Technical UniversityRussia1.5U2020-09-28Operational

Continuous monitoring of solar activity and a solar sail for orbit control.

Bobcat-1Ohio UniversityUS3U2020-10-03Reentered, Operational

Educational mission and estimating GNSS inter-constellation time offsets.

Descent-A Mother (Deorbiting Spacecraft using Electrodynamic Tether)York UniversityCanada1U2020-10-03Reentered, No signal

Two 1U-CubeSats connected by a 100m tape electrodynamic tether for deorbiting demonstration.

Descent-B Daughter (Deorbiting Spacecraft using Electrodynamic Tether)York UniversityCanada1U2020-10-03Reentered, No signal

Two 1U-CubeSats connected by a 100m tape electrodynamic tether for deorbiting demonstration.

Lemur-2 124 Djara (Lemur 4.7)SpireUS3U2020-10-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 Djara
Lemur-2 125 Baxter-Oliver (Lemur 4.8)SpireUS3U2020-10-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

NEUTRON-1 (Low Earth Orbit Neutron Flux Detection and Cosmos Mission Operations Technology Demo)University of Hawai’i at MānoaUS3U2020-10-03Reentered, Semi-operational, ?

Measure low energy neutron flux in LEO.

SATLLA-1 (SAT-LLA, SATTLA 1.0)Ariel UniversityIsrael1U2020-10-03Reentered, No signal

Educational amateur radio with high-power LEDs for optical communication.

SPOC (SpOC, SpecOcean, SPOC Sat, Spectral Ocean Color Satellite)University of GeorgiaUS2U2020-10-03Reentered, Was operational

Perform the first moderate resolution multispectral analysis of coastal ecosystems and ocean color.

Flock-4e' 1 (SuperDove, FLOCK 4 EP 1)Planet LabsUS3U2020-10-28Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4e' 2 (SuperDove, FLOCK 4 EP 2)Planet LabsUS3U2020-10-28Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4e' 3 (SuperDove, FLOCK 4 EP 3)Planet LabsUS3U2020-10-28Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4e' 4 (SuperDove, FLOCK 4 EP 4)Planet LabsUS3U2020-10-28Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4e' 5 (SuperDove, FLOCK 4 EP 5)Planet LabsUS3U2020-10-28Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4e' 6 (SuperDove, FLOCK 4 EP 6)Planet LabsUS3U2020-10-28Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4e' 7 (SuperDove, FLOCK 4 EP 7)Planet LabsUS3U2020-10-28Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4e' 8 (SuperDove, FLOCK 4 EP 8)Planet LabsUS3U2020-10-28Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4e' 9 (SuperDove, FLOCK 4 EP 9)Planet LabsUS3U2020-10-28Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Beihangkongshi 1 (TY 20)SpacetyChina12U2020-11-06Reentered, Operational

First iodine electric propulsion systems that will be tested in space and laser communications module.

Beihangkongshi 1 (TY 20)
KSM1 A (Kleos Scouting Mission KSM 1, Kleos-1)Kleos SpaceUK6U2020-11-07Operational

Form the foundation of a constellation that delivers a global picture of hidden maritime activity.

Kleos Scouting Mission (KSM1)
KSM1 B (Kleos Scouting Mission, KSM 4, Kleos-2)Kleos SpaceUK6U2020-11-07Operational

Form the foundation of a constellation that delivers a global picture of hidden maritime activity.

Kleos Scouting Mission (KSM1)
KSM1 C (Kleos Scouting Mission, KSM 3, Kleos-3)Kleos SpaceUK6U2020-11-07Operational

Form the foundation of a constellation that delivers a global picture of hidden maritime activity.

Kleos Scouting Mission (KSM1)
KSM1 D (Kleos Scouting Mission, KSM 4, Kleos-4)Kleos SpaceUK6U2020-11-07Operational

Form the foundation of a constellation that delivers a global picture of hidden maritime activity.

Kleos Scouting Mission (KSM1)
Lemur-2 126 JeremiahSpireUS3U2020-11-07Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 127 JindraSpireUS3U2020-11-07Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 128 OzarakSpireUS3U2020-11-07Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 129 WallaceSpireUS3U2020-11-07Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

R2 (R-2, M6P 2, OMS, TRAIL-1, LacunaSat)NanoAvionicsLithuania6U2020-11-07Operational

Hosted payload rideshare mission. Fly OMS’s miniaturized passive microwave sensors and propulsion system demonstrator from Exotrail?

M6P 2
APSS-1 QuakeTEC (APSS-I, Te Waka Āmiorangi o Aotearoa, the New Zealand satellite vessel)University of AucklandNew Zealand1U2020-11-20Reentered, No signal, ?

Ionospheric plasma measurements with Langmuir probe.

BRO-2 (BRO-TWO, Breizh Reconnaissance Orbiter)UnseenlabsFrance6U2020-11-20Reentered, Operational, ?

Spectrum monitoring service. Maritime surveillance. Electromagnetic intelligence service.

BRO-3 (Breizh Reconnaissance Orbiter)UnseenlabsFrance6U2020-11-20Reentered, Operational, ?

Spectrum monitoring service. Maritime surveillance. Electromagnetic intelligence service.

Dragracer 1 (Alchemy, Dragracer A)TriSeptUS6U (1/2 12U XL)2020-11-20Reentered, Operational

Test a deployable conductive tape by Tethers Unlimited for deorbiting.

Dragracer 2 (Augury, Dragracer B)TriSeptUS6U (1/2 12U XL)2020-11-20Operational

Test a deployable conductive tape by Tethers Unlimited for deorbiting.

Mandrake 1 (Corvus BC5)DARPAUS6U2020-11-20Reentered, OperationalMandrake 1 (Corvus BC5)
SpaceBEE-22Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-11-20Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-23Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-11-20Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-24Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-11-20Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-25Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-11-20Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-26Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-11-20Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-27Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-11-20Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-28Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-11-20Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-29Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-11-20Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-30Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-11-20Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-31Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-11-20Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-32Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-11-20Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-33Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-11-20Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-34Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-11-20Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-35Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-11-20Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-36Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-11-20Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-37Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-11-20Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-38Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-11-20Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-39Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-11-20Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEENZ-1 (SpaceBEE-40)Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-11-20Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEENZ-2 (SpaceBEE-41)Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-11-20Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEENZ-3 (SpaceBEE-42)Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-11-20Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEENZ-4 (SpaceBEE-43)Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-11-20Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEENZ-5 (SpaceBEE-44)Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-11-20Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEENZ-6 (SpaceBEE-45)Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2020-11-20Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
ET-SMART-RSS (EthSat6U, ET= Ethiopia/ ESSTI and SMART= Beijing Smart Satellite Technology and RSS=Remote Sensing Satellite, Zhixing-1A, Zhixing No. 1 A Star)Ethiopian Space Science & Technology Institute (ESSTI)Ethiopia6U2020-12-22Reentered, Operational

Provide earth observation services to China and African countries.

Yuanguang (Tiansuan constellation)SpacetyChina12U2020-12-22Reentered, Operational, ?

12U satellite for scientific experiments of mechanism and tribology in space.

Weina 2 (Micro-Nano Technology Test Satellite, Weina Jishu Shiyan)?China6U2020-12-27Unknown

 A nano tech research satellite.

CACTUS-1 (Coordinated Applied Capitol Technology University Satellite)Capitol Technology UniversityUS3U2021-01-17Reentered, Semi-operational

Technological demonstration of a cost-saving communications and commanding innovation.

CAPE-3 (Cape III, CAPE3)University of Louisiana at LafayetteUS1U2021-01-17Reentered, Operational

Educational mission that will fly the Smartphone CubeSat Classroom.

CP12 (ExoCube 2, ExoCube-2)California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly)US3U2021-01-17Reentered, Operational

Measure in-situ densities of selected ions and neutrals in the upper
ionosphere and lower exosphere.

CP12 (ExoCube-2)
MiTEE-1 (MiTEE-A, MITEE 1, Miniature Tether Electrodynamics Experiment)University of MichiganUS3U2021-01-17Reentered, Operational

Assess the feasibility of using miniature electrodynamic (ED) tethers in space as means to provide “propellantless”.

PICS 1 (Passive Inspection CubeSat, PIC-A, PICA)Brigham Young UniversityUS1U2021-01-17Reentered, No signal

Demonstrate performing inspection, maintenance and assembly on another spacecraft plus LED flash array.

PICS (Passive Inspection CubeSat)
PICS 2 (Passive Inspection CubeSat, PIC-B, PICB)Brigham Young UniversityUS1U2021-01-17Reentered, No signal

Demonstrate performing inspection, maintenance and assembly on another spacecraft plus LED flash array.

PICS (Passive Inspection CubeSat)
PolarCubeUniversity of Colorado BoulderUS3U2021-01-17Reentered, Operational

Demonstrating atmospheric sounding and sea ice/ice-free ocean detection and mapping over the Polar Regions.

Prometheus 2.8 (Prometheus-05)USSOCOM (US Special Operations Command)US1.5U2021-01-17Reentered, Unknown

Demonstrate improved CubeSat platform.

Prometheus 2
Prometheus 2.11 (Prometheus 2-11)USSOCOM (US Special Operations Command)US1.5U2021-01-17Reentered, Unknown

Demonstrate improved CubeSat platform.

Prometheus 2
Q-PACE (QPACE, Cu-PACE, CubeSat Particle Aggregation and Collision Experiment)University of Central FloridaUS3U2021-01-17Reentered, No signal

Producing tens of thousands of collisions simulating the first steps in planet formation.

RadFXSat-2 (Fox-1E, AO-109)Vanderbilt UniversityUS3U2021-01-17Reentered, Semi-operational

Demonstrate a short interval, cost-effective, on-orbit platform for qualification of components for space.

RadFXSat-2 (Fox-1E)
TechEdSat-7 (TES-7)NASA Ames Research CenterUS2U2021-01-17Reentered, Was operational, ?

Further develop the Exo-Brake system and demonstrate CubeSat Identity Tag (CUBIT) by DARPA.

ARCE-1A (Articulated Reconnaissance and Communications Expedition – 1)University of South FloridaUS0.5U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Three identical CubeSats for inter-satellite networked communications research.

ARCE-1B (Articulated Reconnaissance and Communications Expedition – 1)University of South FloridaUS0.5U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Three identical CubeSats for inter-satellite networked communications research.

ARCE-1C (Articulated Reconnaissance and Communications Expedition – 1)University of South FloridaUS0.5U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Three identical CubeSats for inter-satellite networked communications research.

ASELSATITU (Istanbul Technical University)Turkey3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational, ?

Earth observation mission with X-band downlink system.

Astrocast 3 (Astrocast-0101)AstrocastSwitzerland3U2021-01-24Operational

Constellation for IoT/M2M services.

Astrocast 4 (Astrocast-0102)AstrocastSwitzerland3U2021-01-24Operational

Constellation for IoT/M2M services.

Astrocast 5 (Astrocast-0103)AstrocastSwitzerland3U2021-01-24Operational

Constellation for IoT/M2M services.

Astrocast 6 (Astrocast-0104)AstrocastSwitzerland3U2021-01-24Operational

Constellation for IoT/M2M services.

Astrocast 7 (Astrocast-0105)AstrocastSwitzerland3U2021-01-24Operational

Constellation for IoT/M2M services.

Charlie (All-Charlie)Aurora InsightUS6U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Take trillions of measurements to produce valuable information on RF spectrum and the networks that rely on it.

Flock-4s 1Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 2Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 3Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 4Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 5Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 6Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 7Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 8Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 9Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 10Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 11Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 12Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 13Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 14Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 15Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 16Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 17Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 18Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 19Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 20Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 21Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 22Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 23Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 24Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 25Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 26Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 27Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 28Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 29Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 30Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 31Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 32Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 33Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 34Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 35Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 36Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 37Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 38Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 39Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 40Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 41Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 42Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 43Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 44Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 45Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 46Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 47Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4s 48Planet LabsUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Hiber 4 (Hiber Four, Hiber-4, HiberFour)HiberNetherlands3U2021-01-24Reentered, Was semi-operational, ?, Retired

Test the initial IoT/M2M service.

IDEASSat (Flying Squirrel, Feishu Weixing, INSPIRESat-2, Ionospheric Dynamics Explorer and Attitude Subsystem Satellite, INternational Satellite Program In Research and Education Satellite)National Central UniversityTaiwan3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Measure ionospheric structure and plasma irregularities for radio communications monitoring. Compact ionosphere probe.

Kepler-8 (Amarok)Kepler CommunicationsCanada6U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M and wideband communications.

Kepler GEN1
Kepler-9 (Artemis)Kepler CommunicationsCanada6U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M and wideband communications.

Kepler GEN1
Kepler-10 (Baby Yoda)Kepler CommunicationsCanada6U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M and wideband communications.

Kepler GEN1
Kepler-11 (Daneel)Kepler CommunicationsCanada6U2021-01-24Operational

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M and wideband communications.

Kepler GEN1
Kepler-12 (Boba)Kepler CommunicationsCanada6U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M and wideband communications.

Kepler GEN1
Kepler-13 (Lucky)Kepler CommunicationsCanada6U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M and wideband communications.

Kepler GEN1
Kepler-14 (Stella)Kepler CommunicationsCanada6U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M and wideband communications.

Kepler GEN1
Kepler-15 (SUDORMRF)Kepler CommunicationsCanada6U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M and wideband communications.

Kepler GEN1
Lemur-2 130 ChantalSpireUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 131 JenniferSongSpireUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 132 Mango1 (Mango One)SpireUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate and qualify radar, communications and intelligence capabilities in space.

Lemur-2 132 Mango1
Lemur-2 133 NallywackerSpireUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 134 NevaSpireUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 135 NoobNoobSpireUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 136 Ruairi-EilidhSpireUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 137 SaoirseDH5GuoSpireUS3U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

PIXL-1, (Photo Images Cross Laser, CubeL PIXL, CubeL, OSIRIS4CubeSat)DLR (German Aerospace Center)Germany3U2021-01-24Operational

Demonstration of the OSIRIS optical demonstration payload for CubeSats.

Prometheus 2.10 (P2-10)USSOCOM (US Special Operations Command)US1.5U2021-01-24Reentered, Unknown

Demonstrate improved CubeSat platform.

Prometheus 2
PTD-1 (HYDROS, PTHFDR, Pathfinder Technology Demonstrator, NASA PTD-1)NASA Ames Research CenterUS6U2021-01-24Reentered, Was operational, ?

Demonstrate propulsion systems and CubeSat platform technologies.

PTD-1 (Pathfinder Technology Demonstrator)
SOMP2b (SOMP 2b, SOMP-2, Student On-Orbit Measurement Project 2b)Dresden University of TechnologyGermany2U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Reflight of SOMP2 with minimal modifications?

SpaceBEE-40Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-41Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-42Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-43Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-44Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-45Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-46Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-47Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-48Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-49Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-50Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-51Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-52Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-53Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-54Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-55Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-56Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-57Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-58Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-59Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-60Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-61Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-62Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-63Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-64Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-65Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-66Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-67Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-68Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-69Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-70Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-71Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-72Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-73Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-74Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-75Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
UVSQ-Sat (UVSQSAT, UV & IR Sensors at high Quantum efficiency onboard a small SATellite)University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ)France1U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

Measure solar radiation and educational mission.

V-R3x 1 (Littlefoot)Carnegie Mellon UniversityUS1U2021-01-24Reentered, Was operational

Demonstrate new technologies for networked communication, relative navigation, formation flying, and swarming.

V-R3x 2 (Petrie)Carnegie Mellon UniversityUS1U2021-01-24Reentered, Was operational

Demonstrate new technologies for networked communication, relative navigation, formation flying, and swarming.

V-R3x 3 (Cora)Carnegie Mellon UniversityUS1U2021-01-24Reentered, Was operational

Demonstrate new technologies for networked communication, relative navigation, formation flying, and swarming.

YUSAT-1 (Yushan-1 CubeSat, Yushan Weixing, Yushan Satellite 1)National Taiwan Ocean UniversityTaiwan1.5U2021-01-24Reentered, Operational

AIS payload instrument for marine vessels monitoring for navigation safety and position reporting application.

GuaraniSat-1 (Guarani-1, BIRDS-4)Kyushu Institute of TechnologyParaguay1U2021-02-20Reentered, Operational, ?

Educational and amateur radio mission.

Gunsmoke-J 2 (Jacob's Ladder)US Army Space and Missile Defense CommandUS3U2021-02-20Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate a diverse situational awareness capability from LEO that will directly benefit the Army Warfighter in theater.

IT-SPINS (Spacebuoy, Ionospheric-Thermospheric Scanning Photometer for Ion-Neutral Studies )Montana State UniversityUS3U2021-02-20Reentered, Semi-operational

Provide the first two-dimensional (2D) tomographic imaging addressing the basic nature of the nocturnal ionosphere.

Maya-2 (BIRDS-4)Kyushu Institute of TechnologyPhilippines1U2021-02-20Reentered, Operational, ?

Educational and amateur radio mission.

MYSAT-2 (DhabiSat)Khalifa University of Science and TechnologyUnited Arab Emirates2U2021-02-20Reentered, Semi-operational, Was operational, ?

Educational training plus small camera for vegetation monitoring and new type of battery.

OPUSAT-II (Hirogari, OPUSAT-2)Osaka Prefecture UniversityJapan2U2021-02-20Reentered, Operational

Demonstration of high-speed data transmission in amateur radio band and on-orbit shape measurement system.

ORCA-6 (OrCa1)Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)US6U2021-02-20Reentered, Operational, ?

DARPA CubeSats for testing RF communication between space assets and ground?

ORCA-7Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)US6U2021-02-20Reentered, Operational, ?

DARPA CubeSats for testing RF communication between space assets and ground?

RSP-01 (RymanSat Project, Selfie-sh)Rymansat Project (Lehman Sat)Japan1U2021-02-20Reentered, Semi-operational, Was operational, ?

Send the picture of satellite itself, taken by onboard camera.

STARS-EC A (Space Tethered Autonomous Robotic Satellite, Sanko)Shizuoka UniversityJapan1U2021-02-20Reentered, Operational

Elevator lifting experiment with 3 satellites connected by tethers

STARS-EC B (Space Tethered Autonomous Robotic Satellite, Sanko)Shizuoka UniversityJapan1U2021-02-20Reentered, Operational

Elevator lifting experiment with 3 satellites connected by tethers

STARS-EC C (Space Tethered Autonomous Robotic Satellite, Sanko)Shizuoka UniversityJapan1U2021-02-20Reentered, Operational

Elevator lifting experiment with 3 satellites connected by tethers

Tausat (TAU-SAT, TAU-Sat 1)Herzliya Science CenterIsrael3U2021-02-20Reentered, Operational

Educational mission with radiation measurement and amateur radio transponder.

ThinSat-2A (Coast Guard 1, MEDO-1, ODU, TSL-1, TU)Virginia SpaceUSThinSat 6x1T2021-02-20Reentered, No signal

ThinSat satellite platform for educational training.

ThinSat-2B (TSL-3, TSL-2, MS-2, MEDO-2, GMU)Virginia SpaceUSThinSat 5x1T2021-02-20Reentered, Was semi-operational

ThinSat satellite platform for educational training.

ThinSat-2C (NSE, MS-3, MEMSat, MEDO-3, MEDO-4)Virginia SpaceUSThinSat 5x1T2021-02-20Reentered, Was semi-operational

ThinSat satellite platform for educational training.

ThinSat-2D (MEDO-5, MEDO-6, MEDO-7, ProtoSat, Salisbury University, TSL-4, TSL-5, MS-4)Virginia SpaceUSThinSat 8x1T2021-02-20Reentered, Was semi-operational

ThinSat satellite platform for educational training.

ThinSat-2E (Virginia Tech, VATech, VT ThickSat)Virginia SpaceUSThinSat 6T2021-02-20Reentered, No signal

ThinSat satellite platform for educational training.

ThinSat-2F (NSL-1, NSL-2)Virginia SpaceUSThinSat 2x1T2021-02-20Reentered, No signal

ThinSat satellite platform for educational training.

ThinSat-2G (NSL-3, Taylor University)Virginia SpaceUSThinSat 1T2021-02-20Reentered, No signal

ThinSat satellite platform for educational training.

ThinSat-2H (NSL-4, Career Academy)Virginia SpaceUSThinSat 1T2021-02-20Reentered, No signal

ThinSat satellite platform for educational training.

ThinSat-2I (NSL-5, University of Minnesota)Virginia SpaceUSThinSat 1T2021-02-20Reentered, No signal

ThinSat satellite platform for educational training.

Tsuru (BIRDS-4)Kyushu Institute of TechnologyJapan1U2021-02-20Reentered, Operational, ?

Educational and amateur radio mission.

Warp-01 (Nichirin, Warp-1)WARPSPACEJapan1U2021-02-20Reentered, Operational, ?

Demonstrate new satellite bus components and custom radio transmitter in space.

NanoConnect-2 (SAI-1, NANOCONNECT-2/SAI-1)UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico)Mexico2U2021-02-28Reentered, Operational

Educational mission to demonstrate spacecraft subsystems in space.

NanoConnect-2 (SAI-1)
Saditsat (SKI SATISH DHAWAN SAT, SDSAT. SD Sat, SD'Sat)Space Kidz IndiaIndia3U2021-02-28Reentered, Was operational

Educational mission studying space radiation, magnetosphere and demonstrating nanosatellite components.

SpaceBEE-76Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-02-28Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-77Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-02-28Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-78Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-02-28Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-79Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-02-28Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-80Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-02-28Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-81Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-02-28Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-82Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-02-28Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-83Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-02-28Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-84Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-02-28Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-85Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-02-28Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-86Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-02-28Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-87Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-02-28Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
UNITYSat 1 (JITSat)Jeppiaar Institute of TechnologyIndia0.25U2021-02-28Reentered, No signal

UNITY program consisting of 0.25U and later 0.125U CubeSats.

UNITYSat 2 (GHRCEsat)G H Raisoni Institute of Engineering and Technology and India0.25U2021-02-28Reentered, Was semi-operational

UNITY program consisting of 0.25U and later 0.125U CubeSats.

UNITYSat 3 (Sri Shakthi Sat, SSIETSAT)Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and TechnologyIndia0.25U2021-02-28Reentered, No signal

UNITY program consisting of 0.25U and later 0.125U CubeSats.

3B5GSAT (Sateliot-1, 3rd Generation Before 5th Generation Satellite)SateliotSpain3U2021-03-22Reentered, Operational

Constellation for continuous global connectivity for Internet of Things (IoT) under a 5G architecture.

Arduiqube DIY1 (DIY-1, DIYSATELLITE, DIY-1/ARDUIQUBE)DIYSATELLITEArgentinaPocketQube 1p2021-03-22Reentered, Operational

Educational mission to measure the health and attitude of the satellite.

Arduiqube DIY1
BCCSat-1 (Bangkok Christian College SatellitesBangkok Christian CollegeThailand1U2021-03-22Reentered, Operational

World's First Educational Multispectral Cubesat Build by High-School Students

BEESAT-5Technical University of BerlinGermany0.25U2021-03-22Reentered, Operational

Pi­co­satel­lite swarm mis­sion of 0.25U CubeSats.

BEESAT 10-13
BEESAT-6Technical University of BerlinGermany0.25U2021-03-22Reentered, Operational

Pi­co­satel­lite swarm mis­sion of 0.25U CubeSats.

BEESAT 10-13
BEESAT-7Technical University of BerlinGermany0.25U2021-03-22Reentered, Operational

Pi­co­satel­lite swarm mis­sion of 0.25U CubeSats.

BEESAT 10-13
BEESAT-8Technical University of BerlinGermany0.25U2021-03-22Operational

Pi­co­satel­lite swarm mis­sion of 0.25U CubeSats.

BEESAT 10-13
CANYVAL-C (Pumbaa)Yonsei UniversitySouth Korea2U2021-03-22No signal

Imaging the solar corona - including the region that is 10 times the Sun’s angular diameter.

CANYVAL-C (Pumbaa)
CANYVAL-C (Timon)Yonsei UniversitySouth Korea1U2021-03-22No signal

Imaging the solar corona - including the region that is 10 times the Sun’s angular diameter.

Centauri-3 (Centauri 3, Tyvak-0210)Fleet SpaceAustralia6U2021-03-22Reentered, Operational

IoT satellite network.

Centauri 6U (Fleet)
Challenge One (ChallengeOne)TelnetTunisia3U2021-03-22Operational

Scientific research and technology demonstrator satellite for IoT.

Challenge One
CubeSX-HSE (NRU HSE, R13S, Space-PI, Space π)Moscow Institute of Electronics and MathematicsRussia3U2021-03-22Operational

Educational mission with X-band transmitter.

CubeSX-Sirius-HSE (MIEM, NIU VShE - DZZ, R14S, Space-PI, Space π)Moscow Institute of Electronics and MathematicsRussia3U2021-03-22Operational

Educational mission with X-band transmitter.

FEES (Flexible Experimental Embedded Satellite)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3U2021-03-22Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate various technologies including Iridium modem and camera.

GRBAlpha (GRB-Alpha)Technical University of KosiceSlovakia1U2021-03-22Operational

Educational mission with digipeater and testing gamma-ray burst sensor.

Gunsmoke-J 3 (Jacob's Ladder)US Army Space and Missile Defense CommandUS3U2021-03-22Unknown

Demonstrate a diverse situational awareness capability from LEO that will directly benefit the Army Warfighter in theater.

Hiber 3 (Hiber Three, Hiber-3, HiberThree)HiberNetherlands3U2021-03-22Was semi-operational, ?, Retired

Test the initial IoT/M2M service.

Kepler-6 (Rocinante)Kepler CommunicationsCanada6U2021-03-22Reentered, Operational

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M and wideband communications.

Kepler GEN1
Kepler-7 (C3PO)Kepler CommunicationsCanada6U2021-03-22Reentered, Operational

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M and wideband communications.

Kepler GEN1
KMSL (Korea Microgravity Science Laboratory)Chosun UniversitySouth Korea3U2021-03-22Operational

Perform a fire experiment in low Earth orbit and biological experiments.

KSU_CubeSat (KSU CubeSat)King Saud UniversitySaudi Arabia1U2021-03-22Operational

Planning to send telemetry and images from space and repeating a received voice.

KSU CubeSat
LacunaSat-2b (LS2, LacunaSat2)Lacuna SpaceUK3U2021-03-22Reentered, Operational

Innovative Internet-of-Things (‘IoT’) connectivity-via-satellite payload demonstrator.

Myriota 7 (Tyvak-0152)MyriotaAustralia3U2021-03-22Reentered, Operational

Constellation towards providing real-time IoT connectivity.

NANOSATC-BR2National Institute for Space ResearchBrazil2U2021-03-22Was semi-operational

Langmuir probe, attitude determination system.

OrbiCraft - Zorkiy (Zorky, Space-PI, Space π)SputnixRussia6U2021-03-22Operational

Demonstration of new CubeSat platform and remote sensing camera with 6.6 meter resolution.

OrbiCraft - Zorkiy
RAAF M2 A (M2-A)University of New South Wales (UNSW Canberra)Australia6U (1/2 12U)2021-03-22Operational

Deliver to the RAAF AIS / ADS-B capability across the globe using COTS AIS and ADS-B systems.

RAAF M2 B (M2-B)University of New South Wales (UNSW Canberra)Australia6U (1/2 12U)2021-03-22Operational

Deliver to the RAAF AIS / ADS-B capability across the globe using COTS AIS and ADS-B systems.

SAMSON A (SAMSON 1, Adelis-SAMSON, Space Autonomous Mission for Swarming and Geolocating Nanosatellites)Israel Institute Of TechnologyIsrael6U2021-03-22Unknown, ?

Demonstrate long-term autonomous cluster flight of multiple satellites.

SAMSON B (SAMSON 2, Adelis-SAMSON, Space Autonomous Mission for Swarming and Geolocating Nanosatellites)Israel Institute Of TechnologyIsrael6U2021-03-22Unknown, ?

Demonstrate long-term autonomous cluster flight of multiple satellites.

SAMSON C (SAMSOM 3, Adelis-SAMSON, Space Autonomous Mission for Swarming and Geolocating Nanosatellites)Israel Institute Of TechnologyIsrael6U2021-03-22Unknown, ?

Demonstrate long-term autonomous cluster flight of multiple satellites.

SMOG-1Budapest University of Technology and EconomicsHungaryPocketQube 1p2021-03-22Reentered, Operational

It's mission is to measure the RF spectrum (430-830MHz) in the Low Earth Orbit.

STECCO (Space Travelling Egg Controlled Catadioptric Object)Sapienza University of RomeItalyPocketQube 6p2021-03-22Operational

Educational mission with amateur radio payload.

Veery Hatchling (Veery-RL1, Veery V0.1, Clay)Care WeatherUS1U2021-03-22Reentered, Operational

Building phone—sized weather satellites to power a super accurate forecast.

Hatchling Veery
WildTrackCube – SIMBA (SIMBA, System for Improving Monitoring the Behaviour of Animals, IKUNS 3)Sapienza University of RomeItaly1U2021-03-22Reentered, Operational

System for Improving monitoring the behaviour of animals and amateur radio mission.

Bravo (All-Bravo)Aurora InsightUS6U2021-04-29Operational

Take trillions of measurements to produce valuable information on RF spectrum and the networks that rely on it.

ELO Alpha (Tyvak-182A, Eutelsat LEO for Objects)EutelsatUS3U2021-04-29Operational

Assess the performance of LEO satellites in providing narrowband connectivity for objects.

Lemur-2 138 Amanda-SvanteSpireUS3U2021-04-29Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 139 Special KSpireUS3U2021-04-29Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Tyvak-0130 (GEOStare SV2, GEOStare-2)TyvakUS12U2021-05-15Operational

Optical spectrum astronomy observation satellite with GEOstare 2 payload.

TDO-3 (Technology Demonstration Orbiter, TDO 3 Spacecraft)Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)US12U2021-05-18Reentered, Unknown, Passive, ?

Second CubeSat in GTO. Test orbital debris tracking technologies.

TDO-4 (Technology Demonstration Orbiter, TDO 4 Spacecraft)Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)US12U2021-05-18Reentered, Unknown, Passive, ?

Second CubeSat in GTO. Test orbital debris tracking technologies.

Gundam 2 (G-Satellite 2, G-Sat, BD-28)University of TokyoJapan3U2021-06-03Reentered, No signal

Satellite to celebrate Tokyo 2020 Olympics carrying toy figures and taking photos of a screen with Earth in the background.

MIR-SAT1 (Mauritian Infrared Satellite, Mir-Sat-1, MirSat1)Mauritius Research CouncilMauritius1U2021-06-03Reentered, Operational

Collecting images of Mauritius and surrounding regions using longwave infrared (LWIR) thermal camera.

RamSatOak Ridge Public SchoolsUS1U2021-06-03Reentered, Operational

Education mission to develop and implement a middle school STEM curriculum for building a CubeSat.

SOAR (Satellite for Orbital Aerodynamics Research, DISCOVERER)University of ManchesterUK3U2021-06-03Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate aerodynamic attitude and orbit control manoeuvres.

ARTHUR, (RRF1-Arthur, Risk Reduction Flight ARTHUR-1)AerospacelabBelgium12U2021-06-30Operational

Demonstrate spacecraft bus technologies and 5 meter Earth imagery for a future constellation.

Astrocast 8 (ASTROCAST-0201)AstrocastSwitzerland3U2021-06-30Operational

Constellation for IoT/M2M services.

Astrocast 9 (ASTROCAST-0202)AstrocastSwitzerland3U2021-06-30Operational

Constellation for IoT/M2M services.

Astrocast 10 (ASTROCAST-0203)AstrocastSwitzerland3U2021-06-30Operational

Constellation for IoT/M2M services.

Astrocast 11 (ASTROCAST-0204)AstrocastSwitzerland3U2021-06-30Operational

Constellation for IoT/M2M services.

Astrocast 12 (ASTROCAST-0205)AstrocastSwitzerland3U2021-06-30Operational

Constellation for IoT/M2M services.

Brik2 (Brik-II, BRIK-II)Royal Netherlands Air ForceNetherlands6U2021-06-30Operational

Military RF receiver and Langmuir probe to measure electron density.

Centauri-4 (Tyvak-0211)Fleet SpaceAustralia6U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

IoT satellite network.

Centauri 6U (Fleet)
CNCE1 (Cubesat Networked Communications Experiment, CNCE Block 1)Missile Defense AgencyUS3U2021-06-30Reentered, Retired, Operational

The cubesats will mimic two suborbital missile interceptor vehicles and test communications between them.

CNCE Block 1 (Cubesat Networked Communications Experiment)
CNCE3 (Cubesat Networked Communications Experiment, CNCE Block 1)Missile Defense AgencyUS3U2021-06-30Reentered, Retired, Operational

The cubesats will mimic two suborbital missile interceptor vehicles and test communications between them.

CNCE Block 1 (Cubesat Networked Communications Experiment)
D2/AtlaCom-1Mexican Space AgencyMexico6U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

Rideshare mission of a consortium called “HyperActive”, and an electric propulsion demonstration by Accion Systems.

Faraday-1b (Faraday Phoenix)In-Space MissionsUK6U2021-06-30Operational

Hosted payload opportunities for early service and technology demonstration.

GHALIBMarshall IntecUnited Arab Emirates2U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

Demonstrator turn-key mission for space-based tracking of falcon migration, which could become a 6 satellite constellation.

Gunsmoke-J 4 (Jacob's Ladder)US Army Space and Missile Defense CommandUS6U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate a diverse situational awareness capability from LEO that will directly benefit the Army Warfighter in theater.

HALO-Net Free FlyerUS NavyUS3U2021-06-30Reentered, Unknown

Primary experiment on HALO-Net Free Flyer is the retroreflector array.

HALO-Net Free Flyer
KSF1 A (KSF1-A, Kleos Space – Polar Vigilance Mission, Kleos-5)Kleos SpaceUK6U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

Form the foundation of a constellation that delivers a global picture of hidden maritime activity.

Kleos Space - Polar Vigilance Mission (KSF1)
KSF1 B (KSF1-B, Kleos Space – Polar Vigilance Mission, Kleos-6)Kleos SpaceUK6U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

Form the foundation of a constellation that delivers a global picture of hidden maritime activity.

Kleos Space - Polar Vigilance Mission (KSF1)
KSF1 C (KSF1-C, Kleos Space – Polar Vigilance Mission, Kleos-7)Kleos SpaceUK6U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

Form the foundation of a constellation that delivers a global picture of hidden maritime activity.

Kleos Space - Polar Vigilance Mission (KSF1)
KSF1 D (KSF1-D, Kleos Space – Polar Vigilance Mission, Kleos-8)Kleos SpaceUK6U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

Form the foundation of a constellation that delivers a global picture of hidden maritime activity.

Kleos Space - Polar Vigilance Mission (KSF1)
Lemur-2 140 AC-CUBEDSpireUS3U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 141 ANNABANANASpireUS3U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 142 JACKSONSpireUS3U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 143 JOHN-TREIRESSpireUS3U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 144 MERIMASpireUS3U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 145 CARLSANTAMARISpireUS3U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

LINCS1 A (Laser Interconnet & Communications System)Space Development AgencyUS12U2021-06-30No signal, ?

Optical communications terminals that use lasers to beam data across space.

LINCS2 B (Laser Interconnet & Communications System)Space Development AgencyUS12U2021-06-30No signal, ?

Optical communications terminals that use lasers to beam data across space.

NAPA-2 (RTAF-Sat, RTAFSAT-2, Royal Thai Air Force CubeSat, Firmament-2)Royal Thai Air ForceThailand6U2021-06-30Operational

Earth Observation satellite for Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR).

NEPTUNO (NEPT-1)Elecnor DeimosSpain3U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

Constellation demonstrator that contributes to a solution that faces the main challenges of maritime surveillance.

PACE-1 (Payload Accelerator for CubeSat Endeavors)NASA Ames Research CenterUS6U2021-06-30No signal, ?

Perform a set of experiments to demonstrate the Advanced Development Projects (ADP) technology.

Painani-II (Painani 2, Painani-2)University of the Mexican Army and Air ForceMexico3U2021-06-30Reentered, No signal, ?

It will carry a low resolution camera and proposes an S Band downlink using frequency hopping technology for the images.

QMR-KWT (Moon of Kuwait, Kuwaiti Orbital Space CubeSat)Orbital SpaceKuwait1U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

Educational mission and capacity building in the nation.

SpaceBEE-88Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-89Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-90Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-91Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-92Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-93Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-94Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-95Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-96Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-97Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-98Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-99Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-100Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-101Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-102Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-103Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-104Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-105Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-106Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-107Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-108Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-109Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-110Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-111Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEENZ-7Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEENZ-8Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEENZ-9Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEENZ-10Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SPARTAN (Shared Sat, Shared Platform for Applied Research and Technology Affirmation)EnduroSatBulgaria6U2021-06-30Operational

Seven technology demonstrations and commercial payloads.

STORK-4SatRevPoland3U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

Innovative shared platform with Earth-Observation capabilities. Aimed at in-orbit services, the mission currently has capacity for external payloads.

STORK-5 (MARTA)SatRevPoland3U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

Innovative shared platform with Earth-Observation capabilities. Aimed at in-orbit services, the mission currently has capacity for external payloads.

Tiger-2 (Ayan-21)OQ TechnologyLuxembourg6U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational

Demonstrator for 5G NB-IoT constellation.

TROPICS Pathfinder (The Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats)MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)US3U2021-06-30Reentered, Operational, ?

Provide rapid-refresh microwave measurements over the tropics for weather prediction.

Tyvak-0173 (SIRION-3, EG 3, EG-3, EchoStar Global 3)EchoStarUS16U2021-06-30Operational

Two tiny S-band satellites to jumpstart a low-Earth-orbit constellation using spectrum gained through its acquisition of Helios Wire. 

Tyvak-0173? (SIRION-3?)
W-Cube (wCUBE)ESA (European Space Agency)Finland3U2021-06-30Operational

Demonstrate the use of the 75-GHz frequency W-band for future telecommunications satellites.

BRO-4 (Breizh Reconnaissance Orbiter)UnseenlabsFrance6U2021-08-17Operational

Spectrum monitoring service. Maritime surveillance. Electromagnetic intelligence service.

LEDSAT (LED-based Satellite)Sapienza University of RomeItaly1U2021-08-17Operational

Equipped with LEDs and retroreflectors for optical tracking from ground.

RADCUBEC3SHungary3U2021-08-17Reentered, Operational

Real-time monitoring of the cosmic radiation and space weather environment.

Sunstorm (XFM Cube, XFM CubeSat, Sunstorm-1, Sun-Storm)ESA (European Space Agency)Finland2U2021-08-17Reentered, Operational, Retired

Solar X-ray Flux Monitor to monitor solar x-ray flares.

Binar 1 (Binar-1)Curtin UniversityAustralia1U2021-08-29Reentered, Semi-operational, ?

Test CubeSat technologies for deep space missions.

Binar 1
CAPSat (Cool Annealing Payload Satellite)University of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignUS3U2021-08-29Reentered, Was operational

Investigate attitude control with strain-actuated deployable panels plus active thermal system.

CUAVA-1 (Centre for CubeSats, Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles and their Applications)University of SydneyAustralia3U2021-08-29Reentered, No signal

Educational mission and multiple radio amateur community activities including W-band (76 GHz) transmitter.

Maya-3 (Maya-1.1, BIRDS-2S)STeP UP University of the PhilippinesPhilippines1U2021-08-29Reentered, Operational

Educational and amateur radio mission with visual camera.

Maya-4 (Maya-1.2, BIRDS-2S)STeP UP University of the PhilippinesPhilippines1U2021-08-29Reentered, Operational

Educational and amateur radio mission with near-infrared camera.

PR-CuNaR2 (Puerto Rico CubeSat NanoRocks-2, PR_CuNar2, PRCUNAR2)Inter American University of Puerto RicoUS3U2021-08-29Reentered, No signal, ?

Study collisions among millimeter-sized particles in a protoplanetary disk.

Puerto Rico CubeSat
SPACE HAUC 1 (SPACE-HAUC)University of MassachusettsUS3U2021-08-29Reentered, No signal, ?

Educational training and X-band beam steering with phased array of patch antennas.

BSS1 (Starling, DFAST Benchmark CubeSat)Benchmark Space SystemsUS3U2021-09-03Launch failure

Demonstrate DFAST propulsion system.

FossaSat-1BFossa SystemsSpainPocketQube 1p2021-09-03Launch failure

Mostly copy of the FossaSat-1 satellite by using CW and new solar panels.

FossaSat-2Fossa SystemsSpainPocketQube 1p2021-09-03Launch failure

Amateur radio mission with a small camera.

GENESIS-LAMSAT-EASpainPocketQube 1p2021-09-03Launch failure

Provide radio amateur communication with a regenerative ASK repeater.

GENESIS-NAMSAT-EASpainPocketQube 1p2021-09-03Launch failure

Provide radio amateur communication with a regenerative ASK repeater.

Hiapo (HSTM CubeSat)Hawaii Science and Technology Museum (HSTM)US1U2021-09-03Launch failure

Educational mission and measuring the electric field generated by the solar wind.

Hiapo (HSTM CubeSat)
Qubik 1Libre Space FoundationGreecePocketQube 1p2021-09-03Launch failure

Designed for amateur radio service. Experiment with LEOP and passive RF orbit determination.

Qubik 2Libre Space FoundationGreecePocketQube 1p2021-09-03Launch failure

Designed for amateur radio service. Experiment with LEOP and passive RF orbit determination.

SerenityTeachers in SpaceUS3U2021-09-03Launch failure

Educational mission to allow interaction with the CubeSat and blockchain for inter-satellite transactions.

Cesium Satellite 1 (CM1, Cesium Mission 1, CS1)CesiumAstroUS6U2021-09-27Operational

Demonstrate active phased array and inter-satellite link payloads.

Cesium Satellite
Cesium Satellite 2 (CM1, Cesium Mission 1, CS2)CesiumAstroUS6U2021-09-27Operational

Demonstrate active phased array and inter-satellite link payloads.

Cesium Satellite
CuPID (Cusp Plasma Imaging Detector)Boston UniversityUS6U2021-09-27Was operational, ?

Carry a miniaturized soft x-ray imaging telescope.

CUTE (Colorado Ultraviolet Transit Experiment, CUTE-LASP)University of Colorado BoulderUS6U2021-09-27Operational

Characterize the composition and mass-loss rates of exoplanet atmospheres.

SSS-2AShanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU)China3U2021-10-14Reentered, Operational

Educational training and capacity building in space technology development.

Tianyuan-1Nanjing University of Science and TechnologyChina6U2021-10-14Unknown

Demonstration of subsystems and cold-gas thruster.

ARICA (AGU Remote Innovative CubeSat Alert)Aoyama Gakuin UniversityJapan1U2021-11-09No signal

Demonstrate Iridium and Globalstar modemds for real-time alert system.

ASTERISC (Advanced Satellite Toward Exploration of dust enviRonment with In-Situ Cosmic dust sensor)Chiba Institute of TechnologyJapan3U2021-11-09Operational

Monitor interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) and artificial debris particles in low Earth orbit.

KOSEN-1National Institute of TechnologyJapan2U2021-11-09Operational

Educational mission and demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies.

NanoDragonVietnam National Satellite CenterVietnam3U2021-11-09No signal

AIS receiver, OBC payload and testing attitude control with optical imager.

LICIACube (Light Italian Cubesat for Imaging of Asteroids, LICIA)Italian Space AgencyItaly6U2021-11-24Operational, ?

After traveling 16 months on DART, will be released in order to monitor all effects of the impact.

ASCENTAir Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)US12U2021-12-07Operational

Demonstrate various CubeSat operations in geostationary orbit (GEO). AFRL will provide and integrate the ASCENT payload.

Baoyun (Tiansuan constellation)SpacetyChina12U2021-12-07Reentered, Unknown, ?

GNSS occultation detection payload.

Lize1 (Lize-1, LIZE 1, Tiansuan constellation)SpacetyChina12U2021-12-07Reentered, Unknown, ?

Lize-1 is a test of a new platform and for constellation networking tests, with the involvement of two private companies. 

Tianjin University-1 (Tianjin University No.1, Tianjin Daxue 1)Changguang Satellite TechnologyChina12U2021-12-07Reentered, Unknown, ?

Infrared remote sensing satellite.

DAILI (Daily Atmospheric Ionospheric Limb Imager Mission)Aerospace CorporationUS6U (1x6U)2021-12-21Reentered, Was operational, ?

Studies dynamic changes in Earth's neutral/ionosphere density in the ~140 km - 290 km altitude region.

FEES2 (Flexible Experimental Embedded Satellite, FEES-2)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3U2021-12-21Reentered, Was operational, ?

Demonstrate various technologies including Iridium modem and camera.

GASPACS (Get Away Special Passive Attitude Control Satellite)Utah State UniversityUS1U2021-12-21Reentered, Operational

Deploy and rigidize a 1 meter long inflatable UV cured boom.

GT-1 (GT 1)Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)US1U2021-12-21Reentered, Was operational

Educational mission and radio amateur repeater payload.

Light-1 (RAADSat, RAAD, Rapid Acquisition Atmospheric Detector)Khalifa University of Science and TechnologyUnited Arab Emirates3U2021-12-21Reentered, Operational

Study TGF flashes emitted via thunderclouds from Earth's atmosphere using gamma-ray detector.

PATCOOL (Passive Thermal Coating Observatory Operating in Low earth orbit)University of FloridaUS3U2021-12-21Reentered, Unknown, ?

Testbed for the performance of experimental cryogenic selective surface samples in LEO.

TARGIT (LiDAR CubeSat)Georgia Tech Research CorporationUS3U2021-12-21Reentered, Was operational

Assemble, test, and integrate a miniaturized LiDAR imaging camera and deployable inflatable for target.

CAS-9 (Hope-3, XW-3)CAMSAT (Chinese Amateur Satellite Group)China6U2021-12-26Operational

VHF uplink and UHF downlink linear transponder with a bandwidth of 30kHz.

Grizu-263 (Grizu 263A)Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit UniversityUSPocketQube 1p2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Design and implement a satellite that will handle basic capabilities and operations.

BRO-5 (Breizh Reconnaissance Orbiter)UnseenlabsFrance6U2022-01-13Operational

Spectrum monitoring service. Maritime surveillance. Electromagnetic intelligence service.

ChallengerQuubUSPocketQube 3p2022-01-13Reentered, No signal

Earth Observation and Communications satellite made using Windform.

Delfi-PQ 1Delft University of TechnologyNetherlandsPocketQube 3p2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate PocketQube platform technologies.

Delfi-PQ 1
DEWASAT-1 (DEWA-SAT 1, Space-D DEWA 3U)Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA)United Arab Emirates3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Internet of Things (IoT) payload.

Space-D DEWA 1
DODONA (GSky-1, GalacticSky-1, La Jument)University of Southern CaliforniaUS3U2022-01-13Operational, ?

Software-defined satellite to dynamically change their missions on orbit.

EASAT-2AMSAT-EASpainPocketQube 1.5p2022-01-13Semi-operational

Provide radio amateurs a LEO orbital linear transponder so bidirectional communications are possible in its footprint.

ETV-A1 (EarthTV-1)SenUK16U2022-01-13Operational

Constellation to stream real-time and timely videos from space.

EarthTV (Sen)
Flock-4x 1Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 2Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 3Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 4Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 5Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 6Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 7Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 8Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 9Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 10Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 11Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 12Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 13Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 14Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 15Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 16Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 17Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 18Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 19Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 20Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 21Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 22Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 23Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 24Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 25Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 26Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 27Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 28Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 29Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 30Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 31Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 32Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 33Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 34Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 35Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 36Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 37Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 38Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 39Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 40Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 41Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 42Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 43Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4x 44Planet LabsUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
FossaSat-2E 1 (WISeSAT 1, FOSSASAT2E1)Fossa SystemsSwitzerlandPocketQube 1p2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

WISeSat satellites will offer its customers IoT technology in a SaaS model that enables IoT communications along with authentication and encrypted.

FossaSat-2E 2 (WISeSAT 2, FOSSASAT2E2)Fossa SystemsSwitzerlandPocketQube 1p2022-01-13Reentered, Was operational

WISeSat satellites will offer its customers IoT technology in a SaaS model that enables IoT communications along with authentication and encrypted.

FossaSat-2E 3 (CShark Pilot-1, CSHARKPILOT-1,, FOSSASAT2E3)Fossa SystemsSpainPocketQube 1p2022-01-13Reentered, Was operational

PocketQube with an Internet of things (IoT) payload by Italian technological provider CShark.

FossaSat-2E 4 (LAIKA,, FOSSASAT2E4)Fossa SystemsSpainPocketQube 1p2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

PocketQube with an Internet of things (IoT) payload by Italian technological provider CShark.

FossaSat-2E 5 (FOSSASAT2E5)Fossa SystemsSpainPocketQube 1p2022-01-13Reentered, Was operational

PocketQube with an Internet of things (IoT) payload by Italian technological provider CShark.

FossaSat-2E 6 (FOSSASAT2E6)Fossa SystemsSpainPocketQube 1p2022-01-13Reentered, Was operational

PocketQube with an Internet of things (IoT) payload by Italian technological provider CShark.

GEARRS 3 (GEARRSAT 3, Globalstar Experiment And Risk Reduction Satellite)NearSpace LaunchUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Unknown

Experiments with Globalstar connectivity.

Gossamer (GOSSAMER-PICARD, GOSSAMER PICCOLOMINI)LunasondeUK1U2022-01-13No signal

Developing a platform for mapping resources up to 2 kilometers beneath the Earth’s surface, using novel low frequency radar technology.

HadesAMSAT-EASpainPocketQube 1.5p2022-01-13Reentered, Semi-operational

Amateur communications implementing a Bend-Pipe type repeater and with Store & Forward capabilities.

HYPSO-1 (HYPer-spectral Satellite for ocean Observation, HYPSO-1)Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)US6U2022-01-13Operational

Hyperspectral imager to monitor algal blooms and other biological activity in the ocean.

IRIS-A (Intelligent Remote-Sensing and Internet Satellite)National Cheng Kung UniversityTaiwan2U2022-01-13Operational

Test technology to improve the quality of downlink signals.

Kepler-16 (Astraeus)Kepler CommunicationsCanada6U2022-01-13Operational

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M and wideband communications.

Kepler GEN1
Kepler-17 (Karina)Kepler CommunicationsCanada6U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M and wideband communications.

Kepler GEN1
Kepler-18 (Blip-A)Kepler CommunicationsCanada6U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M and wideband communications.

Kepler GEN1
Kepler-19Kepler CommunicationsCanada6U2022-01-13Operational

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M and wideband communications.

Kepler GEN1
LabSat (LoCsat, Bio-nanosatellite)Wroclaw University of Science and TechnologyPoland3U2022-01-13Reentered, Was semi-operational, ?

Researching the behavior of cancer cells and T lymphocytes, as well as the growth of fungi.

Lemur-2 146 RamonamaeSpireUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 147 King-JulienSpireUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 148 Rohovithsa (Forest-1, FOREST, Forest Observation and Recognition Experimental Smallsat Thermal Detector))OroraTechGermany6U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Carry OroraTech’s first unique and proprietary thermal-infrared camera and data processing unit.

Lemur-2 Rohovitsa
Lemur-2 149 MiriwariSpireUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 150 Djirang (NICSAT2)SpireUS6U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Capability of on-board computing and processing of machine learning and artificial intelligence across multi-modal data.

Lemur-2 Djirang
Lemur-2 151 Krywe (Adler-1, Austrian Debris Detection Low Earth orbit Reconnoiter, Lemur-2)Austrian Space Forum (OeWF)Austria3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Study the (micro) space debris environment in LEO to complement the models by an active short-range radar as well as a deployable piezoelectric array.

Lemur-2 Krywe (Adler-1)
MDASat-1a (ZACUBE-3, FireSat)Cape Peninsula University of TechnologySouth Africa2U2022-01-13Operational

Constellation for a ship-tracking payload (AIS) and imager for ocean color and fire tracking.

MDASat-1b (ZACUBE-4, FireSat)Cape Peninsula University of TechnologySouth Africa3U2022-01-13Operational

Constellation for a ship-tracking payload (AIS) and imager for ocean color and fire tracking.

MDASat-1c (ZACUBE-5, FireSat)Cape Peninsula University of TechnologySouth Africa3U2022-01-13Operational

Constellation for a ship-tracking payload (AIS) and imager for ocean color and fire tracking.

MDQubeSat-1 (MDQSAT-1, MDQube SAT1A, MDQUBE-SAT1, General San Martin)Innova SpaceArgentinaPocketQube 2p2022-01-13Reentered, No signal, ?

Tech demo of Innova Space’s new pico-satellite constellation for IoT.

NuX-1NuSpaceSingapore3U2022-01-13Reentered, No signal

IoT constellation demonstration.

PAN A (Pathfinder for Autonomous Navigation)Cornell UniversityUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Semi-operational, ?

Technology demonstration to launch two 3U CubeSats that will autonomously rendezvous and dock in LEO.

PAN B (Pathfinder for Autonomous Navigation)Cornell UniversityUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Semi-operational, ?

Technology demonstration to launch two 3U CubeSats that will autonomously rendezvous and dock in LEO.

PION-BR1PION LabsBrazilPocketQube 1p2022-01-13Reentered, No signal

Demonstrate PocketQube platform and attitude determination system.

SanoSat-1 (Nepal PQ-1)ORION SpaceNepalPocketQube 1p2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Develop affordable picosatellite for the amateur radio community.

SATLLA-2A (SATTLA-2A)Ariel UniversityIsraelPocketQube 2p2022-01-13Reentered, No signal

Educational amateur radio with LEDs and camera.

SATLLA-2B (SATTLA-2B)Ariel UniversityIsraelPocketQube 2p2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Educational amateur radio with LEDs and camera.

SteamSat-1 (SteamSat-2, SteamSat, SteamJet CubeSat)SteamJetUK1.5U2022-01-13Reentered, Unknown

Demonstrate a propulsion system.

STORK-1 (ThingSat)SatRevPoland3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational, ?

Innovative shared platform with Earth-Observation capabilities.

STORK-2SatRevPoland3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Innovative shared platform with Earth-Observation capabilities. Aimed at in-orbit services.

STORK-3SatRevPoland3U2022-01-13Reentered, Unknown

Innovative shared platform with Earth-Observation capabilities. Aimed at in-orbit services, the mission currently has capacity for external payloads.

SW1FT (Swift, SWIFTVISION)SatRevPoland2U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

In-orbit payload demonstration platform.

TartanArtibeus-1 (Orbital Edge Computing, Unicorn-2TA1, Tartan-Artibeus-1)Carnegie Mellon UniversityUSPocketQube 1p2022-01-13Reentered, No signal

Educational amateur radio mission with orbital edge computing elements.

TechEdSat-13 (TES-13)NASA Ames Research CenterUS3U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Test several technologies intended to help better track and identify CubeSats.

Tevel 1 (T1OFK)Herzliya Science CenterIsrael1U2022-01-13Reentered, Unknown, ?

Educational amateur radio mission with 8 identical CubeSats.

Tevel 2 (T2YRC)Herzliya Science CenterIsrael1U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational, ?

Educational amateur radio mission with 8 identical CubeSats.

Tevel 3 (T3TYB)Herzliya Science CenterIsrael1U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Educational amateur radio mission with 8 identical CubeSats.

Tevel 4 (T4ATA)Herzliya Science CenterIsrael1U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Educational amateur radio mission with 8 identical CubeSats.

Tevel 5 (T5SNG)Herzliya Science CenterIsrael1U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Educational amateur radio mission with 8 identical CubeSats.

Tevel 6 (T6NZR)Herzliya Science CenterIsrael1U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Educational amateur radio mission with 8 identical CubeSats.

Tevel 7 (T7ADM)Herzliya Science CenterIsrael1U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Educational amateur radio mission with 8 identical CubeSats.

Tevel 8 (T8GBS)Herzliya Science CenterIsrael1U2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Educational amateur radio mission with 8 identical CubeSats.

Unicorn-1Alba OrbitalUKPocketQube 2p2022-01-13Reentered, Deployment failure, ?

Demonstrate PocketQube technologies and trial a link to an Avanti geo-synchronous satellite called Artemis.

Unicorn-2AAlba OrbitalUKPocketQube 2p2022-01-13Reentered, Deployment failure, ?

Earth Observation constellation to provide near-real time satellite imagery.

Unicorn-2DAlba OrbitalUKPocketQube 2p2022-01-13Reentered, Operational

Earth Observation constellation to provide near-real time satellite imagery.

Unicorn-2EAlba OrbitalUKPocketQube 2p2022-01-13Reentered, Deployment failure, ?

Earth Observation constellation to provide near-real time satellite imagery.

VZLUSAT-2University of West BohemiaCzechia3U2022-01-13Operational

Experimental Earth-observation camera and high-energy particle detectors.

BAMA-1University of AlabamaUS3U2022-02-10Launch failure

Flight demonstration of a drag sail module by rapidly deorbiting the satellite.

INCA (Ionospheric Neutron Content Analyzer)New Mexico State UniversityUS3U2022-02-10Launch failure

Study the latitude and time dependencies of the neutron spectrum to improve space weather models.

QubeSatUniversity of California, BerkeleyUS2U2022-02-10Launch failure

Test and characterize the effects of space on quantum gyroscopes based on nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond.

R5-S1NASA Johnson Space CenterUS3U2022-02-10Launch failure

Demonstrate technologies to speed up hosted payload and in-space inspection.

INSPIRESat-1 (INternational Satellite Program In Research and Education Satellite, MinXSS-3)Indian Institute of Space Science and TechnologyIndia8.6 kg2022-02-14Operational

Ionospheric measurements, establish educational program and constellation of space weather satellites.

SWSU-55 No. 1 & R-390 (SWSU-55 No. 5, YuZGU 55 5, Radioskaf RS-10, SWSU-55 №1, R-390, Tanyusha-SWSU, Tanusha-SWSU, RS10S, YUZGU 5, SWGU-55, Space-PI, Space π)Southwestern State UniversityRussia3U2022-02-15Reentered, Operational

Achieve autonomous grouping of satellites in space and measure density of vacuum.

SWSU-55 No. 2 (YUZGU No. 6, YuZGU 55 6, Radioskaf RS-11, SWSU-55 №2, Tanyusha-SWSU, Tanusha-SWSU, RS11S, YUZGU 6, SWGU-55, Space-PI, Space π)Southwestern State UniversityRussia3U2022-02-15Reentered, Operational

Achieve autonomous grouping of satellites in space and measure density of vacuum.

SWSU-55 No. 3 (YUZGU No. 7, YuZGU 55 7. Radioskaf RS-12, SWSU-55 №3, Tanyusha-SWSU, Tanusha-SWSU, RS1S, YUZGU 7, SWGU-55, Space-PI, Space π)Southwestern State UniversityRussia3U2022-02-15Reentered, Operational

Achieve autonomous grouping of satellites in space and measure density of vacuum.

SWSU-55 No. 4 (YUZGU No. 8, YuZGU 55 9, Radioskaf RS-13, SWSU-55 №4, Tanyusha-SWSU, Tanusha-SWSU, RS2S, YUZGU 8, SWGU-55, Space-PI, Space π)Southwestern State UniversityRussia3U2022-02-15Reentered, Operational

Achieve autonomous grouping of satellites in space and measure density of vacuum.

SWSU-55 No. 5 (YUZGU No. 9, YuZGU 55 9, (Radioskaf RS-14 SWSU-55 №5, Tanyusha-SWSU, Tanusha-SWSU, RS3S, YUZGU 9, SWGU-55, Space-PI, Space π)Southwestern State UniversityRussia3U2022-02-15Reentered, Operational

Achieve autonomous grouping of satellites in space and measure density of vacuum.

SWSU-55 No. 6 (SWSU No. 10, YuZGU 55 10, Radioskaf RS-15, SWSU-55 №6, Tanyusha-SWSU, Tanusha-SWSU, RS4S, YUZGU 10, SWGU-55, Space-PI, Space π)Southwestern State UniversityRussia3U2022-02-15Reentered, Operational

Achieve autonomous grouping of satellites in space and measure density of vacuum.

IHI-SatIHI CorporationJapan3U2022-02-19Reentered, Operational, ?

Demonstration of advanced AIS (Automatic Identification System) receiving system.

KITSUNE (Kyutech standardized bus Imaging Technology System Utilizing Networking and Electron content measurements)Kyushu Institute of TechnologyJapan6U2022-02-19Reentered, Operational

Imaging mission, Kyutech Standardized Bus, IoT and Total electron content (TEC) measurement mission.

NACHOS (NanoSat Atmospheric Chemistry Hyperspectral Observation System, NACHOS-1)Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)US3U2022-02-19Reentered, Operational

Technology demonstration of an ultra-compact, high-resolution, hyperspectral imager.

Innovation Raytheon (Thor Smart Satellite, Chuangxing Leishen, Chuangxing Raytheon satellite, Yuanguang, Tiansuan constellation)SpacetyChina6U2022-02-27Reentered, Operational

Carry out the preliminary verification of the Tiansuan Constellation and the satellite-ground fusion service platform.

Innovation Raytheon
NOUR 02 (NOOR, Noor 2)Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC)Iran6U2022-03-08Reentered, Operational

Provides the Iranian elite force with the capability to monitor Earth from space.

NOUR 02 (Noor)
OreSat0Portland State UniversityUS1U2022-03-14Reentered, Was operational, ?

Provide flight heritage to spacecraft bus and predecessor to the next satellite.

SpaceBEE-112Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-03-14Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-113Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-03-14Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-114Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-03-14Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-115Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-03-14Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-116Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-03-14Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-117Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-03-14Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-118Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-03-14Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-119Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-03-14Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-120Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-03-14Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-121Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-03-14Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-122Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-03-14Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-123Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-03-14Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-124Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-03-14Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-125Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-03-14Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-126Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-03-14Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-127Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-03-14Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEENZ-11Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-03-14Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEENZ-12Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-03-14Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEENZ-13Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-03-14Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEENZ-14Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-03-14Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
Alfa Crux (AlfaCrux)University of BrasiliaBrazil1U2022-04-01Reentered, Operational

Research and experiments to be carried out in the communications field.

Alfa Crux
ARCSAT (ARCSAT-1, FFI CubeSat)Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI)Norway6U2022-04-01Operational

Demonstrate the use and relevance of a satellite relay for UHF communication at high latitudes.

BDSAT (BD SAT, CZE-BDSAT, BDSat-1)Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC)Czechia1U2022-04-01Reentered, Was operational

Amateur radio mission and test of pressure sensors and supercapacitor bank.

BRO-7 (Breizh Reconnaissance Orbiter)UnseenlabsFrance6U2022-04-01Operational

Spectrum monitoring service. Maritime surveillance. Electromagnetic intelligence service.

KSF2 A (Kleos Space – Polar Patrol Mission, Kleos-9, KSF2a, KSF2-A )Kleos SpaceUK6U2022-04-01Reentered, Operational

Form the foundation of a constellation that delivers a global picture of hidden maritime activity.

Kleos Space - Polar Patrol Mission (KSF2)
KSF2 B (Kleos Space – Polar Patrol Mission, Kleos-10, KSF2b)Kleos SpaceUK6U2022-04-01Reentered, Operational

Form the foundation of a constellation that delivers a global picture of hidden maritime activity.

Kleos Space - Polar Patrol Mission (KSF2)
KSF2 C (Kleos Space – Polar Patrol Mission, Kleos-11)Kleos SpaceUK6U2022-04-01Reentered, Operational

Form the foundation of a constellation that delivers a global picture of hidden maritime activity.

Kleos Space - Polar Patrol Mission (KSF2)
KSF2 D (Kleos Space – Polar Patrol Mission, Kleos-12)Kleos SpaceUK6U2022-04-01Reentered, Operational

Form the foundation of a constellation that delivers a global picture of hidden maritime activity.

Kleos Space - Polar Patrol Mission (KSF2)
Pixxel-TD 2 (Shakuntala) PixxelIndia6U2022-04-01Reentered, Operational

Capturing orbital images in more than 150 bands of color from the visible and infrared spectrum with a resolution of 10-meters per pixel

PlantSatUniversity of ChileChile3U2022-04-01Reentered, Operational

Growing a plant in space simulating Mars conditions. Biological payloads, as well as other experiments with graphene-based devices

SpaceBEE-128Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-04-01Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-129Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-04-01Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-130Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-04-01Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-131Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-04-01Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-132Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-04-01Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-133Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-04-01Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-134Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-04-01Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-135Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-04-01Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-136Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-04-01Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-137Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-04-01Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-138Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-04-01Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-139Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-04-01Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
Spark-1 (Omnispace 1, OMNI-L1)OmnispaceUS12U2022-04-01Operational

Constellation for IoT using common cellular standards, but not focused on connecting cellphones to satellites.

SUCHAI 2 (SUCHAI-2)University of ChileChile3U2022-04-01Reentered, Operational

Ionosphere and magnetosphere research. Optical payloads.

SUCHAI 3 (SUCHAI-3)University of ChileChile3U2022-04-01Reentered, Operational

Ionosphere and magnetosphere research. Communication payloads.

SUCHAI 3 Femtosatellite 1 (Subsatellite)University of ChileChile100 g2022-04-01Reentered, On spacecraft, ?

Remotely estimate the geo-location of a femto-satellite using two CubeSats and the communication link.

SUCHAI 3 Femtosatellite
SUCHAI 3 Femtosatellite 2 (Subsatellite)University of ChileChile100 g2022-04-01Reentered, On spacecraft, ?

Remotely estimate the geo-location of a femto-satellite using two CubeSats and the communication link.

SUCHAI 3 Femtosatellite
BRO-6 (Breizh Reconnaissance Orbiter)UnseenlabsFrance6U2022-05-02Operational

Spectrum monitoring service. Maritime surveillance. Electromagnetic intelligence service.

MyRadar-1 (MYRADAR1)ACME AtronOmatic (MyRadar)GermanyPocketQube 1p2022-05-02Reentered, Operational

Transmit SSTV images.

SpaceBEE-140Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-05-02Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-141Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-05-02Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-142Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-05-02Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-143Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-05-02Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-144Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-05-02Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-145Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-05-02Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-146Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-05-02Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-147Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-05-02Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-148Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-05-02Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-149Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-05-02Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-150Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-05-02Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-151Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-05-02Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-152Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-05-02Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-153Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-05-02Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-154Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-05-02Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-155Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-05-02Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEENZ-15Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-05-02Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEENZ-16Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-05-02Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEENZ-17Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-05-02Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEENZ-18Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-05-02Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEENZ-19Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-05-02Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEENZ-20Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-05-02Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEENZ-21Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-05-02Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEENZ-22Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2022-05-02Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
The Flying Object (AuroraSat-1, Aurora CubeSat)Aurora Propulsion TechnologiesFinland1.5U2022-05-02Reentered, No signal

Demonstrate water resistojet thrusters and the Plasma Brake Module for deorbiting.

TRSI-2ACME AtronOmatic (MyRadar)GermanyPocketQube 1p2022-05-02Reentered, Operational

Transmit SSTV images.

TRSI-3ACME AtronOmatic (MyRadar)GermanyPocketQube 1p2022-05-02Reentered, Operational

Amateur satellite developed to test an experimental SSTV imaging downlink and amateur downlink beacon.

Unicorn-2FAlba OrbitalUKPocketQube 2p2022-05-02Reentered, Operational, ?

Earth Observation constellation to provide near-real time satellite imagery.

Zhixing-3A (, Zhixing-3 A, Zhixing No. 3 A Star)Smart SatelliteChina6U2022-05-09Reentered, Operational

Technology demonstration for the SAR constellation.

Zhixing-3 A
AMS (Agile MicroSatellite)MIT Lincoln LaboratoryUS6U2022-05-25Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate that a CubeSat can reliably operate in very low earth orbit.

AMS (Agile MicroSatellite)
BroncoSat-1Cal Poly Pomona (Bronco Space)US1.5U2022-05-25Reentered, No signal

Demonstrating NVIDIA Jetson Nano GPU as secondary flight computer.

Centauri-5 (TYVAK-0212)Fleet SpaceAustralia6U2022-05-25Reentered, Operational

IoT satellite network.

Centauri 6U (Fleet)
CICERO-2 1 (VEH 1, Vehicle 1, Community Initiative for Continuous Earth Remote Observation, OP1, OP15 FLT1, TYVAK-0820)GeoOpticsUS6U2022-05-25Reentered, Operational

Demonstration of GPS radio occultation sensor that allows the measurement of global weather pattern with high accuracy.

CICERO-2 2 (VEH 2, Vehicle 2, Community Initiative for Continuous Earth Remote Observation, OP2, OP15 FLT2, TYVAK-0821)GeoOpticsUS6U2022-05-25Reentered, Operational

Demonstration of GPS radio occultation sensor that allows the measurement of global weather pattern with high accuracy.

CNCE V4 (CNCE4, Cubesat Networked Communications Experiment, CNCE Block 2, HACSSAT-1)Missile Defense AgencyUS3U2022-05-25Reentered, Operational

The cubesats will mimic two suborbital missile interceptor vehicles and test communications between them.

CNCE Block 2
CNCE V5 (CNCE5, Cubesat Networked Communications Experiment, CNCE Block 2, HACSSAT-2)Missile Defense AgencyUS3U2022-05-25Reentered, Operational

The cubesats will mimic two suborbital missile interceptor vehicles and test communications between them.

CNCE Block 2
Connecta T1.1Plan-STurkey3U2022-05-25Operational

Demo satellites for end-to-end solutions for global IoT services.

Connecta T1
CPOD A (TYVAK-0032, FLT1, Cubesat Proximity Operations Demonstration, PONSFD-A, Proximity Operations Nano-Satellite Flight Demonstration, NASA CUBESAT PROXOPS)TyvakUS3U2022-05-25Reentered, Retired, Operational

Demonstrate proximity operations and docking between CubeSats.

CPOD B (TYVAK-0212, FLT2, Cubesat Proximity Operations Demonstration, PONSFD-B, Proximity Operations Nano-Satellite Flight Demonstration, NASA CUBESAT PROXOPS)TyvakUS3U2022-05-25Reentered, Retired, Operational

Demonstrate proximity operations and docking between CubeSats.

Foresail-1Finnish Centre of Excellence for Sustainable SpaceFinland3U2022-05-25Was operational

Particle detector to measure electrons and protons and Electrostatic Plasma Brake deorbiting experiment.

FossaSat-2E 7 (FOSSASAT2E7)Fossa SystemsSpainPocketQube 1p2022-05-25Reentered, Operational, ?

Continuation of the FOSSASAT amateur PocketQubes.

FossaSat-2E 8 (FOSSASAT2E8)Fossa SystemsSpainPocketQube 1p2022-05-25Reentered, Operational

First of a PocketQube constellation to provide LoRa-based IoT communications.

FossaSat-2E 9Fossa SystemsSpainPocketQube 1p2022-05-25Deployment failure, On spacecraft

First of a PocketQube constellation to provide LoRa-based IoT communications.

FossaSat-2E 10Fossa SystemsSpainPocketQube 1p2022-05-25Deployment failure, On spacecraft

First of a PocketQube constellation to provide LoRa-based IoT communications.

FossaSat-2E 11 (FOSSASAT2E11)Fossa SystemsSpainPocketQube 1p2022-05-25Reentered, Operational

First of a PocketQube constellation to provide LoRa-based IoT communications.

FossaSat-2E 12 (FOSSASAT2E12)Fossa SystemsSpainPocketQube 1p2022-05-25Reentered, Operational

First of a PocketQube constellation to provide LoRa-based IoT communications.

FossaSat-2E 13Fossa SystemsSpainPocketQube 1p2022-05-25Reentered, Operational

First of a PocketQube constellation to provide LoRa-based IoT communications.

Guardian 1 (Aistech, ORB-6, Guardian1)Orbital AstronauticsUK6U2022-05-25Unknown, ?

Hosted payload of Aistech multispectral telescope for a thermal data constellation.

Guardian (Aistech)
Hatchling (Canary Hatchling, Veery FS-1, Orion, VEERY-FS1)Care WeatherUSPocketQube 1p2022-05-25Reentered, No signal

Early pathfinder mission for future cubesat constellation, which will map global oceanic vector winds on an hourly basis.

Lemur-2 152 KAREN B (KAREN_B)SpireUS3U2022-05-25Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 153 VANDENDRIESSpireUS3U2022-05-25Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 154 TENNYSONLILYSpireUS3U2022-05-25Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 155 MIMI1307SpireUS3U2022-05-25Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 156 HANCOM-1SpireUS6U2022-05-25Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Planetum-1 (Planetum 1, Planetum1)Planetum (Prague Planetarium)Czechia1U2022-05-25Reentered, Operational

Launch a satellite into space designed to teach and popularize astronomy and cosmonautics.

Platform-1 (ENDURANCE, IBM, Shared Sat 2, SPARTAN-2, Shared Platform for Applied Research and Technology Affirmation, Shared Sat 3, SHAREDSAT 2141)EnduroSatBulgaria6U2022-05-25Operational

Technology demonstrations and commercial payloads.

PTD-3 TBIRD (PTD3, Tyvak-0125, PTHFDR, Pathfinder Technology Demonstrator, NASA PATHFINDER TD 3)NASA Ames Research CenterUS6U2022-05-25Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate a new laser communications system from MIT Lincoln Laboratory.

PTD-3 (Pathfinder Technology Demonstrator)
SBUDNICBrown UniversityUS3U2022-05-25Reentered, No signal, Was semi-operational

Testing the limits of how quickly and efficiently a 3U CubeSat can be developed using parts that have never been to space before.

SelfieSatNorwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)Norway2U2022-05-25Reentered, Operational

Display a selfie and robotic arm with a camera will photograph the screen with the Earth in its background.

Spark-2 (Omnispace 2, OMNI-L2)OmnispaceUS12U2022-05-25Operational

Constellation for IoT using common cellular standards, but not focused on connecting cellphones to satellites.

SPiN-1 (MA61C, SPiN 1)Space Products and InnovationGermany1U2022-05-25No signal

Demonstrate in-orbit reconfiguration and the benefits of modular satellite assembly with off-the-shelf components through MA61C, SPiN’s universal adapter.

Urdaneta (Urdaneta-Armsat-1, ARMSAT_1)SATLANTISSpain16U2022-05-25Operational

The satellite is an iSIM-SAT 16U-CubeSat, equipped with an iSIM-90 camera onboard.

VariSat-1 C (CELESTIS 21 - VARISAT 1C)VariSat (Omniteq)US6U2022-05-25Operational, ?

Experiment and gain flight heritage with a satellite designed to support HF marine data communications.

SWSU-55 No. 7 (SWSU No. 11, YuZGU 55 11, Radioskaf RS-15, Tanyusha-SWSU, Tanusha-SWSU, RS5S, YUZGU 11, SWGU-55, Space-PI, Space π)Southwestern State UniversityRussia3U2022-06-03Reentered, Operational

Achieve autonomous grouping of satellites in space and measure density of vacuum.

SWSU-55 No. 8 (SWSU No. 12, YuZGU 55 12, Radioskaf RS-15, Tanyusha-SWSU, Tanusha-SWSU, RS6S, YUZGU 12, SWGU-55, Space-PI, Space π)Southwestern State UniversityRussia3U2022-06-03Reentered, Operational

Achieve autonomous grouping of satellites in space and measure density of vacuum.

Tsiolkovsky-Ryazan 1 (RS9S, Space-PI, Space π)Southwestern State UniversityRussia3U2022-06-03Reentered, Operational

Achieve autonomous grouping of satellites in space and measure density of vacuum.

Tsiolkovsky-Ryazan 2 (RS12S, Space-PI, Space π)Southwestern State UniversityRussia3U2022-06-03Reentered, Operational

Achieve autonomous grouping of satellites in space and measure density of vacuum.

TROPICS 1 (The Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats)MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)US3U2022-06-12Launch failure

Provide rapid-refresh microwave measurements over the tropics for weather prediction.

TROPICS 2 (The Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats)MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)US3U2022-06-12Launch failure

Provide rapid-refresh microwave measurements over the tropics for weather prediction.

MIMAN (Multi-spectral Imaging for Monitoring Aerosol by Nanosatellite, Monochrome Imaging for Monitoring Aerosol by Nanosatellite)Yonsei UniversitySouth Korea3U2022-06-21Semi-operational, ?

Multi-spectral Imaging for Monitoring Aerosol by Nanosatellite.

RANDEV (Repeater Arrangement & Disaster Early View, ASTRIS 2, ASTRIS-II)Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)South Korea3U2022-06-21Operational

Earth observation mission to collect potential hazard image data from volcanoes, coasts, and clouds.

Snuglite-II (Snuglite 2)Seoul National UniversitySouth Korea3U2022-06-21Was operational

Educational amateur radio mission with GPS receiver demonstration.

STEP Cube Lab-II (STEP Cube Lab 2)Chosun UniversitySouth Korea6U2022-06-21Was operational, ?

Earth observation misison with multi-band imager.

STEP Cube Lab-II
CAPSTONE (Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment)NASA Ames Research CenterUS12U2022-06-28Operational

Demonstrate spacecraft-to-spacecraft navigation and enter Lunar near-reactilinear halo orbit to verify its feasibility for the Gateway lunar orbiting outpost.

SCOOB-I (SCOOB 1, SCOOB-1, Student Satellite Series, S3-I))Nanyang Technological UniversitySingapore3U2022-06-30No signal

Carries a solar spectral sensor, Earth imaging camera, Attitude Determination System and a novel solar panel

CTIM FD (Compact Total Irradiance Monitor Flight Demonstration, CTIM-FD)University of Colorado BoulderUS6U2022-07-02Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate next-generation Compact Total Irradiance Monitor that will help to provide an understanding of Earth’s climate change.

GPX-2 (GPX2)NASA Langley Research CenterUS6U2022-07-02Reentered, Operational

Novel test-bed for Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) differential global positioning systems (dGPS).

Gunsmoke-L 1 (Lonestar)US Army Space and Missile Defense CommandUS6U2022-07-02Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate an important test mission from LEO that will directly benefit the Army Warfighter in theater.

MISR-B (MISR-B-1, Modular Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance)Space Systems CommandUS6U2022-07-02Reentered, Operational, ?

Demonstrate a robust, responsive, multi-mission CubeSat capability.

NACHOS 2 (NACHOS-2, NanoSat Atmospheric Chemistry Hyperspectral Observation System)Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)US3U2022-07-02Reentered, Operational

Technology demonstration of an ultra-compact, high-resolution, hyperspectral imager.

RecurveAir Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)US6U2022-07-02Reentered, Was operational

Demonstrating adaptive radio frequency system capability from LEO, evaluating mesh network behavior across multiple nodes to route data wherever it needs to go.

Slingshot-1 (SLINGSHOT1)Aerospace CorporationUS12U2022-07-02Reentered, Operational

Advance on-orbit experiments using modular and autonomous technologies on next-generation satellite systems with SatCat5.

ALPHAARCA DynamicsItaly1U2022-07-13No signal

MEO orbit to test CubeSat platform technologies in the highly radiative environment.

AstroBio Cubesat (ABCS, AstroBioCubeSat)Sapienza University of RomeItaly3U2022-07-13Was operational, ?

MEO orbit and hosting a mini laboratory payload based on lab-on chip technology.

Astrobio Cubesat
CELESTA (ROBUSTA 1D, CErn Latchup Experiment STudent sAtellite)University of MontpellierFrance1U2022-07-13Was operational

In-orbit testing of a radiation monitor and a single event latch-up experiment.

GreenCube (Italy-OSCAR 117, IO-117)Sapienza University of RomeItaly3U2022-07-13Operational

Test an autonomous laboratory for the cultivation of microgreens on-board a CubeSat platform.

MTCube 2 (MT-CUBE-2, Memory Test CubeSat 2, ROBUSTA-1F)University of MontpellierFrance1U2022-07-13Was operational, ?

Characterize the sensitivity of different types of memories with respect to the space radiation environment focusing on SEE.

MTCube 2
TRISAT-R (TRISAT 2)University of MariborSlovenia3U2022-07-13Operational

Investigate and map ionizing radiation in MEO orbits using several different instruments.

BeaverCubeMIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)US3U2022-07-15Reentered, No signal

Educational mission to study cloud properties and shape memory alloy technologies.

CapSat-1Weiss SchoolUS1U2022-07-15Reentered, Operational, ?

Educational mission and test the efficiency of using capacitors in place of batteries.

CLICK A (CubeSat Laser Infrared CrosslinK, CLICK-A)MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)US3U2022-07-15Reentered, Operational

Technology demonstration mission for CLICK-B/C for laser downlink to Earth.

CLICK  (CubeSat Laser Infrared CrosslinK)
D3 CubeSat (Drag De-Orbit Device CubeSat)University of FloridaUS2U2022-07-15Reentered, Operational, ?

Demonstrate a simple, reliable, low-cost, non-propulsive system for deliberate deorbit.

D3 CubeSat
FUTABAKyushu Institute of TechnologyJapan1U2022-07-15Reentered, Operational

Educational mission observing Pb-Free solders and amateur radio payload.

HSU-SAT1 (Sekirei)Happy Science UniversityJapan1U2022-07-15Reentered, Operational

Educational mission to develop CubeSat platform technologies and amateur radio payload.

JAGSAT (JAGSAT-1)University of South AlabamaUS2U2022-07-15Reentered, Was operational, ?

Keasure plasma electron density in the upper F layer of the ionosphere.

TUMnanoSATTechnical University of MoldovaMoldova1U2022-07-15Reentered, Was operational

Educational mission, capacity building and technology demonstration.

AzaadiSATSpace Kidz IndiaIndia8 kg2022-08-07Launch failure

Carries 75 different payloads each weighing around 50 grams and conducting femto-experiments. Girl students from rural regions across the country were provided guidance to build these payloads.

CUBESX-HSE-2 (HSE-2, RS21S, Space-PI 13, Space π)Higher School of EconomicsRussia3U2022-08-09Reentered, Operational

Monitoring of the Arctic, tests of the plasma engine.

Geoscan-Edelweiss (Geoscan-Edelveis, RS20S, Space-PI 15, Space π)GeoscanRussia3U2022-08-09Reentered, Operational

Designed for testing the platform and flight testing of the gas propulsion system of OKB Fakel.

KAI-1 (RS26S, Space-PI 8, Space π)Kazan National Research Technical UniversityRussia3U2022-08-09Reentered, Operational

5 cameras for remote sensing.

Polytech-Universe-1 (RS11S, (Space-PI 1, Space π)Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic UniversityRussia3U2022-08-09Reentered, Was semi-operational

Measurements of the level of electromagnetic radiation. Payloads: spectrometers, radio transmitter.

Polytech-Universe-2 (RS10S, (Space-PI 2, Space π, Polytech_Universe-2)Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic UniversityRussia3U2022-08-09Reentered, No signal

Measurements of the level of electromagnetic radiation. Payloads: spectrometers, radio transmitter.

SKOLTECH-B1 (R0AJU-1, Space-PI 9, Space π)Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech)Russia3U2022-08-09Reentered, Operational

Development of long-range inter-satellite communication technology, monitoring of cosmic radiation and gamma-ray bursts.

SKOLTECH-B2 (R0AJU-1, Space-PI 10, Space π)Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech)Russia3U2022-08-09Reentered, Operational

Development of long-range inter-satellite communication technology, monitoring of cosmic radiation and gamma-ray bursts.

SXC3-21 UTMN (RS23S, Space-PI 6, Space π)Tyumen State University (UTMN)Russia3U2022-08-09Reentered, Operational

Monitoring of oil spills in the Arctic, forecasting the environmental situation.

SXC3-212 MONITOR-1 (Monitor-1, RS32S, Space-PI 4, Space π)Moscow State UniversityRussia3U2022-08-09Reentered, Operational

Registration in near-Earth outer space of radiation-dangerous proton fluxes from solar flares.

SXC3-214 MIET-AIS (RS28S, Space-PI 7, Space π)Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology (MIET)Russia3U2022-08-09Reentered, Operational

Payloads are AIS repeater and VERA plasma engine.

SXC3-215 VIZARD (Vizard-SS1, RS33S, Space-PI 16, Space π)NISRussia3U2022-08-09Reentered, Operational

Vessel monitoring with AIS and device for the Internet of Things KINEIS.

SXC3-217 SIREN (Lilac, RS30S, Space-PI 14, Space π)Belgorod State UniversityRussia3U2022-08-09Reentered, Operational

Studying the growth and development of lilac sprouts.

SXC3-218 KUZBASS-300 (RS34S, Space-PI 5, Space π)Kuzbass State Technical University (KuzGTU)Russia3U2022-08-09Reentered, Operational

Remote sensing with a camera and amateur radio satellite.

SXC3-218 KUZBASS-300
SXC3-219 ISOI (RS19S, Space-PI 11, Space π)ISOIRussia3U2022-08-09Reentered, Operational

Hyperspectral remote sensing system.

SXC3-2110 CYCLOPS (SXC3-2110 VOENMEH, RS29S, Space-PI 3, Space π)Baltic State Technical University “VOENMEH”Russia3U2022-08-09Reentered, Operational

Study of the degradation of the characteristics of materials and parameters of electronic devices in outer space.

SXC3-2111 RESHUCUBE (ReshUCube-1, RS8S, Space-PI 12, Space π)Siberian State University of Science and TechnologyRussia3U2022-08-09Reentered, Operational

Study of the Radiation and Magnetic Situation in Near-Earth Orbit. Payload: reconfigurable space laboratory.

FossaSat-1B (2) Fossa SystemsSpainPocketQube 1p2022-10-01Reentered, Was operational, ?

First of a PocketQube constellation to provide LoRa-based IoT communications.

GENESIS-G (Astroland-1)AMSAT-EASpainPocketQube 2p2022-10-01Reentered, No signal, ?

Second-generation GENESIS satellites to replace the ones lost with radio amateur payloads.

GENESIS-J (Astroland-2)AMSAT-EASpainPocketQube 1p2022-10-01Reentered, Operational

Second-generation GENESIS satellites to replace the ones lost with radio amateur payloads.

QUBIK-3Libre Space FoundationGreecePocketQube 1p2022-10-01Reentered, Operational

Designed for amateur radio service. Experiment with LEOP and passive RF orbit determination.

QUBIK-4Libre Space FoundationGreecePocketQube 1p2022-10-01Reentered, Operational

Designed for amateur radio service. Experiment with LEOP and passive RF orbit determination.

Serenity IITeachers in SpaceUS3U2022-10-01Reentered, Operational

Educational mission to allow interaction with the CubeSat and blockchain for inter-satellite transactions.

Serenity II
TechEdSat-15 (TES-15)NASA Ames Research CenterUS3U2022-10-01Reentered, Operational

TechEdSat-15’s primary experiment is a version of an exo-brake intended to survive much higher temperature environments.

FSI-SAT1Happy Science UniversityJapan1U2022-10-12Launch failure

Educational mission with a camera and to test spacecraft platform technologies.

KOSEN-2National Institute of TechnologyJapan2U2022-10-12Launch failure

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies including 360-degree camera.

MAGNARO A Parent (MAGnetic separation Nano-satelite with FoRmation flight and cOnstellation)Nagoya UniversityJapan2U2022-10-12Launch failure

Joint CubeSats are separated after spin-up and then continue formation flying.

MAGNARO B Child (MAGnetic separation Nano-satelite with FoRmation flight and cOnstellation)Nagoya UniversityJapan1U2022-10-12Launch failure

Joint CubeSats are separated after spin-up and then continue formation flying.

Mitsuba-1 (MITSUBA)Kyushu Institute of TechnologyJapan2U2022-10-12Launch failure

Radio observation of amateur radio band in orbit by spectrum analyzer.

Waseda-SAT0 (Waseda-Sat-Zero)Waseda UniversityJapan1U2022-10-12Launch failure

Educational mission with drag chute for deorbiting.

LINUSS 1 (Linus 1, LINUSS-A 1, CHASE, Lockheed Martin In-space Upgrade Satellite System, WL2XOU)Lockheed MartinUS12U2022-11-01Operational

Show how small satellites can be used to upgrade constellations or provide life-extension services like refueling.

LINUSS 2 (Linus 2, LINUSS-A 2, RSO, Lockheed Martin In-space Upgrade Satellite System, WL2XOU)Lockheed MartinUS12U2022-11-01Operational

Show how small satellites can be used to upgrade constellations or provide life-extension services like refueling.

PearlAfricaSat-1 (BIRDS-5)Kyushu Institute of TechnologyUganda1U2022-11-07Reentered, No signal, ?

Educational and amateur radio mission.

SpaceTuna 1 (SpaceTuna1, Space Tuna No. 1)Kindai UniversityJapan1U2022-11-07Reentered, No signal, ?

Investigate the performance of retroreflective materials in space by using the satellite.

SpaceTuna 1
TAKA (BIRDS-5)Kyushu Institute of TechnologyJapan1U2022-11-07Reentered, No signal, ?

Educational and amateur radio mission.

ZimSat-1 (BIRDS-5)Kyushu Institute of TechnologyZimbabwe1U2022-11-07Reentered, Semi-operational, ?

Educational and amateur radio mission.

CAS-10 (Hope-4, XW-4, Macau Student Science Satellite, AomenKepu-1, Aomen Kepu-1, Aoki-1)CAMSAT (Chinese Amateur Satellite Group)China8U2022-11-12Reentered, Operational

A follow on mission from CAS-9 with transponder and camera payloads.

ArgoMoonArgotecItaly6U2022-11-16Was operational

Take several historically significant pictures of the EM-1 mission and it will test some innovative communication systems.

BioSentinel (BioSentinel-1)NASA Ames Research CenterUS6U2022-11-16Operational

Developing deep space CubeSat technologies and radiation biosensor to gauge DNA damage and repair beyond LEO.

CuSP (CubeSat for Solar Particles)Southwest Research InstituteUS6U2022-11-16Was operational

First protype of an interplanetary CubeSat space weather station to study solar particles.

EQUULEUS (Equilibrium Lunar-Earth point 6U Spacecraft)JAXAJapan6U2022-11-16Was operational

Lunar L2 (libration-point) orbiter to demonstrate technologies and characterize environment.

LunaH-Map (LUNAHMAP, Lunar Polar Hydrogen Mapper Mission)Arizona State UniversityUS6U2022-11-16Retired, Operational

Map the hydrogen content of the entire South Pole of the moon, including within permanently shadowed regions at high resolution.

Lunar IceCube (Lunar Ice Cube Orbiter)Morehead State UniversityUS6U2022-11-16Was operational

Prospect for water ice and other lunar volatiles from a low-perigee lunar orbit

Lunar IceCube
LunIR (SkyFire, Lunar InfraRed imaging)Lockheed MartinUS6U2022-11-16Was semi-operational

Lunar fly-by to collect spectroscopy and thermography using mid-wave infra-red sensor.

MilesTeam Miles / Tampa HackerspaceUS6U2022-11-16Semi-operational

Demonstrate iodine-fueled plasma thruster.

NEA-Scout (Near Earth Asteroid Scout, NEA SCOUT)NASA Marshall Space Flight CenterUS6U2022-11-16No signal

Rendezvous with an asteroid using solar sail and gather detailed imagery.

OMOTENASHIUniversity of TokyoJapan6U2022-11-16Was semi-operational

Demonstrate the technology for low-cost and very small spacecraft to explore the lunar surface with a landing probe.

Astrocast 17 (0301)AstrocastSwitzerland3U2022-11-26Operational

Constellation for IoT/M2M services.

Astrocast 18 (0302)AstrocastSwitzerland3U2022-11-26Operational

Constellation for IoT/M2M services.

Astrocast 19 (0303)AstrocastSwitzerland3U2022-11-26Operational

Constellation for IoT/M2M services.

Astrocast 20 (0304)AstrocastSwitzerland3U2022-11-26Operational

Constellation for IoT/M2M services.

DANTESatNPC SpaceMindItaly3U2022-11-26Reentered, Was operational

Provide a cultural dissemination about Dante Alighieri Divine Comedy; the opera is engraved on metallic boards on the satellite.

HSKSAT (HSKSAY)HSK Amateur Radio Club (Harada Seiki Kogyo)Japan3U2022-11-26Reentered, Operational

Experiment with high speed communication techniques over the amateur radio community.

LORIS (DUCS, Dalhousie University CubeSat)Dalhousie UniversityCanada2U2022-11-26Reentered, Was semi-operational, ?

Educational mission and demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies.

MARIO (Measurement of Actuator Response and Impedance on Orbit)University of MichiganUS3U2022-11-26Reentered, Operational

Characterize the behavior and degradation of macro-fiber composite materials.

NutSat (NutSat-2)National Formosa UniversityTaiwan2U2022-11-26Reentered, Operational

Educational and amateur radio mission.

OPTIMAL-1ArkEdge SpaceJapan3U2022-11-26Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate CubeSat platform, nano-propulsion system, and camera.

ORCASat (ORCA2Sat, ORCA2Sa, Optical and radio calibration of atmospheric attenuation CubeSat, Optical and Radio Calibration Satellite, Optical Reference Calibration Satellite)University of VictoriaCanada2U2022-11-26Reentered, Operational

Calibrate optical and radio observatories in to reduce uncertainties in measurements of the Universe expansion rate.

PetitSat (Plasma Enhancements in The Ionosphere-Thermosphere Satellite)NASA Goddard Space Flight CenterUS6U2022-11-26Reentered, Was operational, ?

Provide in-situ measurements of plasma density, 3D ion drift, as well as ion and neutral composition.

SPORT (Scintillation Prediction Observations Research Task)NASA Marshall Space Flight CenterUS6U2022-11-26Reentered, Operational

Investigate the state of the ionosphere that leads to the growth of plasma bubbles.

SS-1 (Surya Satellite 1)Surya UniversityIndonesia1U2022-11-26Reentered, Was operational

Satellite able to beacon and digipeat Automatic Package Reporting System (APRS) signal.

Thybolt-1Dhruva SpaceIndia0.5U2022-11-26Reentered, Operational

Novel Store-and-Forward payload receiving messages from sensor nodes or remote Ground Stations.

Thybolt-2Dhruva SpaceIndia0.5U2022-11-26Reentered, Operational

Novel Store-and-Forward payload receiving messages from sensor nodes or remote Ground Stations.

TJREVERB (TJ REVERB)Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and TechnologyUS2U2022-11-26Reentered, No signal

Educational training and amateur radio communications.

CAS-5A (Fengtai-OSCAR 118, FO-118)CAMSAT (Chinese Amateur Satellite Group)China6U2022-12-09Operational

Amateur radio communications and deploy femtosatellite CAS-5B.

CAS-5BCAMSAT (Chinese Amateur Satellite Group)China0.5 kg2022-12-09On spacecraft, ?

A femto-satellite architecture 90Lx80Wx50H mm with mass: 0.5kg. Deployed from CAS-5A.

Lunar FlashlightNASA Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUS6U2022-12-11Operational

Illuminate permanently-shadowed regions and detect water ice absorption bands in the near-infrared.

Lunar Flashlight
Astrocast 13 (0401, ASTROCAST-0401)AstrocastSwitzerland3U2023-01-03Unknown, ?

Constellation for IoT/M2M services.

Astrocast 14 (0402, ASTROCAST-0402)AstrocastSwitzerland3U2023-01-03Unknown, ?

Constellation for IoT/M2M services.

Astrocast 15 (0403)AstrocastSwitzerland3U2023-01-03Unknown, ?

Constellation for IoT/M2M services.

Astrocast 16 (0404)AstrocastSwitzerland3U2023-01-03Unknown, ?

Constellation for IoT/M2M services.

BDSAT-2Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC)Czechia1U2023-01-03Operational

Verify and qualify pressure sensor devices for use in open space conditions.

BRO-8 (Breizh Reconnaissance Orbiter)UnseenlabsFrance6U2023-01-03Operational

Spectrum monitoring service. Maritime surveillance. Electromagnetic intelligence service.

BROS A (Birkeland, Binational Radiofrequency Observing Satellites, MilSpace-2)Norway Defence Research EstablishmentNorway6U2023-01-03Operational

Measure the time difference between detecting the signals and the angle of signal arrival to geolocate its source.

BROS B (Huygens, Binational Radiofrequency Observing Satellites, MilSpace-2)Norway Defence Research EstablishmentNorway6U2023-01-03Operational

Measure the time difference between detecting the signals and the angle of signal arrival to geolocate its source.

Connecta T1.2Plan-STurkey3U2023-01-03Operational

Demo satellites for end-to-end solutions for global IoT services.

Connecta T1
Flock-4y 1Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 2Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 3Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 4Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 5Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 6Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 7Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 8Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 9Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 10Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 11Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 12Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 13Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 14Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 15Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 16Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 17Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 18Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 19Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 20Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 21Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 22Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 23Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 24Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 25Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 26Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 27Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 28Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 29Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 30Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 31Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 32Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 33Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 34Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 35Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4y 36Planet LabsUS3U2023-01-03Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
FUTURA-SM1NPC SpaceMindItaly3U2023-01-03Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate NPC SPACEMIND 3U platform along with ARTICA, an innovative deorbiting sail device.

FUTURA-SM3 (NPC 6U CubeSat)NPC SpaceMindItaly6U2023-01-03Reentered, Operational, ?

Aims at in-orbit demonstrating the NPC SPACEMIND 6U compatible deorbiting sail device.

Gama AlphaGamaFrance6U2023-01-03Operational

Test the deployment of a solar sail with an area of 73.3 square meters.

Gama Alpha
Guardian - Alpha (Pushan-Alpha)Orbital AstronauticsUK3U2023-01-03Operational, ?

Demonstrate a variety of technologies including an UltraScale+ high-performance computer.

Guardian - Alpha
Kelpie 1 (AAC-AIS-SAT-1, Clyde Orbcomm)AAC Clyde SpaceUK3U2023-01-03Operational

Space-as-a-service model to build and operate spacecraft and sell AIS data exclusively to ORBCOMM.

KSF3 A (Kleos Space – Observer Mission, Kleos-13) Kleos SpaceUK6U2023-01-03Operational

Form the foundation of a constellation that delivers a global picture of hidden maritime activity.

Kleos Space - Observer Mission (KSF3)
KSF3 B (Kleos Space – Observer Mission, Kleos-14)Kleos SpaceUK6U2023-01-03Operational

Form the foundation of a constellation that delivers a global picture of hidden maritime activity.

Kleos Space - Observer Mission (KSF3)
KSF3 C (Kleos Space – Observer Mission, Kleos-15)Kleos SpaceUK6U2023-01-03Operational

Form the foundation of a constellation that delivers a global picture of hidden maritime activity.

Kleos Space - Observer Mission (KSF3)
KSF3 D (Kleos Space – Observer Mission, Kleos-16) Kleos SpaceUK6U2023-01-03Operational

Form the foundation of a constellation that delivers a global picture of hidden maritime activity.

Kleos Space - Observer Mission (KSF3)
KuwaitSat-1 (kuwaitSAT1, Kuwait Sat-1)Kuwait UniversityKuwait2U2023-01-03Operational

Multi-Color Camera Payload. The mission objective is to test if the camera can be used for attitude determination and control.

Lemur-2 157 DISCLAIMER (Myriota?)SpireUS3U2023-01-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS radio occultation weather data, AIS and ADS-B. Myriota payload?

Lemur-2 158 EMMACULATESpireUS3U2023-01-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS radio occultation weather data, AIS and ADS-B. Polarimetric Radio Occultation payload?

Lemur-2 159 FUENTETAJA-01SpireUS3U2023-01-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 160 MMOLOSpireUS3U2023-01-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 161 PHILARISpireUS3U2023-01-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 162 STEVEALBERSSpireUS3U2023-01-03Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

MARIOT-1 (Sternula-1, Maritime IoT)SternulaDenmark6U2023-01-03Operational

Enable communication between the ship bridge and shore using AIS 2.0 (VDES) with a big deployable VHF yagi antenna made by Space Inventor.

MDQSAT-1A JuanaAzurduyInnova SpaceArgentina0.25U2023-01-03Deployment failure, On spacecraft

Tech demo of Innova Space’s new pico-satellite constellation for IoT.

MDQSAT-1B SimonBolivarInnova SpaceArgentina0.25U2023-01-03Deployment failure, On spacecraft

Tech demo of Innova Space’s new pico-satellite constellation for IoT.

Menut (OpenConstellation, GENEO)Open CosmosSpain6U2023-01-03Operational

Take images at 5 meters resolution of any place in the world.

NSLSat 2 (BeetleSat-1, NSLSAT-2, NSL-2, NSL 2)BeetleSat (NSLComm)Israel6U2023-01-03Reentered, Operational

Demonstrator for SkyFi constellation. Test the deployable antenna and high power payload of 1 Gbps downlink.

Platform-2 (SharedSat 2211)EnduroSatBulgaria6U2023-01-03Unknown, ?

Technology demonstrations and commercial payloads.

Pleiades - Sapling Sempervirens (Sapling-1)Stanford UniversityUS1U2023-01-03Deployment failure, On spacecraft

Demonstrate CubeSat bus, intersatellite links and perform radio amateur mission.

Pleiades - Sapling Sempervirens
Pleiades - Yearling (PROVES-Yearling, PROVES Yearling 1, Pleiades Rapid Orbital Verification Experimental System)Cal Poly Pomona (Bronco Space)US1U2023-01-03Deployment failure, On spacecraft

PROVES-Yearling is built on the PyCubed architecture and is intended to serve as a lab bench in space.

Pleiades - Yearling
QBUA01 (PolyItan HP-30, PolyITAN-2-HP)Kiev National UniversityUkraine2U2023-01-03Reentered, No signal, ?, Deployment failure, Deployment prohibited

Ukrainian educational satellite with in-house designed platform.

RROCI (EWS RROCI, Rapid Revisit Optical Cloud Imager)U.S. Space ForceUS12U2023-01-03Reentered, Deployment failure

Demonstrate an Electro-Optical / Infrared (EO/IR) LEO-based cloud characterization solution that supports U.S. warfighter operations.

Sharjahsat-1 (Sharjah-Sat-1, Sharjah Sat-1)University of SharjahUnited Arab Emirates3U2023-01-03Operational

Educational capability development mission with X-Ray Detector (iXRD) and camera payloads.

SpaceBEE-156Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2023-01-03Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-157Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2023-01-03Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-158Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2023-01-03Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-159Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2023-01-03Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-160Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2023-01-03Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-161Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2023-01-03Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-162Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2023-01-03Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-163Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2023-01-03Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-164Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2023-01-03Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-165Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2023-01-03Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-166Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2023-01-03Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-167Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2023-01-03Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SPHERE-1 EYE (EYE, Star Sphere, Star Sphere-1, Sony)SonyJapan6U2023-01-03Operational

Star Sphere project that seeks collaboration with artists, entertainers and educators.

Star Sphere
STAR VIBE (ScanSAT, GROOVE-EVO?)ScanwayPoland6U2023-01-03Operational

Earth Observation constellation demo based on mirrors from range of 400nm to 12um.

TAUSAT-2 (TAU-SAT-2, TAU-SAT2, TAUSAT2, TAU-SAT3)Herzliya Science CenterIsrael2U2023-01-03Operational

Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) for an experiment with optical tracking of objects in space.

Unicorn-2GAlba OrbitalUKPocketQube 2p2023-01-03Deployment failure, On spacecraft

Earth Observation constellation to provide near-real time satellite imagery.

Unicorn-2HAlba OrbitalUKPocketQube 2p2023-01-03Deployment failure, On spacecraft

Earth Observation constellation to provide near-real time satellite imagery.

Zeus 1 (Qosmosys)QosmosysSingapore3U2023-01-03No signal, ?

Demonstrate CubeSat platform, perovskite solar cell testing, attitude control and time-capsule payload.

AMAN (Oman CubeSat, Aman-1)ETCO SpaceOman3U2023-01-09Launch failure

Oman’s first satellite.

Amber-1 (IOD-3 AMBER)Horizon TechnologiesUK6U2023-01-09Launch failure

First of a SIGINT constellation to track vessels using an L-band Satphone detection sensor combined with radar detection.

IOD Mission 3
CIRCE A (Coordinated Ionospheric Reconstruction CubeSat Experiment, WISCER)US Naval Research LaboratoryUS6U2023-01-09Launch failure

Measure the ionosphere and radiation environment space from multiple vantage points.

CIRCE B (Coordinated Ionospheric Reconstruction CubeSat Experiment, WISCER)US Naval Research LaboratoryUS6U2023-01-09Launch failure

Measure the ionosphere and radiation environment space from multiple vantage points.

DOVERRHEA GroupUK3U2023-01-09Launch failure

Transmit new PNT signals for position or time determination.

ForgeStar-0Space ForgeUK3U2023-01-09Launch failure

Demonstration for future re-entry capsule technologies.

Prometheus-2 1 (Prometheus 2A, Dstl)Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl)UK6U2023-01-09Launch failure

Test platform for monitoring radio signals including GPS and sophisticated imaging.

Prometheus-2 1 (Dstl)
Prometheus-2 2 (Prometheus 2B, Dstl)Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl)UK6U2023-01-09Launch failure

Test platform for monitoring radio signals including GPS and sophisticated imaging.

Prometheus-2 2 (Dstl)
STORK-6SatRevPoland3U2023-01-09Launch failure

Innovative shared platform with Earth-Observation capabilities. Aimed at in-orbit services.

VariSat-1 AVariSat (Omniteq)US6U2023-01-10Launch failure

Experiment and gain flight heritage with a satellite designed to support HF marine data communications.

VariSat-1 BVariSat (Omniteq)US6U2023-01-10Launch failure

Experiment and gain flight heritage with a satellite designed to support HF marine data communications.

BUPT-1 (Beiyou-1, Beiyou No. 1, Beiyou 1, BEIYOU1, Baoyun, Tiansuan Constellation)Beijing University of Posts and TelecommunicationsChina12U2023-01-15Unknown, ?

Beiyou No. 1 is the first satellite of Tiansuan constellation.

Golden Bauhinia No. 3 (Jinzijing 3, Jin Zijing 3)Hong Kong Aerospace Science and Technology GroupChina3U2023-01-15Reentered, Unknown, ?

The two scientific satellites of Golden Bauhinia No. 3/4 are 3U nano-satellites customized by Hangsheng Satellite according to customer needs

Golden Bauhinia 3
Golden Bauhinia No. 4 (Jinzijing 4, Jin Zijing 4)Hong Kong Aerospace Science and Technology GroupChina3U2023-01-15Reentered, Unknown, ?

The two scientific satellites of Golden Bauhinia No. 3/4 are 3U nano-satellites customized by Hangsheng Satellite according to customer needs

Golden Bauhinia 4
Tianzhi-2 D (Tianzhi II)Hangsheng SatelliteChina20U2023-01-15Reentered, Unknown, ?

Tianzhi-2 D star (Rizhao No. 3 satellite) is the first satellite of the software-defined shared constellation.

Tianzhi-2 D
AzaadiSAT 2 (AZAADISAT-2)Space Kidz IndiaIndia9 kg2023-02-10Reentered, Was operational

Carries 75 different payloads each weighing around 50 grams and conducting femto-experiments. Girl students from rural regions across the country were provided guidance to build these payloads.

Janus 1 (JANUS-1)AntarisUS6U2023-02-10Reentered, Operational

The satellite features five payloads from a range of global providers.

ARKSAT-1 (ARKSAT 1)University of ArkansasUS1U2023-03-14Reentered, Was semi-operational

Xenon flash bulb as the calibrated source for ground tracking and demonstrate deorbiting.

AuroraSatAurora CollegeCanada3U2023-03-14Reentered, No signal

Promote and share indigenous culture across Canada through northern images.

Ex-Alta 2 (AlbertaSat-2, Experimental Albertan #2, EX-ALTA-2)University of AlbertaCanada3U2023-03-14Reentered, No signal

Expand open-source platform and test imaging camera for wildfires.

Ex-Alta 2
LightCubeArizona State UniversityUS1U2023-03-14Reentered, Operational

Education mission to allow a CubeSat in to be easily operable by general public and produce a light visible to the naked eye of observers on Earth.

NEUDOSE ( NEUtron DOSimetry & Exploration)McMaster UniversityCanada2U2023-03-14Reentered, Was operational

Investigates radiation doses that astronauts would experience during extravehicular activities (EVAs).

YukonSatYukon CollegeCanada2U2023-03-14Reentered, No signal

Coding challenges to transmit and receive short voice recordings.

Jinta (Taikong Science, Hong Kong Knowledge, Ai Taikong Kexue, “love space science”)Hunan Hangsheng Satellite TechnologyChina4U2023-04-02Reentered, Operational

Payloads include cameras, propulsion and on-orbit wireless charging demonstration.

BRO-9 (Breizh Reconnaissance Orbiter)UnseenlabsFrance6U2023-04-15Operational

Spectrum monitoring service. Maritime surveillance. Electromagnetic intelligence service.

Brokkr-1 (ORBASTRO-AF-1)Astro ForgeUS6U2023-04-15Was operational

Test technology to extract metals from asteroid materials.

CIRBE (Colorado Inner Radiation Belt Experiment)University of Colorado BoulderUS3U2023-04-15Reentered, Operational

Understand the formation of the inner belt electrons.

Connecta T2.1Plan-STurkey6U2023-04-15Operational

Connecta T2.1 is to implement its innovative Earth observation missions with high-resolution multispectral cameras and IoT connectivity.

Connecta T2.1
DEWA-SAT 2 (Space-D DEWA 6U, DEWASAT-2)Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA)United Arab Emirates6U2023-04-15Operational

Earth Observation (EO) payload .

Space-D DEWA 2
DISCO-1 (Danish Student CubeSat Program)Aarhus UniversityDenmark1U2023-04-15Operational

Flying student experiments for in-orbit testing.

ELO 3 (ELO-3, Eutelsat LEO for Objects)EutelsatUS6U2023-04-15Reentered, Operational, ?

Narrowband system to evaluate the pros and cons of IoT constellation.

ELO (Clyde)
EPICHyper-1 (Wyvern-1, Dragonette-001, AAC-HSI-SAT1)AAC Clyde SpaceUK6U2023-04-15Operational

AAC Clyde Space is building Wyvern’s first three satellites

FACSAT-2 (FACSAT CHIRIBIQUETE)Colombian Air ForceColombia6U2023-04-15Operational

Demonstrator for low inclination constellation for the Colombian Air Force.

INSPIRE-Sat 7 (INSPIRE-Sat-7, InspireSat 7)University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ)France2U2023-04-15Reentered, Operational

Educational mission with ionospheric sensors and radio amateur mission.

IRIS-CNational Cheng Kung UniversityTaiwan3U2023-04-15Reentered, Operational

Educational mission with star tracker and S-band radio.

It’s About Time (TrustPoint-1)TrustPointUS3U2023-04-15Unknown, ?

First commercially funded, purpose-built PNT microsatellite.

Kepler-20Kepler CommunicationsCanada6U2023-04-15Operational

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M and wideband communications.

Kepler GEN1
Kepler-21Kepler CommunicationsCanada6U2023-04-15Operational

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M and wideband communications.

Kepler GEN1
KILICSAT (KILIÇSAT)GUMUSHTurkey3U2023-04-15Operational

Collecting Ship`s AIS message and demonstrate LNA Module.

Lemur-2 163 ONREFLECTION (KAUST)King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)Saudi Arabia6U2023-04-15Reentered, Operational

Collect high-quality and high-resolution data across global terrestrial, coastal and ocean ecosystems and to help observe and characterize natural resources. 

Lemur-2 (KAUST)
Lemur-2 164 ROMEO-N-LEO (LMR2394 / FM170)SpireUS3U2023-04-15Reentered, Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 165 SPACEGUS, (Adler-2, GAPMAP, GAPMAP-0, LMR2372, FM171)Austrian Space Forum (OeWF)Austria6U2023-04-15Reentered, Operational

Provide insights into space debris in low Earth orbit (LEO) and expand novel atmospheric sensing capabilities to study clouds and aerosols in the atmosphere.

Lemur-2 (Adler-2)
LLITED A (Low-Latitude Ionosphere/Thermosphere Enhancement in Density)Aerospace CorporationUS1.5U2023-04-15Reentered, Operational

Provide related to the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA) and the Equatorial Temperature and Wind Anomaly (ETWA).

LLITED B (Low-Latitude Ionosphere/Thermosphere Enhancement in Density)Aerospace CorporationUS1.5U2023-04-15Reentered, Operational

Provide measurements related to the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA) and the Equatorial Temperature and Wind Anomaly (ETWA).

LS2f (LS3C)Lacuna SpaceUK3U2023-04-15Reentered, Operational

Features Lacuna Space’s payload technology utilising LoRaWAN® wireless technology to provide long-range, low-power connectivity for IoT devices around the world.

Platform-3 (Sateliot-0, Sateliot_0, GroundBreaker)EnduroSatBulgaria6U2023-04-15Operational, ?

Technology demonstrations and commercial payloads.

Pleiades - Sapling Giganteum (Sapling-2, Sapling2)Stanford UniversityUS1U2023-04-15Reentered, Was operational

Demonstrate CubeSat bus, intersatellite links and perform radio amateur mission.

Pleiades - Sapling Giganteum
Pleiades Yearling 2.0 (Pleiades - Squared, PROVES Yearling 2, Pleiades Yearling)Cal Poly Pomona (Bronco Space)US1U2023-04-15Reentered, Was operational

Fly CubeSat bus and expand on the Pleiades cluster.

Pleiades Yearling 2.0
REVELAARCA DynamicsUS3U2023-04-15Was operational, ?

Demonstrate cutting-edge image processing algorithms.

RoseyCubesat-1Orbital Solutions MonacoMonaco1U2023-04-15Reentered, Operational

Educational mission with a camera and amateur radio activities.

SSS-2BTUBITAK-UZAY (TÜBİTAK Space Technologies Research Institute)Turkey3U2023-04-15Operational

Educational training and capacity building in space technology development.

TAIFA-1SayariLabsKenya3U2023-04-15No signal, ?

First Kenyan 3U software-defined NanoSat with imager payload.

VCUB1Visiona Tecnologia EspacialBrazil6U2023-04-15Operational

Demonstrate Visiona's ability to design high-performance space systems.

VIREO (Virtual Intelligence Realization for Earth Observatory)C3SHungary3U2023-04-15Reentered, Operational

Collaborative project between C3S and AIMotive a leading provider of camera-first, AI powered, Level 5 autonomous driving technology.

Lumelite-4Agency for Science Technology and Research (A*STAR)Singapore12U2023-04-22Operational

On-orbit demonstration of a space-based VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) for maritime users.

GS-1 (G-Space 1, Gravity Space 1, Nusantara H-1A, OrbitGuard1, Orbit Guard #1)Gravity SpaceUS16U2023-05-01Operational

Multiple hosted payloads destined for GEO orbit.

TROPICS 5 (TROPICS-05, TROPICS SV05, The Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats)MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)US3U2023-05-08Operational

Provide rapid-refresh microwave measurements over the tropics for weather prediction.

TROPICS 6 (TROPICS-06, TROPICS SV06, The Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats)MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)US3U2023-05-08Operational

Provide rapid-refresh microwave measurements over the tropics for weather prediction.

Dalian-1 Lianli (Dalian-1/Lianli)Dalian University of TechnologyChina12U2023-05-10Reentered, Operational

Verify high-resolution remote sensing imaging, domestic high-reliability OpenHarmony operating system, advanced satellite components and 3D printing technology. 

Dalian-1 Lianli
Parus-MGTU (Parus-MSTU, RS2S)Bauman Moscow State Technical UniversityRussia1U2023-05-24Reentered, Operational

Test a deployment mechanism for an experimental solar sail.

JLC-101-v1-2 (JAC)JustecSouth Korea3U2023-05-25No signal

Earth-observation technology demonstration.

KASI Sat A (SNIPE 1, Small scale magNetospheric and Ionospheric Plasma Experiment)Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI)South Korea6U2023-05-25Semi-operational

Identifying temporal and spatial variation of small scale plasma structures in Ionosphere and Magnetosphere.

KASI Sat B (SNIPE 2, Small scale magNetospheric and Ionospheric Plasma Experiment)Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI)South Korea6U2023-05-25Operational

Identifying temporal and spatial variation of small scale plasma structures in Ionosphere and Magnetosphere.

KASI Sat C (SNIPE 3, Small scale magNetospheric and Ionospheric Plasma Experiment)Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI)South Korea6U2023-05-25Deployment failure, On spacecraft

Identifying temporal and spatial variation of small scale plasma structures in Ionosphere and Magnetosphere.

KASI Sat D (SNIPE 4, Small scale magNetospheric and Ionospheric Plasma Experiment)Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI)South Korea6U2023-05-25Operational

Identifying temporal and spatial variation of small scale plasma structures in Ionosphere and Magnetosphere.

KSAT3UKairo SpaceSouth Korea3U2023-05-25Operational

Earth observation and weather monitoring cubesat.

Lumir-T1LumirSouth Korea6U2023-05-25Operational

Cosmic radiation monitoring cubesat.

TROPICS 3 (TROPICS-03, TROPICS SV03, The Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats)MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)US3U2023-05-26Operational

Provide rapid-refresh microwave measurements over the tropics for weather prediction.

TROPICS 7 (TROPICS-07, TROPICS SV07, The Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats)MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)US3U2023-05-26Operational

Provide rapid-refresh microwave measurements over the tropics for weather prediction.

ESSENCE (Educational Space Science and Engineering CubeSat Experiment)York UniversityCanada3U2023-06-05Reentered, No signal

Test a Canadian-developed wide-angle camera to observe snow and ice coverage in Northern Canada.

Iris (Manitoba SAT-1, ManitobaSat-1, MBCubeSat-1)University of ManitobaCanada3U2023-06-05Reentered, No signal

Study how space conditions affect the composition of asteroids and the Moon.

Manitoba SAT-1
Maya-5STeP UP University of the PhilippinesPhilippines1U2023-06-05Reentered, Semi-operational, ?

Philippines second set of nanosatellites developed in-country, with an aim to slowly transition to completely developing the nanosatellites locally.

Maya-6STeP UP University of the PhilippinesPhilippines1U2023-06-05Reentered, Semi-operational, ?

Philippines second set of nanosatellites developed in-country, with an aim to slowly transition to completely developing the nanosatellites locally.

MoonlighterAerospace CorporationUS3U2023-06-05Reentered, Operational

Provide the national security space community with the ability to test and learn in realtime in orbit.

RADSAT-SK (IDRSat)University of SaskatchewanCanada2U2023-06-05Reentered, No signal

Study how materials degrade in space by studying material changes in colour, texture, brittleness, and electrical conductivity.

SC-ODIN (Aleksandr III, Space Concordia's Orbital Dust Imaging Nanosat)Concordia UniversityCanada3U2023-06-05Reentered, No signal

Test an imaging instrument to collect data on dust measurements and study the effect of climate change in the Kluane Lake region.

Ukpik-1 (Western University – Nunavut Arctic College CubeSat Project)University of Western OntarioCanada2U2023-06-05Reentered, No signal

Educational mission to flight-test a novel imaging system to provide virtual reality-ready images.

CXPD (Cosmic X-ray Polarization Detection)Guangxi UniversityChina1U2023-06-07Operational

Test the low energy polarization detector prototype for the POLAR-2 gamma ray polarimeter.

Ayris 1 (AYRIS-1)?Israel6U2023-06-12Operational

Two 6U nanosatellites for a technology demonstration mission.

Ayris 2 (AYRIS-2)?Israel6U2023-06-12Operational

Two 6U nanosatellites for a technology demonstration mission.

Delta (All-Delta) Aurora InsightUS6U2023-06-12Operational

Take trillions of measurements to produce valuable information on RF spectrum and the networks that rely on it.

EIVE (Exploratory In-Orbit Verification of an E / W Band Satellite Communication Link)University of StuttgartGermany6U2023-06-12Operational

Demonstrate radio link in the E-band at 71 - 76 GHz between a satellite and a ground station.

ELO 4 (ELO-4, Eutelsat LEO for Objects)EutelsatUS6U2023-06-12Operational, ?

Narrowband system to evaluate the pros and cons of IoT constellation.

ELO (Clyde)
EPICHyper-2 (Wyvern-2, Dragonette-002, AAC-HSI-SAT2)AAC Clyde SpaceUK6U2023-06-12Operational

AAC Clyde Space is building Wyvern’s first three satellites

FOSSASat FEROX 1 (FOSSASAT2E14)Fossa SystemsSpainFEROX (1/4U x 3U x 2U)2023-06-12Reentered, Operational

Offers global low-power Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity and in-space services through its satellite constellation

FOSSASat FEROX 2 (FOSSASAT2E15)Fossa SystemsSpainFEROX (1/4U x 3U x 2U)2023-06-12Reentered, Operational

Offers global low-power Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity and in-space services through its satellite constellation

FOSSASat FEROX 3 (FOSSASAT2E16)Fossa SystemsSpainFEROX (1/4U x 3U x 2U)2023-06-12Reentered, Operational

Offers global low-power Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity and in-space services through its satellite constellation

FOSSASat FEROX 4 (Platzi-Sat1, FOSSASAT2E17)Fossa SystemsSpainFEROX (1/4U x 3U x 2U)2023-06-12Reentered, Operational

Offers global low-power Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity and in-space services through its satellite constellation

GEISAT Precursor (GEI-SAT)SATLANTISSpain16U2023-06-12Operational

The satellite is an iSIM-SAT 16U-CubeSat, equipped with an iSIM-90 camera onboard.

IstanbulHello SpaceTurkeyPocketQube 1p2023-06-12Reentered, Operational

Fleet of low-cost ‘PocketQube’ satellites to deliver global data services from orbit. 

Kelpie 2 (Clyde Orbcomm, AAC-AIS-SAT2)AAC Clyde SpaceUK3U2023-06-12Semi-operational

Space-as-a-service model to build and operate spacecraft and sell AIS data exclusively to ORBCOMM.

Lemur-2 166 Aadam-AliyahSpireUS6U2023-06-12Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 167 Embrionovis (Forest-2, Forest Observation and Recognition Experimental Smallsat Thermal Detector)OroraTechGermany6U2023-06-12Operational

Carry OroraTech’s first unique and proprietary thermal-infrared camera and data processing unit.

Lemur-2 (Forest-2)
Lemur-2 168 NaziyahSpireUS6U2023-06-12Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

MDQSAT-1CInnova SpaceArgentina0.25U2023-06-12Reentered, Was operational

Tech demo of Innova Space’s new pico-satellite constellation for IoT.

MDQSAT-1DInnova SpaceArgentina0.25U2023-06-12Was operational

Tech demo of Innova Space’s new pico-satellite constellation for IoT.

MISR-A (Modular Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, Modular ISR, MISR-A-1)Space Systems CommandUS6U2023-06-12Reentered, OperationalMISR
MISR-D (MISR-B, MISR-B-2, Modular Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance)Space Systems CommandUS6U2023-06-12Reentered, OperationalMISR
MRC-100 (SMOG-2?)Budapest University of Technology and EconomicsHungaryPocketQube 3p2023-06-12Operational

MRC-100 is the continuation of SMOG-P, SMOG-1 and ATL-1 spectrum monitoring PocketQube satellites.

Outpost Mission 1 (Outpost Mission 0)OutpostUS3U2023-06-12Retired, Operational

Trial the flight software, avionics, power system, and radiofrequency links that could support future reusable satellites.

Outpost Mission 0
Pleiades - Squared (PROVES - X, PROVES-Xmera, Pleiades Rapid Orbital Verification Experimental System)Cal Poly Pomona (Bronco Space)US1U2023-06-12Reentered, No signal

Will run on the Lovelace architecture as well as carry Cosmic Watch as its payload. It will feature more of the modular design.

Pleiades - Squared
ROM-2 (ROM2, HADES-C, Romanian Orbital Mission, Space Sparrow)RomSpace (International Computing High School of Bucharest)RomaniaPocketQube 1p2023-06-12Reentered, No signal, ?

Amateur radio mission with 2MP camera, SSDV image transmission and repeater.

SATLLA-2I (SATTLA-4)Ariel UniversityIsraelPocketQube 2p2023-06-12Was semi-operational, ?

The latest educational 2p PocketQube platform from Ariel University, designed to test Free Space Optical Communication concepts.

SpaceBEE-168Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2023-06-12Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-169Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2023-06-12Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-170Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2023-06-12Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-171Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2023-06-12Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-172Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2023-06-12Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-173Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2023-06-12Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-174Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2023-06-12Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-175Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2023-06-12Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-176Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2023-06-12Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-177Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2023-06-12Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-178Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2023-06-12Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SpaceBEE-179Swarm TechnologiesUS0.25U2023-06-12Reentered, Operational

World’s smallest two-way communications satellites for IoT.

SpaceBEE 0.25U
SPEI-SATELLES (SpeiSat, “Guardian of Hope”)Politecnico di TorinoItaly3U2023-06-12Operational

SpeiSat physically keeps a nanobook with the Holy Father's book in his shell and a file containing the messages of hope to be spread during his journey.

Spei Satelles (SpeiSat)
Tiger-4 (Layan-23)OQ TechnologyLuxembourg6U2023-06-12Operational

Provide 5G coverage for IoT devices based on NB-IoT

Unicorn-2IAlba OrbitalUKPocketQube 2p2023-06-12Reentered, No signal, ?

Earth Observation constellation to provide near-real time satellite imagery.

URESAT-1 (Hades-B, SO-120 Spain Oscar 120)URE (Spanish Amateur Radio Union)SpainPocketQube 1.5p2023-06-12Semi-operational

FM repeater and improved from the GENESIS missions.

XVI (Link-16 CubeSat, AFRL-XVI)ViasatUS12U2023-06-12Unknown, ?

Test the first-ever Link 16-capable LEO spacecraft.

A-SEANSAT-PG1 (PG1, Penang1, KA CubeSat)Angkasa-XMalaysia6U2023-06-27Operational

Earth Observation (EO) and Automatic Identification Systems (AIS) applications.

Akhmat-1 (RS41S, Space-PI, Space π)Chechen State UniversityRussia3U2023-06-27Operational

Equipped with ADS-B module for aircraft location monitoring.

ArcCUBE-01 (RS25S, Space-PI, Space π)FironRussia3U2023-06-27Operational

Designed for schoolchildren to conduct experiments on the organization of a secure transmission channel.

Avion-Kaluga 650Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityRussia6U2023-06-27Operational

Study the temporal and spectral characteristics of electrons and gamma radiation.

Avion-Kaluga 650
CSTP 1.1 (STC-1.1)STC (Spetsialny Tekhnologichesky Center)Russia3U2023-06-27Operational

adio and radio engineering monitoring

CSTP 1.2 (STC-1.2)STC (Spetsialny Tekhnologichesky Center)Russia3U2023-06-27Operational

Radiowave propagation studies

Cube-SX-HSE-3 (RS42S, Space-PI, Space π)HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and MathematicsRussia3U2023-06-27Operational

Designed to receive signals from AIS transmitters installed on ships for the purpose of subsequent analysis of the data received from the spacecraft.

CubeBel-2 (BSUSat-2, BSUSat 2, EU-11S)Belarusian State UniversityBelarus3U2023-06-27Operational

Educational mission with multispectral cameras and amateur radio payload.

Impuls-1 (Impulse-1, Pulse-1, Impul's-1)National University of Science and Technology MISiSRussia6U2023-06-27Operational

Solar activity monitoring in soft X-ray range, laser and quantum communications development.

Khors 1 (Khors No. 1, Hors 1)Bauman Moscow State Technical UniversityRussia6U2023-06-27Operational

Space weather, galactic rays studies, plasma thruster tests.

Khors 2 (Khors No. 2, Hors 2)Bauman Moscow State Technical UniversityRussia6U2023-06-27Operational

Space weather, galactic rays studies, plasma thruster tests.

KuzGTU-1 (RS47S, Space-PI, Space π)Kuzbass State Technical University (KuzGTU)Russia3U2023-06-27Operational

The payload consists of the PV control board, three vibration sensors ocated in mutually perpendicular orientations on the MSC frame, and an electromechanical emulator of a part with internal stresses.

Monitor-2 (RS39S, Space-PI, Space π)Moscow State UniversityRussia3U2023-06-27Operational

Kubsat SINP MSU for observations of cosmic flares in X-ray and gamma radiation.

Monitor-3 (RS-S, Space-PI, Space π)Moscow State UniversityRussia3U2023-06-27Operational

Kubsat SINP MSU for observations of cosmic flares in X-ray and gamma radiation.

Monitor-4 (Space-PI, Space π)Moscow State UniversityRussia3U2023-06-27Operational

Kubsat SINP MSU for observations of cosmic flares in X-ray and gamma radiation.

Nanosond-1 (RS49S, Space-PI, Space π, Nanoprobe-1)Oryol State UniversityRussia3U2023-06-27Operational

Investigate the conditions and factors in space that affect the SC surface. 

Norbi 2 (Norby)Novosibirsk UniversityRussia6U2023-06-27Operational

Solar corona observations with SOL telescope, avionics testing.

PHI-Demo (Payload Hosting Initiative)Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre (MBRSC)United Arab Emirates12U2023-06-27Operational, ?

A 12U modular satellite platform for payload hosting.

Polytech Universe-3 (Space-PI, Space π)Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic UniversityRussia3U2023-06-27Operational

Creation of a three-dimensional non-stationary model of the distribution of the level of electromagnetic radiation near the Earth.

Polytech Universe-3
ReshUCube-2 (RS37S, Space-PI, Space π)Siberian State University of Science and TechnologyRussia3U2023-06-27Operational

Flight experiments with promising network protocols for building inter-satellite networks, Internet of things networks, low-speed integrated Internet networks.

SamSat-IONSamara UniversityRussia3U2023-06-27Was operational

Study of the parameters of the upper ionosphere, the state of the plasma and the Earth's magnetic field along the motion trajectory.

SaturnKuban Technological UniversityRussia6U2023-06-27Unknown, ?

Space weather monitoring with AURA-3 detector.

Saturn (Russia)
Sirius-SINP-3U (Space-PI, Space π)BG-OpticsRussia3U2023-06-27Operational

Study of electrons, protons and gamma radiation in low earth orbit.

SITRO-AIS 5 (KATYS)Sitronics GroupRussia3U2023-06-27Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 6 (CHIRKIN)Sitronics GroupRussia3U2023-06-27Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 7 (FARTUSHNIY)Sitronics GroupRussia3U2023-06-27Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 8 (ANOKHIN)Sitronics GroupRussia3U2023-06-27Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 9 (SHCHUKIN)Sitronics GroupRussia3U2023-06-27Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 10 (BURDAEV)Sitronics GroupRussia3U2023-06-27Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 11 (SHEFFER)Sitronics GroupRussia3U2023-06-27Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 12 (SMIRENNIY)Sitronics GroupRussia3U2023-06-27Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

StratoSat TK-1-A (RS45S)StratonauticaRussiaTinySat 1TU2023-06-27No signal, ?

New TinySat picosatellite format,

StratoSat TK-1-A
StratoSat TK-1-B (RS52SV)StratonauticaRussiaTinySat 1TU2023-06-27Operational

New TinySat picosatellite format,

StratoSat TK-1-B
StratoSat TK-1-C (Stratosat TK-1-V, RS52SB)StratonauticaRussiaTinySat 1TU2023-06-27Operational

New TinySat picosatellite format,

StratoSat TK-1-C
StratoSat TK-1-D (RS52SD)StratonauticaRussiaTinySat 2TU2023-06-27Operational

New TinySat picosatellite format,

StratoSat TK-1-D
StratoSat TK-1-E (RS52SE)StratonauticaRussiaTinySat 2TU2023-06-27Operational

New TinySat picosatellite format,

StratoSat TK-1-E
StratoSat TK-1-F (Stratosat TK-1-G, RS52SG)StratonauticaRussiaTinySat 1TU2023-06-27Operational, ?

New TinySat picosatellite format,

StratoSat TK-1-F
StratoSat TK1 (RS52S, StratoSat-TK-1, Space-PI, Space π, StratoSat-TK1 )StratonauticaRussia3U2023-06-27Operational

Will deploy 6 PocketQube-type picosatellites called TinySat and has 3 cameras.

Svyatobor-1 (RS-S, Space-PI, Space π)National Research Nuclear University MEPhIRussia3U2023-06-27Operational

Modified plasma engine and 2 cameras to monitor forest fires.

UmKa-1 (UMKA-1, RS40S, UKMA-1, Space-PI, Space π)MOU secondary school No. 29 named after P. I. ZabrodinRussia3U2023-06-27Operational

Equipped with the electro-optical system for educational astronomical purposes.

UTMN-2 (RS27S, Space-PI, Space π)Tyumen State University (UTMN)Russia3U2023-06-27Operational

Remote diagnostics of the troposphere and water bodies using satellite infrared thermometry with the possibility of using a satellite in the Smart City environment.

Vizard-Meteo (RS38S, Space-PI, Space π, Wizard)NISRussia3U2023-06-27Operational

Receive data and analyze it to study environmental and weather phenomena in the waters of the Northern Polar Region.

Yareelo 3 (Yareelo No. 3, Yarilo 3)Bauman Moscow State Technical UniversityRussia3U2023-06-27Operational

Space weather research.

Yareelo 4 (Yareelo No. 4, Yarilo 4)Bauman Moscow State Technical UniversityRussia3U2023-06-27No signal

Space weather research.


Multispectral camera with a higher resolution, as well as an increased data transfer rate to Earth.

Lemur-2 169 Deverill-M-TSpireUS3U2023-07-18Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 170 ManoSpireUS3U2023-07-18Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Starling1 A (Starling 1)NASA Ames Research CenterUS6U2023-07-18Operational

Test technologies for affordable, distributed spacecraft (“swarm”) missions.

Starling1 B (Starling 2)NASA Ames Research CenterUS6U2023-07-18Operational

Test technologies for affordable, distributed spacecraft (“swarm”) missions.

Starling1 C (Starling 3)NASA Ames Research CenterUS6U2023-07-18Operational

Test technologies for affordable, distributed spacecraft (“swarm”) missions.

Starling1 D (Starling 4)NASA Ames Research CenterUS6U2023-07-18Operational

Test technologies for affordable, distributed spacecraft (“swarm”) missions.

Galassia 2 (GALASSIA-2)National University of SingaporeSingapore3U2023-07-30Operational

Perform an inter-satellite link (ISL) with TeLEOS-1 and multispectral imagery.

NuLion (NULION, NuSpace LoRaWAN Internet-of-Things Network)NuSpaceSingapore3U2023-07-30Operational

Seed satellite for a LEO equatorial constellation providing continuous LoRaWAN IoT services.

ORB-12 StriderOrbital AstronauticsUK12U2023-07-30Unknown, ?

Test propulsion module for Aliena-Aurora and many internally developed subsystems.

ORB-12 Strider
SCOOB-II (SCOOBII)Nanyang Technological UniversitySingapore3U2023-07-30No signal, ?

SCOOB-II utilizes a three-axis controlled reaction wheel assembly for attitude control.

NOUR 03 (NOOR, Noor 3)Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC)Iran6U2023-09-27Reentered, Operational

Provides the Iranian elite force with the capability to monitor Earth from space.

NOUR 03 (Noor)
ANSER A Leader (Advanced Nanosatellites Systems for Earth Observation Research)National Institute of Aerospace Technology (INTA)Spain3U2023-10-09Reentered, Deployment failure

Constellation of 4 nanosatellites to monitor the quality of the water in reservoirs and swamps in Spain

ANSER B (Answer Follower 1,, Advanced Nanosatellites Systems for Earth Observation Research, ANSER-FLW1)National Institute of Aerospace Technology (INTA)Spain3U2023-10-09Operational

Constellation of 4 nanosatellites to monitor the quality of the water in reservoirs and swamps in Spain

ANSER C (Answer Follower 2, Advanced Nanosatellites Systems for Earth Observation Research, ANSER-FLW2)National Institute of Aerospace Technology (INTA)Spain3U2023-10-09Operational

Constellation of 4 nanosatellites to monitor the quality of the water in reservoirs and swamps in Spain

CSC-1 (CubeSat Carrier, ISISpace IOD 1, ∑yndeo-1)ISISpaceNetherlands6U2023-10-09Operational

Provide an In-Orbit Demonstration (IOD) and In-Orbit Verification (IOV) service in space.

CSC-2 (CubeSat Carrier, ISISpace IOD 2 Project2, ∑yndeo-2)ISISpaceNetherlands6U2023-10-09Operational

Provide an In-Orbit Demonstration (IOD) and In-Orbit Verification (IOV) service in space.

ESTCube-2University of TartuEstonia3U2023-10-09Reentered, Deployment failure

Test CubeSat platform for Moon missions, deployment of 300 m tether for deorbiting and cameras.

MACSAT (Finch-1, MAChine SATellite)OQ TechnologyLuxembourg6U2023-10-09Operational

Demonstrator for 5G NB-IoT constellation.

NESS (N3SS, Nanosat 3U for civil spectrum monitoring)CNESFrance3U2023-10-09Operational

Validate in orbit miniaturized technologies intended for the detection and localization of interfering transmitters,

PRETTY (Passive REflecTomeTrY)Beyond GravityAustria3U2023-10-09Operational

Demonstrate GNSS reflectometry at low grazing angles for altimetry for sea ice detection using a new software-defined GNSS receiver.

Proba-V Companion CubeSat (PVCC, Proba V-CC)ESA (European Space Agency)Belgium12U2023-10-09Operational

Fly a cut-down version of the vegetation-monitoring instrument aboard the Earth-observing Proba-V with plans for constellation.

Proba-V Companion CubeSat
BEAKUniversity of TokyoJapan3U2023-11-10Reentered, Unknown, ?

Dragsail and water resistojet propulsion demonstration.

Clark sat-1 (Ambitious, CLARKSAT-1)CLARK NEXT TOKYO High SchoolJapan1U2023-11-10Reentered, Operational

Educational mission with amateur radio payload and a camera.

Clark Sat-1
Barry (B1B2, Orbital Robot, OTP-1?)Rogue Space SystemsUS12U2023-11-11Operational, Was operational

Building a fleet of Orbital Robots (Orbots™) equipped with sensors, cameras, robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) software to enable up-close inspections and assistanc

BRO-10 (Breizh Reconnaissance Orbiter)UnseenlabsFrance6U2023-11-11Operational

Spectrum monitoring service. Maritime surveillance. Electromagnetic intelligence service.

BRO-11 (Breizh Reconnaissance Orbiter)UnseenlabsFrance6U2023-11-11Operational

Spectrum monitoring service. Maritime surveillance. Electromagnetic intelligence service.

Connecta T3.1Plan-STurkey3U2023-11-11Operational

Main mission is Inter-Satellite Link technology demonstration.

Connecta T3.1
Connecta T3.2Plan-STurkey3U2023-11-11Operational

Main mission is Inter-Satellite Link technology demonstration.

Connecta T3.2

Third satellite of a CubeSat constellation whose mission is to provide cryptographic applications in space.

Djibouti-1A (HydroSat)University of DjiboutiDjibouti1U2023-11-11Operational

Primarily educational misison with Earth observation and IoT payloads.

EPICHyper-3 (Wyvern-3, Dragonette-003, AAC-HSI-SAT3)AAC Clyde SpaceUK6U2023-11-11Operational

AAC Clyde Space is building Wyvern’s first three satellites

Exo-0 (EXO 0)ExotrailFrance8U2023-11-11Operational, ?

Demonstrate Airbus Detumbler device, a magnetic damping device that will ensure satellites to remain more stable

Flock-4q 1Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 2Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 3Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 4Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 5Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 6Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 7Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 8Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 9Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 10Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 11Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 12Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 13Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 14Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 15Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 16Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 17Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 18Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 19Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 20Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 21Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 22Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 23Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 24Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 25Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 26Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 27Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 28Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 29Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 30Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 31Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 32Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 33Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 34Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 35Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4q 36Planet LabsUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
GENMAT-1Quantum Generative Materials (GenMat)US6U2023-11-11Operational

Equipped with a hyperspectral imager and demonstration for a constellation.

Hades-D (HYDRA-1, GENESIS)AMSAT-EASpainPocketQube 1.5p2023-11-11Reentered, Operational

FM repeater as amateur radio payload.

Hades-D (Hydra-1)
Hello Test 1Hello SpaceTurkeyPocketQube 2p2023-11-11Reentered, OperationalHello Space
Hello Test 2Hello SpaceTurkeyPocketQube 2p2023-11-11Reentered, OperationalHello Space
HERON Mk II (Mark II, High frequency Educational Radio communications On a Nanosatellite)University of TorontoCanada3U2023-11-11No signal

Unique biological payload aimed to assess the risk of infections during long-term space missions

Intuition-1KP LabsPoland6U2023-11-11Operational

Demonstrate an advanced hyperspectral imager and novel on-board processor.

IRIS-C2 (Taurus-1)National Cheng Kung UniversityTaiwan3U2023-11-11Operational

Educational mission with star tracker and S-band radio.

JINJUSat-1CONTECSouth Korea2U2023-11-11Reentered, Deployment failure

Cameras mounted on the satellite will carry out a mission to take pictures of the Earth.

KAFASATRepublic of Korea Air Force AcademySouth Korea3U2023-11-11Operational

Photograph the Earth using on-board camera and transmit the images.

Lemur-2 171 (SNC 1, LEMUR 2 THE-CLEANER)SpireUS6U2023-11-11Operational

Radio frequency (RF) collection and analysis.

Lemur-2 172 (SNC 2, LEMUR 2 DILIGHTFUL)SpireUS6U2023-11-11Operational

Radio frequency (RF) collection and analysis.

Lemur-2 173 (SNC 3, LEMUR 2 SANITA-VETRA)SpireUS6U2023-11-11Operational

Radio frequency (RF) collection and analysis.

Lemur-2 174 (SNC 4, LEMUR 2 GOOD-VIBES)SpireUS6U2023-11-11Operational

Radio frequency (RF) collection and analysis.

Lemur-2 175 Ella1 (Ella 1, LEMUR 2 MARAPAMASM)SpireUS4U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 Ella1
Lemur-2 176 GHGSat 1 A (Bass, Juba)SpireUS16U2023-11-11Operational

Expand GHGSat satellite constellation for greenhouse gas emissions monitoring.

Lemur-2 GHGSat
Lemur-2 177 GHGSat 2 B (JK0903EM1407, Elliot)SpireUS16U2023-11-11Operational

Expand GHGSat satellite constellation for greenhouse gas emissions monitoring.

Lemur-2 GHGSat
Lemur-2 178 GHGSat 3 C (MJR092620, Vanguard)SpireUS16U2023-11-11Operational

Expand GHGSat satellite constellation for greenhouse gas emissions monitoring.

Lemur-2 GHGSat
Lemur-2 179 Mango Two 2A (MANGO2A)SpireUS3U2023-11-11Reentered, Operational

With the Mango Two mission, Spire seeks to test a new ISL payload manufactured by Jacobs.

Lemur-2 Mango 2
Lemur-2 180 Mango Two 2B (MANGO2B)SpireUS3U2023-11-11Reentered, Operational

With the Mango Two mission, Spire seeks to test a new ISL payload manufactured by Jacobs.

Lemur-2 Mango 2
Lemur-2 181 NANAZSpireUS3U2023-11-11Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

MANTIS (Mission and Agile Nanosatellite for Terrestrial Imagery Services, OpenConstellation?)Open CosmosUK12U2023-11-11Operational

Earth observation satellite with novel data analysis. Possibly a start of a constellation.


Observing persistently bright X-ray objects. Study black holes and neutron stars.

Observer-1 A (Observer-1A)Nara SpaceSouth Korea16U2023-11-11Operational

Observer-1 is Nara Space’s first Earth observation nano satellite with its own Observer platform applied.

OMNI-LER1QuubUS3U2023-11-11No signal, ?

Experiments of on-board blockchain technology to measure performance, behavior, latency, and reliability of blockchain transactions in LEO.

OrbAstro-PC1 (ORB-6 Digantara)Orbital AstronauticsUK6U2023-11-11Unknown, ?

Demonstrate LiDAR-based technology to provide space situational awareness service.

ORB-6 Digantara
OrbAstro-TC1 (TR1, Xplore, OrbAstro ORB-6)XploreUS6U2023-11-11Unknown, ?

Xplore will utilize OrbAstro's satellite buses for a variety of innovative missions, beginning with OrbAstro's ORB-6 platform.

Xplore (OrbAstro)
OSW CazorlaOdyssey SpaceWorksUS3U2023-11-11Operational

We build and operate satellites that house miniaturized R&D labs. First satellite, carries two labs.

OSW Cazorla
Outpost Mission 2 (Ferry-1)OutpostUS3U2023-11-11Operational

GasPak, a low mass, clean gas generator, engineered to optimize the functionality of NASA’s hypersonic inflatable aerodynamic decelerators.

PEARL 1C (Foxconn, Project Peal)FoxconnTaiwan6U2023-11-11Operational

Foxconn unveils space venture: "Pearl" to launch aboard SpaceX rocket in November 2023.

PEARL 1H (Foxconn, Project Peal)FoxconnTaiwan6U2023-11-11Operational

Foxconn unveils space venture: "Pearl" to launch aboard SpaceX rocket in November 2023.

Picacho (Gossamer Vendelinus)LunasondeUK1U2023-11-11Reentered, Deployment failure, ?

Measure the power spectral density of low-frequency radio signals in the ionosphere.

PICO-1A-1 (PiCo-IoT 1, Apogeo Space, FEES, PICO-01A003)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3U2023-11-11Was operational, ?

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PICO-1A-2 (PiCo-IoT 2, Apogeo Space, FEES, PICO-01B009)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3U2023-11-11Was operational, ?

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PICO-1A-3 (PiCo-IoT 3, Apogeo Space, FEES, PICO-01C008)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3U2023-11-11Reentered, Was operational, ?

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PICO-1A-4 (PiCo-IoT 4, Apogeo Space, FEES, PICO-01D007)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3U2023-11-11Was operational, ?

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PICO-1A-5 (PiCo-IoT 5, Apogeo Space, FEES, PICO-01E001)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3U2023-11-11Reentered, Was operational, ?

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PICO-1A-6 (PiCo-IoT 6, Apogeo Space, FEES, PICO-01F006)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3U2023-11-11Reentered, Was operational, ?

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PICO-1A-7 (PiCo-IoT 7, Apogeo Space, FEES, PICO-01G005)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3U2023-11-11Was operational, ?

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PICO-1A-8 (PiCo-IoT 8, Apogeo Space, FEES, PICO-01H004)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3U2023-11-11Reentered, Was operational, ?

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PICO-1A-9 (PiCo-IoT 9, Apogeo Space, FEES, PICO-01I002)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3U2023-11-11Reentered, Was operational, ?

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PLATEROOpen CosmosSpain6U2023-11-11Operational

6U satellite combining EO and real-time IoT data to track farming's impact and aid sustainable policies.

ProtoMéthée-1 (ProtoMethee-1)PrometheeFrance16U2023-11-11Operational

Demonstration for Earth observation constellation and image analysis platform.

ROM-3 (Romanian Orbital Mission 3) RomSpace (International Computing High School of Bucharest)RomaniaPocketQube 1.5p2023-11-11No signal, ?

Amateur radio mission with digital repeater, SSDV image transmission and CW beacon.

Spaceant-D (Space ANT-D)Universiti Sains MalaysiaMalaysiaPocketQube 1p2023-11-11No signal

Educational mission to collect sensor data and amateur radio payload.

STORK-7 (Aman-1 Reflight)ETCO SpacePoland3U2023-11-11Reentered, Deployment failure

Oman’s first satellite.

Tartan Artibeus-2 (TartanArtibeus-2)Carnegie Mellon UniversityUSPocketQube 1p2023-11-11No signal, ?

Educational amateur radio mission with orbital edge computing elements.

Tartan Artibeus-2
Tiger-5OQ TechnologyLuxembourg6U2023-11-11Operational

Provide 5G coverage for IoT devices based on NB-IoT.

Tiger-6OQ TechnologyLuxembourg6U2023-11-11Operational

Provide 5G coverage for IoT devices based on NB-IoT.

Time We’ll Tell (TrustPoint-2)TrustPointUS3U2023-11-11Unknown, ?

Features an Position, Navigation, and Time (PNT) Payload that will demonstrate TrustPoint’s core technologies.

Time We’ll Tell
Unicorn-2JAlba OrbitalUKPocketQube 2p2023-11-11Reentered, Operational

Earth Observation constellation to provide near-real time satellite imagery.

Unicorn-2KAlba OrbitalUKPocketQube 2p2023-11-11Reentered, Operational

Earth Observation constellation to provide near-real time satellite imagery.


Two cameras and will operate in the amateur radio band, allowing our client to have a personal connection with space exploration. The first-ever pink satellite. 

Ymir-1 (AAC-AIS-SAT-3, Saab Orbcomm VDES CubeSat)AOS (AAC Clyde Space, Saab, Orbcomm)Sweden3U2023-11-11Operational

Carry a VDES (VHF Data Exchange System) payload from Saab for two-way communication between satellite and ground.

ALISIO (Advanced and Light Satellite for Infrared Observations, ALISIO1, ALISIO-1)IACTec SPACE - Instituto de Astrofísica de CanariasSpain3U2023-12-01Operational

SWIR instrument and test a magnetic measurement card useful for LISA. Optical laser communication capabilities.

BEESAT-14 (NanoFF-A, NanoFF 1, NANOFF A)Technical University of BerlinGermany2U2023-12-01Operational

Formation flying and multispectral camera.

BEESAT 14-15
BEESAT-15 (NanoFF-B, NanoFF 2, NANOFF B)Technical University of BerlinGermany2U2023-12-01Operational

Formation flying and multispectral camera.

BEESAT 14-15
EIRSAT-1 (Educational Irish Research Satellite)University College DublinIreland2U2023-12-01Operational

Test a novel gamma-ray detector module and an experiment with thermal coatings for spacecraft.

ENSO (Expleo Nanosat for Solar-irradiance Observations, ROBUSTA-1E)ExpleoFrance1U2023-12-01Operational

Nanosatellite R&D platform that aims to help characterise the ionosphere by providing a signal to SANSA ground stations that measure solar activity and its impact on Earth.

Hayasat-1Bazoomq Space Research LabArmenia1U2023-12-01OperationalHayasat-1
Lilium-1 (IRIS-E)National Cheng Kung UniversityTaiwan3U2023-12-01Operational

Lilium-1 CubeSat’s mission is focus on demonstrate image PAT operation and IoT S&F operation.

LOGSATS (LOra Gateway Service and Aircraft Tracking Satellite)EOS OrbitThailand3U2023-12-01No signal, ?

Demonstrate both the first Thai space-based Internet-of-Things (IoT) communications systems and aviation monitoring system of Thailand.

MDQubeSat-2 (MDQubesat-1)Innova SpaceArgentinaPocketQube 2p2023-12-01Operational

Proof of concept for IoT communications through picosatellites in LEO.

SpIRIT (Space Industry – Responsive – Intelligent – Thermal, HERMES-SP)University of MelbourneAustralia6U2023-12-01Operational

Demonstrator cubesat carrying an X-ray detector and propulsion system.

Unicorn-2LAlba OrbitalUKPocketQube 2p2023-12-01Unknown, ?

Earth Observation constellation to provide near-real time satellite imagery.

Unicorn-2MAlba OrbitalUKPocketQube 2p2023-12-01Unknown, ?

Earth Observation constellation to provide near-real time satellite imagery.

Unicorn-2NAlba OrbitalUKPocketQube 2p2023-12-01Operational

Earth Observation constellation to provide near-real time satellite imagery.

BaYi-08 (08 Star, Bayi-08)Changguang Satellite TechnologyChina6U2024-01-17Unknown, ?

Has a 3.5-meter resolution EO camera, optical communication payload, audio and video transmission, radio communication payload, and other scientific payloads.

Hatef 1 (Hatef-1)Iran Electronic Industries (SAIRAN)Iran3U2024-01-28Unknown, ?

Test narrowband communication technology using the Internet of Things

Hatef 1
Kaihan 2 (Kaihan-2, Keyhan2 )Iran Electronic Industries (SAIRAN)Iran3U2024-01-28Unknown, ?

Demonstrate positioning technology for the spacecraft.

Kaihan 2
Skylark 1 (Lemur-2 182, FM178, LEMUR 2 CAEL)NorthStarCanada16U2024-01-31Operational

Initial fleet for a constellation of space situational awareness (SSA) data.

Skylark (Lemur-2)
Skylark 2 (Lemur-2 183, FM179, LEMUR 2 NIMBUS2000)NorthStarCanada16U2024-01-31Operational

Initial fleet for a constellation of space situational awareness (SSA) data.

Skylark (Lemur-2)
Skylark 3 (Lemur-2 184, FM180, LEMUR 2 VALHALLA)NorthStarCanada16U2024-01-31Operational

Initial fleet for a constellation of space situational awareness (SSA) data.

Skylark (Lemur-2)
Skylark 4 (Lemur-2 185, FM181, LEMUR 2 OBA-NI-JESU)NorthStarCanada16U2024-01-31Operational

Initial fleet for a constellation of space situational awareness (SSA) data.

Skylark (Lemur-2)
TIRSAT (Thermal Infrared Nanosatellite)Japan Space SystemsJapan3U2024-02-17Operational

LWIR infrared Earth observation instrument capable of 96 meter per pixel at 600 km altitude.

SITRO-AIS 25Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-02-29Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 26Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-02-29Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 27Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-02-29Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 28Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-02-29Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 29Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-02-29Was operational, No signal, ?

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 30Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-02-29Was operational, No signal, ?

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 31Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-02-29Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 32Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-02-29Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 33Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-02-29Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 34Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-02-29Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 35Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-02-29Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 36Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-02-29Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 49Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-02-29Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 50Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-02-29Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 51Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-02-29Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 52Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-02-29Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

Zorkiy-2M-2 (ZORKI-2M NO. 2)SputnixRussia12U2024-02-29Operational

Multispectral camera with a higher resolution, as well as an increased data transfer rate to Earth.

BRO-12 (Breizh Reconnaissance Orbiter)UnseenlabsFrance8U2024-03-04Operational

Spectrum monitoring service. Maritime surveillance. Electromagnetic intelligence service.

BRO-13 (Breizh Reconnaissance Orbiter)UnseenlabsFrance8U2024-03-04Operational

Spectrum monitoring service. Maritime surveillance. Electromagnetic intelligence service.

ContecSat-1 (CONTEC CubeSat, Oreum, Oreum SAT)CONTECSouth Korea16U2024-03-04Operational

The payload will consist of imager with 1.5 m resolution, supplied by NanoAvionics partner, and Contec’s laser communication terminal (LCT).

HAMMER (IOD6, CogniSAT-6, Atlantic Constellation UK Pathfinder, Hyperspectral AI for Marine Monitoring and Emergency Response)Open CosmosUK6U2024-03-04Operational

In partnership with the Satellite Applications Catapult, which will focus on monitoring the Atlantic coastal and maritime areas

Hubble 1 (Lemur-2 186, LEMUR 2 ROCINANTE)HubbleUS16U2024-03-04OperationalHubble (Lemur-2)
Hubble 2 (Lemur-2 187, FM192, LEMR2421, LEMUR 2 JOHNNYTRUONG)HubbleUS16U2024-03-04OperationalHubble (Lemur-2)
IRIS-F1SATORO SpaceTaiwan3U2024-03-04Operational

Scientific in-orbit verification mission with an innovative automatic identification system (AIS).

LaCE 1 (Lace A, Laser Crosslink Experiment)Naval Information Warfare Command (NIWC) PacificUS3U2024-03-04Operational

Demonstrate a low SWAP optical communications crosslink in LEO (Low Earth Orbit).

LaCE 2 (Lace B, Laser Crosslink Experiment)Naval Information Warfare Command (NIWC) PacificUS3U2024-03-04Operational

Demonstrate a low SWAP optical communications crosslink in LEO (Low Earth Orbit).

Lemur-2 188 (LEMUR 2 CHARLIE-ROSE, Myriota?)SpireUS3U2024-03-04Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 189 (LEMUR 2 FELDHUS, Myriota?)SpireUS3U2024-03-04Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

M3 (M3Sat, Multi-Mode Mission, USIP; Undergraduate Student Instrument Project)Missouri University of Science and TechnologyUS3U2024-03-04No signal, ?

Validates operation and performance of a multi-mode micro-propulsion system.

MH-1 (AEROS, AEROS-MH1)CEiiAPortugal3U2024-03-04Operational, ?

Pathfinder toward a future ocean-observing constellation targeting the Portuguese Atlantic region

ONDOSAT-OWL-1 (OWL-1, OWLSAT-1)ONDO SpaceMongolia0.5U2024-03-04Operational

Imaging Mission (OVCAM) and Store & Forward (S&F) mission. Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies.

ONDOSAT-OWL-2 (OWL-2, OWLSAT-2)ONDO SpaceMongolia0.5U2024-03-04Operational

Imaging Mission (OVCAM) and Store & Forward (S&F) mission. Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies.

OrbAstro TR2 (OrbAstro-TR2)Orbital AstronauticsUK6U2024-03-04Unknown, ?

Tech demo missions with radiofrequency payloads.

Pony Express 2 (PE2_FLT1 , TYVAK-0261)Lockheed MartinUS12U2024-03-04Operational

Prove out RF-enabled swarming formations and space-to-space networking.

Pony Express 2
Pony Express 3 (PE2_FLT2, TYVAK-0262)Lockheed MartinUS12U2024-03-04Operational

Prove out RF-enabled swarming formations and space-to-space networking.

Pony Express 2
PY4 A (PY4 SV1, PY4-1)Carnegie Mellon UniversityUS3U2024-03-04Operational

Test cost-efficient swarm capabilities – the ability for multiple spacecraft to communicate and perform coordinated actions.

PY4 B (PY4 SV2, PY4-2)Carnegie Mellon UniversityUS3U2024-03-04Operational

Test cost-efficient swarm capabilities – the ability for multiple spacecraft to communicate and perform coordinated actions.

PY4 C (PY4 SV3, PY4-3)Carnegie Mellon UniversityUS3U2024-03-04Operational

Test cost-efficient swarm capabilities – the ability for multiple spacecraft to communicate and perform coordinated actions.

PY4 D (PY4 SV4, PY4-4)Carnegie Mellon UniversityUS3U2024-03-04Operational

Test cost-efficient swarm capabilities – the ability for multiple spacecraft to communicate and perform coordinated actions.

RROCI-2 (EWS RROCI, Rapid Revisit Optical Cloud Imager)U.S. Space ForceUS12U2024-03-04Operational

Demonstrate an Electro-Optical / Infrared (EO/IR) LEO-based cloud characterization solution that supports U.S. warfighter operations.

Sentry (Scout-1, Quantum Sentry Satellite, Quantum Sentry1)Quantum SpaceUS6U2024-03-04Operational, ?

First mission will include a sensor and edge computing payload, and will communicate with the cloud-based mission management system.

SONATE-2 University of WürzburgGermany6U2024-03-04Operational

Development and operation of a technology test satellite for highly autonomous payloads and artificial intelligence.

Tiger-7OQ TechnologyLuxembourg6U2024-03-04Operational

Provide 5G coverage for IoT devices based on NB-IoT

Tiger-8OQ TechnologyLuxembourg6U2024-03-04Operational

Provide 5G coverage for IoT devices based on NB-IoT

VEERY-0E “Ectobius” (Fledgling Veery, Veery v0.3-rc0)Care WeatherUS1U2024-03-04Operational, ?

Building phone—sized weather satellites to power a super accurate forecast.

AeroCube-16AAerospace CorporationUS6U2024-03-21Operational

Various advanced materials experiments and lasercomm payload for intersatellite link.

AeroCube-16BAerospace CorporationUS6U2024-03-21Operational

Various advanced materials experiments and lasercomm payload for intersatellite link.

Big Red Sat-1 (BRS-1)University of NebraskaUS1U2024-03-21Reentered, Operational

Educational mission to demonstrate perovskite panel technology.

Big Red Sat-1
BurstCube (UVI-BurstCube)NASA Goddard Space Flight CenterUS6U2024-03-21Reentered, Operational

Autonomously detect gamma ray bursts (GRBs) onboard to detect fading broadband afterglows.

CURTISKyushu Institute of TechnologyJapan3U2024-03-21Reentered, Operational

Thermal conductivity experiments of surface-coated graphite materials. Demonstration of a highly integrated OBC-EPS-UHF transceiver by Panasonic.

HyTI (Hyperspectral Thermal Imager)University of Hawai’i at MānoaUS6U2024-03-21Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate long-wave infrared imager to monitor water resources.

KASHIWAChiba Institute of TechnologyJapan1U2024-03-21Reentered, Operational

Educational mission with cameras and amateur radio payloads.

Killick1 (Killick-1)Memorial University of NewfoundlandCanada2U2024-03-21Reentered, No signal, ?

Test technology to monitor oceans (sea-ice detection and sea-ice concentration estimation).

MicroOrbiterMicroOrbiterJapan3U2024-03-21Reentered, Operational

MicroOrbiter-1 is designed to store the small sensor data from the LoRa ground terminal and forward to the Earth Station.

MolaNaval Postgraduate School (NPS) US3U2024-03-21Operational

A terahertz imaging camera (TIC) and an LED on-orbit payload (LOOP).

QMSat (Quantum Magneto Satellite, UdeSat)Université de SherbrookeCanada2U2024-03-21Reentered, No signal, ?

In-orbit demonstration of a quantum magnetometer.

SNoOPI (SigNals of Opportunity P-band Investigation)Purdue UniversityUS6U2024-03-21Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate the measurement of the complex reflection coefficient over various land surface conditions.

VIOLET (CubeSat NB)University of New BrunswickCanada2U2024-03-21Reentered, No signal

Measure GPS signals after passing through atmosphere and several cameras for atmosphere and Earth imaging.

Centauri-6Fleet SpaceAustralia12U2024-04-07Operational

IoT satellite network.

Centauri 12U (Fleet)
Gagarinets (GAGARINEC, RS85S)Avant SpaceRussia3U2024-04-11Reentered, Operational

We transmit data directly to smartphone’s cameras by sending short messages with hyperlinks connected to mass media resources.

Mass Dummy Cubesat (GMM KA, Satellite Mass Simulator)?Russia3U2024-04-11Reentered, Passive
ACS3 (Advanced Composite Solar Sail System)NASA Ames Research CenterUS12U2024-04-23Operational

Characterize solar sail structures technologies for future small spacecraft deep space missions.

iCUBE-Q (SJTU Siyuan 2, IST CubeSat Qamar, ICUBE-Qamar, ICUBE-Q CubeSat)Islamabad Institute of Science and TechnologyPakistan6.5 kg2024-05-03Operational, ?

Detect traces of water-ice on the lunar surface.

SITRO-AIS 53Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-05-16Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 54Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-05-16Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 55Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-05-16Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 56Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-05-16Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

Zorkiy-2M-4 (ZORKI-2M NO. 4)SputnixRussia12U2024-05-16Operational

Multispectral camera with a higher resolution, as well as an increased data transfer rate to Earth.

Zorkiy-2M-6 (ZORKI-2M NO. 6)SputnixRussia12U2024-05-16Operational

Multispectral camera with a higher resolution, as well as an increased data transfer rate to Earth.

PREFIRE-2 (PREFIRE B. Polar Radiant Energy in the Far Infrared Experiment)University of WisconsinUS6U2024-05-25Operational

Measuring the Arctic’s radiant energy and how this energy is affecting the Arctic warming.

PREFIRE-1 (PREFIRE A, Polar Radiant Energy in the Far Infrared Experiment)University of WisconsinUS6U2024-06-05Operational

Measuring the Arctic’s radiant energy and how this energy is affecting the Arctic warming.

CATSATUniversity of ArizonaUS6U2024-07-04Operational

Deploy and demonstrate an inflatable one-meter spherical antenna in Earth’s orbit.

KUbeSat-1 (KUbeSat1)University of KansasUS3U2024-07-04No signal, ?

Use cosmic ray detector to study exposure and effect on crewed missions.

MESAT-1 (MESAT1, Maine’s 1st Small Satellite, MEASAT-1)University of MaineUS3U2024-07-04Operational, ?

Educational mission with amateur radio payloads.

R5-S2 (R5-S2-2.0)NASA Johnson Space CenterUS3U2024-07-04Operational

Demonstrate technologies to speed up hosted payload and in-space inspection.

R5-S4NASA Johnson Space CenterUS3U2024-07-04Operational

Demonstrate technologies to speed up hosted payload and in-space inspection.

Serenity III (Serenity (3))Teachers in SpaceUS3U2024-07-04Operational

Educational mission to allow interaction with the CubeSat and blockchain for inter-satellite transactions.

Serenity III
SOC-i (Satellite for Optimal Control and Imaging)University of WashingtonUS2U2024-07-04No signal, ?

Advanced guidance, navigation and control (GNC) payload and Earth imaging camera.

TechEdSat-11 (TES-11)NASA Ames Research CenterUS6U2024-07-04Operational

6U-XL bus size, Largest TES Exo-Brake Yet: 2.0m². Gen-2 TES SDR S-band Radio, NOAA Radio.

3Cat-4 (CubeCat-4)Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC, BarcelonaTECH)Spain1U2024-07-09Was operational, ?

Demonstrate Global Navigation Satellite System - Reflectometry (GNSS-R) and L - band microwave radiometry and AIS.

CURIE A (CUbesat Radio Interferometry Experiment)University of California, BerkeleyUS3U2024-07-09No signal, ?

Radio astronomy missions to measure radio waves from 0.1-19MHz.

CURIE B (CUbesat Radio Interferometry Experiment)University of California, BerkeleyUS3U2024-07-09No signal, ?, On spacecraft

Radio astronomy missions to measure radio waves from 0.1-19MHz.

Curium OnePlanetary Transportation System (PTS) Germany12U2024-07-09No signal, Was semi-operational

Operate an innovative redundant GPU processing platform powering the ‘Major Tom’ project.

Curium One
GRBBeta (GRB-Beta)Technical University of KosiceSlovakia2U2024-07-09Operational

Educational mission with digipeater and testing gamma-ray burst sensor.

ISTSat-1 (Istsat-1, ISTnanosat 1, ISTsat-1, ISTnanosat-1)Instituto Superior Técnico (IST)Portugal1U2024-07-09Was semi-operational, Was operational, ?

Test an ADS-B receiver that aims to track aircraft in flight.

ReplicatorOrbital MatterPoland3U2024-07-09No signal

Print a 50 cm-long beam while at an altitude of 580 km, out of a custom polymer material.

ROBUSTA 3A (Méditerranée, Mediterranean-Sat, Radiation on Bipolar Test for University Satellite Application, Robusta-3A, ROBUSTA-3)University of MontpellierFrance3U2024-07-09Operational

Improve the accuracy of weather forecasts around the Mediterranean basin.

Binar 2 (Binar-2)Curtin UniversityAustralia1U2024-08-04Reentered, Operational

Test CubeSat technologies for deep space missions.

Binar 2-4
Binar 3 (Binar-3)Curtin UniversityAustralia1U2024-08-04Reentered, Operational

Test CubeSat technologies for deep space missions.

Binar 2-4
Binar 4 (Binar-4)Curtin UniversityAustralia1U2024-08-04Reentered, Operational

Test CubeSat technologies for deep space missions.

Binar 2-4
CosmoGirlSat (CosmoGirl-Sat, Emma)CosmoGirl Satellite ProjectJapan1U2024-08-04Reentered, Operational

Amateur radio mission with a camera.

CySat 1 (CySat-1, CY-SAT-1, Cyclone Satellite 1)Iowa State UniversityUS3U2024-08-04No signal, ?

Educational training and demonstration of CubeSat platform technologies for asteroid surveying payload.

CySat 1
DORA (Deployable Optical Receiver Array)Arizona State UniversityUS3U2024-08-04Reentered, Operational

Demonstrate data rates of 1 Gbps over distances of thousands of kilometers with laser communications.

SaganSat0 (SaganSat No. 0)Saga Prefectural Space and Science Museum Japan1U2024-08-04Reentered, No signal

Infrared camera, Space radiation measurement, Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) Digipeater.

SakuraChiba Institute of TechnologyJapan1U2024-08-04Reentered, Operational

APRS mission with digipeater and cameras.

Wisseed Sat Wisseed AcademyJapan3U2024-08-04Reentered, Passive

Carry children's baby teeth to space in imitation of a Japanese custom of throwing their baby teeth onto the house rooves

Wisseed Sat
BRO-14 (Breizh Reconnaissance Orbiter)UnseenlabsFrance8U2024-08-16Operational

Spectrum monitoring service. Maritime surveillance. Electromagnetic intelligence service.

BRO-15 (Breizh Reconnaissance Orbiter)UnseenlabsFrance8U2024-08-16Operational

Spectrum monitoring service. Maritime surveillance. Electromagnetic intelligence service.

CAKRA-1Ministry of Marine Affairs and FisheriesIndonesia8U2024-08-16Operational

Optimize satellite technology for monitoring national maritime resources and supporting local fisheries.

Connecta IoT 1Plan-STurkey6U2024-08-16Operational

Connecta IoT Network constellation project, which will provide Internet of Things (IoT) communication services.

Connecta IoT
Connecta IoT 2Plan-STurkey6U2024-08-16Operational

Connecta IoT Network constellation project, which will provide Internet of Things (IoT) communication services.

Connecta IoT
Connecta IoT 3Plan-STurkey6U2024-08-16Operational

Connecta IoT Network constellation project, which will provide Internet of Things (IoT) communication services.

Connecta IoT
Connecta IoT 4 (ConnectaIoT-4)Plan-STurkey6U2024-08-16Operational

Connecta IoT Network constellation project, which will provide Internet of Things (IoT) communication services.

Connecta IoT
CUAVA-2 (CUAVA2)University of SydneyAustralia6U2024-08-16Operational

Main payloads are hyperspectral imaging & GPS reflectrometry.

DeimosAethero SpaceUS1.5U2024-08-16Operational

It carries two cameras and tests our ability to do over-the-air updates and ML tasks like reinforcement learning in orbit.

ERNST (Experimental Spacecraft based on Nanosatellite Technology)Fraunhofer EMIGermany12U2024-08-16Operational

Main payload is an advanced cryocooled MWIR camera for monitoring the Earths infrared background.

Flock-4be 1 (FLOCK 4BE-1)Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 2Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 3Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 4Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 5Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 6Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 7Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 8Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 9Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 10Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 11Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 12Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 13Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 14Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 15Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 16Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 17Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 18Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 19Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 20Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 21Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16No signal, ?

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 22Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 23Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 24Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 25Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 26Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 27Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 28Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 29Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 30Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 31Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 32Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 33Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 34Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 35Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4be 36Planet LabsUS3U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
GaindeSat (GaindeSAT-1A)Senegalese Space Project (SENSAT)Senegal1U2024-08-16Operational

First satellite of Senegal with an educational mission.

GNA-3Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI)Sweden3U2024-08-16Operational, ?

Space situational awareness (TBD).

Hubble 3 (Lemur-2, Lemur-2 190, Lemur-2 TomatoKechup?)HubbleUS16U2024-08-16OperationalHubble (Lemur-2 Spire)
Hyperfield-1AKuva SpaceFinland6U2024-08-16Operational

Our constellation of nanosatellites is equipped with unique hyperspectral camera technology, providing unseen performance/size ratio.

HYPSO-2 (HYPer-spectral Satellite for ocean Observation, HYPSO-2)Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)US6U2024-08-16Operational

Hyperspectral imager to monitor algal blooms and other biological activity in the ocean.

IPERDRONE (DAVID, Iperdrone.0, Autonomous Drone ISS Verification and Deorbit)CIRA (Italian Aerospace Research Centre)Italy8U2024-08-16Operational

Proximity operations mission of a long-term program developing a multi-functional re-entry system.

Kanyini (SASAT1, SASAT-1)SmartSat CRCAustralia6U2024-08-16Operational

Australian mission with IoT and Earth observation payloads.

Lemu Nge (Forest Eye)LemuChile6U2024-08-16Operational

Hyperspectral nano-satellite dedicated to biodiversity observation.

Lemu Nge
Lemur-2 191 StellaSpireUS6U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 192 MarhisyamSpireUS6U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 193 Ahmed-Asrar (Myriota?)SpireUS6U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 194 Lloyd (Myriota?)SpireUS6U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 195 SquirrelComm (Myriota?)SpireUS6U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 196 Sierrini (Myriota?)SpireUS6U2024-08-16Operational

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lopen (Array Labs)Array LabsUS1.5U2024-08-16Operational

Determine the performance of a novel surface coating developed by Array Labs, one satellite (Lopen) has it and second one (Rock) does not.

Nightjar (NanoAvionics IoD 1)Rapidtek TechnologiesTaiwan3U2024-08-16Was operational, ?

Two 3U satellites, equipped with an RGB imager and a software-defined radio (SDR), are set to perform in-orbit demonstrations.

OreSat0.5 (Pleiades – Persephone)Portland State UniversityUS1.5U2024-08-16Operational

Test the attitude determination and control system (ADCS) of the modular, expandable, and open source OreSat bus.

PICO-1B-1 (PiCo-IoT 10, Apogeo Space, FEES)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3U2024-08-16Operational

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PICO-1B-2 (PiCo-IoT 11, Apogeo Space, FEES)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3U2024-08-16Operational

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PICO-1B-3 (PiCo-IoT 12, Apogeo Space, FEES)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3U2024-08-16Operational

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PICO-1B-4 (PiCo-IoT 13, Apogeo Space, FEES)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3U2024-08-16Was operational, ?

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PICO-1B-5 (PiCo-IoT 14, Apogeo Space, FEES)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3U2024-08-16Operational

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PICO-1B-6 (PiCo-IoT 15, Apogeo Space, FEES)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3U2024-08-16Operational

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PICO-1B-7 (PiCo-IoT 16, Apogeo Space, FEES)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3U2024-08-16Operational

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PICO-1B-8 (PiCo-IoT 17, Apogeo Space, FEES)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3U2024-08-16Operational

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PICO-1B-9 (PiCo-IoT 18, Apogeo Space, FEES)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3U2024-08-16Operational

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PTD-4 LISA (LISA-T, PTHFDR, Pathfinder Technology Demonstrator)NASA Ames Research CenterUS6U2024-08-16Operational

Government-furnished technology payloads for a series of flight demonstrations.

PTD-4 (Pathfinder Technology Demonstrator)
PTD-R (PTD-5, PTHFDR, Pathfinder Technology Demonstrator, PTD-R (TYVAK-0127)NASA Ames Research CenterUS6U2024-08-16Operational, ?

Government-furnished technology payloads for a series of flight demonstrations.

PTD-R (Pathfinder Technology Demonstrator)
QUBE (QUBE-1)Zentrum für TelematikGermany3U2024-08-16Operational

Quantum Key Distribution Experiments.

Rock (Array Labs)Array LabsUS1.5U2024-08-16Operational

Determine the performance of a novel surface coating developed by Array Labs, one satellite (Lopen) has it and second one (Rock) does not.


Offer commercial, satellite-based IoT connectivity under 3GPP NB-IoT NTN protocols.


Offer commercial, satellite-based IoT connectivity under 3GPP NB-IoT NTN protocols.


Offer commercial, satellite-based IoT connectivity under 3GPP NB-IoT NTN protocols.


Offer commercial, satellite-based IoT connectivity under 3GPP NB-IoT NTN protocols.

SATORO-T2SATORO SpaceTaiwan3U2024-08-16Operational

SATORO-T2 may be a new spacecraft from Taiwan’s SATORO Space. 

Sedna 1AAC SpaceQuestUS3U2024-08-16Operational
SR-0 DemoSATSpace RickshawIndia0.56 kg2024-08-16Reentered, Operational

The Satellite has an IMU and Digipeater, which would be transmitted as part of telemetry for Amateur and Educational Purposes.

SR-0 DemoSAT

18 CubeSats with passive microwave sounders.


18 CubeSats with passive microwave sounders.

TORO (NanoAvionics IoD 2)Pyras TechnologyTaiwan3U2024-08-16Operational

A remote sensing ocean color detection across equator in some specific ocean area.

TROOP-F2 (TROOP F2, Train Rapid on Orbit Payload)NearSpace LaunchUS6U2024-08-16Operational

Experiments in differential GPS and attitude control while providing risk reduction on-orbit testing for a variety of payloads.

UM5-EOSatMohammed V University in Rabat (UM5R)Morocco3U2024-08-16Unknown, ?

"UM5-EOSat" is fitted with an Earth observation camera.

UM5-Ribat (UM5Sat-Ribat)Mohammed V University in Rabat (UM5R)Morocco3U2024-08-16Unknown, ?

"UM5-Ribat" is equipped with a software-defined radio (SDR). 

Waratah-1 (Warath Seed (WS-1, Waratah Seed-1)University of SydneyAustralia6U2024-08-16Operational

Australian ride-share satellite so that industry and researchers can use to test and prove the functionality of their tech.

Waratah Seed
WREN (WREN-1, OWL, Water Resources in Efficient Networks)C3SHungary6U2024-08-16Operational

Create a real-time complex decision support system for drought monitoring. Carries hyperspectral sensor with autonomous on-board data management. 

Φsat-2 (Phi-Sat-2, PhiSat-2, PHISAT 2)ESA (European Space Agency)France6U2024-08-16Operational

The ESA Φsat-2 mission consists of on-board processing capabilities (including AI) and a medium to high resolution multispectral instrument.

JuventasESA (European Space Agency)France6U2024-10-07On spacecraft

Carry a low-frequency radar for subsurface sounding as well as a gravimeter to measure both asteroids' gravity fields.

Milani (Hera's Milani CubeSat)Politecnico di MilanoItaly6U2024-10-07On spacecraft

Companion CubeSat to Hera spacecraft to map Didymos and determine composition.

Altair (RS65S)Moscow State UniversityRussia6U2024-11-04Operational

Collect data on radiation conditions using cosmic radiation detectors

ArcticSat-1 (RS74S, Arctic-Sat, Octo-Pax)Northern (Arctic) Federal UniversityRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Study of the influence of space weather factors on small spacecraft in the polar regions. Obtaining and analyzing data on vessel traffic in the waters of the Northern Sea Route.

ASRTU-1 (Druzhba-ATURK)Harbin Institute of TechnologyChina12U2024-11-04Operational

Educational mission from with camera from Russian and Chinese university students.

Colibri-S (RS67S, Colibri S)Samara UniversityRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Satellite of the Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev with a hyperspectrometer.

CSTP-2.1STC (Spetsialny Tekhnologichesky Center)Russia3U2024-11-04Operational

Radio and radio engineering monitoring.

CSTP-2.2STC (Spetsialny Tekhnologichesky Center)Russia3U2024-11-04Operational

Radio and radio engineering monitoring.

CSTP-2.11STC (Spetsialny Tekhnologichesky Center)Russia12U2024-11-04Operational

Camera with resolution of up to 3.5 m.

HOD-HOD-1A (Hodhod, HOD-HOD)SpaceOMIDIran3U2024-11-04Operational

First in the “HOD-HOD” constellation (IOD).

Horizon (Horizons, RS59S, Space-PI, Space π)Baltic State Technical University “VOENMEH”Russia3U2024-11-04Operational

Studying the effect of radiation on electronic components, testing an active orientation system based on flywheel engines, photographing the Earth's surface.

HyperView-1G (RS66S)Samara UniversityRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Hyperspectral imaging of the Earth's surface.

Khors 3 (Khors No. 3, Hors 3)Bauman Moscow State Technical UniversityRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Space weather, galactic rays studies, plasma thruster tests.

Khors 4 (Khors No. 4, Hors 4)Bauman Moscow State Technical UniversityRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Space weather, galactic rays studies, plasma thruster tests.

Mordovia-IoT (RS50S)Saransk Polytechnic CollegeRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Amateur radio satellite for IoT (Internet of Things) technology experiments and for testing perovskite solar cells.

MTUSI-1 (MTUCI 1, MTUSI)Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUSI)Russia6U2024-11-04Operational

Payloads include galactic cosmic ray detector and ADS-B receiver.

Nokhcho (AHMAT-2, Nohcho, Nokhchi, RS79S)Chechen State UniversityRussia3U2024-11-04No signal, ?

Module for receiving ADS-B messages. Module for measuring the Earth's magnetic field.

Norby-3 (Norbi)Novosibirsk UniversityRussia3U2024-11-04Operational, ?
Polytech Universe-4 (PU-4, RS71S) Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic UniversityRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Remote sensing of the Earth in the radio frequency and optical ranges.

Polytech Universe-4
Polytech Universe-5 (PU-5, RS70S)Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic UniversityRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Measure electromagnetic radiation is various frequencies, AIS receiver and IoT receiver.

Polytech Universe-5
RTU MIREA1 (RS51S, Space-PI, Space π)Mirea- Russian Technological UniversityRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Educational amateur radio mission with a camera.

Ruzaevka-390 (RS44S)Saransk Polytechnic CollegeRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Measuring the noise pollution of radio using an FM repeater, observing cosmic flares, measuring radiation using a photomatrix, testing inter-satellite communications.

SamSat-Ionosphere (RS75S)Samara UniversityRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Perform educational tasks in the field of radio communications and research on the Earth’s ionosphere.

SIT-2086 (RC2335)GBOU School No. 2086 (Moscow) Russia3U2024-11-04Operational

IoT and remote sensing.

SIT-HSE (RC2336)HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and MathematicsRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

IoT and remote sensing.

SITRO-AIS 13Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 14Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 15Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 16Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 17Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 18Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 19Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 20Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 21Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 22Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 23Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 24Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 37Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 38Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 39Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 40Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 41Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 42Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 43Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 44Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 45Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 46Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 47Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SITRO-AIS 48Sitronics GroupRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Form the company's own constellations for AIS system for tracking ships and high-resolution optical remote sensing of the Earth.

SWSU-60 (YUZGU-60, RS6S, FRANK-1, RS41S)Southwest State UniversityRussia3U2024-11-04No signal, ?

Testing the radio resistance of protective materials. Radiation measurement module. Module for measuring the Earth's magnetic field.

TUSUR GO (RS78S)Tomsk State UniversityRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Flight testing of a satellite communication device for transmitting data from monitoring objects to a ground terminal, including the possibility of relaying through other spacecraft.

Vizard-Ion (Wizard, RS59S, RS68S)MGU-STANDARDRussia3U2024-11-04Operational

Flight tests of a signal receiver for global navigation satellite systems GLONASS/GPS, a plasma propulsion system and a visible optical camera.

Vladivostok-1 (CSTP-2.10, Владивосток -1)Far Eastern Federal UniversityRussia8U2024-11-04Operational

Record dangerous heliogeophysical phenomena in near-Earth space and for radio measurements.

ZimSat-2 (Z2AS, Amaisat)National Geospatial and Space AgencyZimbabwe3U2024-11-04Operational, ?

Created as part of an international project commissioned by the National Geospatial and Space Agency of Zimbabwe.

DENDEN-01 (ultra-DENse power DEmoNstrator)Meijo UniversityJapan3U2024-11-05No signal, ?

Confirm our designed VO2-based solid-solid PCM battery’s temperature mitigation device.

LignoSatKyoto UniversityJapan1U2024-11-05No signal, ?

Outside structure is mainly composed of wood.

ONGLAISAT (ONboard Globe-Looking And Imaging Satellite, NSPO-01)ArkEdge SpaceJapan6U2024-11-05Operational, ?

Demonstrate low-cost Earth observation satellite. Equipped with TASA’s newly developed optical observation components

YODAKA (AE1b, TANKA)ArkEdge SpaceJapan3U2024-11-05Operational, ?

Unique experiment of composing Japanese tanka poems.

YOMOGI (GARDENS-01 )Chiba Institute of TechnologyJapan1U2024-11-05Operational

ARPS mission and camera payload.

ISHIKIHiroo GakuenJapan3U2024-12-18Launch failure

Educational high school mission supported by LAGRAPO.

NARIT-Cube1 (NARIT Cube-1)National Astronomical Research Institute (NARIT)Thailand3U2024-12-18Launch failure

Demonstration that Thai engineers can build a satellite using domestically produced and COTS parts.

Parus-T1ANational Formosa UniversityJapan3U2024-12-18Launch failure

Facilitate real- time voice communication between amateur radio operator.

SC-Sat1Space CubicsJapan3U2024-12-18Launch failure

Flight demonstration of the SC-OBC module.

CroCubeDruštvo EVO (Society for Out-of-Frame Education)Croatia1U2024-12-21Operational

Drive Croatia into the space era, increase interest in astronomy and space projects, and develop STEM and tech entrepreneurship

CTC 0 (CTC-0)Spacecoin (Space Telecommunications, Inc)US8U2024-12-21Operational, ?

Demonstrating space-enabled text messaging to a specialized handheld antenna but ultimately directly to standard smartphones.

Djibouti-1BUniversity of DjiboutiDjibouti3U2024-12-21Operational

Primarily educational misison with Earth observation and IoT payloads.

LASARSat (LAZARSat)SpacemanicCzechia1U2024-12-21Operational

Test laser technology designed to repair malfunctioning satellites and mitigate the growing threat of space debris.

ONDOSAT-OWL-3 (OWL-3, OWLSAT-3)ONDO SpaceMongolia0.5U2024-12-21OperationalONDOSAT-OWL
ONDOSAT-OWL-4 (OWL-4, OWLSAT-4)ONDO SpaceMongolia0.5U2024-12-21OperationalONDOSAT-OWL
ONDOSAT-OWL-5 (OWL-5, OWLSAT-5)ONDO SpaceMongolia0.5U2024-12-21OperationalONDOSAT-OWL
ONDOSAT-OWL-6 (OWL-6, OWLSAT-6)ONDO SpaceMongolia0.5U2024-12-21No signal, ?ONDOSAT-OWL
ONDOSAT-OWL-7 (OWL-7, OWLSAT-7)ONDO SpaceMongolia0.5U2024-12-21OperationalONDOSAT-OWL
ONDOSAT-OWL-8 (OWL-8, OWLSAT-8)ONDO SpaceMongolia0.5U2024-12-21No signal, ?ONDOSAT-OWL
ONDOSAT-OWL-9 (OWL-9, OWLSAT-9)ONDO SpaceMongolia0.5U2024-12-21OperationalONDOSAT-OWL
ONDOSAT-OWL-10 (OWL-10, OWLSAT-10)ONDO SpaceMongolia0.5U2024-12-21OperationalONDOSAT-OWL
ONDOSAT-OWL-11 (OWL-11, OWLSAT-11)ONDO SpaceMongolia0.5U2024-12-21No signal, ?ONDOSAT-OWL
ONDOSAT-OWL-12 (OWL-12, OWLSAT-12)ONDO SpaceMongolia0.5U2024-12-21No signal, ?ONDOSAT-OWL
Pleiades - OrpheusIrvington High SchoolUS1U2024-12-21Operational

Educational mission using the PROVES (Pleiades Rapid Orbital Verification Experimental System) open-source CubeSat architecture with camera payload.

SC1 (GITAI)GITAIUS16U2024-12-21Operational, ?

Deploy a tethered payload cube and will observe the cube with two wide field-of-view visual cameras, a 3D LiDAR sensor, a laser rangefinder, and an infrared camera.

Tomorrow-S3Tomorrow.ioUS6U2024-12-21Operational, ?

18 CubeSats with passive microwave sounders.

Tomorrow-S4Tomorrow.ioUS6U2024-12-21Operational, ?

18 CubeSats with passive microwave sounders.

XCUBE-1XploreUS6U2024-12-21Operational, ?

Collect hyperspectral data sets for Earth observation.

CASAA-Sat (Casaasat)Université d'Aix - MarseilleFrance2U2024-12-27Launch failure

Characterize the Magnetic Anomaly of the South Atlantic (a particle sensor and a tiny camera).

ALainSat-1 (3Cat-6)The National Space Science and Technology Center (NSSTC)United Arab Emirates3Unot launchednot launched

Allow student teams to develop Earth Observation payloads for a small satellite.

ANSER Leader-S (ANSER-L-S, Advanced Nanosatellites Systems for Earth Observation Research) copyNational Institute of Aerospace Technology (INTA)Spain3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation of 4 nanosatellites to monitor the quality of the water in reservoirs and swamps in Spain

Balkan-1EnduroSatBulgaria16Unot launchednot launched

The pilot mission for the Balkan Constellation.

BlueBonTelePIXSouth Korea6Unot launchednot launched

Delivering 3.8-meter optical observation satellite imagery data.

BRO-16 (Breizh Reconnaissance Orbiter)UnseenlabsFrance8Unot launchednot launched

Spectrum monitoring service. Maritime surveillance. Electromagnetic intelligence service.

Centauri-7Fleet SpaceAustralia12Unot launchednot launched

IoT satellite network.

Centauri 12U (Fleet)
Centauri-8Fleet SpaceAustralia12Unot launchednot launched

IoT satellite network.

Centauri 12U (Fleet)
Connecta IoT 5 (CONNECTA IOT-5)Plan-STurkey6Unot launchednot launched

Connecta IoT Network constellation project, which will provide Internet of Things (IoT) communication services.

Connecta IoT
Connecta IoT 6 (CONNECTA IOT-6)Plan-STurkey6Unot launchednot launched

Connecta IoT Network constellation project, which will provide Internet of Things (IoT) communication services.

Connecta IoT
Connecta IoT 7 (CONNECTA IOT-7)Plan-STurkey6Unot launchednot launched

Connecta IoT Network constellation project, which will provide Internet of Things (IoT) communication services.

Connecta IoT
Connecta IoT 8 (CONNECTA IOT-8)Plan-STurkey6Unot launchednot launched

Connecta IoT Network constellation project, which will provide Internet of Things (IoT) communication services.

Connecta IoT
Edison-1 (Edison, Space Inventor Pioneer Cubesat)Space InventorDenmark8Unot launchednot launched

Satellite with hosted payload and demonstrate laser communication system and flexible solar panel.

Elevation-1XDLINK LabsIndia6Unot launchednot launched

Test E-band technology.

Flock-4g 1Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 2Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 3Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 4Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 5Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 6Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 7Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 8Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 9Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 10Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 11Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 12Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 13Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 14Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 15Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 16Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 17Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 18Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 19Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 20Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 21Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 22Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 23Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 24Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 25Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 26Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 27Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 28Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 29Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 30Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 31Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 32Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 33Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 34Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 35Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-4g 36Planet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
FOREST-3 (Forest Observation and Recognition Experimental Smallsat Thermal Detector)OroraTechGermany8Unot launchednot launched

FOREST-3 will be the first satellite of a multipurpose nanosatellite constellation with an expected revisit time of 30 minutes by 2026.

FOSSASat TAT-A (WISeSat?, FOSSASAT-2E18, FO018)Fossa SystemsSwitzerland3Unot launchednot launched

Establish secure, scalable satellite constellation supporting machine-to-machine (M2M) communication via space.

FOSSASat TAT-E (WISeSat?, FOSSASAT-2E19, FO019)Fossa SystemsSwitzerland3Unot launchednot launched

Establish secure, scalable satellite constellation supporting machine-to-machine (M2M) communication via space.

FOSSASat TAT-O (WISeSat?, FOSSASAT2E20?)Fossa SystemsSwitzerland3Unot launchednot launched

Establish secure, scalable satellite constellation supporting machine-to-machine (M2M) communication via space.

GESat (GEN1, GESAT GEN1)Absolut SensingFrance16Unot launchednot launched

Validate instrument measurement concept for man-made greenhouse emissions and the associated ground processing chain.

HADES-R (SmartSat)AMSAT-EASpainPocketQube 1.5pnot launchednot launched

FM repeater and low-power active radiator.

HCT-SAT 1Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre (MBRSC)United Arab Emirates1Unot launchednot launched

Educational mission with a 5MP camera.

HYDRA-2 (HYDRA-T)Hydra SpaceSpainPocketQube 1.5pnot launchednot launched

Developing satellite solutions for global IoT connectivity and affordable access to space.

HYPE (Hype)AGH University of Science and TechnologyPolandPocketQube 1pnot launchednot launched

A selfie stick for stellar snapshots with an OLED screen. A spectroscope to observe vegetation and atmospheric water content.

InnoCubeUniversity of WürzburgGermany3Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate structure that can store energy and ultra-broadband radio that does not require internal cabling. Using a fully wireless data bus for all subsystems

IRIS-F2 (NCKU-IRIS-F2)SATORO SpaceTaiwan3Unot launchednot launched

Scientific in-orbit verification mission with an innovative automatic identification system (AIS).

IRIS-F3 (NCKU-IRIS-F3)SATORO SpaceTaiwan3Unot launchednot launched

Scientific in-orbit verification mission with an innovative automatic identification system (AIS).

Kestrel-0AHawkEye 360US8Unot launchednot launched

Testing a new satellite form factor with Iridium transceiver.

Lemur-2SpireUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2SpireUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2SpireUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2SpireUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 (Lemur-3, Myriota?)SpireUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2 (Lemur-3, Myriota?)SpireUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

LIME (Low-latency Intelligence and Monitoring Experiment, NOVI)NOVIUS3Unot launchednot launched

Characterizing the availability of Iridium short burst data links in orbit.

OtterNaval Postgraduate School (NPS) US6Unot launchednot launched

Communications payloads including line-of-sight communications using two banks of LEDs.

Parus-T1National Formosa UniversityJapan3Unot launchednot launched

Dedicated to receive APRS signals on three major global frequencies.

PAUSAT1 (PAUSAT-1)Pakistan Air UniversityPakistan16Unot launchednot launched

Carries a high-resolution multispectral imager and will operate in Low Earth Orbit (LEO)

PhobosAethero SpaceUS2Unot launchednot launched
POQUITO (PocketQube for In Orbit Technology Operations)University of LuxembourgLuxembourgPocketQube 1pnot launchednot launched

In-orbit demonstration of inter & intra satellite links between pico & femto satellite platforms.

PoSAT-2 (LusoSpace 0)LusoSpacePortugal3Unot launchednot launched

VDES communications constellation.

PROMETHEUS-1University of MinhoPortugalPocketQube 1pnot launchednot launched

Providing easy access to space for the research and education (R&E) community.

SAT GUS (SatGus, SEOPS-SATGUS)CrunchLabsUS12Unot launchednot launched

Take selfies with Earth in the background.

SCOT (OrbAstro, Space Climate and Object Tracker, SCOT - Digantara)Orbital AstronauticsUK6Unot launchednot launched

Track space objects and monitor space weather.

Sedna 2AAC SpaceQuestUS3Unot launchednot launched
SKYLINK-1 (Hello Space PocketQube 2)Hello SpaceTurkeyPocketQube 2pnot launchednot launched

Operate together as part of a wider fleet of picosats, delivering global IoT data services via LoRaWAN network. 

Hello Space
SKYLINK-2 (Hello Space PocketQube 3)Hello SpaceTurkeyPocketQube 2pnot launchednot launched

Operate together as part of a wider fleet of picosats, delivering global IoT data services via LoRaWAN network. 

Hello Space
TechEdSat-22 (TES-22)NASA Ames Research CenterUS1Unot launchednot launched

Design a 4” arc-jet model, including a mini-spectrometer, for an intended future arc-jet test (eventually compatible with the future TES-21 (6U) flight experiment.

TPA-1 (e Te Pūnaha Ātea)University of AucklandNew Zealand3Unot launchednot launched

Technology demonstrations with Earth- and spacecraft-targeted imaging payloads, end-of-life disposal dragsail, Deployable Boom system and thermal monitoring system.

TROLLTRL SpaceCzechia6Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate new technologies, to build up experience and heritage in our territory and to be the biggest Czech satellite.

VEERY-0F (VEERY-V0.4, Fledgling Veery, Fledgling Veery “Barb")Care WeatherUS1Unot launchednot launched

Care Weather's fourth test satellite and first weather radar sensing ocean surface wind speed.

KaladinArray LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Mature technology and operational concepts. Novel surface coating to increase the amount of drag a spacecraft in LEO experiences.

MUNALNepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST)Nepal1Unot launchednot launched

In-house design and development of Nepal's First high-school CubeSat.

Phoenix (Lunasonde)LunasondeUK1Unot launchednot launched

Lunasonde’s next 1U test satellite.

Phoenix (Lunasonde)
SOWA (Sowa-1)SatRevPoland6Unot launchednot launched

Extended EO-capable platform aimed at shared in-orbit service provision – imagery, data, services for external payloads and solutions.

OwlSatRice UniversityUS1Unot launchednot launched

Analyze the relationship between solar activity and the Earth's lower atmosphere by measuring ultraviolet radiation of the Sun.

QUBIK-6Libre Space FoundationGreecePocketQube 1pnot launchednot launched

Designed for amateur radio service. Experiment with LEOP and passive RF orbit determination.

SeaLion (VSCP-1A)Old Dominion UniversityUS3Unot launchednot launched

Deployable composite structure (DeCS) and S-band antenna. Validate the operation of the Impedance Probe (IP).

DOGE-1Geometric Energy CorporationCanada12Unot launchednot launched

DOGE-1 Mission to the Moon—the first-ever commercial lunar payload in history paid entirely with DOGE.

SunRISE 1 (Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment)NASA Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUS6Unot launchednot launched

Study how the Sun creates and releases Giant Solar Particle Storms in GEO orbit.

SunRISE 2 (Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment)NASA Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUS6Unot launchednot launched

Study how the Sun creates and releases Giant Solar Particle Storms in GEO orbit.

SunRISE 3 (Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment)NASA Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUS6Unot launchednot launched

Study how the Sun creates and releases Giant Solar Particle Storms in GEO orbit.

SunRISE 4 (Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment)NASA Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUS6Unot launchednot launched

Study how the Sun creates and releases Giant Solar Particle Storms in GEO orbit.

SunRISE 5 (Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment)NASA Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUS6Unot launchednot launched

Study how the Sun creates and releases Giant Solar Particle Storms in GEO orbit.

SunRISE 6 (Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment)NASA Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUS6Unot launchednot launched

Study how the Sun creates and releases Giant Solar Particle Storms in GEO orbit.

CLICK B (CubeSat Laser Infrared CrosslinK, CLICK-B)MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)US3Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate the optical crosslink.

CLICK  (CubeSat Laser Infrared CrosslinK)
CLICK C (CubeSat Laser Infrared CrosslinK, CLICK-C)MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)US3Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate the optical crosslink.

CLICK  (CubeSat Laser Infrared CrosslinK)
LIDE (Direct Access Live Demonstration)TyvakItaly12Unot launchednot launched

LIDE involves designing, manufacturing, and testing a 12U spacecraft and two dedicated ground terminals for a live demonstration.

WASEDA-SAT-ZERO-II (Waseda-SAT0 2)Waseda UniversityJapan1Unot launchednot launched

Educational mission with drag chute for deorbiting.

6GStarLabi2CATSpain6Unot launchednot launched

Main in-orbit infrastructure in which multiple technology validations can be uploaded.

AeroCube-18 A (AC18)Aerospace CorporationUS6Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate a space hyperspectral imaging unit, a variety of nanotechnology payloads, and test the performance of advanced solar cells.

AeroCube-18 B (AC18)Aerospace CorporationUS6Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate a space hyperspectral imaging unit, a variety of nanotechnology payloads, and test the performance of advanced solar cells.

ARICA-2 (AGU Remote Innovative CubeSat Alert System-2)Aoyama Gakuin UniversityJapan2Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate the real-time alert system of transient astronomical sources, such as gamma-ray bursts, using commercial satellite network services.

BOTSAT-1 (Botsat-1)Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST)Botswana3Unot launchednot launched

Hyperspectral sensor to gather ground composition data to support mining and agriculture businesses in the country.

DioneNASA Goddard Space Flight CenterUS6Unot launchednot launched

Study how Earth’s upper atmospheric layers react to the ever-changing flow of solar energy into the magnetosphere.

FSI-SAT2Happy Science UniversityJapan1Unot launchednot launched

Educational mission with a camera and to test spacecraft platform technologies.

HADES-ICMAMSAT-EASpainPocketQube 1.5pnot launchednot launched

Main mission is to act as a FM voice repeater.

HERMES-SP A (High Energy Modular Ensemble of Satellites Scientific Pathfinder)INAF (National Institute for Astrophysics)Italy3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation of six 3U CubeSats that will mainly act as a pathfinder for GRBs detection with a distributed-astronomy concept.

HERMES-SP B (High Energy Modular Ensemble of Satellites Scientific Pathfinder)INAF (National Institute for Astrophysics)Italy3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation of six 3U CubeSats that will mainly act as a pathfinder for GRBs detection with a distributed-astronomy concept.

HERMES-SP C (High Energy Modular Ensemble of Satellites Scientific Pathfinder)INAF (National Institute for Astrophysics)Italy3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation of six 3U CubeSats that will mainly act as a pathfinder for GRBs detection with a distributed-astronomy concept.

HERMES-TP A (High Energy Modular Ensemble of Satellites Technological Pathfinder)INAF (National Institute for Astrophysics)Italy3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation of six 3U CubeSats that will mainly act as a pathfinder for GRBs detection with a distributed-astronomy concept.

HERMES-TP B (High Energy Modular Ensemble of Satellites Technological Pathfinder)INAF (National Institute for Astrophysics)Italy3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation of six 3U CubeSats that will mainly act as a pathfinder for GRBs detection with a distributed-astronomy concept.

HERMES-TP C (High Energy Modular Ensemble of Satellites Technological Pathfinder)INAF (National Institute for Astrophysics)Italy3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation of six 3U CubeSats that will mainly act as a pathfinder for GRBs detection with a distributed-astronomy concept.

HORIS-1ACME AtronOmatic (MyRadar)US1Unot launchednot launched

Forest fire monitoring and detetcing other surface hazards. Thermal, hyperspectral and visible light payloads.

HYDRA-3Hydra SpaceSpainPocketQube 1.5pnot launchednot launched

Developing satellite solutions for global IoT connectivity and affordable access to space.

HYDRA-4Hydra SpaceSpainPocketQube 1.5pnot launchednot launched

Developing satellite solutions for global IoT connectivity and affordable access to space.

IOD-1 (IOD-2, Startical 1)StarticalSpain16Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate novel global air traffic management service from space.

KOSEN-2RNational Institute of TechnologyJapan3Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies including 360-degree camera.

LabSat IoTCopitecArgentina12Unot launchednot launched

Monitor rural areas, where it will help measure soil moisture, harvest different cereals, track livestock , and offer connectivity where terrestrial mobile phone networks do not reach.

Lemur-2 SentinelSpireUS3Unot launchednot launched

Lemur-2 satellite with additional camera and star tracker.

Lemur-2 (Sentinel)
MAGNARO-II - Piscis (MAGNARO-Piscis, Magnaro-II B Child, MAGnetically separating NAno-satellite with Rotation for Orbit control)Nagoya UniversityJapan1Unot launchednot launched

Joint CubeSats are separated after spin-up and then continue formation flying. Formation of microsatellites using rotational separation.

MAGNARO-II - Tigris (MAGNARO-Tigris, Magnaro-II A Parent, MAGnetically separating NAno-satellite with Rotation for Orbit control)Nagoya UniversityJapan2Unot launchednot launched

Joint CubeSats are separated after spin-up and then continue formation flying. Formation of microsatellites using rotational separation.

Mono-NikkoDainikko EngineeringJapan1Unot launchednot launched

In-orbit demonstration of intelligent power supply unit for micro spacecraft.

NILAHEX20India3Unot launchednot launched

In-orbit demonstration and elevate the HEX20 AX series satellite bus to TRL9

OrigamiSat-2 (OrgamiSat-2)Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan3Unot launchednot launched

A 3U Cubesat with a 5.8 GHz downlink mission.

OTP-2 (Barry 2, Orbital Robot, Orbot)Rogue Space SystemsUS8Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate orbit raising and lowering capabilities and test two disparate experimental thruster systems.

PANDOREU-SpaceFrance12Unot launchednot launched

First space system fully designed, built, and operated by the company.

PRELUDE (Precursory electric field observation CubeSat demonstrator)Nihon UniversityJapan6Unot launchednot launched

Aiming at elucidation of the precursory mechanism of earthquake, and the development situation of hybrid sensor (electric field and plasma measurement).

REAL (Relativistic Electron Atmospheric Loss)Trustees of Dartmouth CollegeUS3Unot launchednot launched

Characterize the loss of particles from Earth’s Van Allen radiation belts.

REAL (Relativistic Electron Atmospheric Loss)
RED5LifteroPoland6Unot launchednot launched

In-house built propulsion system demonstrator.

SOAPU-SpaceFrance12Unot launchednot launched

In-orbit demonstration (IOD) that will test several technologies.

SPARCS (Star-Planet Activity Research CubeSat)Arizona State UniversityUS6Unot launchednot launched

Monitor the flares and sunspots of small stars to assess habitability of orbiting planets.

TAURUS 1GUMUSHTurkey0.25Unot launchednot launched

Taurus picosatellite designed for agricultural and IoT applications.

TAURUS 2GUMUSHTurkey0.25Unot launchednot launched

Taurus picosatellite designed for agricultural and IoT applications.

TAURUS 3GUMUSHTurkey0.25Unot launchednot launched

Taurus picosatellite designed for agricultural and IoT applications.

TAURUS 4GUMUSHTurkey0.25Unot launchednot launched

Taurus picosatellite designed for agricultural and IoT applications.

Time Flies (TrustPoint-3)TrustPointUS3Unot launchednot launched

Features an Position, Navigation, and Time (PNT) Payload that will demonstrate TrustPoint’s core technologies.

Time Flies
Tomorrow-S7Tomorrow.ioUS6Unot launchednot launched

18 CubeSats with passive microwave sounders.

Tomorrow-S8Tomorrow.ioUS6Unot launchednot launched

18 CubeSats with passive microwave sounders.

Tomorrow-S9Tomorrow.ioUS6Unot launchednot launched

18 CubeSats with passive microwave sounders.

Tomorrow-S10Tomorrow.ioUS6Unot launchednot launched

18 CubeSats with passive microwave sounders.

TRYAD 1 (Terrestrial Rays Analysis and Detection)Auburn UniversityUS6Unot launchednot launched

Detect Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes in coincidence with ground lighting strike data.

TRYAD 2 (Terrestrial Rays Analysis and Detection)Auburn UniversityUS6Unot launchednot launched

Detect Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes in coincidence with ground lighting strike data.

UND Roads 1University of North DakotaUS3Unot launchednot launched

Establish a satellite operations training facility and demonstate autonomous navigation and docking techniques

UND Roads 2University of North DakotaUS3Unot launchednot launched

Establish a satellite operations training facility and demonstate autonomous navigation and docking techniques

Unicorn-2OAlba OrbitalUKPocketQube 2pnot launchednot launched

Earth Observation constellation to provide near-real time satellite imagery.

Unicorn-2PAlba OrbitalUKPocketQube 2pnot launchednot launched

Earth Observation constellation to provide near-real time satellite imagery.

Unicorn-2QAlba OrbitalUKPocketQube 2pnot launchednot launched

Earth Observation constellation to provide near-real time satellite imagery.

OrCa2 (Orbital Calibration 2, TDO-5?)Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)US12Unot launchednot launched

12U CubeSat with reflective panels covering much of the exterior, but also including a full suite of active electronics.

Tomorrow-S5Tomorrow.ioUS6Unot launchednot launched

18 CubeSats with passive microwave sounders.

Tomorrow-S6Tomorrow.ioUS6Unot launchednot launched

18 CubeSats with passive microwave sounders.

Alpha (CayugaSat, CU-Alpha)Cornell UniversityUS1Unot launchednot launched

Technology demonstration mission to deploy a 1x1m light sail with four tiny “chipsats” .

Alpha (CayugaSat)
BLAST (Bouchet Low-Earth Alpha/Beta Space Telescope)Yale UniversityUS2Unot launchednot launched

Map the distribution of galactic cosmic radiation across the night sky.

EagleSat-2Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, PrescottUS3Unot launchednot launched

Detect cosmic rays and study effects of radiation on various memory chips.

Foras Promineo ("Foras Promineo")Perkins Local School DistrictUS3Unot launchednot launched

Education mission where the payload is a dynamic game that will inspire, engage, and educate the public.

Knacksat II (Knacksat-2 TGPS)King Mongkut's University of TechnologyThailand3Unot launchednot launched

Monitor the position and speed of Thai trains via satellite, test photography from space, and examine radiation shielding technology.

Knacksat II
UiTMSAT-2Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)Malaysia1Unot launchednot launched

obtain practical exposure, participate in hands-on training, learn and involve in the entire process of developing and launching the Nanosatellite.

3CAT-8 (CubeCat-8)Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC, BarcelonaTECH)Spain6Unot launchednot launched

3Cat-8 is a scientific mission to monitor and characterise ionospheric scintillation. Deploys PocketQubes and has deployable Fresnel zone plate antenna.

Curium TwoPlanetary Transportation System (PTS) Germany12Unot launchednot launched
ERMINAZ-1UAMSAT-GermanyGermanyPocketQube 1pnot launchednot launched

ERMINAZ-1U & ERMINAZ-1V will transmit telemetry, images, provide a digipeat/store/forward functionally to all radio amateurs worldwide.

ERMINAZ-1VAMSAT-GermanyGermanyPocketQube 1pnot launchednot launched

ERMINAZ-1U & ERMINAZ-1V will transmit telemetry, images, provide a digipeat/store/forward functionally to all radio amateurs worldwide.

MARIA-G (HADES-F)AMSAT-EASpainPocketQube 1.5pnot launchednot launched

FM repeater with a guess game by students and TS-UNB waveform transmission.

MOVE-III (MOVE-BEYOND)Technical University of Munich (TUM)Germany6Unot launchednot launched

Conduct in-situ measurements of submillimeter space debris and micro-meteoroid particles.

Platform-9EnduroSatBulgaria16Unot launchednot launched

Technology demonstrations and commercial payloads.

PW-Sat3Warsaw University of TechnologyPoland3Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrating orbit control with propulsion system and educational mission.

QUBIK-5Libre Space FoundationGreecePocketQube 1pnot launchednot launched

Designed for amateur radio service. Experiment with LEOP and passive RF orbit determination.

SIDLOC-PQ-1Libre Space FoundationGreecePocketQube 1pnot launchednot launched

SIDLOC (Spacecraft Identification and Localization) is a project funded by the European Space Agency on non-amateur frequencies.

SIDLOC-PQ-2Libre Space FoundationGreecePocketQube 1pnot launchednot launched

SIDLOC (Spacecraft Identification and Localization) is a project funded by the European Space Agency on non-amateur frequencies.

UNNE-1 (HADES-E)AMSAT-EASpainPocketQube 1.5pnot launchednot launched

UNNE-1 will offer licensed radio-amateur around the world the opportunity to relay FM voice and AX.25 / APRS 300 / 1200 bps communications.

VIBES Pioneer (VIBES-Pioneer)University of Applied Sciences BremenGermany3Unot launchednot launched

Improve the optical performance of spacecraft using digital technologies.

VIBES Pioneer
Luca (Luča)Montenegro Space ResearchMontenegro1Unot launchednot launched

Educational mission with a camera.

SPIRONESejong UniversitySouth Korea2Unot launchednot launched

IR camera array and transponder.

CyBEEsat (Cybersecurity Berlin Experimental & Educational Satellite)Technical University of BerlinGermany1Unot launchednot launched

Miniaturized transceiver for newly defined frequency bands for short-term missions, as well as radiation-tolerant solar cells.

FRAMSat-1Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)Norway1Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate platform for tech demonstration of Norwegian technology.

OTTER (Optical Traffic Tracking Experiment for Responsive Space, MSAE-OTTERS)DLR (German Aerospace Center)Germany3Unot launchednot launched

Picks up AIS (Automatic Identification System) signals from co-operating ships and takes optical images of the transmitter area.

SpaceTeamSat1 (STS1)TU Wien Space TeamAustria1Unot launchednot launched

Give pupils in Austria the possibility to run self-developed software on the educational payload of the satellite.

TOM 1 (Telematics earth Observation Mission)Zentrum für TelematikGermany1Unot launchednot launched

Photogrammetric Ash Cloud Observation by a Formation of three Small Satellites.

TOM 2 (Telematics earth Observation Mission)Zentrum für TelematikGermany1Unot launchednot launched

Photogrammetric Ash Cloud Observation by a Formation of three Small Satellites.

TOM 3 (Telematics earth Observation Mission)Zentrum für TelematikGermany1Unot launchednot launched

Photogrammetric Ash Cloud Observation by a Formation of three Small Satellites.

TRISAT-SUniversity of MariborSlovenia3Unot launchednot launched

A technology demonstration for a miniaturized transceiver that will enable encrypted communication with several ground stations around the world.

AEPEX (Atmospheric Effects of Precipitation through Energetic X-rays)University of Colorado BoulderUS6Unot launchednot launched

Investigate electrons that fall into Earth’s atmosphere from the Van Allen radiation belts. Image the Earth's upper atmosphere in X-rays

BRO-17 (Breizh Reconnaissance Orbiter) UnseenlabsFrance8Unot launchednot launched

Spectrum monitoring service. Maritime surveillance. Electromagnetic intelligence service.

BRO-18 (Breizh Reconnaissance Orbiter) UnseenlabsFrance8Unot launchednot launched

Spectrum monitoring service. Maritime surveillance. Electromagnetic intelligence service.

R5-S3NASA Johnson Space CenterUS3Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate technologies to speed up hosted payload and in-space inspection.

R5-S5NASA Johnson Space CenterUS3Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate technologies to speed up hosted payload and in-space inspection.

TechEdSat-16 (TES-16)NASA Ames Research CenterUS12Unot launchednot launched

12U Upcoming tech-demo in development, with 12U Exo-Brake validation.

ARCSTONENASA Langley Research CenterUS6Unot launchednot launched

Provide more accurate lunar spectral reflectance measurements to establish an absolute lunar calibration standard

Balkan-2EnduroSatBulgaria6Unot launchednot launched

Part of the Balkan extension of Europe’s Copernicus Earth observation constellation.

DISCO-2 (DISCO-II, Danish Student CubeSat Program)Aarhus UniversityDenmark3Unot launchednot launched

Flying student experiments for in-orbit testing.

Emergency Communication SatelliteGood Ancestor FoundationUS2Unot launchednot launched

An emergency satellite to transmit information to regular cell phones on response intervention.

HORIS-2ACME AtronOmatic (MyRadar)US1Unot launchednot launched

Forest fire monitoring and detetcing other surface hazards. Thermal, hyperspectral and visible light payloads.

Hubble 4 (Lemur-2)HubbleUS16Unot launchednot launchedHubble (Lemur-2 Spire)
Hubble 5 (Lemur-2)HubbleUS16Unot launchednot launchedHubble (Lemur-2 Spire)
Hubble 6 (HUBBLE-6)HubbleUS16Unot launchednot launchedHubble
Hubble 7 (HUBBLE-7)HubbleUS16Unot launchednot launchedHubble
OCL-1University of PalermoArgentina3Unot launchednot launched

Early prototype for an upcoming Orbital Communications Lab developed by the Engineering School of the University of Palermo - Argentina

PADRE (solar PolArization and Directivity X-Ray Experiment)University of California, BerkeleyUS12Unot launchednot launched

Study and decipher the secrets of the Sun.

SAGEETH Zurich (Federal Institute of Technology)Switzerland3Unot launchednot launched

Investigate the aging process of human cells in the microgravity and UHF to S-Band linear transponder.

San XavierLunasondeUK6Unot launchednot launched

First on-orbit test of proprietary VLF radar technological stack capable of detecting subsurface mineral deposits up to two km underground.

San Xavier
SPRITE (Supernova Remnants and Proxies for Re-Ionization Testbed Experiment)University of Colorado BoulderUS12Unot launchednot launched

Determine how gas and dust are processed in galaxies by star-formation and supernovae.

SZESATSzéchenyi István University of GyőrHungaryPocketQube 1pnot launchednot launched

Experiments with Tiny GS, Earth observation, Gathering of sensor data, Propagation experiments and Satellite imagery decodable by amateurs.

TRACE (TU Darmstadt ReseArch Cubesat for Education)TU Darmstadt Space Technology (TUDSat)Germany3Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate corner reflectors and a gamma sensor and an experiment to measure free charges within the high atmosphere.

TRL Rwanda CubeSatTRL SpaceRwanda6Unot launchednot launched

Rwandan satellite with hyperspectral camera.

TROOP-F3 (TROOP F3, Train Rapid on Orbit Payload)NearSpace LaunchUS3Unot launchednot launchedTROOP-F3
VEERY-0GCare WeatherUS1Unot launchednot launched

Care Weather's fourth test satellite and first weather radar sensing ocean surface wind speed.

CrestP-Sat (CrestP-Sat1)Crest AstraJapan1Unot launchednot launched

Test satellite-to-ground Visible light communication (VLC).

DUPLEX (Dual Propulsion Experiment)CU AerospaceUS6Unot launchednot launched

Equipped with two different propulsion systems.

GXIBA (Gxiba-1)Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla A.CMexico1Unot launchednot launched

Equipped as an I-Gate node thanks to its connection with the satellite internet system. Provide radio amateurs with an APRS internet access point.

RHOK-SAT (RHodes-OKlahoma Collaboration)Rhodes CollegeUS1Unot launchednot launched

Education mission to test the space hardiness of novel perovskite photovoltaic devices for lunar and planetary missions.

SilverSatSilverSatUS1Unot launchednot launched

Educational mission and technology demonstration using social media to send information directly from a satellite to its users.

Skylark 5 (NorthStar 5, Lemur-2)NorthStarCanada16Unot launchednot launched

Initial fleet for a constellation of space situational awareness (SSA) data.

Skylark (Lemur-2)
Skylark 6 (NorthStar 6, Lemur-2)NorthStarCanada16Unot launchednot launched

Initial fleet for a constellation of space situational awareness (SSA) data.

Skylark (Lemur-2)
Skylark 7 (NorthStar 7, Lemur-2)NorthStarCanada16Unot launchednot launched

Initial fleet for a constellation of space situational awareness (SSA) data.

Skylark (Lemur-2)
Skylark 8 (NorthStar 8, Lemur-2)NorthStarCanada16Unot launchednot launched

Initial fleet for a constellation of space situational awareness (SSA) data.

Skylark (Lemur-2)
Amber 2 (Phoenix)Horizon TechnologiesUK6Unot launchednot launched

Become part of the Horizon Space Technologies’ Amber™ constellation dedicated to delivering Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) intelligence data.

RSP-02Rymansat Project (Lehman Sat)Japan1Unot launchednot launched

Educational mission with cameras and general-purpose communication module and sub-satellites connected by wires.

239PTS (239Alferov, 239-PTS, RS61S, Space-PI, Space π)Saint Petersburg Lyceum 239 Russia3Unot launchednot launched

Main missions of this satellite are Amateur and Educational connected with school children.  "
– monitor of cosmic gamma-ray transients;
– VERA ablative pulsed plasma engine
gamma-ray burst detection"

Aist-ST (RS86S)Samara UniversityRussia16Unot launchednot launched

Satellite of the Samara National Research University named after Academician S. P. Korolev with radar imaging equipment.

Lobachevsky (RS83S)Nizhny Novgorod UniversityRussia16Unot launchednot launched

The satellite's payload will consist of two spectral cameras and an FM radio signal repeater.

Polytech Universe-6 (RS10S)Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic UniversityRussia16Unot launchednot launched

Measurement of electromagnetic radiation in various frequency ranges. Receiving signals from AIS.

Polytech Universe-6
Slipper2SatAntarikchya Pratisthan NepalNepal1Unot launchednot launched

Slippers2Sat will be a technological demonstration and educational satellite following Munal.

Solaras S2Grahaa Space (Akshath Aerospace)India1Unot launchednot launched

Observe solar radiation and transmit along with beacon signal.

CANVAS (Climatology of Anthropogenic and Natural VLF wave Activity in Space)University of Colorado BoulderUS4Unot launchednot launched

Map the transmission of VLF energy from the ground into space, injected by both lightning and VLF transmitters.

CubIXSS (CubeSat Imaging X-Ray Solar Spectrometer)Southwest Research InstituteUS6Unot launchednot launched

Study the origins of hot plasma in solar flares and active regions.

RAPSat A (Rapid Agile Production of ThinSats, RAP-Sat)NearSpace LaunchUSThinSat (2Ux3U version)not launchednot launched

Deliver a 4 ThinSat slot constellation to improve the rapid demonstration of Space Force subsystems to the Warfighter.

RAPSat B (Rapid Agile Production of ThinSats, RAP-Sat)NearSpace LaunchUSThinSat (2Ux3U version)not launchednot launched

Deliver a 4 ThinSat slot constellation to improve the rapid demonstration of Space Force subsystems to the Warfighter.

RAPSat C (Rapid Agile Production of ThinSats, RAP-Sat)NearSpace LaunchUSThinSat (2Ux3U version)not launchednot launched

Deliver a 4 ThinSat slot constellation to improve the rapid demonstration of Space Force subsystems to the Warfighter.

RAPSat D (Rapid Agile Production of ThinSats, RAP-Sat)NearSpace LaunchUSThinSat (2Ux3U version)not launchednot launched

Deliver a 4 ThinSat slot constellation to improve the rapid demonstration of Space Force subsystems to the Warfighter.

SunCET (Sun Coronal Ejection Tracker)University of Colorado BoulderUS6Unot launchednot launched

Examine the dominant physical mechanisms that accelerate coronal mass ejections (CME)

GENA-OTOroraTechGermany16Unot launchednot launched

In-Orbit Demonstration (IOD) of an IOD/IOV commercial service.

LISA-1 (LOOKUP, LeO Observation U-space Precursor, LISA1, TOUTATIS)U-SpaceFrance12Unot launchednot launched

Space environment monitoring service based on the development of a specially designed satellite to observe space debris and objects in orbit.

MAUVEBlue Skies SpaceUK16Unot launchednot launched

Measuring stellar activity of nearby stars. Contains an UltraViolet (UV) spectrometer, a 15cm class telescope.

NMHH-1Budapest UniversityHungaryPocketQube 3pnot launchednot launched

Half duplex digital repeater using GMSK modulation at selectable data rates up to 12k5. Also LoRa. 

SamwiseStanford UniversityUS2Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate platform technologies and amateur radio payload.

KvarkenSatKvarken Space CenterFinland3Unot launchednot launched

Educational and capacity building mission while demonstrating new commercial space business models.

ODALISS (ODALISS_AMA)EMXYSSpain3Unot launchednot launched

ODALISS nanosatellite platform, equipped with an innovative optical communications transceiver for Space-Earth links based on Emxys’ proprietary technology.

Platform-10EnduroSatBulgaria12Unot launchednot launched

Precursor for an end-to-end space traffic management (STM) solution for increased spacecraft safety.

PLUTO (PayLoad Under Test Orbiter)DLR Institute of Space SystemsGermany6Unot launchednot launched

The hardware to be tested includes the Integrated Core Avionics (ICA), an ultra-wideband wireless camera and a deployable solar array.

AIOTY-CUBERapid CubesUS12Unot launchednot launched

In-orbit verification opportunity.

Hub IODQuantum Communications HubUK12Unot launchednot launched

Usse light and infrared signals, as well as a radio channel, to communicate with the quantum receiver positioned at the Hub’s OGS site in Scotland. 

MAVERIC (Magnetic Vector and Remote Imaging Communication satellite)University of Southern CaliforniaUS3Unot launchednot launched

Scientific payload is magnetometers that take magnetic field readings and compare them to the current Earth modeling satellites.

RSP-03Rymansat Project (Lehman Sat)Japan1Unot launchednot launched

The main mission is to capture the star data by camera, convert it to audible data and deliver the data to the ground.

AERO (Auroral Emission Radio Observer, AERO-VISTA)MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)US3Unot launchednot launched

Terrestrial auroral science and radio interferometric
technology demonstration.

ATISE (Auroral Thermosphere Ionosphere Spectrometer Experiment, Zegrensat )CSUG-IPAG (Univ. Grenoble Alpes)France12Unot launchednot launched

Auroral visible spectrometry and imaging at the limb.

Buccaneer Main Mission (BMM, Apogee)Australian Defence Science and Technology OrganisationAustralia6Unot launchednot launched

Contribute to JORN Calibration Research. Digital High Frequency Receiver, Laser terminal and Identification Tag.

Grissom-1 (GM1)Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT)US6Unot launchednot launched

Educational mission to demonstrate a new CubeSat platform for future DoD payloads.

Gunsmoke-GUS Army Space and Missile Defense CommandUS6Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate a diverse situational awareness capability from LEO that will directly benefit the Army Warfighter in theater.

Gunsmoke-J 1 (Jacob's Ladder)US Army Space and Missile Defense CommandUS3Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate a diverse situational awareness capability from LEO that will directly benefit the Army Warfighter in theater.

Gunsmoke-L 2 (Lonestar)US Army Space and Missile Defense CommandUS6Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate an important test mission from LEO that will directly benefit the Army Warfighter in theater.

IRIS-B (Intelligent Remote-Sensing and Internet Satellite)National Cheng Kung UniversityTaiwan3Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate in-orbit intelligent remote sensing technology.

K´OTO (K’OTO, K'OTO, KOTO, KAOTO)National Autonomous University of MexicoMexico1Unot launchednot launched

Educational mission to contribute to technological and human resources development.

LAICE (Lower Atmosphere/Ionosphere Coupling Experiment)University of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignUS6Unot launchednot launched

Observe gravity waves with large vertical wavelengths.

MAGNETO (Magento)University of Southern CaliforniaUS1.5Unot launchednot launched

Educational mission to take magnetometer measurements with no uplink capability.

MAXWELLUniversity of Colorado BoulderUS6Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate X-band communication and reflectarray system compatible with the NASA Near-Earth Network.

MOESS Demonstrator (Miniaturised Orbital Electronic Warfare Sensor System) DEWC SystemsAustralia3Unot launchednot launched

Provide the first fully Australian developed, owned and operated space based Electronic Warfare capability.

MOESS Demonstrator
n-ART OneGUMUSHTurkey3Unot launchednot launched

Test & Demonstration Satellite n-ART Bus.

n-ART One
OGMS-SA (OutGassing Material Study by Spectroscopy Analysis)Paris-Est Créteil Val-de-Marne UniversityFrance3Unot launchednot launched

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

OPS-Cube (Optical Plasma Spectroscopy CubeSat, OPS Cube)Western Michigan UniversityUS6U (1x6U)not launchednot launched

Demonstrate space-based characterization of an electric propulsion (EP) system using optical emission spectroscopy (OES).

OzQube-1Picosat SystemsAustraliaPocketQube 1pnot launchednot launched

Validate complete PocketQube platform and capture images.

PakalColibri Mission - Universidad Panamericana México & AguascalientesMexico3Unot launchednot launched

Make measurements of atmospheric drag in order to contribute to space debris mitigation efforts

PIRI-SATITU (Istanbul Technical University)Turkey6Unot launchednot launched

Modular 6U paltform for hosted paylods: to provide free platform and launch for payload developers without the burden of finding a satellite/launch. Experimental AIS demonstration.

PISat-2PES Institute of TechnologyIndia10 kgnot launchednot launched

Ultraviolet imager that will stare at a single point in space for the lifetime of the mission.

Polaris US Army Space and Missile Defense CommandUS6Unot launchednot launched

Beyond-Line-of-Sight Communications to handheld tactical radios in a contested environment.

SABOR Capability DemonstrationUS Army Space and Missile Defense CommandUS6Unot launchednot launched

Radar calibration mission to benefit Army Warfighter in theater.

SatDuinoInnova SpaceArgentinaPocketQube 1pnot launchednot launched

Democratization of IOT communications. Communication Technology, LoRa.

STARS-Me2Shizuoka UniversityJapan1Unot launchednot launched

Educational mission with camera and amateur radio activities.

STORK-8SatRevPoland3Unot launchednot launched

Innovative shared platform with Earth-Observation capabilities. Aimed at in-orbit services.

TechEdSat-12 (TES-12)NASA Ames Research CenterUS3Unot launchednot launched

Test several technologies intended to help better track and identify CubeSats.

Ut ProSat-1 (VSCP-1B)Virginia TechUS3Unot launchednot launched

Deploy a bistable coiled tape spring in a controlled, reliable, and repeatable manner on a SmallSat.

Ut ProSat-1
VISTA (Vector Interferometry Space Technology using AERO, AERO-VISTA)MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)US3Unot launchednot launched

Terrestrial auroral science and radio interferometric
technology demonstration.

Anant (Team Anant)Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani (BITS Pilani)India3Unot launchednot launched

Hyperspectral camera to perform water quality monitoring.

ContentCube (Content-Cube)Virginia TechUS1Unot launchednot launched

Selfie-stick for space will external LCD screen.

CubeSOTAUniversity of TokyoJapan6Unot launchednot launched

10 Gbit/s lasercom terminal for intersatellite links with GEO and downlinks to ground.

Garatéa-L (Garatea-L)AirvantisBrazil6Unot launchednot launched

Study the effects of the microgravity environment on different life forms.

HORYU-VI (HORYU-6)Kyushu Institute of TechnologyJapan6Unot launchednot launched

Specialized in lunar horizon glow (LHG)
observations will be put into lunar orbit to detect the light scattering above the lunar terminator.

KufaSatUniversity of KufaIraq1Unot launchednot launched

Remote sensing and imaging.

MAMBO (Mini Astrophysical MeV Background Observatory)Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)US12Unot launchednot launched

Gamma-ray astrophysics investigation that will answer three decades old questions about the mysterious Cosmic Diffuse Gamma-ray (CDG) background.

METEOR (METEORIX)Université Pierre et Marie CurieFrance3Unot launchednot launched

Detect and characterize meteors by UV photometry and spectroscopy.

RADMIA (RADiation Measurement and Image Acquire)Northwestern Polytechnical UniversityChina16Unot launchednot launched

Going to lunar orbit and primary payload of the probe is a mini radiometer and PAN/multispectral camera.

REALOP (Remote Experimentation and Analysis of Low Orbit Phenomena)University of California, DavisUS2Unot launchednot launched

Provide data from a variety of environmental and remote sensors for students and test HDDs as reaction wheels.

Sapling MagnificaStanford UniversityUS1Unot launchednot launched

Technology demonstration mission aimed to prove several key technologies necessary for SSI's satellites to host scientific payloads in the future.

SWAP-E A (Space Weather ThinSat constellation Array Experiment)NearSpace LaunchUSThinSat (2Ux3U version)not launchednot launched

SWAP-E is a Space Weather ThinSat constellation Array Experiment with Prompt data for forecasting and decision making.

SWAP-E B (Space Weather ThinSat constellation Array Experiment)NearSpace LaunchUSThinSat (2Ux3U version)not launchednot launched

SWAP-E is a Space Weather ThinSat constellation Array Experiment with Prompt data for forecasting and decision making.

SWAP-E C (Space Weather ThinSat constellation Array Experiment)NearSpace LaunchUSThinSat (2Ux3U version)not launchednot launched

SWAP-E is a Space Weather ThinSat constellation Array Experiment with Prompt data for forecasting and decision making.

SWAP-E D (Space Weather ThinSat constellation Array Experiment)NearSpace LaunchUSThinSat (2Ux3U version)not launchednot launched

SWAP-E is a Space Weather ThinSat constellation Array Experiment with Prompt data for forecasting and decision making.

ALEASATUniversity of British ColumbiaCanada1Unot launchednot launched

Picture the earth and investigate the physiological effects of long-term human spaceflight.

AmbaSat-1 CubeSatAmbasatUK3Unot launchednot launched

Deploy AmbaSat-1 sprites or chipsats.

AmbaSat-1 CubeSat
APTAS (Atmospheric Polar Transmission Alignment Satellite)Luleå University of Technology (LTU)Sweden1Unot launchednot launched

Educational mission with antenna calibration and camera payloads.

BAMA-2University of AlabamaUS3Unot launchednot launched

Flight demonstration of a drag sail module by rapidly deorbiting the satellite.

GTOSat (GTO-Sat, Dellingr-X, Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit Satellite to Study Radiation Belt Dynamics)NASA Goddard Space Flight CenterUS6Unot launchednot launched

Advancing understanding of acceleration and loss of relativistic electrons in the Earth’s outer radiation belt.

IonSat (Ion-Sat)Ecole PolytechniqueFrance6Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate iodine thruster developed by ThrustMe.

LoLaSat (Low Latency Satellite)Smart Small Satellite Systems (S4)Germany3Unot launchednot launched

Test satellite for broadband internet in very low Earth orbit (VLEO).

NITESat (Night Imaging & Tracking Experiment Satellite) )Adler PlanetariumUS2Unot launchednot launched

Acquire high quality nighttime imagery of the Midwest from orbit to measure the quantity and quality of light pollution.

Orbit Guard #2Infinite OrbitsFrance16Unot launchednot launched

Second GEO nanosatellite.

Orbit Guard #2
SWARM-EX A (Space Weather Atmospheric Reconfigurable Multiscale EXperiment)Olin CollegeUS3Unot launchednot launched

Three CubeSat constellation to investigate the relationship between charged particles and neutral particles in the thermosphere.

SWARM-EX B (Space Weather Atmospheric Reconfigurable Multiscale EXperiment)Olin CollegeUS3Unot launchednot launched

Three CubeSat constellation to investigate the relationship between charged particles and neutral particles in the thermosphere.

SWARM-EX C (Space Weather Atmospheric Reconfigurable Multiscale EXperiment)Olin CollegeUS3Unot launchednot launched

Three CubeSat constellation to investigate the relationship between charged particles and neutral particles in the thermosphere.

6S (Spinning Sun-Synchronous Satellite for Station-keeping Structural battery and Solar cell testing)Politecnico di MilanoItaly1Unot launchednot launched

Frst satellite entirely designed and built by students of Politecnico di Milano.

AcubeSATSpaceDotGreece3Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate lab-on-a-chip technology for biological experiments in Low Earth Orbit.

Aldebaran-1 (Alderbaran-1)Federal University of MaranhaoBrazil1Unot launchednot launched

Educational mission with a LoRa transmitter.

Amber 3Horizon TechnologiesUK6Unot launchednot launched

Become part of the Horizon Space Technologies’ Amber™ constellation dedicated to delivering Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) intelligence data.

AMDROHPSat (Additively Manufactured Deployable Radiator with Oscillating Heat Pipes)California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly)US3Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate the use of a new generation of deployable radiators.

AQUIS (Aachen's QUbe In Space)RWTH AachenGermanyPocketQube 1pnot launchednot launched

Take our very own pictures of the beautiful planet Earth from Space, and design one of the most advanced 1p PocketQubes ever created.

ARKSAT-2University of ArkansasUS2Unot launchednot launched

In space demonstration of an agile, low-cost, non-toxic, biocompatible, and non-pressurized micro-propulsion system.

AuroraSat-2Aurora Propulsion TechnologiesFinland3Unot launchednot launched

2U CubeSat with similar specs to the AuroraSat-1.

BeaverCube II (BeaverCube-2)MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)US3Unot launchednot launched

Educational mission with visible and infrared imagers.

BeaverCube II
BifrostDanish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO)Denmark6Unot launchednot launched

Explore AI based surveillance applications from space.

Binar 5 (Binar-5)Curtin UniversityAustralia1Unot launchednot launched

Test CubeSat technologies for deep space missions.

Binar 5-7
Binar 6 (Binar-6)Curtin UniversityAustralia1Unot launchednot launched

Test CubeSat technologies for deep space missions.

Binar 5-7
Binar 7 (Binar-7)Curtin UniversityAustralia1Unot launchednot launched

Test CubeSat technologies for deep space missions.

Binar 5-7
BlackCAT (Black Hole Coded Aperture Telescope)Pennsylvania State University (Penn State)US6Unot launchednot launched

Soft X-ray sky monitor for high-energy astrophysics.

BOTANChiba Institute of TechnologyJapan1Unot launchednot launched

Amateur radio digipeater mission with camera.

BRO-19 (Breizh Reconnaissance Orbiter) UnseenlabsFrance8Unot launchednot launched

Spectrum monitoring service. Maritime surveillance. Electromagnetic intelligence service.

BRO-20 (Breizh Reconnaissance Orbiter) UnseenlabsFrance8Unot launchednot launched

Spectrum monitoring service. Maritime surveillance. Electromagnetic intelligence service.

BRO-21 (Breizh Reconnaissance Orbiter) UnseenlabsFrance8Unot launchednot launched

Spectrum monitoring service. Maritime surveillance. Electromagnetic intelligence service.

BRO-22 (Breizh Reconnaissance Orbiter) UnseenlabsFrance8Unot launchednot launched

Spectrum monitoring service. Maritime surveillance. Electromagnetic intelligence service.

BurkinaSat-1Norbert-Zongo UniversityBurkina Faso1Unot launchednot launched

An Earth observation nanosatellite with educational mission.

BYU-MAYANSATBrigham Young UniversityUS3Unot launchednot launched

Educational mission with amateur radio mission and digital mailbox.

CaNOP (Canopy Near-IR Observing Project)Carthage CollegeUS3Unot launchednot launched

Replicate early Landsat remote sensing capabilities.

CASSINI IHE1-1 AElecnor DeimosSpain6Unot launchednot launched

Two CubeSat missions housing a range of experiments pre-selected by the European Commission.

CASSINI IHE1-1 BElecnor DeimosSpain6Unot launchednot launched

Two CubeSat missions housing a range of experiments pre-selected by the European Commission.

Catarina-A1Federal University of Santa CatarinaBrazil2Unot launchednot launched

Educational and amateur radio mission. Validate the functioning of the EDC (Environmental Data Collector) module.

CLIMBUniversity of Applied Sciences Wiener NeustadtAustria3Unot launchednot launched

Use a propulsion system to reach the inner Van-Allen belt and measure the radiation environment.

CloudCT 1Technion - Israel Institute of TechnologyIsrael3Unot launchednot launched

Reveal detailed images of clouds structures and properties by using technologies from medical CT.

CloudCT 2Technion - Israel Institute of TechnologyIsrael3Unot launchednot launched

Reveal detailed images of clouds structures and properties by using technologies from medical CT.

CloudCT 3Technion - Israel Institute of TechnologyIsrael3Unot launchednot launched

Reveal detailed images of clouds structures and properties by using technologies from medical CT.

CloudCT 4Technion - Israel Institute of TechnologyIsrael3Unot launchednot launched

Reveal detailed images of clouds structures and properties by using technologies from medical CT.

CloudCT 5Technion - Israel Institute of TechnologyIsrael3Unot launchednot launched

Reveal detailed images of clouds structures and properties by using technologies from medical CT.

CloudCT 6Technion - Israel Institute of TechnologyIsrael3Unot launchednot launched

Reveal detailed images of clouds structures and properties by using technologies from medical CT.

CloudCT 7Technion - Israel Institute of TechnologyIsrael3Unot launchednot launched

Reveal detailed images of clouds structures and properties by using technologies from medical CT.

CloudCT 8Technion - Israel Institute of TechnologyIsrael3Unot launchednot launched

Reveal detailed images of clouds structures and properties by using technologies from medical CT.

CloudCT 9Technion - Israel Institute of TechnologyIsrael3Unot launchednot launched

Reveal detailed images of clouds structures and properties by using technologies from medical CT.

CloudCT 10Technion - Israel Institute of TechnologyIsrael3Unot launchednot launched

Reveal detailed images of clouds structures and properties by using technologies from medical CT.

CloudCT PrecursorTechnion - Israel Institute of TechnologyIsrael3Unot launchednot launched

Reveal detailed images of clouds structures and properties by using technologies from medical CT.

Connecta IoT 9Plan-STurkey6Unot launchednot launched

Connecta IoT Network constellation project, which will provide Internet of Things (IoT) communication services.

Connecta IoT
Connecta IoT 10Plan-STurkey6Unot launchednot launched

Connecta IoT Network constellation project, which will provide Internet of Things (IoT) communication services.

Connecta IoT
Connecta IoT 11Plan-STurkey6Unot launchednot launched

Connecta IoT Network constellation project, which will provide Internet of Things (IoT) communication services.

Connecta IoT
Connecta IoT 12Plan-STurkey6Unot launchednot launched

Connecta IoT Network constellation project, which will provide Internet of Things (IoT) communication services.

Connecta IoT
CORALSapienza University of RomeItaly2Unot launchednot launched

Exploring using a constellation of LEO satellites to offer IoT connectivity for TT&C purposes, as an alternative to ground stations.

COSMO (COmpact Spaceborne Magnetic Observatory)University of Colorado BoulderUS6U (1x6U)not launchednot launched

Efficient and economical collection of high-resolution magnetic field data.

CougSat (CougSat‑1)Washington State UniversityUS1Unot launchednot launched

Educational mission and CubeSat platform development.

CTC 1 (CTC-1)Spacecoin (Space Telecommunications, Inc)US16Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrating space-enabled text messaging to a specialized handheld antenna but ultimately directly to standard smartphones.

DARLA (Demonstration of Artificial Reasoning, Learning, and Analysis)Saint Louis UniversityUS3Unot launchednot launched

Educational mission to test spacecraft platform and on-board event detection using commercial imagers and SDRs.

DUTHSat-2Democritus University of ThraceGreece3Unot launchednot launched

Sea pollution from oil spills will be detected by the remote sensing nanosatellite.

e-kagaku-1The e-kagaku Association of Global Science and EducationJapan1Unot launchednot launched

Educational and amateur radio mission.

EarthTV-2SenUK16Unot launchednot launched

Constellation to stream real-time and timely videos from space.

EarthTV (Sen)
EdgeAISatEMXYSSpain3Unot launchednot launched

Bring artificial intelligence to space.

ERMIS A (Hellenic Cubesat Demonstration Mission)National and Kapodistrian University of AthensGreece6Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate an optical communications, space-based 5G IoT services, as well as hyperspectral Earth observation.

ERMIS B (Hellenic Cubesat Demonstration Mission)National and Kapodistrian University of AthensGreece6Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate an optical communications, space-based 5G IoT services, as well as hyperspectral Earth observation.

ERMIS C (Hellenic Cubesat Demonstration Mission)National and Kapodistrian University of AthensGreece6Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate an optical communications, space-based 5G IoT services, as well as hyperspectral Earth observation.

EZIE A (Electrojet Zeeman Imaging Explorer)Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL)US6Unot launchednot launched

Study the electric currents that play a crucial role in the interactions between Earth and the surrounding

EZIE B (Electrojet Zeeman Imaging Explorer)Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL)US6Unot launchednot launched

Study the electric currents that play a crucial role in the interactions between Earth and the surrounding

EZIE C (Electrojet Zeeman Imaging Explorer)Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL)US6Unot launchednot launched

Study the electric currents that play a crucial role in the interactions between Earth and the surrounding

FINCH (Field Imaging Nanosatellite for Crop residue Hyperspectral mapping)University of TorontoCanada3Unot launchednot launched

Hyperspectral SWIR remote sensing CubeSat undertaking a crop residue mapping demo mission.

Foresail-1pFinnish Centre of Excellence for Sustainable SpaceFinland3Unot launchednot launched

Particle detector to measure electrons and protons and Electrostatic Plasma Brake deorbiting experiment.

FRAMSat-1.5Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)Norway3Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate platform for tech demonstration of Norwegian technology.

FrontierSat (CalgaryToSpace-1, CTS-SAT-1, CTS Sat1)University of Calgary (CalgaryToSpace)Canada3Unot launchednot launched

Carrying local payloads designed and made in UCalgary labs. We will also be launching a camera to space, allowing for photo opportunities of the satellite and Earth!

GENA-GOS-3 (GROOVE-EVO 2)German Orbital SystemsGermany3Unot launchednot launched

Shared In-Orbit-Demonstration missions.

GHS-01Gifu UniversityJapan2Unot launchednot launched

Equipped with a camera for photographing the earth, a sensor for checking the state of the satellite, and an attitude control device .

GLADOS (Glint Analyzing Data Observation Satellite)University at Buffalo (UB)US6Unot launchednot launched

Gather light data on space debris in geostationary orbit.

GOLDS-UFSC (FloripaSat-2)Federal University of Santa CatarinaBrazil2Unot launchednot launched

Educational mission with amateur radio payload.

HATOSATTokyo Denki UniversityJapan3Unot launchednot launched

Conducting various technical tests for practical satellite development.

Hellenic Space Dawn A (HELIOS)EMTech SpaceGreece8Unot launchednot launched

Short real-time response time during Earth observation, meaning that the user receives the image within a few minutes

Hellenic Space Dawn B (SELENE)EMTech SpaceGreece8Unot launchednot launched

Short real-time response time during Earth observation, meaning that the user receives the image within a few minutes

Hello Space PocketQube 4Hello SpaceTurkeyPocketQube 2pnot launchednot launchedHello Space
Hello Space PocketQube 5Hello SpaceTurkeyPocketQube 2pnot launchednot launchedHello Space
iCUBE-NIslamabad Institute of Science and TechnologyPakistan3Unot launchednot launched

All the major modules of the satellite will be developed in-house.

IGOSat (Ionosphere and Gamma -ray Observation Satellite)Université de Paris 7 - DiderotFrance3Unot launchednot launched

Measure the ionosphere and reconstruct ionospheric electron density profile using radio occultation technique.

Io-1Iota TechnologyUS4Unot launchednot launched

End-to-end satellite mission for Iota Technology as part of MagQuest, a competition to advance measuring Earth's magnetic field. 

Janus 2 (JANUS-2)AntarisUS6Unot launchednot launched

Second demonstration satellite.

Kernow Sat 1University of ExeterUK6Unot launchednot launched

Payload changed from a camera based payload to low rate data packet communications payload.

KSS-BOBCATKawa SpaceIndia6Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate the technology for a future constellation of satellites, supporting Kawa Space's existing ocean monitoring platform.

LappiSat-1Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory Finland6Unot launchednot launched

Obtain new information about the polar lights and changes in the geoenvironment.

Lemur-2 GHGSat 4 DSpireUS16Unot launchednot launched

Expand GHGSat satellite constellation for greenhouse gas emissions monitoring.

Lemur-2 GHGSat
Lemur-2 GHGSat 5 ESpireUS16Unot launchednot launched

Expand GHGSat satellite constellation for greenhouse gas emissions monitoring.

Lemur-2 GHGSat
Lemur-2 GHGSat 6 FSpireUS16Unot launchednot launched

Expand GHGSat satellite constellation for greenhouse gas emissions monitoring.

Lemur-2 GHGSat
Lemur-2 GHGSat 7 GSpireUS16Unot launchednot launched

Expand GHGSat satellite constellation for greenhouse gas emissions monitoring.

Lemur-2 GHGSat
LEOPARD (Light intensity Experiment with On-orbit Positioning and satellite Ranging Demonstration)Kyushu Institute of TechnologyJapan3Unot launchednot launched

Perform technology demonstration for an on-orbit positioning system and observe the horizon for light-intensity experiment.

LEOPARDSat-1 (Low Earth Orbit Platform for Aerospace Research and Development CubeSat)University of CincinnatiUS1Unot launchednot launched

Educational mission to teach in-depth space mission and systems engineering to undergraduate and high school students.

Lilium-2National Cheng Kung UniversityTaiwan6Unot launchednot launched

Fly an improved remote sensing payload.

Lilium-3National Cheng Kung UniversityTaiwan3Unot launchednot launched

The Lilium-3 will perform in-orbit tests of electric propulsion and deployment mechanism experiments.

LusoSpace 1LusoSpacePortugal8Unot launchednot launched

VDES communications constellation.

LusoSpace 2LusoSpacePortugal8Unot launchednot launched

VDES communications constellation.

LusoSpace 3LusoSpacePortugal8Unot launchednot launched

VDES communications constellation.

LusoSpace 4LusoSpacePortugal8Unot launchednot launched

VDES communications constellation.

LusoSpace 5LusoSpacePortugal8Unot launchednot launched

VDES communications constellation.

LusoSpace 6LusoSpacePortugal8Unot launchednot launched

VDES communications constellation.

LusoSpace 7LusoSpacePortugal8Unot launchednot launched

VDES communications constellation.

LusoSpace 8LusoSpacePortugal8Unot launchednot launched

VDES communications constellation.

LusoSpace 9LusoSpacePortugal8Unot launchednot launched

VDES communications constellation.

LusoSpace 10LusoSpacePortugal8Unot launchednot launched

VDES communications constellation.

LusoSpace 11LusoSpacePortugal8Unot launchednot launched

VDES communications constellation.

MEMEsat-1 (Mission for Education and Multimedia EngagementUniversity of GeorgiaUS2Unot launchednot launched

Primary mission is to serve as a digital Repeater and to downlink donor submitted memes via UHF amateur band.

MICE-1Prisma ElectronicsGreece3Unot launchednot launched

The ability to communicate with ships even in areas where there is no coverage.

MIST (MIiniature Student saTellite)Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)Sweden3Unot launchednot launched

Test various technologies including propulsion system, mass spectrometer and piezoelectric motor.

MOCI (Multi-view Onboard Computational Imager, Mapping and Ocean Color Imager)University of GeorgiaUS6Unot launchednot launched

Generate 3D point clouds of large scale structures on the Earth's surface.

MOXY-1Geometric Energy CorporationCanada6Unot launchednot launched

Equipped with internal imaging sensors and screen to display and share/advertise digital tokens in space.

NanoEOAPNational Autonomous University of MexicoMexico3Unot launchednot launched

Two main payloads: (i) a particle detector and (ii) a 6-channel multispectral camera. 

NIMPH (Nanosat to Investigate Microwave Photonic Hardware)Centre Spatial Universitaire de Toulouse (CSUT)France3Unot launchednot launched

Technology validation of optical components and degradation measurements.

NOCLIP-1PointblankCanada6Unot launchednot launched

Equipped with a wide field 4K resolution camera optimized for the sensory experience.

NPS-CENETIX-Orbital 1AT&TUS3Unot launchednot launched

Bursty Orbital Mesh Networking.

Observa-1 (Observa - Earth Observation)Plan-STurkey6Unot launchednot launched

In 2024,5 the first earth observation satellite will also come into operation.

Observer-1 B (Observer-1B)Nara SpaceSouth Korea16Unot launchednot launched

Observer-1 is Nara Space’s first Earth observation nano satellite with its own Observer platform applied.

OptiSat (SPOC-3127)PlanetekGreece3Unot launchednot launched

EO-image-processing and optical communications CubeSat.

Oracle 1University of Edinburgh (Asteria)UK3Unot launchednot launched

Earth observation.

Oracle 1
OreSat-1 (OreSat1)Portland State UniversityUS2Unot launchednot launched

STEM outreach by sending live video space-to-ground stations plus camera.

PeakSatThe Aristotle University of ThessalonikiGreece3Unot launchednot launched

Achieve safe optical communication using a laser with a ground station.

Phasma A Libre Space FoundationGreece3Unot launchednot launched

Monitor the electromagnetic spectrum and identify the frequencies used around the world to create an open database.

Phasma BLibre Space FoundationGreece3Unot launchednot launched

Monitor the electromagnetic spectrum and identify the frequencies used around the world to create an open database.

Phasma CLibre Space FoundationGreece3Unot launchednot launched

Monitor the electromagnetic spectrum and identify the frequencies used around the world to create an open database.

PIAST A (Polish Imaging Satellites)Poland’s Armed ForcesPoland6Unot launchednot launched

Earth observation constellation capable of acquiring roughly 5-meter-resolution imagery.

PIAST B (Polish Imaging Satellites)Poland’s Armed ForcesPoland6Unot launchednot launched

Earth observation constellation capable of acquiring roughly 5-meter-resolution imagery.

PIAST C (Polish Imaging Satellites)Poland’s Armed ForcesPoland6Unot launchednot launched

Earth observation constellation capable of acquiring roughly 5-meter-resolution imagery.

PICO-1C-1 (PiCo-IoT 19, Apogeo Space, FEES)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3Unot launchednot launched

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PICO-1C-2 (PiCo-IoT 20, Apogeo Space, FEES)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3Unot launchednot launched

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PICO-1C-3 (PiCo-IoT 21, Apogeo Space, FEES)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3Unot launchednot launched

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PICO-1C-4 (PiCo-IoT 22, Apogeo Space, FEES)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3Unot launchednot launched

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PICO-1C-5 (PiCo-IoT 23, Apogeo Space, FEES)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3Unot launchednot launched

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PICO-1C-6 (PiCo-IoT 24, Apogeo Space, FEES)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3Unot launchednot launched

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PICO-1C-7 (PiCo-IoT 25, Apogeo Space, FEES)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3Unot launchednot launched

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PICO-1C-8 (PiCo-IoT 26, Apogeo Space, FEES)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3Unot launchednot launched

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PICO-1C-9 (PiCo-IoT 27, Apogeo Space, FEES)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3Unot launchednot launched

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
Platform-6EnduroSatBulgaria6Unot launchednot launched

Technology demonstrations and commercial payloads.

QAC-1 AQuubUSPocketQube 6pnot launchednot launched

Test the satellite bus design for commercial application, as well as to perform a radio experiment.

QAC-1 BQuubUSPocketQube 6pnot launchednot launched

Test the satellite bus design for commercial application, as well as to perform a radio experiment.

QAC-1 CQuubUSPocketQube 6pnot launchednot launched

Test the satellite bus design for commercial application, as well as to perform a radio experiment.

QAC-1 DQuubUSPocketQube 6pnot launchednot launched

Test the satellite bus design for commercial application, as well as to perform a radio experiment.

QUBE-IIZentrum für TelematikGermany6Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate the first quantum key exchange between a CubeSat and ground.

R5-S6NASA Johnson Space CenterUS3Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate technologies to speed up hosted payload and in-space inspection.

R5-S9NASA Johnson Space CenterUS3Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate technologies to speed up hosted payload and in-space inspection.

SABHASATNebula Space OrganisationIndia3Unot launchednot launched

India's first Gamma- Ray burst detection CubeSat.

SAL-E (CP16, Streamlined Assembled Learning Experiment)California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly)US3Unot launchednot launched

Rapid and affordable design, testing, and integration of a 3U CubeSat. Measure and make public LEO radiation data.

SAL-E (CP16)
SATLLA-3 (SATTLA-3)Ariel UniversityIsrael2Unot launchednot launched

Remote Sensing, AI, LaserCom

SCION-X (SCintillation and IONosphere eXtended)National Central UniversityTaiwan12Unot launchednot launched

Inderstand the variation of ionospheric irregularities, remote sensing methods for PM2.5 pollution distribution, and thermospheric photochemistry while serving as a relay station for amateur radio. 

SERPENTThe Arctic University of NorwayNorway3Unot launchednot launched
SERPENT A Chaser (Satellite Evaluation of Relative Pose Estimation of a Noncooperative Target)University of Texas at AustinUS6Unot launchednot launched

Develop an autonomous pose estimation and prediction algorithm through the use of neural networks and computer vision.

Skoltech-FSkolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech)Russia3Unot launchednot launched

Testing an adapter for the launch of femtosatellites from the CubeSat, fibre-optic modem testing and inter-satellite modem testing for radio link.

SleeperSat-1University of Texas at El PasoUS4U (2Ux2U)not launchednot launched

Two payload modules: an artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) module and a robotic arm module.

Slippers2satAntarikchya Pratisthan NepalNepal3Unot launchednot launched

Novel highly integrated, highly compact Next Generation CubeSat Bus (Next Gen CuBus) designed in-house,

SOURCE (Stuttgart Operated University Research CubeSat for Evaluation and Education)University of StuttgartGermany3Unot launchednot launched

Technology demonstrators including solar panels, a composite sandwich structure and other Earth observation sensors.

SPEQTRE (QKD Cubesat)RAL SpaceUK12Unot launchednot launched

Deploy a satellite quantum key distribution (QKD) test bed.

SR-SAT (Space Ranger Satellite)Beihang UniversityChina3Unot launchednot launched

Designed to monitor small space debris in Low Earth Orbit (LEO).

STORK-9SatRevPoland3Unot launchednot launched

Innovative shared platform with Earth-Observation capabilities. Aimed at in-orbit services.

StratusMichigan Technological UniversityUS3Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate measuring cloud fraction, cloud top height, and cloud top wind with performance comparable to NASA’s spacecraft.

TCU-100 (TCU-00)Tokyo City UniversityJapan1Unot launchednot launched

One of the child satellites carried by STARS-X with radio amateur payloads.

TechEdSat-14 (TES-14)NASA Ames Research CenterUS12Unot launchednot launched

12U Upcoming tech-demo in development, with 12U Exo-Brake validation.

TeideSat (TEIDESAT-I)Universidad de La LagunaSpain1Unot launchednot launched

Test optical communications without the need of lasers between Earth and space.

TEMUULELNational University of MongoliaMongolia1Unot launchednot launched

The main goal of this mission is to take the picture of Mongolian landmass from space. 

Ten-koh 3Nihon UniversityJapan3Unot launchednot launched

Amateur radio mission with a digipeater system using LoRa modulation and a camera.

TPA-2 (Te Pūnaha Ātea)University of AucklandNew Zealand3Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate in-house avionics elements, flown here as payloads on primary NanoAvionics bus.

TriSATOKB Fifth GenerationRussia0.5 kgnot launchednot launched

TriSAT is a single-board picosatellite, up to 0.5 kg. In transport position, it folds into a triangular prism. In working position, it unfolds into a plane.

UCAnFlyUniversity of CadizSpain1Unot launchednot launched

Measure magnetic fields with low noise using shielded magnetoresistive sensors to test emerging technologies for space-based gravitational wave detectors

UVSQ-Sat NGUniversity of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ)France6Unot launchednot launchedUVSQ-Sat NG
VERTECS (Visible Extragalactic background RadiaTion Exploration by CubeSat)Kyushu Institute of TechnologyJapan3Unot launchednot launched

Astronomical 6U satellite for observation of visible extragalactic background light to study cosmic star formation history.

VISORS A (Virtual Super-resolution Optics with Reconfigurable Swarms)University of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignUS6Unot launchednot launched

Study the regions in the sun’s corona where energy is released. Flying in formation 40 meters apart as a distributed solar telescope

VISORS B (Virtual Super-resolution Optics with Reconfigurable Swarms)University of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignUS6Unot launchednot launched

Study the regions in the sun’s corona where energy is released. Flying in formation 40 meters apart as a distributed solar telescope

WormSailUniversity of NottinghamUK2Unot launchednot launched

Aims to use small satellites as affordable tools for biomedical research in space.

WVSAT ANearSpace LaunchUSThinSat 1x2T+3x1Tnot launchednot launched

Deploy small satellites with two form factors, to test ground station radar tracking, and demonstrate rapid turnaround and deployment of these satellites.

WVSAT BNearSpace LaunchUSThinSat 2x1Tnot launchednot launched

Deploy small satellites with two form factors, to test ground station radar tracking, and demonstrate rapid turnaround and deployment of these satellites.

WVSAT CNearSpace LaunchUS1Unot launchednot launched

Deploy small satellites with two form factors, to test ground station radar tracking, and demonstrate rapid turnaround and deployment of these satellites.

WVSAT DNearSpace LaunchUS1Unot launchednot launched

Deploy small satellites with two form factors, to test ground station radar tracking, and demonstrate rapid turnaround and deployment of these satellites.

xSPANCION 1AAC Clyde SpaceUK6Unot launchednot launched

Constellation as a service demonstration with 4 satellites to be launched and 10 built. Customers and payloads to be signed up.

xSPANCION 2AAC Clyde SpaceUK6Unot launchednot launched

Constellation as a service demonstration with 4 satellites to be launched and 10 built. Customers and payloads to be signed up.

xSPANCION 3AAC Clyde SpaceUK6Unot launchednot launched

Constellation as a service demonstration with 4 satellites to be launched and 10 built. Customers and payloads to be signed up.

xSPANCION 4AAC Clyde SpaceUK6Unot launchednot launched

Constellation as a service demonstration with 4 satellites to be launched and 10 built. Customers and payloads to be signed up.

Ymir-2 (Saab Orbcomm VDES CubeSat)AOS (AAC Clyde Space, Saab, Orbcomm)Sweden3Unot launchednot launched

Carry a VDES (VHF Data Exchange System) payload from Saab for two-way communication between satellite and ground.

Yotsuba-KUlover (YOTSUBA-KULOVER, YOTSUBA-KUlover)Kyushu Institute of TechnologyJapan2Unot launchednot launched

Observe the small perturbation of the geomagnetic field at the LEO.

Zeus 2 (Qosmosys)QosmosysSingapore3Unot launchednot launched

Qosmosys aims to connect every citizen of the world with the vastness of space

3UCubed (3U3-A)University of New HampshireUS3Unot launchednot launched

Investigate how the polar regions of Earth’s atmosphere respond to varying solar wind conditions and particle precipitation.

ABEX (Alabama Burst Energetics eXplorer)University of AlabamaUS12Unot launchednot launched

Scientific and educational mission to investigate Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRB).

ACMES (Active Cooling for Multispectral Earth Sensors)Utah State UniversityUS16Unot launchednot launched

Validate Active Thermal Architectures (ATA) and the HyTI (Hyperspectral Thermal Imager).

AlbaSatUniversity of PadovaItaly2Unot launchednot launched

A small-scale space debris impact sensor is under development at the University of Padova in the frame of a student CubeSat project.

ANTAEUS (Astrophysical Nanosatellite for Technological Advancement and high-Energy Universe Studies)University of Beira InteriorPortugal2Unot launchednot launched

CubeSat for high energy astrophysics polarimetry.

Apsara-1 (UT-ITC Cube)Institute of Technology of CambodiaCambodia1Unot launchednot launched

Technology demonstration CubeSat with multi-spectral camera for land
and water resource monitoring in Cambodia.

ASTRAEUS-01 (Astraeus)GU Orbit (University of Glasgow)UK3Unot launchednot launched

Detect the risk and severity of wildfires in selected locations.

Astrocast 21AstrocastSwitzerland3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for IoT/M2M services.

Astrocast 22AstrocastSwitzerland3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for IoT/M2M services.

Astrocast 23AstrocastSwitzerland3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for IoT/M2M services.

Astrocast 24AstrocastSwitzerland3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for IoT/M2M services.

AurisMichigan Technological UniversityUS6Unot launchednot launched

Monitor communications emissions from geostationary satellites.

Balkan GeoScanMontenegro Space ResearchMontenegro3Unot launchednot launched

Scan and monitor Earth’s surface, delving into crucial data regarding land composition, vegetation, urban sprawls, topography, geology, and other facets of our planet.

Balkan GeoScan
BISS (Bi-directional IoT Satellite Service)IMT (Ingegneria Marketing Technologies)Italy6Unot launchednot launched

First Italian CubeSat for Internet of Things (IoT) mission

BIXO (Bacteriological Intercommunication eXperiment in Orbit)University of VigoSpain2Unot launchednot launched

Astrobiology experiment to study how microorganisms behave in the space environment; specifically to monitor bacterial communication.

BUSANSATNara SpaceSouth Korea12Unot launchednot launched

BusanSat is a 12U nano satellite, designed to measure fine dust in the sea atmosphere with a polarimetric camera.

BUTCubeBrno University of TechnologyCzechia1Unot launchednot launched

Perform space-based Corona observation during Sun eclipse by Moon

Cape IV-GTOUniversity of Louisiana at LafayetteUS0.2 kgnot launchednot launched

Educational mission with radio communications payload.

CAPE-4 (Cajun Advanced Picosatellite Experience)University of Louisiana at LafayetteUS3Unot launchednot launched

Developing the building blocks for economical deep space CubeSat-based experimentation.

Chasqui-II (CHASQUI-A, CHASQUI-II)National University of Engineering Peru3Unot launchednot launched

Monitor the disappearance of the Plasmaspheric Hiss and the weakening of the geomagnetic field in the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly region, due to geomagnetic storms caused by interplanetary shocks.

CoconutArizona State UniversityUS3Unot launchednot launched

Coconut will enable the creation of a communication network between different LoRa devices.

COEPSAT-2College of Engineering, PuneIndia9 kgnot launchednot launched

Custom nanosatelltie with solar sail to raise orbit and measure charged particles.

CREME (Cubesat for Radiation Environment Monitoring Experiment)University of Toulouse Space Center (CSUT)France3Unot launchednot launched

Measuring the radiation induced by the Van Allen belts.

CROCUS (ChaRging On CUbeSat)ONERAFrance2Unot launchednot launched

Relate charging and discharging events to auroral arcs induced by GEO substorms by comparing to other spacecraft data such as DMSP, FREIJA, Jason-3 at LEO.

CSC-3? (CubeSat Carrier, ISISpace IOD 3, CASSINI)ISISpaceNetherlands6Unot launchednot launched

The European Space Agency (ESA) has again selected ISISPACE to provide an In-Orbit Demonstration (IOD) and In-Orbit Verification (IOV) service in space.

CSC-4? (CubeSat Carrier, ISISpace IOD 4, CASSINI)ISISpaceNetherlands6Unot launchednot launched

The European Space Agency (ESA) has again selected ISISPACE to provide an In-Orbit Demonstration (IOD) and In-Orbit Verification (IOV) service in space.

CUbesat-1Columbia UniversityUS3Unot launchednot launched

House a spectrograph capable of capturing spatially resolved spectra of ionized hydrogen (H-alpha) for a range of astronomical bodies.

CXBN 3 (CXBN-3, Cosmic X-Ray Background NanoSat-3)Morehead State UniversityUS2Unot launchednot launched
DAPHNE (Demonstrative Application of a multi-Payload Hub for Nano Experimentation)Università di Napoli “Federico II”Italy3Unot launchednot launched
DarkNESS (Dark matter as a sterile NEutrino Search Satellite)Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab)US6Unot launchednot launched

CubeSat mission to hunt for dark matter in the Milky Way.

Dock-Sat 1U TargetStellenbosch UniversitySouth Africa1Unot launchednot launched

Multiple undocking and re-docking demonstrations will be attempted, with increasing separation distance between the satellites at each iteration.

Dock-Sat 1U Target
Dock-Sat 2UStellenbosch UniversitySouth Africa2Unot launchednot launched

Multiple undocking and re-docking demonstrations will be attempted, with increasing separation distance between the satellites at each iteration.

Dock-Sat 2U
Dragonfly (BIRDS-X)Kyushu Institute of TechnologyJapan2Unot launchednot launched

Performs the following missions: APRS digipeater, Store-and-Forward and New UHF transceiver.

E.T.PACK DMM & EEM (Electrodynamic Tether technology for PAssive Consumable-less deorbit Kit, E.T.PACK-F)Universidad Carlos III de MadridSpain12Unot launchednot launched

Develop a deorbit device based on 500m electrodynamic tether.

ESRA (Experiment for Space Radiation Analysis)Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)US12Unot launchednot launched

Focus on testing a new generation of plasma and energetic particle sensors. Observe the energetic charged particles that populate the radiation belts.

FlyLab-1 (FlyLab1)ONERAFrance8Unot launchednot launched

Validate the design of an uncooled thermal camera.

FlyLab-2 (FlyLab2)ONERAFrance6Unot launchednot launched

Two RF payloads to characterize ionosphere and radar analysis.

FUTURE (Fully aUtonomous feaTUre Recognition planetary Explorer)TyvakItaly6Unot launchednot launched

Technology demonstrator for optical navigation in LEO.

GamaSat-1University of BrasiliaBrazil1Unot launchednot launchedGamaSat-1
GOMX-5 (GOMX5)GomSpaceDenmark8Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate new operational concepts s high delta-V orbit raising to higher LEO.

GuaraniSat-2 (GuaraníSAT-2)Kyushu Institute of TechnologyParaguay3Unot launchednot launched

Country's second satellite.

Harvard College CubeSatHarvard CollegeUS3Unot launchednot launched

Test the utility and viability of Shape-Memory Alloys as a means to reduce cost and complexity for instrumentation in a microgravity environment. T

Hyperion 1InovorUS12Unot launchednot launched

Support global SSA effort using a constellation of 12U in LEO, observing the MEO and GEO orbital bands.

Hyperion 1
IMAP CubeSatSonoma State UniversityUS2Unot launchednot launched

Observe the
phenomena in the Earth’s magnetic field near the cusp.

INCA-2New Mexico State UniversityUS3Unot launchednot launched

Reflight of INCA.

ITF-3University of TsukubaJapan3Unot launchednot launched

Structure, Communication, Power supply and MPU board systems are DIY.

KARDSAT Chaser (KAri Rvd Demonstration nanoSATellite)Gyeongsang National UniversitySouth Korea6Unot launchednot launchedKARDSAT
KARDSAT Target (KAri Rvd Demonstration nanoSATellite)Gyeongsang National UniversitySouth Korea6Unot launchednot launchedKARDSAT
KuauhtliSAT the Ulises 2.0National Autonomous University of MexicoMexicoTubeSatnot launchednot launched

Take low-resolution photos for training of Mexican space engineers and technological demonstration.

LBSatIndian Institute of TechnologyIndia3Unot launchednot launched

LactoBacillus Species testing under Microgravity Environment. The First Biosatellite program of IIT Guwahati.

Lemur-2 DARPA VLEOSpireUS6Unot launchednot launched

Carry a sensor in a very low Earth orbit experiment intended to learn how radio signals behave in the ionosphere.

Lemur-2 Mission Control (Persistence Mission)SpireUS3Unot launchednot launchedLemur-2
LEOpar (MISC-3)Universidad Industrial de SantanderColombia3Unot launchednot launched

First Colombian satellite built by multiple universities and a hyperspectral camera with VISNIR spectral bands as payload.

LOGSATS 2EOS OrbitThailand3Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate both the first Thai space-based Internet-of-Things (IoT) communications systems and aviation monitoring system of Thailand.

MANTISDalhousie UniversityCanada3Unot launchednot launched

Larger Bus with Sophisticated Imaging Instruments. Lots of Autonomy / On-Board Data Processing. Climate Change Research Objectives.

MOI-1 (MOI-TD)TakeMe2SpaceIndia3Unot launchednot launched

Amateur radio mission with access to camera and possibility to upload sandboxed code.

MRZ-SATUniversidad Autónoma de Honduras (UNAH)Honduras1Unot launchednot launched

Develop the proof-of-concept of an early warning system for the mitigation of hydrometeorological hazards such as floods and landslides

NanoBobCSUG-IPAG (Univ. Grenoble Alpes)France12Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate the experimental feasibility of fully quantum communication over a distance of 500 km.

NaSPUoN-0GPM2030 (Nanosatellite Platform for the University of Nairobi)University of NairobiKenya3Unot launchednot launched

Educational mission for developing nanosatellite capacity-building in Kenya.

PHI-1 (Payload Hosting Initiative, Danfe, AMAN)Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre (MBRSC)United Arab Emirates12Unot launchednot launched

A 12U modular satellite platform with Nepal DANFE and Bahrein AMAN hosted payload.

PICO-1D-1 (PiCo-IoT 28, Apogeo Space, FEES)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3Unot launchednot launched

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PICO-1D-2 (PiCo-IoT 29, Apogeo Space, FEES)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3Unot launchednot launched

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PICO-1D-3 (PiCo-IoT 30, Apogeo Space, FEES)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3Unot launchednot launched

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PICO-1D-4 (PiCo-IoT 31, Apogeo Space, FEES)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3Unot launchednot launched

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PICO-1D-5 (PiCo-IoT 32, Apogeo Space, FEES)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3Unot launchednot launched

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PICO-1D-6 (PiCo-IoT 33, Apogeo Space, FEES)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3Unot launchednot launched

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PICO-1D-7 (PiCo-IoT 34, Apogeo Space, FEES)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3Unot launchednot launched

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PICO-1D-8 (PiCo-IoT 35, Apogeo Space, FEES)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3Unot launchednot launched

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
PICO-1D-9 (PiCo-IoT 36, Apogeo Space, FEES)Apogeo SpaceItaly0.3Unot launchednot launched

Operational constellation of 0.3U CubeSats for connecting remote monitoring devices.

PiCo-IoT (Apogeo Space, FEES)
Pleiades - Cerberus Cal Poly Pomona (Bronco Space)US1Unot launchednot launched

Establish a space-based laboratory platform and offer flight heritage for a variety of affordable, open-source hardware components.

PoCat-1 (PoCat-LEKTRON)Universitat Politècnica de CatalunyaSpainPocketQube 1pnot launchednot launched

PoCat-LEKTRON is a twin satellite mission for radio frequency interference (RFI) monitoring.

PoCat-2 (PoCat-LEKTRON)Universitat Politècnica de CatalunyaSpainPocketQube 1pnot launchednot launched

PoCat-LEKTRON is a twin satellite mission for radio frequency interference (RFI) monitoring.

PowerSatCalifornia Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly)US3Unot launchednot launched

Technology demonstration mission on the use of a new generation of deployable solar arrays.

PradeepSatAadyah AerospaceIndia6Unot launchednot launched

Technology demonstration for sustainable space.

QubeSat-2University of California, BerkeleyUS3Unot launchednot launched

Research the effects of LEO conditions on a quantum gyroscope based on nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond.

RedPill (J2050, Red Pill)University of PadovaItalyPocketQube 2pnot launchednot launched

Educational mission with 3 payloads: a miniaturised debris detector, an optical dimming system for cameras and telescopes and ADCS.

ROKS (Responsive Operations and Key Services, QUARC-ROKS)Craft ProspectUK6Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate satellite-to-Earth Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) for augmentation of future encryption services.

RS-1 (RebelSat-1)University of NevadaUS3Unot launchednot launched

Doped Poly-CO shall remain stable in conditions of Low Earth Orbit, demonstrating its usability in such conditions.

RS-1 (RebelSat-1)
RVSAT-1R V College of EngineeringIndia2Unot launchednot launched

Educational training for students and biological payload.

SamSat-LED (SLED)Samara UniversityRussia3Unot launchednot launched

Investigate how active lighting could help to provide optical identification, tracking and attitude
determination of small spacecrafts.

SCOPE-1 (Spacecraft for Optical-based Position Estimation-1)University of Texas at AustinUS3Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate the use of an optical navigation method for position, navigation, and timing based on primary-body surface features, e.g., lunar craters, islands, etc.

SEASALT (Satellite for Estimating Aquatic Salinity and Temperature)MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)US3Unot launchednot launched

Explore the estimation of salinity in coastal environments using ocean color

SEIRIOS Line 1University of TokyoJapan6Unot launchednot launched

Two CubeSats reflect the light from a celestial body and the micro-sat combines the two light to observe interferometric fringe with densified pupil spectroscopy interferometer.

SEIRIOS Line 2University of TokyoJapan6Unot launchednot launched

Two CubeSats reflect the light from a celestial body and the micro-sat combines the two light to observe interferometric fringe with densified pupil spectroscopy interferometer.

Sharjah-Sat-2University of SharjahUnited Arab Emirates6Unot launchednot launched

Hyperspectral Imager capable of capturing high-resolution images with a ground sampling distance (GSD) of less than 5 meters from an altitude of 500 km.

SIGMASAT-1QSTCCanada16Unot launchednot launched

Provide In Orbit services.

SpinLaunch 12U Unnamed CubeSatSpinLaunchUS3Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate the CubeSat platform.

SpinLaunch CubeSat
SpudNik-1University of Prince Edward IslandCanada3Unot launchednot launched

Develop and test an imaging system for precision agriculture.

ST3LLAR-Sat1 BOIRA (ST3LLARsat1)Universidad Carlos III de MadridSpain2Unot launchednot launched

Determining atmospheric moisture using a state-of-the-art radiometer.

STEM-SAT1Athens State UniversityUS1Unot launchednot launched

Collect and store Low Frequency (LF) and Very Low Frequency (VLF) signals, normally blocked by the earth's atmosphere.

STEP-1 (Staged Electrospray Pathfinder 1)MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)US3Unot launchednot launched

Technology demonstration mission for the staged electrospray propulsion system.

STORK-10SatRevPoland3Unot launchednot launched

Innovative shared platform with Earth-Observation capabilities. Aimed at in-orbit services.

STORK-11SatRevPoland3Unot launchednot launched

Innovative shared platform with Earth-Observation capabilities. Aimed at in-orbit services.

THIS-SAT (TeraHertz in Space Satellite)Northeastern UniversityUS3Unot launchednot launched

Establish the first THz inter-satellite links.

TOLIMAN ((Telescope for Orbit Locus Interferometric Monitoring of our Astronomical Neighbourhood))University of SydneyAustralia16Unot launchednot launched

Perform high-precision astrometric measurements on the Alpha Centauri system.

TOLOSATASTRE (Association Spatiale Toulousaine de Recherche Étudiante)France3Unot launchednot launched

Gravity field study & Iridium link.

Unicorn-2Alba OrbitalUKPocketQube 2pnot launchednot launched

Earth Observation constellation to provide near-real time satellite imagery.

Unicorn-2Alba OrbitalUKPocketQube 2pnot launchednot launched

Earth Observation constellation to provide near-real time satellite imagery.

USAT I (USAT-1)National University of La PlataArgentina3Unot launchednot launched

Demonstration of scientific techniques using GNSS for Earth observation.

USNA-16 (PSAT3)US Naval Academy Satellite LabUS3Unot launchednot launched

Educational amateur radio mission with LoRa digipeater.

VariSat-1 B(2)VariSat (Omniteq)US6Unot launchednot launched

Experiment and gain flight heritage with a satellite designed to support HF marine data communications.

VIA-SEEs (Variability In Atmosphere from Solar Energetic Electron Study)University of Hawai’i at MānoaUS3Unot launchednot launched

Establishing a direct correlation between Solar Radiation Events (SREs) and Variability in Atmospheric gases, specifically Nitric and Nitrous Oxide, as well as Ozone.

VISION A (Very high-speed Inter-satellite link Systems using Infrared Optical terminal and Nanosatellite)Yonsei UniversitySouth Korea6Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrating cutting-edge laser communication, orbital maneuvering and formation-keeping.

VISION B (Very high-speed Inter-satellite link Systems using Infrared Optical terminal and Nanosatellite)Yonsei UniversitySouth Korea6Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrating cutting-edge laser communication, orbital maneuvering and formation-keeping.

WindCubeNational Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)US6Unot launchednot launched

Study the influence of thermospheric winds on the Earth’s ionosphere.

WolfSat-1The Aerospace and Innovation AcademyUS1Unot launchednot launched

CubeSat to Monitor Enzyme Activity of Ideonella Sakaiensis in the Microgravity Environment

νSOL (neutrino Solar Orbiting Laboratory, vSOL)Wichita State UniversityUS3Unot launchednot launched

Testing the neutrino detector’s passive shielding design, active vetoing system, and the rate of false double-pulse signals in a space environment.

LEO-PNT Pathfinder AGerman Orbital SystemsGermany16Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate payloads for the LEO-PNT (Low Earth Orbit - Positioning Navigation Timing) satellite programme.

TAMARIW A “TeilAutonome Montage/Aufbau und Rekonfiguration Im Weltraum”University of WürzburgGermany3Unot launchednot launched

Two identical 3U CubeSats with autonomous docking capability.

TAMARIW B “TeilAutonome Montage/Aufbau und Rekonfiguration Im Weltraum”University of WürzburgGermany3Unot launchednot launched

Two identical 3U CubeSats with autonomous docking capability.

GOLF-TEE (Greater Orbit, Larger Footprint – Technology Exploration Environment)AMSATUS3Unot launchednot launched

Vanderbilt University Low Energy Proton (LEP) experiment.

OPS-SAT ORIOLE (Optical Relay and Infrared Optics for LEO Experiments)SpaceitEstonia12Unot launchednot launched

In-Orbit Demonstration (IOD) of a hybrid optical communication and thermal infrared camera as the main payload on a 12U OPS-SAT satellite.

Hyperfield-2 (Hyperfield Next Generation)Kuva SpaceFinland16Unot launchednot launched

Our constellation of nanosatellites is equipped with unique hyperspectral camera technology, providing unseen performance/size ratio.

OPS-SAT VOLT (Versatile Optical Laboratory for Telecommunications)Craft ProspectUK16Unot launchednot launched

Test and evaluate real-time techniques and technologies with a focus on optical and quantum direct to earth communication.

SROC (Space Rider Observer Cube)Politecnico di TorinoItaly12Unot launchednot launched

Perform in-situ observations of Space Rider and docking for re-entering with the mothership.

GASRATS (Get Away Special Radio and Antenna Transparency Satellite)Utah State UniversityUS3Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate optically transparent solar panel-integrated S-band patch antenna to downlink.

OirthirSATUniversity of GlasgowUK3Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate the onboard extraction of coastal and vegetation boundary data from Earth Observation (EO) images.

Aalto-3Aalto UniversityFinland1Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate complex signal analysis with a Software-Defined Radio payload.

ARKSAT-3C (ASTROSS, Active SpecTROmeter for Small Satellites System)University of ArkansasUS3Unot launchednot launched

Spectroscopic measurements of the atmosphere. Follow-on technology demo for the ASTROSS system, featuring a 1.5U and 3U CubeSat pair.

ARKSAT-3E (ASTROSS, Active SpecTROmeter for Small Satellites System)University of ArkansasUS1.5Unot launchednot launched

Spectroscopic measurements of the atmosphere. Follow-on technology demo for the ASTROSS system, featuring a 1.5U and 3U CubeSat pair.

CubeSpecKU LeuvenBelgium6Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate high spectral spectroscopy for astroseismology
and exoplanet transits.

Da Vinci CubeSat Delft University of TechnologyNetherlands2Unot launchednot launched

Educational mission with amateur radio payload.

Da Vinci (Delft)
EXACT (Experiment for X-ray Characterization and Timing)University of MinnesotaUS3Unot launchednot launched

Study hard x-ray (HXR) emissions from solar flare activity.

GENA-GOS-4 (GROOVE-EVO 3)German Orbital SystemsGermany6Unot launchednot launched

Shared In-Orbit-Demonstration missions.

IMPRESS (IMpulsive Phase Rapid Energetic Solar Spectrometer)University of MinnesotaUS3Unot launchednot launched

Hard X-ray spectrometer that will investigate particle acceleration in solar flares.

JamSailUniversity of NottinghamUK2Unot launchednot launched

In-orbit demonstration for a GNSS interference mapping payload, and a refractive solar sail.

LEICUniversity of LeicesterUK4Unot launchednot launched

Landing on the Moon with a suite of instruments similar to BioSentinel CubeSat.

LunaCube A (Lunar Navigation CubeSat)University of TokyoJapan6Unot launchednot launched

Dual-satellite lunar navigation system technology demonstration.

LunaCube B (Lunar Navigation CubeSat)University of TokyoJapan6Unot launchednot launched

Dual-satellite lunar navigation system technology demonstration.

NanoMagSat AOpen CosmosUK16Unot launchednot launched

Three identical 16U nanosatellites, using two inclined (~ 60°) and one polar orbit, for investigating the Earth’s magnetic field and ionospheric environment. 

PhotSatInstitute of Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC)Spain12Unot launchednot launched

Obtain a full sky photometric monitoring of the approximately 40 million brighter astrophysical sources down to magnitude 15.

Platform-7EnduroSatBulgaria6Unot launchednot launched

Technology demonstrations and commercial payloads.

Platform-8EnduroSatBulgaria6Unot launchednot launched

Technology demonstrations and commercial payloads.

PolyOrbite's 3U EO CubeSatPolytechnique MontrealCanada3Unot launchednot launched

Observe the Earth’s with infrared and visible spectrum cameras and test AI and smart image downlink system.

PRESET (Pitch REsolving Spectroscopy for Electron Transport)McMaster UniversityCanada3Unot launchednot launched

Measure time-dependent electron pitch-angle densities in the outer Van Allen Belt.

PVDX (Perovskite Visuals and Degradation eXperiment)Brown UniversityUS3Unot launchednot launched

Test and characterize a novel photovoltaic technology in space: perovskite solar cells (PSCs).

REC 1 (ScopeSat, DeploScope)SatRevPoland6Unot launchednot launched

Provide imaging with spatial resolution below 1m in the smallest time intervals for Poland. 

REC 2 (ScopeSat, DeploScope)SatRevPoland6Unot launchednot launched

Provide imaging with spatial resolution below 1m in the smallest time intervals for Poland. 

REC 3 (ScopeSat, DeploScope)SatRevPoland6Unot launchednot launched

Provide imaging with spatial resolution below 1m in the smallest time intervals for Poland. 

REC 4 (ScopeSat, DeploScope)SatRevPoland6Unot launchednot launched

Provide imaging with spatial resolution below 1m in the smallest time intervals for Poland. 

REC 5 (ScopeSat, DeploScope)SatRevPoland6Unot launchednot launched

Provide imaging with spatial resolution below 1m in the smallest time intervals for Poland. 

REC 6 (ScopeSat, DeploScope)SatRevPoland6Unot launchednot launched

Provide imaging with spatial resolution below 1m in the smallest time intervals for Poland. 

REC 7 (ScopeSat, DeploScope)SatRevPoland6Unot launchednot launched

Provide imaging with spatial resolution below 1m in the smallest time intervals for Poland. 

REC 8 (ScopeSat, DeploScope)SatRevPoland6Unot launchednot launched

Provide imaging with spatial resolution below 1m in the smallest time intervals for Poland. 

Skylark 9 (NorthStar 9, Lemur-2)NorthStarCanada16Unot launchednot launched

Initial fleet for a constellation of space situational awareness (SSA) data.

Skylark (Lemur-2)
Skylark 10 (NorthStar 10, Lemur-2)NorthStarCanada16Unot launchednot launched

Initial fleet for a constellation of space situational awareness (SSA) data.

Skylark (Lemur-2)
Skylark 11 (NorthStar 11, Lemur-2)NorthStarCanada16Unot launchednot launched

Initial fleet for a constellation of space situational awareness (SSA) data.

Skylark (Lemur-2)
Skylark 12 (NorthStar 12, Lemur-2)NorthStarCanada16Unot launchednot launched

Initial fleet for a constellation of space situational awareness (SSA) data.

Skylark (Lemur-2)
SpeQtral-1SpeQtralSingapore16Unot launchednot launched

Transmit QKD photons from the satellite down to optical ground stations.

TechEdSat-17 (TES-15)NASA Ames Research CenterUS12Unot launchednot launched

TES-17 in dev. Core capacity significantly higher than Loihi 1. 1M+ neurons per chip in 3D mesh of 128 neural cores.

TechEdSat-18 (TES-18)NASA Ames Research CenterUS12Unot launchednot launched

Technology demonstrator CubeSats with de-orbit devices.

TechEdSat-19 (TES-19)NASA Ames Research CenterUS3Unot launchednot launched

Tube Deployed Re-entry Vehicle

UNICubeThe Arctic University of NorwayNorway2Unot launchednot launched
ANIME (Asteroid Nodal Intersection Multiple Encounters)Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF)Italy12Unot launchednot launched

Explore, from a heliocentric deep space orbit, three "near-Earth asteroids",

Astrocast 25AstrocastSwitzerland3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for IoT/M2M services.

Astrocast 26AstrocastSwitzerland3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for IoT/M2M services.

Astrocast 27AstrocastSwitzerland3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for IoT/M2M services.

Astrocast 28AstrocastSwitzerland3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for IoT/M2M services.

Astrocast 29AstrocastSwitzerland3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for IoT/M2M services.

Astrocast 30AstrocastSwitzerland3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for IoT/M2M services.

Astrocast 31AstrocastSwitzerland3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for IoT/M2M services.

Astrocast 32AstrocastSwitzerland3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for IoT/M2M services.

BOREALIS (Biofilm Onboard Radiation Exposure Assessment Lab In Space)Università di BolognaItaly6Unot launchednot launched

Evaluating the effects of microgravity and ionizing radiation on microbial biofilms and test the combined effectiveness of radiation protection systems

CADENCE A (Cubesat Autonomous Detection and Enhanced Networked Computing Experiment)Cal Poly Pomona (Bronco Space)US3Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate the ability to autonomously detect ground-based phenomena, responsively track them, and perform preliminary analysis using AI algorithms.

CADENCE B (Cubesat Autonomous Detection and Enhanced Networked Computing Experiment)Cal Poly Pomona (Bronco Space)US3Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate the ability to autonomously detect ground-based phenomena, responsively track them, and perform preliminary analysis using AI algorithms.

CAPE-Twiggs (CAPE-Twiggs-CubeSat , Cajun Advanced Picosatellite Experiment)University of Louisiana at LafayetteUS3Unot launchednot launched

First prototype of a 3U CubeSat designed to contain and launch tethered SlimSat modules into very low-Earth orbit.

Chinese 12U Exoplanet CubeSatDalian University of TechnologyChina12Unot launchednot launched

Analyze the physical property, habitability, and search biosignature for the planet Proxima b

Chinese 12U Exoplanet CubeSat
CHIPS (Cubesat with HIgh Performance for Skyhopper)Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF)Italy12Unot launchednot launched

Infrared telescope with the focal plane chamber actively cooled for observational astronomy missions.

CREPES (CubeSat Relativistic Electron and Proton Energy Separator)University of Hawai’i at MānoaUS3Unot launchednot launched

Mmonitor high energy protons and electrons, and their incoming direction, while employing new technology that furthers particle detection in space.

CSC-5? (CubeSat Carrier, ISISpace IOD 5, CASSINI)ISISpaceNetherlands6Unot launchednot launched

The European Space Agency (ESA) has again selected ISISPACE to provide an In-Orbit Demonstration (IOD) and In-Orbit Verification (IOV) service in space.

DAPPEr (Delaware Atmospheric Plasma Probe Experiment)University of DelawareUS3Unot launchednot launched

Map average variations in electron density and temperature versus latitude and time of day in the ionosphere’s F2 layer.

DARLA-02 (Demonstration of Artificial Reasoning, Learning, and Analysis)Saint Louis UniversityUS3Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate autonomous event response on a 3U spacecraft and create a dynamic map of the radio frequency background noise in the amateur ultra-high frequency band.

DISCO-3 (Danish Student CubeSat Program)Aarhus UniversityDenmark3Unot launchednot launched

Flying student experiments for in-orbit testing.

e-CUBE (e.Cube)D-OrbitItaly6Unot launchednot launched

Advancement of technologies and methodologies dedicated to space debris mitigation and remediation.

Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Flock-xx xxPlanet LabsUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for optical Earth observation with 3-5m resolution.

Dove (Flock)
Foresail-2Finnish Centre of Excellence for Sustainable SpaceFinland6Unot launchednot launched

CubeSat to GTO with tether for Coulomb Drag Experiment and measuring radiation in the Van Allen belts.

GPDM (Green Propulsion Dual Mode)NASA Marshall Space Flight CenterUS6Unot launchednot launched

Test chemical and electrospray capability of the low-toxicity or “green” rocket propellant known as Advanced Spacecraft Energetic Non-Toxic (ASCENT).

HENON (HEliospheric pioNeer for sOlar and interplanetary threats defeNce)ArgotecItaly12Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate near real-time in-situ monitoring of the space environment to provide near real time alerts with increased warning time.

ITASAT-2 A (ITA-SAT2)Technological Institute of AeronauticsBrazil12Unot launchednot launched

A formation flight mission to provide data for researching space weather spatiotemporal events and interactions; and to provide a baseline geolocation option.

ITASAT-2 B (ITA-SAT2)Technological Institute of AeronauticsBrazil12Unot launchednot launched

A formation flight mission to provide data for researching space weather spatiotemporal events and interactions; and to provide a baseline geolocation option.

ITASAT-2 C (ITA-SAT2)Technological Institute of AeronauticsBrazil12Unot launchednot launched

A formation flight mission to provide data for researching space weather spatiotemporal events and interactions; and to provide a baseline geolocation option.

Jervis-1Rhea Space ActivityUS12Unot launchednot launched

Launch CubeSat into a Moon resonant orbit to demonstrate spacecraft navigation module and surveil cislunar space.

Jovian-1University of SurreyUK3Unot launchednot launched

Payloads include: camera to take images and videos; a FUNcube; elements of a future Dark Matter experiment; a space radiation monitor: a Tiny Machine Learning payload.

KOSEN-3National Institute of TechnologyJapan3Unot launchednot launched

Technical demonstration of extending orbital life with a PPT (Pulsed Plasma Thruster) propulsion system.

Lemur-2SpireUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2SpireUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2SpireUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2SpireUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2SpireUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2SpireUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2SpireUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2SpireUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2SpireUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2SpireUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2SpireUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2SpireUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lunar Falcon (Foxsat)Infinity SpaceUK8U (2Ux2Ux2U)not launchednot launched

Equipped with Hall effect ion thruster and journey into lunar orbit as to explore the mysteries of Earths closest celestial neighbour.

Lunar Falcon
MANTIS (Monitoring Activity from Nearby sTars with UV Imaging and Spectroscopy)University of Colorado BoulderUS12Unot launchednot launched

Conduct ultraviolet observation of stars to analyze exoplanet conditions.

NyanSatOakwood SchoolUS2Unot launchednot launched

A technology demonstration and educational outreach satellite built by high school students at Oakwood.

PanSat-1 (HARPISAT)UTP (Technological University of Panama)Panama1Unot launchednot launched

Capacity building and investigations on the effectiveness of novel CubeSat-based methods of environmental and maritime traffic monitoring.

Pleiades FiveCal Poly Pomona (Bronco Space)US1Unot launchednot launched

Offer a pathway enabling students to design, test, launch, and operate a low-cost educational 1U CubeSat within one academic year.

PULSE-A (Polarization modUlated Laser Satellite Experiment)University of ChicagoUS2Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate a way to increase the speed of space-to-ground communications.

QlevEr-Sat (QlevEr Sat, QlevEr Sat)CSUG-IPAG (Univ. Grenoble Alpes)France6Unot launchednot launched

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Earth observation demonstration satellite designed to test AI routines on board and reduce ground data transmission.

QSAT-1INTEC (Santo Domingo Institute of Technology)Dominican Republic1Unot launchednot launched

Capacity building and investigations on the effectiveness of novel CubeSat-based methods of environmental and maritime traffic monitoring.

RAMSESS (RAdiation Measurement Sensor with Enhanced Sensibility for Space exploration)Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali (CIRA)Italy6Unot launchednot launched

Validation of an innovative cosmic radiation sensor.

ROSIsat (Radiation Orbital Shielding Investigation Satellite)Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, DaytonaUS1Unot launchednot launched

Shield onboard flight computer memory modules from space radiation using various materials and substances

ROSPIN-SAT-1ROSPINRomania3Unot launchednot launched

Educational CubeSat mission with camera payload.

SAILS (Spaceborne Autonomous Identification and Localization System) RadarSensingItaly12Unot launchednot launched

Demonstration of an innovative Spaceborne Autonomous Identification and Localization System (SAILS) 

SEAGULL (SEArching origin of Gravitational wave by 3U SateLLrite)Aoyama Gakuin UniversityJapan3Unot launchednot launched

Searching the electromagnetic counterpart of gravitational waves in the soft Xray band (0.4 ~ 4 keV).

SharkSat-1California State UniversityUS3Unot launchednot launched

Monitor LED-induced blue light pollution across Earth.

SkyHopperUniversity of MelbourneAustralia12Unot launchednot launched

Rapid follow-up of Gamma Ray Bursts using telescope for 1-1.7 micron observations with actively cooled detector.

SkyrisInovorUS12Unot launchednot launched

Uses on-board machine learning to enhance capability over existing Earth imaging systems.

SpEye Free Flyer (Space Eye)TSD SpaceItaly6Unot launchednot launched

Validation of on-orbit inspection and formation-flying techniques for nano-satellite applications. 

SpEye Free Flyer
Startical 2StarticalSpain6Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate novel global air traffic management service from space, allowing aircraft everywhere to coordinate with air traffic managers using VHF and ADS-B technologies.

Startical 3StarticalSpain6Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate novel global air traffic management service from space, allowing aircraft everywhere to coordinate with air traffic managers using VHF and ADS-B technologies.

STORK-12SatRevPoland3Unot launchednot launched

Innovative shared platform with Earth-Observation capabilities. Aimed at in-orbit services.

STORK-13SatRevPoland3Unot launchednot launched

Innovative shared platform with Earth-Observation capabilities. Aimed at in-orbit services.

STORK-14SatRevPoland3Unot launchednot launched

Innovative shared platform with Earth-Observation capabilities. Aimed at in-orbit services.

STRATHcubeUniversity of StrathclydeUK2Unot launchednot launched

Aims to be first student-led Scottish CubeSat and demonstrate space-based passive bistatic radar (PBR) for space debris detection.

TALISMANSATLANTISSpain16Unot launchednot launched

Carrying a short-wave infrared (SWIR) optical instrument coupled with a liquid crystal polarimeter.

TASTE Lander (Terrain Analyzer and Sample Tester Explorer)Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF)Italy3Unot launchednot launched

Composed by a 9U orbiter and a 3U lander, aiming to explore the Martian moon Deimos.

TASTE Lander
TASTE Orbiter (Terrain Analyzer and Sample Tester Explorer)Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF)Italy9Unot launchednot launched

Composed by a 9U orbiter and a 3U lander, aiming to explore the Martian moon Deimos.

TASTE Orbiter
Unicorn-2Alba OrbitalUKPocketQube 2pnot launchednot launched

Earth Observation constellation to provide near-real time satellite imagery.

Unicorn-2Alba OrbitalUKPocketQube 2pnot launchednot launched

Earth Observation constellation to provide near-real time satellite imagery.

xSPANCION 5AAC Clyde SpaceUK6Unot launchednot launched

Constellation as a service demonstration with 4 satellites to be launched and 10 built. Customers and payloads to be signed up.

xSPANCION 6AAC Clyde SpaceUK6Unot launchednot launched

Constellation as a service demonstration with 4 satellites to be launched and 10 built. Customers and payloads to be signed up.

xSPANCION 7AAC Clyde SpaceUK6Unot launchednot launched

Constellation as a service demonstration with 4 satellites to be launched and 10 built. Customers and payloads to be signed up.

xSPANCION 8AAC Clyde SpaceUK6Unot launchednot launched

Constellation as a service demonstration with 4 satellites to be launched and 10 built. Customers and payloads to be signed up.

xSPANCION 9AAC Clyde SpaceUK6Unot launchednot launched

Constellation as a service demonstration with 4 satellites to be launched and 10 built. Customers and payloads to be signed up.

xSPANCION 10AAC Clyde SpaceUK6Unot launchednot launched

Constellation as a service demonstration with 4 satellites to be launched and 10 built. Customers and payloads to be signed up.

GOLF-1 (Greater Orbit, Larger Footprint – Mission 1)AMSATUS3Unot launchednot launched

Educational mission with amateur radio payload.

Binar Prospector A (Binar Explorer Class Demonstrator)Curtin UniversityAustralia12Unot launchednot launched

Binar Prospector will perform high resolution magnetometry of the Moon over targets of interest, to identify economically viable resources.

Binar Prospector
CHESS A (CHESS Pathfinder 1, Constellation of High Energy Swiss Satellites)Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EFPL)Switzerland3Unot launchednot launched

Study the chemical composition of Earth’s exosphere using time-of-flight mass spectrometry. 

CUSP A (CUbesat Solar Polarimeter)Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF)Italy6Unot launchednot launched

Measure the linear polarization of the X-rays coming from solar flares using a Compton diffusion polarimeter.

CUSP (Italy)
CUSP B (CUbesat Solar Polarimeter)Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF)Italy6Unot launchednot launched

Measure the linear polarization of the X-rays coming from solar flares using a Compton diffusion polarimeter.

CUSP (Italy)
e.Inspector (e-INSPECTOR)Politecnico di MilanoItaly12Unot launchednot launched

Flying around the VESPA debris to precisely reconstruct its shape and dynamics in preparation of its capture for removal.

Edge Node AAerospace CorporationUS3Unot launchednot launched

Multi-small satellite free-flying, collaborative testbed for formation flight and rendezvous and proximity operations (RPO).

Edge Node BAerospace CorporationUS3Unot launchednot launched

Multi-small satellite free-flying, collaborative testbed for formation flight and rendezvous and proximity operations (RPO).

INNOVATOR A (INtersatellite liNk fOr graVity and ATmOspheRic science)Distretto Tecnologico AerospazialeItaly6Unot launchednot launched

Innovative payload that allows to carry out of very precise radio science observations, in the field of gravity science and atmospheric science.

INNOVATOR B (INtersatellite liNk fOr graVity and ATmOspheRic science)Distretto Tecnologico AerospazialeItaly6Unot launchednot launched

Innovative payload that allows to carry out of very precise radio science observations, in the field of gravity science and atmospheric science.

LUMIO (Lunar Meteoroid Impact Observer)Politecnico di MilanoItaly12Unot launchednot launched

Observation of meteoroid impacts on the dark side of the Moon to complement Earth based observations

M-ARGO (Miniaturised Asteroid Remote Geophysical Observer)ESA (European Space Agency)France12Unot launchednot launched

Rendezvous with an asteroid and characterise the physical properties.

NanoMagSat BOpen CosmosUK16Unot launchednot launched

Three identical 16U nanosatellites, using two inclined (~ 60°) and one polar orbit, for investigating the Earth’s magnetic field and ionospheric environment. 

NanoMagSat COpen CosmosUK16Unot launchednot launched

Three identical 16U nanosatellites, using two inclined (~ 60°) and one polar orbit, for investigating the Earth’s magnetic field and ionospheric environment. 

PolSIR A (Polarized Submillimeter Ice-cloud Radiometer)Vanderbilt UniversityUS12Unot launchednot launched

Monthly sampling of the diurnal cycle of ice clouds and their microphysical properties in the tropics and sub-tropics.

PolSIR B (Polarized Submillimeter Ice-cloud Radiometer)Vanderbilt UniversityUS12Unot launchednot launched

Monthly sampling of the diurnal cycle of ice clouds and their microphysical properties in the tropics and sub-tropics.

QBDebrisThe Arctic University of NorwayNorway3Unot launchednot launched

Capable of detecting space debris in situ.

SLAVIA A (Space Laboratory for Advanced Variable Instruments and Applications)Czech Academy of SciencesCzechia16Unot launchednot launched

Prove a concept of a low-cost satellite able to provide spectral analysis of NEO composition.

SLAVIA B (Space Laboratory for Advanced Variable Instruments and Applications)Czech Academy of SciencesCzechia16Unot launchednot launched

Prove a concept of a low-cost satellite able to provide spectral analysis of NEO composition.

SUTS (Strategic Upgrades Test Satellite)Estonian Student Satellite FoundationEstoniaPocketQube 3pnot launchednot launched

Planned payloads for SUTS are: Encrypted optical communication,, Fast moving object camera, Moon regolith solar cell.

TANGO Carbon (Twin Anthropogenic Greenhouse gas Observers)TNO (Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research)Netherlands16Unot launchednot launched

Quantify and monitor greenhouse gas emissions at the level of individual power plants and industrial facilities

TANGO Nitro (Twin Anthropogenic Greenhouse gas Observers, Nitro)TNO (Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research)Netherlands16Unot launchednot launched

Quantify and monitor greenhouse gas emissions at the level of individual power plants and industrial facilities

TechEdSat-21 (TES-21)NASA Ames Research CenterUS6Unot launchednot launched

Design a 4” arc-jet model, including a mini-spectrometer, for an intended future arc-jet test (eventually compatible with the future TES-21 (6U) flight experiment.

VULCAIN APolitecnico di MilanoItaly12Unot launchednot launched

Acquiring multispectral images of selected volcanoes to monitor the important scientific activity.

VULCAIN BPolitecnico di MilanoItaly12Unot launchednot launched

Acquiring multispectral images of selected volcanoes to monitor the important scientific activity.

AetherSat-1AetherspaceBelgium3Unot launchednot launched

CubeSat re-entry mission with an inflatable Thermal Protection System.

Binar Prospector B (Binar Prospector)Curtin UniversityAustralia12Unot launchednot launched

Binar Prospector will perform high resolution magnetometry of the Moon over targets of interest, to identify economically viable resources.

Binar Prospector
BioSatNorwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)Norway3Unot launchednot launched

Develop and construct the necessary systems needed to keep a plant alive in the harshest environment known to humanity.

CAS-11CAMSAT (Chinese Amateur Satellite Group)China6Unot launchednot launched

Carries several VHF uplink and UHF downlink transponders.

CyberCUBEGMVRomania3Unot launchednot launched

Validate the ESA CSOC’s RF capabilities and provide a real-world demonstration of data analysis tools to detect and counter potential cyber threats.

DYNAGLO A (DYNamics Atmosphere GLObal-Connection)University of Colorado BoulderUS6Unot launchednot launched

The DYNamics Atmosphere GLObal-Connection two 6U CubeSat mission fills a crucial observation gap in the ionosphere-thermosphere (I-T) region.

DYNAGLO B (DYNamics Atmosphere GLObal-Connection)University of Colorado BoulderUS6Unot launchednot launched

The DYNamics Atmosphere GLObal-Connection two 6U CubeSat mission fills a crucial observation gap in the ionosphere-thermosphere (I-T) region.

EarthNextOfficina StellareItaly16Unot launchednot launched

Hosting eletrical propulsion, a multispectral payload and on-board automation based on AI to demonstrate Earth Observation from VLEO.

ELECTRAPolitecnico di TorinoItaly2Unot launchednot launched

A groundbreaking satellite for the upper atmosphere observation.

EXCITE (EXtended Cubesat for Innovative Technology Experiments)University of PisaItaly12Unot launchednot launched

Validate in orbit several innovative technologies for small satellites. 

IGNIS (Infrared Geological Nano Imaging System) Università di Napoli “Federico II”Italy3Unot launchednot launched

Adapt a COTS thermal camera to the space environment, combining an educational and an Earth Observation program.

Lemur-2SpireUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2SpireUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2SpireUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

Lemur-2SpireUS3Unot launchednot launched

Constellation for GPS-RO weather data, AIS and ADS-B.

LignoSat 2 (LignoSat-2)Kyoto UniversityJapan2Unot launchednot launched

Developing the second wooden satellite.

LISATTécnico LisboaPortugal3Unot launchednot launched

Participating in the CubeSat Portugal competition.

Mars Solar Hawk (GraceSat)Infinity SpaceUK3Unot launchednot launched

Solar Sailing and Ion Powered CubeSat that acts as an experimental testbed for evaluating and advancing new integrated deep space propulsion technologies.

Mars Solar Hawk
METUCubeMiddle East Technical University (METU)Turkey3Unot launchednot launched

First satellite of METU with visible and thermal cameras.

MiniCOR (Miniature CORonagraph)?US12Unot launchednot launched

Demonstrate capturing high-cadence, high-quality solar imagery with equal or superior sensitivity to existing solar coronagraphs.

PoliBaSat (Polytechnic University of Bari Satellite)Polytechnic University of BariItaly3Unot launchednot launched

Electro-optical payload to make observations of objects passing close to the satellite. Partial demonstration of an autonomous concept of collision avoidance system.

RODiO A (Radar for Earth Observation by synthetic aperture DIstributed on a cluster of cubesats equipped with high-technology micro-propellers for new Operative services)Università di Napoli “Federico II”Italy12Unot launchednot launched

Combines the advantages of a sensor distributed onboard different CubeSats with those of a bistatic radar working with an illuminator of opportunity.

RODiO B (Radar for Earth Observation by synthetic aperture DIstributed on a cluster of cubesats equipped with high-technology micro-propellers for new Operative services)Università di Napoli “Federico II”Italy12Unot launchednot launched

Combines the advantages of a sensor distributed onboard different CubeSats with those of a bistatic radar working with an illuminator of opportunity.

RODiO C (Radar for Earth Observation by synthetic aperture DIstributed on a cluster of cubesats equipped with high-technology micro-propellers for new Operative services)Università di Napoli “Federico II”Italy12Unot launchednot launched

Combines the advantages of a sensor distributed onboard different CubeSats with those of a bistatic radar working with an illuminator of opportunity.

RODiO D (Radar for Earth Observation by synthetic aperture DIstributed on a cluster of cubesats equipped with high-technology micro-propellers for new Operative services)Università di Napoli “Federico II”Italy12Unot launchednot launched

Combines the advantages of a sensor distributed onboard different CubeSats with those of a bistatic radar working with an illuminator of opportunity.

SelenITATechnological Institute of AeronauticsBrazil12Unot launchednot launched

Science mission supporting the Artemis, planned to operate at Low-Lunar Orbit below 200 km, gathering space weather and geophysics observations.

Sun cubE onE (SEE)University of Rome Tor VergataItaly6Unot launchednot launched

Study the ultraviolet (UV), soft-X and Gamma emission of our star.

TejoOneEspaço³Portugal3Unot launchednot launched

Detecting space debris smaller than 10 cm using a grroundbreaking algorithm.

TPA-3 (Te Pūnaha Ātea – Space Institute 12U CubeSat)University of AucklandNew Zealand12Unot launchednot launched

Improve monitoring of the quality of water in and around Aotearoa New Zealand for researchers, decision makers and the public at large.

InhollandSat-1Inholland University of Applied SciencesNetherlands3Unot launchednot launched

Two-way optical communication via Infrared LEDs and Photodiode and EO payload facilitating NOx monitoring.

VMMO (Volatile and Mineralogy Mapping Orbiter)MPB CommunicationsCanada16Unot launchednot launched

Focus on a permanently shadowed crater near the lunar south pole, searching deposits of water ice and other volatiles while also measuring lunar radiation.

CHESS B (CHESS Pathfinder 1, Constellation of High Energy Swiss Satellites)Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EFPL)Switzerland3Unot launchednot launched

Study the chemical composition of Earth’s exosphere using time-of-flight mass spectrometry. 

THEIA (Telescope Housing Event-based Imaging Apparatus)University of MarylandUS6Unot launchednot launched

Mature event-based imaging technologies for use in orbital applications.

SatisESA (European Space Agency)Belgium12Unot launchednot launched

Apophis Rendezvous Mission.

3-STAR (3STAR)Politecnico di TorinoItaly3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Radio communications and GNSS-RO payloads.

3CAT-3 (3CAT3, MOTS, CubeCat-3)Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC, BarcelonaTECH)Spain6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate multispectral camera and an L-band radiometer.

14-BISatInstituto Federal FluminenseBrazil2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

AAReST MirrorSat 1 (Autonomous Assembly of a Reconfigurable Space Telescope)Indian Institute of Space Science and TechnologyIndia7 kgx_cancelledcancelled

Part of the AAReST project for reconfigurable space telescope.

AAReST MirrorSat 1
AAReST MirrorSat 2 (Autonomous Assembly of a Reconfigurable Space Telescope)University of SurreyUK7 kgx_cancelledcancelled

Part of the AAReST project for reconfigurable space telescope.

AAReST MirrorSat 2
AAUSAT6Aalborg UniversityDenmark1Ux_cancelledcancelled
ADORE Sat (ADCS and Orbit Raising with Electrospray Ionization)Boston Space AllianceUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Incorporate new Electrospray Thrusters from the MIT Space Propulsion Laboratory and demonstrate their technological readiness for spaceflight.

AeroCube-9 (LMPC CubeSat)Aerospace CorporationUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Flight demonstration of a Photon-counting infrared detector.

Aggiesat-1Texas A&M UniversityUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate CubeSat platform including propulsion method and shape memory alloys.

Aggiesat-3Texas A&M UniversityUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate close proximity navigation utilizing a stereo vision system.

AISTECH6U (HYDRA) 1AistechSpain6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for ADS-B and IoT/M2M.

AISTECH6U (HYDRA) 2AistechSpain6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for ADS-B and IoT/M2M.

AISTECH6U (HYDRA) 3AistechSpain6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for ADS-B and IoT/M2M.

AISTECH6U (HYDRA) 4AistechSpain6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for ADS-B and IoT/M2M.

AK-EDUSAT (AK-EDU-SAT, Abdul Kalam Educational Satellite)Consortium of universitiesIndia3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Provide high rate of connectivity to remote parts of the globe.

AlbiSatIMT Mines AlbiFrance1Ux_cancelledcancelled

3D printed structure and study behavior in space conditions.

ALCEKBOREAS Space (Bulgarian Orbital REsearch and Satellites)Bulgaria6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Lunar orbiter tasked with conducting spectroscopic research of the Moon’s surface.

Aleksandr (Consat-2)Concordia UniversityCanada3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Test the self-healing material in space.

Alpha (ɑ, CubeMessenger)BOREAS Space (Bulgarian Orbital REsearch and Satellites)Bulgaria1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Testbed for various communication and power generation instruments.

ALSAT#1ADAA (Associazione per la Divulgazione Astronomica e Astronautica)Italy1Ux_cancelledcancelled

ArduinoSiPM as main payload to monitor the cosmic radiation in LEO.

AMAJ MotherInnova SpaceArgentina1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation of three satellites, one Cubesat and two 1P Pocketqubes, trying to support a simple IoT mission and test some of the technologies in orbit.

AMAJ Mother
AMS (Agricultural Monitoring)ISISpaceNetherlands12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate MWIR instrument in a CubeSat.

AMS (Agricultural Monitoring)
Amur State University CubeSatAmur State UniversityRussia12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Internet of Things.

ANSER D (Advanced Nanosatellites Systems for Earth Observation Research)National Institute of Aerospace Technology (INTA)Spain3Ux_cancelledcancelled, ?

Constellation of 4 nanosatellites to monitor the quality of the water in reservoirs and swamps in Spain

Antarctic Broadband Nanosatellite Demonstration MissionAustralian Space Research ProgramAustralia6.82 kgx_cancelledcancelled

Establish a high-quality communications service for the international research community in Antarctica.

Antarctic Nanosatellite
ANUSAT-2Anna UniversityIndia2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

AOSAT (AOSAT1, Asteroid Origins Satellite 1)Arizona State UniversityUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Science laboratory that will be the world’s first CubeSat centrifuge.

AoxiangNorthwestern Polytechnical UniversityChina100 gx_cancelledcancelled

Planning to investigate polarisation patterns.

APEX (Advanced Propulsion Experiment)Missouri University of Science and TechnologyUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Precise orbit determination to verify the performance of the Multi-Mode Ionic Monopropellant thruster payload.

APEX (Advanced Propulsion Experiment)
APEX (Asteroid Prospection Explorer)ESA (European Space Agency)France6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Operate as a mineral prospector in deep space.

APEX (Asteroid Prospection Explorer)
APSS-2 Kessler (APSS-II)University of AucklandNew Zealand1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Electrodynamic tether for CubeSats deorbiting.

APSS-2 Kessler
AquilaSatSpecial ConceptsBulgaria3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate advanced CubeSat platform for deep space missions.

AragoSat-1Institut Polytechnique des Sciences Avancées (IPSA)France3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Test miniature Helicon RF (Radio Frequency) thruster.

Aramis-C1Politecnico di TorinoItaly1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate modular platform technologies.

ARAPAIMA (Application for RSO Autonomous Proximity Analysis and Imaging)Embry-Riddle Aeronautical UniversityUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Conduct 3D, visual and IR imaging of resident space objects for Space Situational Awareness.

ARC2 (Alaska Research CubeSat)University of AlaskaUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies.

ArduOrbiter-1Reid TechnologiesUKPocketQube 1px_cancelledcancelled
ARGOEICAS AutomazioneItaly6Ux_cancelledcancelled

On-Orbit Demonstration Mission aimed at validation of a new generation of star trackers.

Arkyd 6B (A6B)Planetary ResourcesUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Test the instruments and deep space technologies for asteroid prospecting missions.

Arkyd 6
Astrogate CubeSatAstrogate LabsIndia3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrating space-to-ground laser communications from its Optical Downlink terminal.


Demonstrate nigh-vision optical payload and reflectarray antenna.

AtmoCubeUniversity of TriesteItaly1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Measurement of the Radiation Flux impinging on the satellite. Measurement of the Magnetic Field.

Auahitūroa (AYCI CubeSat)Australasian Youth Cubesat InitiativeAustralia1.5Ux_cancelledcancelled

Transmit live video back to earth, along with data from two student-built Arduino experiments to be selected from a competition. 

AurigaDauria AerospaceRussia16Ux_cancelledcancelled

Earth surface imaging in 5 spectral bands with 2.5m GSD at circular SSO 600 km.

Azad-1Maulana Azad National Institute of TechnologyIndia1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Capture solar images from space.

Beckman CubeSatArnold O. Beckman High School US1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Educational training for high school pupils.

BeliefSat-1K J Somaiya Institute of Engineering and Information TechnologyIndiaPocketQube 2px_cancelledcancelled

Educational mission and demonstrating PocketQube technologies.

BeoCube (Braunschweig Educational Orbital CubeSat)Technische Universität BraunschweigGermany1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Educational training and GNSS receiver and laser retro reflector.

Bhaarathiya-SatSpace Kidz IndiaIndia0.5Ux_cancelledcancelled
Biarri-PointUS Air Force Space CommandUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

International collaboration with multiple military related payloads.

BIRDYNational Cheng Kung UniversityTaiwan3Ux_cancelledcancelled

To Mars and back to collect radiation data. Counts energetic particles in the maximum range 1 MeV/nucleon to 1 GeV/nucleon.

BIRDY-GTO (GTO-BIRDY)National Cheng Kung UniversityTaiwan3Ux_cancelledcancelled

GTO precursor flight to test required technologies.

blair3sat (BlairSat)Montgomery Blair High SchoolUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Measure charge density and high energy particle emissions in the ionosphere, contributing to radio propagation models and space weather research.

Bluefield 1BluefieldUS16Ux_cancelledcancelled

Methane tracking constellation with 20x20 meter pixel resolution.

Bluefield 2BluefieldUS16Ux_cancelledcancelled

Methane tracking constellation with 20x20 meter pixel resolution.

BlueWalker 2 (BW 2)ASTLithuania6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Series of satellites for AST & Science, to be used for testing the company’s patented technologies in space.

BlueWalker 3 (BW 3)ASTLithuania6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Series of satellites for AST & Science, to be used for testing the company’s patented technologies in space.

BRICSat-T (Ballistic Reinforced Communication Satellite, PSat B, ParkinsonSat B)US Naval Academy Satellite LabUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

First fully operational Space Tug.

BS-0Aerozono Space Technologies ProjectArgentinaPocketQube 1px_cancelledcancelledBS-0
BUAA-PicosatBeihang UniversityChina2Ux_cancelledcancelled
Buccaneer Flight 3 AUniversity of New South Wales (UNSW Canberra)Australia3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Satellite formation mission, demonstrating formation GNC and communications.

Buccaneer Flight 3 BUniversity of New South Wales (UNSW Canberra)Australia3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Satellite formation mission, demonstrating formation GNC and communications.

Buccaneer Flight 4 AUniversity of New South Wales (UNSW Canberra)Australia3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Satellite formation mission, demonstrating formation GNC and communications.

Buccaneer Flight 4 BUniversity of New South Wales (UNSW Canberra)Australia3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Satellite formation mission, demonstrating formation GNC and communications.

Buccaneer Flight 4 CUniversity of New South Wales (UNSW Canberra)Australia3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Satellite formation mission, demonstrating formation GNC and communications.

Buccaneer Flight 4 DUniversity of New South Wales (UNSW Canberra)Australia3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Satellite formation mission, demonstrating formation GNC and communications.

BUSAT-1Beihang UniversityChina2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

CADRE 1 Chaser (CubeSat Active Debris Removal)Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EFPL)Switzerland8U (2Ux2Ux2U)x_cancelledcancelled

Testing of miniaturized rendezvous sensors (far and close range).

CADRE 1 Chaser
CADRE 1 Target (CubeSat Active Debris Removal)Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EFPL)Switzerland4Ux_cancelledcancelled

Testing of miniaturized rendezvous sensors (far and close range).

CADRE 1 Target
CaLeMPSat (Cathode-Less Micro Propulsion Satellite, M12P)SpaceSATSSingapore12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Test miniature Hall effect thrusters (HETs) that operate at power classes never before achieved.

CalypsoARES Institute (Aerospace Research & Engineering Systems Institute)US1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate the applicability of our new propellant blend to cubesat propulsion requirements.


EmDrive / Cannae Drive test to test propellantless propulsion.

CAPE - MIRCA2 (Cubesat Application for Planetary Entry Missions - Micro Return Capsule 2)NASA Goddard Space Flight CenterUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

High atmospheric research for the spatially resolved characterization of the lower thermosphere.

CAPE (CubeSat Atmospheric Probe for Education)University of StuttgartGermany3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Has a separable capsule called micro-return capsule 2 (MIRKA2).

CAS 2A (Chinese Amateur Radio Satellite 2T, Fengtai-1)CAMSAT (Chinese Amateur Satellite Group)China3Ux_cancelledcancelled

FM transponder.

CAS-8CCAMSAT (Chinese Amateur Satellite Group)China3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Educational mission and amateur radio communications.

CAS-8DCAMSAT (Chinese Amateur Satellite Group)China3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Educational mission and amateur radio communications.

CASPA (Cold Atom Space Payload)Teledyne e2vUK6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Using quantum technology to create ultra-sensitive ‘cold atoms’ in space for precision navigation.

CE-SAT-III (CE-SAT 3)CanonUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Work continues at Canon Electronics lab in Japan to create smaller and more powerful satellites.

Centauri-9Fleet SpaceAustralia12Ux_cancelledcancelled

IoT satellite network.

Centauri 12U (Fleet)
Centauri-10Fleet SpaceAustralia6Ux_cancelledcancelled

IoT satellite network.

Centauri 6U (Fleet)
Centauri-11Fleet SpaceAustralia6Ux_cancelledcancelled

IoT satellite network.

Centauri 6U (Fleet)
Centauri-12Fleet SpaceAustralia6Ux_cancelledcancelled

IoT satellite network.

Centauri 6U (Fleet)
Centauri-13Fleet SpaceAustralia6Ux_cancelledcancelled

IoT satellite network.

Centauri 6U (Fleet)
Centauri-14Fleet SpaceAustralia6Ux_cancelledcancelled

IoT satellite network.

Centauri 6U (Fleet)
Centauri-15Fleet SpaceAustralia6Ux_cancelledcancelled

IoT satellite network.

Centauri 6U (Fleet)
CEPHEUSSolar MEMS (Test In Space)Spain3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Educational and research project with multiple payloads including fuel cell system.

Ceres 1 (Arkyd-100)Planetary ResourcesUS12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for weekly hyperspectral and mid-wave infrared data.

Ceres (Arkyd-100)
Ceres 2 (Arkyd-100)Planetary ResourcesUS12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for weekly hyperspectral and mid-wave infrared data.

Ceres (Arkyd-100)
Ceres 3 (Arkyd-100)Planetary ResourcesUS12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for weekly hyperspectral and mid-wave infrared data.

Ceres (Arkyd-100)
Ceres 4 (Arkyd-100)Planetary ResourcesUS12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for weekly hyperspectral and mid-wave infrared data.

Ceres (Arkyd-100)
Ceres 5 (Arkyd-100)Planetary ResourcesUS12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for weekly hyperspectral and mid-wave infrared data.

Ceres (Arkyd-100)
Ceres 6 (Arkyd-100)Planetary ResourcesUS12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for weekly hyperspectral and mid-wave infrared data.

Ceres (Arkyd-100)
Ceres 7 (Arkyd-100)Planetary ResourcesUS12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for weekly hyperspectral and mid-wave infrared data.

Ceres (Arkyd-100)
Ceres 8 (Arkyd-100)Planetary ResourcesUS12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for weekly hyperspectral and mid-wave infrared data.

Ceres (Arkyd-100)
Ceres 9 (Arkyd-100)Planetary ResourcesUS12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for weekly hyperspectral and mid-wave infrared data.

Ceres (Arkyd-100)
Ceres 10 (Arkyd-100)Planetary ResourcesUS12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for weekly hyperspectral and mid-wave infrared data.

Ceres (Arkyd-100)
ChargerSat-2University of AlabamaUS2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Conduct relevant microgravity science on boiling properties in extreme microgravity.

CHASQUI-B (CHASQUI-II)National University of Engineering Peru1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Monitor the disappearance of the Plasmaspheric Hiss and the weakening of the geomagnetic field in the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly region, due to geomagnetic storms caused by interplanetary shocks.

CHIRad-SatConcordia UniversityCanada3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Test hyperspectral camera for dust measurements and study the effect of climate change in the Kluane Lake region.

CHiRPNASA Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Study Ionospheric dispersion of Radio Pulses.

CINEMA 4University of CaliforniaUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Space weather measurements measuring electron and ions in the range of 2-200 keV.

CIRAS (CubeSat Infrared Atmospheric Sounder)NASA Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Enable hyperspectral infrared atmospheric sounding to measure temperature and water vapour.

CIRCUS (Characterization of the Ionosphere using a Radio receiver on a CUbeSat)Université Pierre et Marie CurieFrance2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Study in situ I / F layer of the ionosphere using a radio receiver and to measure the plasma power spectrum.

Cislunar Explorers (3UA, 3UB)Cornell UniversityUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate using water as propellant.

Cislunar Explorer
CLE A (Netherlands China Low Frequency Explorer)ISISpaceNetherlands12Ux_cancelledcancelled

3 satellites with intersatellite link for real time interferometry and Lunar Radio Astronomy.

CLE B (Netherlands China Low Frequency Explorer)ISISpaceNetherlands12Ux_cancelledcancelled

3 satellites with intersatellite link for real time interferometry and Lunar Radio Astronomy.

CLE C (Netherlands China Low Frequency Explorer)ISISpaceNetherlands12Ux_cancelledcancelled

3 satellites with intersatellite link for real time interferometry and Lunar Radio Astronomy.

Compact optical EO demoESA (European Space Agency)France3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Compact optical EO demo.

Compact RF EO demoESA (European Space Agency)France3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Compact RF EO demo.

CONASAT ANational Institute for Space ResearchBrazil8U (2Ux2Ux2U)x_cancelledcancelled

Gather environmental data collected and transmitted to satellite by remote platforms on ground.

CONASAT BNational Institute for Space ResearchBrazil8U (2Ux2Ux2U)x_cancelledcancelled

Gather environmental data collected and transmitted to satellite by remote platforms on ground.

Consat-1Concordia UniversityCanada3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Study the South Atlantic Anomaly.

Constellation PathfinderBoston UniversityUS1 kgx_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies.

COPPER 2 (Close Orbiting Propellant Plume and Elemental Recognition)Saint Louis UniversityUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Reflight of COPPER to demonstrate compact uncooled microbolometer array to take infrared images of Earth’s oceans and atmosphere.

COURIER SEP DEMO (Exoterra CubeSat)Exoterra ResourceUS12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate compact and high impulse solar electric propulsion module.

CP14 (ADE, Aerodynamic Deorbit Experiment)California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly)US1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate the viability of a deployable drag sail for deorbiting.

CP14 (ADE)
CRaBSS (Characterizing Radiation Belt Sources and Sinks)NASA Goddard Space Flight CenterUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Characterizing Radiation Belt Sources and Sinks.

Cresst Dream CometUniversity of CambridgeUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate new propulsion system.

CRON-1 (NanoMirax, nanoMIRAX)CRON Systems and TechnologyBrazil2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Measure the hard X-ray diffuse emission in LEO orbit and test novel X-ray detector technology in space.

CryoCube 2NASA Kennedy Space CenterUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

CryoCube-2: Stratification, Mixing, and Slosh of a Cryogenic Fluid in Microgravity.

CryoCube 2
CS-1University of MelbourneAustralia12Ux_cancelledcancelled
CSIPAir Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)US3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Technology demonstration.

CSIROSat-1Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)Australia3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Infrared imaging and advanced on-board data processing.


Demonstrate advanced CubeSat platform.

CTAAP (CubeSat To Accept Any Payload )University of North DakotaUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Educational training and CubeSat platform demonstration.

CU-E3 (Colorado University Earth Escape Explorer)University of Colorado BoulderUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Advancing deep space CubeSat communication techniques in heliocentric orbit.

Cu-REOUniversity of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES)India1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Aid in prediction of the earthquakes prior to their occurrence.

CuballuteBundeswehr University MunichGermany3Ux_cancelledcancelled

CubeSat to Mars to probe the atmosphere using hypersonic drag balloon.


Deploy a large (5x5 metre) aluminised Kapton sail using novel CFRP deployable booms.

CubeSat Imaging Radar for Earth Science (CIRES)SRI InternationalUS16Ux_cancelledcancelled

Miniaturized Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) payload for interferometric (InSAR) operation up to 500 km.

CubeSat-UDDistrict University of BogotáColombia1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Educational training and telemedicine pilot project.

CubeSTARUniversity of OsloNorway2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate novel Langmuir probe system for determination of absolute electron density in ionospheric plasma.

CubETHETH Zurich (Federal Institute of Technology)Switzerland1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Capable of calculating its own altitude and position in space with unprecedented precision.

CuSPPSouthwest Research InstituteUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate a novel miniaturized Suprathermal Ion Sensor to measure solar energetic particles.


Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies.

CzechTechSatCzech Technical University of PragueCzechia1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Test various technologies for CubeSat subsystems.

DAC0Romanian InSpace EngineeringRomania1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Perform self training in small satellites and satellite communications and investigations on a precise positioning system for space.

DANU 1 (AISTECHSAT)AistechSpain2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for ADS-B and IoT/M2M.

DANU 2 (AISTECHSAT)AistechSpain2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for ADS-B and IoT/M2M.

DANU 3 (AISTECHSAT)AistechSpain2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for ADS-B and IoT/M2M.

DANU 4 (AISTECHSAT)AistechSpain2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for ADS-B and IoT/M2M.

DANU 5 (AISTECHSAT)AistechSpain2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for ADS-B and IoT/M2M.

DANU 6 (AISTECHSAT)AistechSpain2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for ADS-B and IoT/M2M.

DANU 7 (AISTECHSAT)AistechSpain2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for ADS-B and IoT/M2M.

DANU 8 (AISTECHSAT)AistechSpain2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for ADS-B and IoT/M2M.

DANU 9 (AISTECHSAT)AistechSpain2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for ADS-B and IoT/M2M.

DANU 10 (AISTECHSAT)AistechSpain2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for ADS-B and IoT/M2M.

DARS (Deployable Alaska Research Sail)University of AlaskaUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate successful deployment of a large scale solar sail zero gravity.

DELFFI-1 (DelFFi Phi)Delft University of TechnologyNetherlands3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

DELFFI-2 (DelFFi Delta)Delft University of TechnologyNetherlands3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

Delta-DsatCranfield UniversityUK2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

DETECTOR (DE-BRIS TEChnology demonstraTOR)German network of Young Scientists – juFORUMGermany6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Remote sensing and state modeling of the (passive) client object.

Diamond 6U 1Sky and SpaceUK6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

Diamond 6U (Sky and Space Global)
Diamond 6U 2Sky and SpaceUK6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

Diamond 6U (Sky and Space Global)
Diamond 6U 3Sky and SpaceUK6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

Diamond 6U (Sky and Space Global)
Diamond 6U 4Sky and SpaceUK6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

Diamond 6U (Sky and Space Global)
Diamond 6U 5Sky and SpaceUK6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

Diamond 6U (Sky and Space Global)
Diamond 6U 6Sky and SpaceUK6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

Diamond 6U (Sky and Space Global)
Diamond 6U 7Sky and SpaceUK6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

Diamond 6U (Sky and Space Global)
Diamond 6U 8Sky and SpaceUK6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

Diamond 6U (Sky and Space Global)
DIME (Double-probe Instrumentation for Measuring Electric-fields)Orion Space Solutions (ASTRA, Atmosphericc & Space Technology Research Associates)US1.5Ux_cancelledcancelled

Monitoring electric fields in LEO for space weather monitoring.

DISCO OneVienna University of TechnologyAustria1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Reflective free-space optical communication demonstration for CubeSats.

DISCOSAT 1 (DISCOvery Museum Satellite)The Discovery Museum and PlanetariumUS2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Educational training for children.

Discovery (Discovery 1a)QuubUSPocketQube 1px_cancelledcancelled

Optical camera payload.

Discovery 1a
Discovery (QBUS 3)Stanford UniversityUS2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

DneprCubeSatYouth Aerospace Education National CenterUkraine2Ux_cancelledcancelled
DODONA-2?University of Southern CaliforniaUS1.5Ux_cancelledcancelled, ?

Software-defined satellite to dynamically change their missions on orbit.

DODONA-3?University of Southern CaliforniaUS1.5Ux_cancelledcancelled, ?

Software-defined satellite to dynamically change their missions on orbit.

DODONA-4?University of Southern CaliforniaUS1.5Ux_cancelledcancelled, ?

Software-defined satellite to dynamically change their missions on orbit.

Doppler Wind Temperature Sounder?US6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Doppler Wind Temperature Sounder: A Constellation of Small Weather Satellites for Upper Atmospheric Dynamics.

Doppler Wind Temperature Sounder
DOSS (Differential Optical Shadow Sensor CubeSat)University of FloridaUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Drag-free and attitude control design and simulation.

DOTS-X (NanoTug)Deep Space IndustriesUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Technology demonstration. Nanotug to actively capture satellites and move them.

DRACO A (Detection of RAdiation in Cislunar space Orbit)ISAE-Supaero University of ToulouseFrance6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Deployed in the cislunar space to study its radiation environment and proving the ability of nanosatellites to operate in this environment.

DRACO B (Detection of RAdiation in Cislunar space Orbit)ISAE-Supaero University of ToulouseFrance6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Deployed in the cislunar space to study its radiation environment and proving the ability of nanosatellites to operate in this environment.

Drag-Free CubeSatStanford UniversityUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate inexpensive drag-free technology ( Gravitational Reference Sensor) in a nanosatellite mission.

Drag-Free CubeSat
Dream Sat 01Osaka Institute of TechnologyJapan1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Amateur radio communications and CubeSat platform demonstration.

Dream Sat 01
DSM-BRAC (M-BARC 1)University of MichiganUS2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies.

DUSTIE (DUst Sounder and Temperature Imager Experiment)Virginia TechUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Determine the global distribution of cosmic smoke in the atmosphere.

DynacubeDenel DynamicsSouth Africa1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Radiation sensors to study a phenomenon known as the South Atlantic Anomaly.

DynaSatBHDynamicsSpainPocketQube 1px_cancelledcancelled

First PocketQube by BHDynamics.

e2E 1 (IOD)e2EUK3Ux_cancelledcancelled

In-Orbit Demonstration (IOD) mission to space-qualify e2E’s NEATaccess radio communications module.

e2E 2 (IOV)e2EUK3Ux_cancelledcancelled

In-Orbit Validation (IOV) mission which will demonstrate its Niche Managed Communications Services (NMCS).

EAGLET-NGOHB ItaliaItaly3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Precursor to 20 satellite constellation planned for 2018. Upgraded version.

EARS-PocketQubeUniversity of SurreyUKPocketQube 1px_cancelledcancelled
EarthTV-3SenUK16Ux_cancelledcancelled, ?

Constellation to stream real-time and timely videos from space.

EarthTV (Sen)
EarthTV-4SenUK16Ux_cancelledcancelled, ?

Constellation to stream real-time and timely videos from space.

EarthTV (Sen)
EarthTV-5SenUK16Ux_cancelledcancelled, ?

Constellation to stream real-time and timely videos from space.

EarthTV (Sen)
ECE3SATECE ParisFrance1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Verify a physical theory permitting a fast deorbiting.

ECOSAT-IIIUniversity of VictoriaCanada3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Educational training with multiple payloads and amateur radio communication plus de-orbiting system.

EfirSAT-1 InitiativeBulgaria1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Technology demonstration and Earth observation.

ELEOsat (Extremely Low Earth Orbit Satellite)Taylor UniversityUS2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Test novel and innovative mechanical boom system to deploy sensors away from the spacecraft after launch.

EON-MWMIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)US12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Replicate ATMS satellite and measure atmospheric temperature and moisture.

ERPSat01 (ERPSat-1)Sfax School of EngineeringTunisia1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Educational training for students plus camera to capture images to detect forest fires.

ESCAPE (Earth Science CubeSat for Advanced Payload Experiments)NASA Goddard Space Flight CenterUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate new Fabry-Perot sensor technology with real-time on-board processing.

ET-SATAddis Ababa Institute of Technology (AAiT)Ethiopia2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Was pre-selected by the QB50 project team.


First prototype for wildfire detection constellation.

F-2FPT UniversityVietnam2Ux_cancelledcancelledF-2
FACE 1 (Formation Autonomous CubeSats Experiment)ESA (European Space Agency)France3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Formation flying.

FACE 2 (Formation Autonomous CubeSats Experiment)ESA (European Space Agency)France3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Formation flying.

FALCON A (Formation Attitude Laser Communication Orbital Navigator)University at Buffalo (UB)US6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Provide relative attitude and orbit information between spacecraft using beam pointing and synchronization to maintain the link between laser communication devices.

FALCON B (Formation Attitude Laser Communication Orbital Navigator)University at Buffalo (UB)US6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Provide relative attitude and orbit information between spacecraft using beam pointing and synchronization to maintain the link between laser communication devices.

Faraday-1cIn-Space MissionsUK6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Hosted payload opportunities for early service and technology demonstration.

Faraday-1dIn-Space MissionsUK6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Hosted payload opportunities for early service and technology demonstration.

FEFU (Far Eastern Federal University)Far Eastern Federal UniversityRussia3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Solar sail for deorbiting and materials science experiment.

FemtoXatUniversity of VigoSpain1Ux_cancelledcancelled

3D printed satellite. Repeater nertowrk for Humsat.

FIRST-S (Fibered Imager foR a Single Telescope)Observatoire de ParisFrance3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Study the visible emission of exozodiacal light in the habitable zone around the closest star

FossaSat-2Fossa SystemsSpainPocketQube 2px_cancelledcancelled

First of a PocketQube constellation to provide LoRa-based IoT communications.

FossaSat-2FFossa SystemsSpainPocketQube 1px_cancelledcancelled

First of a PocketQube constellation to provide LoRa-based IoT communications.

Fukui Prefectural SatelliteFukui Satellite Technology & Research Association (FSTRA)Japan3Ux_cancelledcancelled

The satellites will be used in Rwanda in East Africa and will be used to collect data such as disaster monitoring and soil moisture levels.

Fukui Prefectural Satellite
Funsat (Flosat)University of Central FloridaUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Thermal experiments and weather instrument to detect nitrogen oxides.

GALAMSAT2 (GALAMSAT-2)All Nations UniversityGhana3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Monitor illegal mining activities with high resolution camera.

GamaSatUniversity of PortoPortugal3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

GE1: Golden Eagle 1 (GoldenEagle-1)Marquette UniversityUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Educational training and take images in visible spectrum and infrared spectrum.

GEMS-2 (Global Environmental Monitoring System)Orbital Micro SystemsUK6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation to provide weather data.

GEMS-3 ( Global Environmental Monitoring System)Orbital Micro SystemsUK3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation to provide weather data.

GEMS-4 ( Global Environmental Monitoring System)Orbital Micro SystemsUK3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation to provide weather data.

GEMS-5 ( Global Environmental Monitoring System) Orbital Micro SystemsUK3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation to provide weather data.

GEMS-6 ( Global Environmental Monitoring System)Orbital Micro SystemsUK6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation to provide weather data.

GENA-GOS-2 (GROOVE-EVO 1)German Orbital SystemsGermany3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Shared In-Orbit-Demonstration missions.

GEOSATInfinity SpaceUK3Ux_cancelledcancelled

GeoSat AgriSense CubeSat will provide farmers with analytical data and insights, transforming the way they approach crop cultivation, resource management, and sustainability.

GIOT 1? (Global IoT, M6P)NanoAvionicsLithuania6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrator for a constellation-as-a-service IoT constellation.

GIOT 2? (Global IoT, M6P)NanoAvionicsLithuania6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrator for a constellation-as-a-service IoT constellation.

GIOT 3? (Global IoT, M6P)NanoAvionicsLithuania6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrator for a constellation-as-a-service IoT constellation.

GNSSaS A (Global Navigation Satellite augmentation System)The National Space Science and Technology Center (NSSTC)United Arab Emirates3Ux_cancelledcancelled

GNSS RF signaling technology demonstrator satellite.

GNSSaS B (Global Navigation Satellite augmentation System)The National Space Science and Technology Center (NSSTC)United Arab Emirates3Ux_cancelledcancelled

GNSS RF signaling technology demonstrator satellite.

GOLDCREST (GlObal Land Dampness Characterization using Reflectometry by STudents)University of LuxembourgLuxembourg1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Remote sensing mission using GNSS-R for measurement of the soil moisture across the globe.

GOSTE 1University of Hawai’i at MānoaUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Develop GNSS radio occulation system that will contribute to our understanding of tropical cyclogenesis.

GranaSatUniversity of GranadaSpain2Ux_cancelledcancelledGranaSat
GRE-1Université Joseph Fourier de GrenobleFrance2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Measuring the magnetic field using a magnetometer based on a very low power consumption technology.

GROUP-C (GPS Radio Occultation and Ultraviolet Photometer on a Cubesat)US Naval Research LaboratoryUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

GPS Radio Occultation and Ultraviolet Photometer on a Cubesat.

GSatUniversity of FloridaUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate inflatable device for deorbiting.

GSat (Genso Test Satellite)University of Applied Sciences ViennaAustria2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Genso network test .

GT-2Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)US1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Educational proof of concept and satellite bus demonstrator.

GW-Sat (GWSat)George Washington UniversityUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Test micro-cathode arc thruster (μCAT) that uses a solid metallic propellant, such as titanium.

Hamilton 1KubosUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Test flight of Kubos's flight control open-source flight control and mission management software.

Hamilton 1
HeDI (Helium Doppler Imager)NASA Goddard Space Flight CenterUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Helium Doppler Imager. Monitoring the Sun.

HeidelsatHeidelberg University of Applied SciencesGermany1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Cosmic rays measurement.

Helios 4 (SIRION)Helios WireUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M.

Helios (SIRION Pathfinder)
Helios 5 (SIRION)Helios WireUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M.

Helios (SIRION Pathfinder)
Helios 6 (SIRION)Helios WireUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M.

Helios (SIRION Pathfinder)
Helios 7 (SIRION)Helios WireUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M.

Helios (SIRION Pathfinder)
Helios 8 (SIRION)Helios WireUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M.

Helios (SIRION Pathfinder)
Helios 9 (SIRION)Helios WireUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M.

Helios (SIRION Pathfinder)
Helios 10 (SIRION)Helios WireUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M.

Helios (SIRION Pathfinder)
Helios 11 (SIRION)Helios WireUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M.

Helios (SIRION Pathfinder)
Helios 12 (SIRION)Helios WireUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M.

Helios (SIRION Pathfinder)
Helios 13 (SIRION)Helios WireUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M.

Helios (SIRION Pathfinder)
Helios 14 (SIRION)Helios WireUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M.

Helios (SIRION Pathfinder)
Helios 15 (SIRION)Helios WireUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M.

Helios (SIRION Pathfinder)
Helios 16 (SIRION)Helios WireUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M.

Helios (SIRION Pathfinder)
Helios 17 (SIRION)Helios WireUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M.

Helios (SIRION Pathfinder)
Helios 18 (SIRION)Helios WireUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M.

Helios (SIRION Pathfinder)
Helios 19 (SIRION)Helios WireUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M.

Helios (SIRION Pathfinder)
Helios 20 (SIRION)Helios WireUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M.

Helios (SIRION Pathfinder)
Helios 21 (SIRION)Helios WireUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M.

Helios (SIRION Pathfinder)
Helios 22 (SIRION)Helios WireUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M.

Helios (SIRION Pathfinder)
Helios 23 (SIRION)Helios WireUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M.

Helios (SIRION Pathfinder)
Helios 24 (SIRION)Helios WireUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M.

Helios (SIRION Pathfinder)
Helios 25 (SIRION)Helios WireUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M.

Helios (SIRION Pathfinder)
Helios 26 (SIRION)Helios WireUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M.

Helios (SIRION Pathfinder)
Helios 27 (SIRION)Helios WireUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M.

Helios (SIRION Pathfinder)
Helios 28 (SIRION)Helios WireUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M.

Helios (SIRION Pathfinder)
Helios 29 (SIRION)Helios WireUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M.

Helios (SIRION Pathfinder)
Helios 30 (SIRION)Helios WireUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for IoT/M2M.

Helios (SIRION Pathfinder)
Hera-2Hera SystemsUS12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for Earth observation.

Hera-3Hera SystemsUS12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for Earth observation.

Hera-4Hera SystemsUS12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for Earth observation.

Hera-5Hera SystemsUS12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for Earth observation.

Hera-6Hera SystemsUS12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for Earth observation.

Hera-7Hera SystemsUS12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for Earth observation.

Hera-8Hera SystemsUS12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for Earth observation.

Hera-9Hera SystemsUS12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation for Earth observation.

Hermes 2University of Colorado BoulderUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Verification of spacecraft bus and of high speed communication system (115 kbaud / 8 W (?)) . Reflight of Hermes.

Hermes 2
HERO-1HEO RoboticsAustralia6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Space telescope to track GEO assets and debris from high Earth orbit.

HFSATUS Naval Academy Satellite LabUS1.5Ux_cancelledcancelled

15 metre to 10 metre linear transponder with 30kHz bandwidth.

HiLITE (High Latitude Ionospheric Thermospheric Experiment)University of Colorado BoulderUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Measure atmospheric density, which impacts satellite positioning and other space weather conditions.

HORTAIMT (Ingegneria Marketing Technologies)Italy6Ux_cancelledcancelled

GNSS-R passive reflectometry and Ka-band transmitter.

HORYU-1Kyushu Institute of TechnologyJapan1Ux_cancelledcancelledHORYU-1
HORYU-3Kyushu Institute of TechnologyJapan3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate various technologies focusing on high voltage power buses plus camera.

HOSTModularity SpaceUS16Ux_cancelledcancelled

Payload rideshare opportunities.


1st Pan-African NanoSatellite development and Capacity building program with the collaboration of individuals from all states in Africa.

HyperCube 1 (CubeSat-FTS)L3HarrisUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled, ?

3D sounding instrument designed to measure the speed, direction, and elevation of wind in Earth’s atmosphere (3D wind data).

HyperCube 2 (CubeSat-FTS)L3HarrisUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled, ?

Constellation for 3D wind data.

HyperCube 3 (CubeSat-FTS)L3HarrisUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled, ?

Constellation for 3D wind data.

HyperCube 4 (CubeSat-FTS)L3HarrisUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled, ?

Constellation for 3D wind data.

HyperCube 5 (CubeSat-FTS)L3HarrisUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled, ?

Constellation for 3D wind data.

HyperCube 6 (CubeSat-FTS)L3HarrisUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled, ?

Constellation for 3D wind data.

HyperCube 7 (CubeSat-FTS)L3HarrisUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled, ?

Constellation for 3D wind data.

HyperCube 8 (CubeSat-FTS)L3HarrisUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled, ?

Constellation for 3D wind data.

HyperCube 9 (CubeSat-FTS)L3HarrisUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled, ?

Constellation for 3D wind data.

HyperCube 10 (CubeSat-FTS)L3HarrisUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled, ?

Constellation for 3D wind data.

HyperCube 11 (CubeSat-FTS)L3HarrisUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled, ?

Constellation for 3D wind data.

HyperCube 12 (CubeSat-FTS)L3HarrisUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled, ?

Constellation for 3D wind data.

Hypergiant Lagrange CubeSatOmniTeqUS12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate interplanetary network and Earth's data archive.

i-INSPIRE (Inspire2, Integrated Spectrograph Imaging and Radiation Explorer)University of SydneyAustralia2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate new type of spectrograph called Nanospec based on photonic technology.

iCUBE-2Islamabad Institute of Science and TechnologyPakistan3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Develop in-house CubeSat platform for future missions.

IgnisAstro DigitalUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate propulsion module for Apollo Fusion.

Imperial College London CubeSatImperial College LondonUK3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Aid search and rescue by locating distress signals, and will have the highest resolution (1.5m per pixel).


Precursor to a constellation with multiple payloads.

InKlajn-1Israel Institute Of TechnologyIsrael3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies.

InnoSATATSB (Astronautic Technology Sdn Bhd)Malaysia3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate various attitude control algorithms.

InQubeParadox Sonic Space Research AgencyIndia1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate the applicability of commercial and inexpensive electronics.

INSPIRE-A (Interplanetary NanoSpacecraft Pathfinder In Relevant Environment)NASA Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate functionality in deep space: command & data handling communication, and navigation.

INSPIRE-B (Interplanetary NanoSpacecraft Pathfinder In Relevant Environment)NASA Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate functionality in deep space: command & data handling communication, and navigation.

IOD Mission 2 (IOD-2)Satellite Applications Catapult UK3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Not yet selected IOD mission by Satellite Applications Catapult.

IOD Mission 4 (IOD-4)Satellite Applications Catapult UK3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Not yet selected IOD mission by Satellite Applications Catapult.

IP2SAT (PICARD, SAT-IP2, FR03)University of Picardy Jules VerneFrance2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

IRVINE03University High SchoolUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Technology demonstration of an X-ray Cadmium Zinc Telluride (CZT) sensor and electrospray thrusters.

IRVINE04University High SchoolUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Educational mission with dosimeter and biology payloads.

iSAT-1 (Iodine Hall, iodine Satellite)NASA Marshall Space Flight CenterUS12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Propulsion testing, iodine Hall technology.

Iskra 5 (Iskra-5)Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI)Russia1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Provide amateur communications, including transmission of images in SSTV format.

Jugnu-2Indian Institute of Technology, KanpurIndia3Ux_cancelledcancelledJugnu-2
JumpsatInstitut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'EspaceFrance3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Space qualification of a Star Tracker and mapping the Earth radiation belt.

KalamNational Institute of Technology, RourkelaIndia10 kgx_cancelledcancelled

Earth observation for agriculture and forestation with focus on mining areas.

Ke AoUniversity of Hawai’i at MānoaUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Educational mission to take photos from space and use machine learning in-orbit.

Ke Ao
KEOSat (Karten Earth Observation Satellite)Karten SpaceSpain6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrator for a 5-m GSD and AIS constellation.

KLETSkous 1AMSAT-SASouth Africa1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Amateur radio communication mission.

KLETSkous 1
KN-SAT1University of KhartoumSudan1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Educational training for students.

Kumu A'oUniversity of Hawai’i at MānoaUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate CubeSat platform for educational training.

Kumu A'o
LACCE (LouisianA Coronal mass ejection Correlation Experiment)University of Louisiana at LafayetteUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Highly elliptical geosynchronous transfer orbit to study the impacts of solar storms to the Earth’s magnetic field, light spectra and radiation belts.

Lagrange-1 CubeSatPolitecnico di TorinoItaly6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Solar observations for in situ measurements of space weather.

Landmapper-BC 6 (Corvus-BC, Perseus-O)Astro DigitalUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation providing multispectral Earth observation data.

Corvus-BC (Landmapper-BC)
Landmapper-BC 7 (Corvus-BC, Perseus-O)Astro DigitalUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation providing multispectral Earth observation data.

Corvus-BC (Landmapper-BC)
Landmapper-BC 8 (Corvus-BC, Perseus-O)Astro DigitalUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation providing multispectral Earth observation data.

Corvus-BC (Landmapper-BC)
Landmapper-HD 1 (Corvus-HD)Astro DigitalUS16Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation providing multispectral Earth observation data.

Corvus-HD (Landmapper-HD)
Landmapper-HD 2 (Corvus-HD)Astro DigitalUS16Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation providing multispectral Earth observation data.

Corvus-HD (Landmapper-HD)
Landmapper-HD 3 (Corvus-HD)Astro DigitalUS16Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation providing multispectral Earth observation data.

Corvus-HD (Landmapper-HD)
Landmapper-HD 4 (Corvus-HD)Astro DigitalUS16Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation providing multispectral Earth observation data.

Corvus-HD (Landmapper-HD)
Landmapper-HD 5 (Corvus-HD)Astro DigitalUS16Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation providing multispectral Earth observation data.

Corvus-HD (Landmapper-HD)
Landmapper-HD 6 (Corvus-HD)Astro DigitalUS16Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation providing multispectral Earth observation data.

Corvus-HD (Landmapper-HD)
Landmapper-HD 7 (Corvus-HD)Astro DigitalUS16Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation providing multispectral Earth observation data.

Corvus-HD (Landmapper-HD)
Landmapper-HD 8 (Corvus-HD)Astro DigitalUS16Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation providing multispectral Earth observation data.

Corvus-HD (Landmapper-HD)
Landmapper-HD 9 (Corvus-HD)Astro DigitalUS16Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation providing multispectral Earth observation data.

Corvus-HD (Landmapper-HD)
Landmapper-HD 10 (Corvus-HD)Astro DigitalUS16Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation providing multispectral Earth observation data.

Corvus-HD (Landmapper-HD)
Landmapper-HD 11 (Corvus-HD)Astro DigitalUS16Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation providing multispectral Earth observation data.

Corvus-HD (Landmapper-HD)
Landmapper-HD 12 (Corvus-HD)Astro DigitalUS16Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation providing multispectral Earth observation data.

Corvus-HD (Landmapper-HD)
Landmapper-HD 13 (Corvus-HD)Astro DigitalUS16Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation providing multispectral Earth observation data.

Corvus-HD (Landmapper-HD)
Landmapper-HD 14 (Corvus-HD)Astro DigitalUS16Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation providing multispectral Earth observation data.

Corvus-HD (Landmapper-HD)
Landmapper-HD 15 (Corvus-HD)Astro DigitalUS16Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation providing multispectral Earth observation data.

Corvus-HD (Landmapper-HD)
Landmapper-HD 16 (Corvus-HD)Astro DigitalUS16Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation providing multispectral Earth observation data.

Corvus-HD (Landmapper-HD)
Landmapper-HD 17 (Corvus-HD)Astro DigitalUS16Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation providing multispectral Earth observation data.

Corvus-HD (Landmapper-HD)
Landmapper-HD 18 (Corvus-HD)Astro DigitalUS16Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation providing multispectral Earth observation data.

Corvus-HD (Landmapper-HD)
Landmapper-HD 19 (Corvus-HD)Astro DigitalUS16Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation providing multispectral Earth observation data.

Corvus-HD (Landmapper-HD)
Landmapper-HD 20 (Corvus-HD)Astro DigitalUS16Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation providing multispectral Earth observation data.

Corvus-HD (Landmapper-HD)
LeSTAR (Lessius Satellite for Teaching and Autonomous Research)Lessius University CollegeBelgium3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Growing of photosynthetic, edible micro-algae under microgravity conditions.

LetSat-1LeTourneau UniversityUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Use artificial intelligence image recognition to determine orbital position.

Libertad-2Sergio Arboleda UniversityColombia3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Launch a nanosatellite into space with an optical camera in order to capture and transmit images from space to Earth.

LibertyQube-1Liberty LifeJapanPocketQube 1px_cancelledcancelled

Earth Observation mission with camera.

Liger Sat (LigerSat)Liger Leadership AcademyCambodia1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Capture images of Earth.

Liger Sat
LightSail-C (LightSail-3)The Planetary SocietyUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate the deployment of a 32 m2 solar sail from a 3-unit CubeSat platform.

LinkSat (BRIAN)University at Buffalo (UB)US3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Measure the orbital radio frequency noise environment across commonly used nano-satellite frequency bands.

LIS-1 (Lunar Imaging Satellite 1)Kommunity Spaceflight Initiative on Kerbal Space ProgramUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Taking photos of the Moon's surface for possible future landing sites.

LokahiUniversity of Hawai’i at MānoaUSPocketQube 1px_cancelledcancelled
LPUSAT (LPUSAT-1)Lovely Professional UniversityIndia2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Study the structure, origin, and evolution and composition of the Universe by Diffuse X Ray Background

Lunar OSCAR IIHarbin Institute of TechnologyChina6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Lunar OSCAR II is a lunar amateur radio payload.

LunarSailARES Institute (Aerospace Research & Engineering Systems Institute)US3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Launch a CubeSat amateur satellite containing a solar sail and orbit the Moon.


Educational training for students plus camera payload.

LunetteSpace Flight LaboratoryCanada6 kgx_cancelledcancelled

Sub-satellite of ESMO for gravity mapping.

MAESATNanyang Technological UniversitySingapore1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Verify the structural integrity of the proposed Space Station developed using additive manufacturing.

MaRBLES (MeAsuring Radiation Belt Low Earth Sources/Sinks)NASA Goddard Space Flight CenterUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Characterize sources and sinks of energetic particles in the radiation belts.

MARSU (SPIRou/SPIP CubeSat, Millimag Astrophotometry of Red SPIRou/SPIP stars as a University space mission)Research Institute in Astrophysics and Planetology (IRAP)France6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Study young and active dwarfs hosting transiting close-in exoplanets

MaSat-2Budapest University of Technology and EconomicsHungary1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Radiation dose measurement and improved CubeSat platform.

MCNAIRAkash SystemsUS12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate 5Gbps+ downlink from a 10-Watt 3U radio transmitter.

mDOT Telescope-CubeSat (Miniaturized Distributed Occulter/Telescope)Stanford UniversityUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Telescope-cubesat carries a 10cm-diameter telescope.

MECSE (Magnetohydrodynamics / Electrohydrodynamics CubeSat Experiment)University of Beira InteriorPortugal3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Measure and Manipulate the Ionospheric Plasma Layer.

MeginaSat (MGMCube, CubeSatMGM)Megina Gymnasium MayenGermany1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Take pictures of Earth both in the visible and infrared spectrum and send them down via a laser.

MEPSI 3A (MEMS-based PicoSat Inspector)DARPAUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate autonomous inspector, to conduct visual inspection of host satellite.

MEPSI 3B (MEMS-based PicoSat Inspector)DARPAUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate autonomous inspector, to conduct visual inspection of host satellite.

MEPSI 4A (MEMS-based PicoSat Inspector)DARPAUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Tethered pair to demonstrate the capability of deploying an onboard miniature autonomous inspector.

MEPSI 4B (MEMS-based PicoSat Inspector)DARPAUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Tethered pair to demonstrate the capability of deploying an onboard miniature autonomous inspector.

Merida CubeSatMerida AerospaceUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

6U Earth Imaging Satellite (cubesat) with multispectral imaging capability.

Merida CubeSat
MicroMAS-2b (Micro-sized Microwave Atmospheric Satellite)MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)US3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Validate new ultra-compact and low-power technology for CubeSat-sized microwave radiometers.

MiniRomit 1European Lunar Exploration AssociationDenmark2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies including propulsion.

MiniRomit 1
MisST (Microsatellite in-situ Space Technologies)NASA Ames Research CenterUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Conducting automated biological experiments with fluidics system.

MiTEE-2 (MiTEE-B, Miniature Tether Electrodynamics Experiment)University of MichiganUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Assess the feasibility of using miniature electrodynamic (ED) tethers in space as means to provide “propellantless”.

Morgana (Meteoroid On-orbit Research in Geopsace for Advancing Near-earth Awareness)Stanford UniversityUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Study the meteoroid population and electrical effects of hypervelocity impacts.

MPSAT-2Test in SpaceSpain3Ux_cancelledcancelled

In orbit testing and demonstration service with CubeSats. Your own payload.


Expected to have a 6-8 week life and will include a piezo microphone and small camera.

MyanSat-1?MyanmarPocketQube 1px_cancelledcancelled

Myanmar's first ever satellite, designed by an individual.

myPocketQub 391Sapienza University of RomeItalyPocketQubex_cancelledcancelled

Design and launch an open source satellite using only open source or free tools.

Myriota 5MyriotaAustralia3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation towards providing real-time IoT connectivity.

Myriota 6MyriotaAustralia3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation towards providing real-time IoT connectivity.

NanoSpace-1Uppsala UniversitySweden7 kgx_cancelledcancelled

Educational training and demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies including propulsion module.


Educational training and upload pictures to space and display them on an OLED screen.

Nice3 (The Nice Cube, Nicecube)Universite C´ ote d’AzurFrance1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate laser transmitter and optical link to ground in a 1U CubeSat.

Nigeria EduSat-2Federal University of Technology AkureNigeria1Ux_cancelledcancelled

On board an infrared camera which will be used for detecting diseased crop, as well as employed for other agricultural purposes.

NIRA (Nanosatellite for Intelligent Radio frequency Analysis)Mälardalen UniversitySweden1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Scan the FM band radio frequencies (88 – 108 Mhz).

NOVA (Exodus Orbitals CubeSat)Open CosmosUK3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Upload your own code to the real satellite.

Exodus Orbitals CubeSat
NSLSAT-1NearSpace LaunchUS2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Energetic particle detector to correlate solar activity to electron density.

NUS QB50National University of SingaporeSingapore2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Conduct scientific experiments in space. as part of QB50 project.

NUTS (NTNU Test Satellite)Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)Norway2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Educational mission to develop CubeSat platform and possibly IR-camera.

OCEAN-SCAN 1SRT MarineUK3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Maritime monitoring satellite constellation, which will provide enhanced global vessel detection.

OCEAN-SCAN 2SRT MarineUK3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Maritime monitoring satellite constellation, which will provide enhanced global vessel detection.

OCEAN-SCAN 3SRT MarineUK3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Maritime monitoring satellite constellation, which will provide enhanced global vessel detection.

OCEAN-SCAN 4SRT MarineUK3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Maritime monitoring satellite constellation, which will provide enhanced global vessel detection.

OCEAN-SCAN 5SRT MarineUK3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Maritime monitoring satellite constellation, which will provide enhanced global vessel detection.

OCEAN-SCAN 6SRT MarineUK3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Maritime monitoring satellite constellation, which will provide enhanced global vessel detection.


Test our space tug technologies and deliver customer payloads to low Earth orbit.

OEDIPEÉcole ElisaFrance3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Technology validation MEMS resonators, replace 'quartz' in high performance applications (source RF (500MHz to 4GHz).

OLLO (Open Little Luminary Observatory)University of VigoSpain3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Small orbital telescope system concept aimed to provide an open access platform for astronomical observations.

OPAL (Optical Profiling of the Atmospheric Limb)Utah State UniversityUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Dynamic profiling of the lower thermosphere, 90 - 160 km.

OpenOrbiter-1 (OPEN, OPEN: Open Prototype for Educational NanoSats)University of North DakotaUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Open source program and demonstrate tiny 3D printer in space.

OPTOS 2GNational Institute of Aerospace Technology (INTA)Spain3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Improving many subsystems.

Orbital Factory 4 (OF-4)University of Texas at El PasoUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate S-Band communication capability
from apogee of GTO orbit. Measure long-term radiation effects due to electrons & protons in GTO.

ORS Squared (TechEdSat-2?)University of New MexicoUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Measure vibration and shock during the launch of a Super Strypi and demonstrate HaWK solar array,

ORS Squared
OSC (Optics Space Craft, Virtual Telescope for X-Ray Observations, VTXO) New Mexico State UniversityUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Part of VTXO project with 100 kg satellite and carries X-Ray optics.

OSCaR (Obsolete Spacecraft Capture and Removal)Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Autonomously seek out, capture, and then de-orbit space debris.

OSCaR (Obsolete Spacecraft Capture and Removal)
OUFTI-2University of LiègeBelgium1Ux_cancelledcancelled

D-STAR amateur-radio telecommunciations, just as for OUFTI-1. Will be designed totally from scratch.

OUFTI-NextUniversity of LiègeBelgium3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Image in the mid-wave infrared (MWIR) with a resolution of 50 m for precision agriculture.

Outernet 1U Demo 1OuternetUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstration for a constellation to transmit information for people without internet access.

Outernet 1U
Outernet 1U Demo 2OuternetUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstration for a constellation to transmit information for people without internet access.

Outernet 1U
Outernet 1U Demo 3OuternetUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstration for a constellation to transmit information for people without internet access.

Outernet 1U
Outernet 3U Demo 4 High PowerOuternetUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstration for a constellation to transmit information for people without internet access.

Outernet 3U

Provide one-to-one observation for your high-value mission to enhance a successful outcome. In addition, it gives an observational safety net if needed.

Overview One (Overview 1A, SpaceVR)SpaceVRUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Virtual reality satellite.

Overview One
PACE (Pre-capture Autonomous CubeSats Experiment)ESA (European Space Agency)France3Ux_cancelledcancelled

CubeSat formation flying, rendezvous and docking.

PAISIUSBOREAS Space (Bulgarian Orbital REsearch and Satellites)Bulgaria4Ux_cancelledcancelled

Radio signal observation instrument – basically a small orbital radiotelescope.

ParikshitManipal Institute of TechnologyIndia2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonste electrodynamic tether for deorbiting and thermal imager.

PATRIOT (A Cubesat NEO Assessment Precursor Mission)uniUniversity of MichiganUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate CubeSat Ambipolar Thruster (CAT) engine.

PEARLUtah State UniversityUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate modular CubeSat platform with Vx Works operatiing system.

PEARLS 1Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 2Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 3Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 4Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 5Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 6Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 7Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 8Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 9Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 10Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 11Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 12Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 13Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 14Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 15Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 16Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 17Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 18Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 19Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 20Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 21Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 22Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 23Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 24Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 25Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 26Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 27Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 28Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 29Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 30Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 31Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 32Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 33Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 34Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 35Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 36Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 37Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 38Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 39Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 40Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 41Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 42Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 43Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 44Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 45Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 46Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 47Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 48Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 49Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 50Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 51Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 52Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 53Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 54Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 55Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 56Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 57Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 58Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 59Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 60Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 61Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 62Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 63Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 64Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 65Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 66Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 67Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 68Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 69Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 70Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 71Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 72Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 73Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 74Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 75Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 76Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 77Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 78Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 79Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 80Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 81Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 82Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 83Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 84Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 85Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 86Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 87Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 88Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 89Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 90Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 91Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 92Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 93Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 94Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 95Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 96Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 97Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 98Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 99Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 100Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 101Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 102Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 103Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 104Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 105Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 106Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 107Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 108Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 109Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 110Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 111Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 112Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 113Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 114Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 115Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 116Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 117Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 118Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 119Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 120Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 121Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 122Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 123Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 124Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 125Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 126Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 127Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 128Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 129Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 130Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 131Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 132Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 133Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 134Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 135Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 136Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 137Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 138Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 139Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 140Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 141Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 142Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 143Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 144Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 145Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 146Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 147Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 148Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 149Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 150Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 151Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 152Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 153Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 154Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 155Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 156Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 157Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 158Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 159Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 160Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 161Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 162Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 163Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 164Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 165Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 166Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 167Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 168Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 169Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 170Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 171Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 172Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 173Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 174Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 175Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 176Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 177Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 178Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 179Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 180Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 181Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 182Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 183Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 184Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 185Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 186Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 187Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 188Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 189Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 190Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 191Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 192Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 193Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 194Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 195Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 196Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 197Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 198Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 199Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
PEARLS 200Sky and SpaceUK8Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services.

PEARLS (Sky and Space Global)
Perseus-O 1Dauria AerospaceRussia6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation with multispectral imaging system.

Perseus-O 2Dauria AerospaceRussia6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation with multispectral imaging system.

Perseus-O 3Dauria AerospaceRussia6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation with multispectral imaging system.

Perseus-O 4Dauria AerospaceRussia6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation with multispectral imaging system.

Perseus-O 5Dauria AerospaceRussia6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation with multispectral imaging system.

Perseus-O 6Dauria AerospaceRussia6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation with multispectral imaging system.

Perseus-O 7Dauria AerospaceRussia6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation with multispectral imaging system.

Perseus-O 8Dauria AerospaceRussia6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial constellation with multispectral imaging system.

Phoenix 1 (RAHS)Raisbeck Aviation High SchoolUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Educational high-school CubeSat with 3D printed structure from PEEK.

PiezoSat-1Space Science and Technology InstituteLithuania3Ux_cancelledcancelled
PilsenCUBEUniversity of West BohemiaCzechia1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate various CubeSat platform technologies.

PilsenCube2University of West BohemiaCzechia1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrating Timepix-based hodoscope for cubesat applications for detecting passing charged particles.

PINO (Payload-IN-Orbit demonstration)NLR (Netherlands Aerospace Centre)Netherlands3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Thermal experiment involving a mechanically pumped two-phase heat transport system.

PipitATSB (Astronautic Technology Sdn Bhd)MalaysiaPocketQubex_cancelledcancelled
PISAT (UK)ITE Space (Interactive Technical Enterprises Space)UKPocketQube 1px_cancelledcancelled

Test new operating system for Rasberry Pi based PocketQubes.

PLUME (Picosatellite of Leicester University Micrometeoroid Experiment)University of LeicesterUK1Ux_cancelledcancelled


Politech.1Polytechnic University of ValenciaSpain3Ux_cancelledcancelled

A telescope camera for Earth Imaging and a high-data rate transmitter.


Carry a variety of sensors to track and characterize space objects, both optical and multispectral sensors. Will carry 42 sensors.

Positron-1 (Positron Dynamics CubeSat)Positron DynamicsUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Positron powered CubeSat. Animatter propulsion system.

PQ-Gemini++ 1Micro-Space IncUS0.12 kgx_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate platform technologies for picosatellites.

PQ-Gemini++ 2Micro-Space IncUS0.12 kgx_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate platform technologies for picosatellites.

PQ-Gemini++ 3Micro-Space IncUS0.12 kgx_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate platform technologies for picosatellites.

PQ-Gemini++ 4Micro-Space IncUS0.12 kgx_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate platform technologies for picosatellites.

PR CubeSat (Puerto Rico CubeSat)University of Puerto RicoUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Educational training and demonstrate CubeSat platform.

PR CubeSat
Prometheus 2.5USSOCOM (US Special Operations Command)US1.5Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate improved CubeSat platform.

Prometheus 2
PropSat (ALL-STAR Propulsion Module Satellite)University of Colorado BoulderUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

The PROPSAT module is a cold-gas thruster for the COSGC ALLSTAR cube satellite.

Prospector-XDeep Space IndustriesUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies for asteroid prospecting missions.

PROVE Pathfinder A (Pointable Radiometer for Observation of Volcanic Emissions)University of BristolUK6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Visual and TIR imaging payload optimized for observation of volcanic ash clouds for 3D reconstruction.

PROVE Pathfinder B (Pointable Radiometer for Observation of Volcanic Emissions)University of BristolUK6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Visual and TIR imaging payload optimized for observation of volcanic ash clouds for 3D reconstruction.

PTD-2 (PTHFDR, Pathfinder Technology Demonstrator)NASA Ames Research CenterUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Government-furnished technology payloads for a series of flight demonstrations.

PTecSatUniversity of Southern CaliforniaUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Track cargo shipping containers using a custom built deployable dish antenna.

PTLS (Persistent Telemetry Monitoring, Tracking & Control Using Low Earth Orbit Satcom)Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT)US1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Persistent Telemetry Monitoring, Tracking & Control Using Low Earth Orbit Satcom.

PyCubed-1Stanford UniversityUSPocketQube 1px_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate smallest-ever spacecraft with full 3-axis attitude determination and control.

QuARCS A (Quad Amateur Radio Communications Satellite )University of California, DavisUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Test the capabilities of the Iridium and Globalstar radio communication.

QuARCS B (Quad Amateur Radio Communications Satellite )University of California, DavisUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Test the capabilities of the Iridium and Globalstar radio communication.

QUBSat-IQatar UniversityQatar1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Educational mission including ground station.

Quest-1Valle Christian High SchoolUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Educational training plus camera for taking photos of Earth.

R2S (UND-Sat)University of North DakotaUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Optical payload to determine position while taking images.

RACE 1 (Rendezvous Autonomous CubeSats Experiment)ESA (European Space Agency)France6Ux_cancelledcancelled, ?

CubeSat rendezvous & docking.

RACE 2 (Rendezvous Autonomous CubeSats Experiment)ESA (European Space Agency)France6Ux_cancelledcancelled, ?

CubeSat rendezvous & docking.

RADSat (Radiation Data Acquisition Satellite)Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, DaytonaUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Technological demonstration of the Highly Miniaturized Radiation Monitor.

RAMPART (POPACS-RR, RApid prototyped Microelectromechanical system Propulsion And RadiationTest CUBEflow SATellite)Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)US2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate propulsion system and various CubeSat platform technologies.

Rascal ASaint Louis UniversityUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate proximity operations and space situational awareness: infrared imaging, 6DOF propulsion, RF proximity sensing.

Rascal BSaint Louis UniversityUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate proximity operations and space situational awareness: infrared imaging, 6DOF propulsion, RF proximity sensing.

RavenSatNorthwest Indian CollegeUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Carbon-mitigated Radiation, Thermal Standoff, Ka-Band i.e. power beaming.

RECONSOGeorgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)US6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Optical payload in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) to enable low-cost unqueued space object detection and tracking.

RESatVKI (von Karman Institute)Belgium2Ux_cancelledcancelled

QB50 satellite from Belgium.

RioSatGraz University of TechnologyAustria2Ux_cancelledcancelled

As part of the QB50 mission, the RIOSAT spacecraft flies a riometer (relative ionospheric opacity).

RoBiSat-1Romanian Space Agency Institute of Space ScienceRomania2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

RoBiSat-2Romanian Space Agency Institute of Space ScienceRomania2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

ROBUSTA-2University of MontpellierFrance1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Educational testing and space qualification of different memory chips.

Roland-1University of BremenGermany2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate the feasibility of degradation experiments plus thruster payload.

ROSE-1Phase FourUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Smallest RF thruster on a satellite. First plasma engine on a CubeSat.

RSat-D (Repair CubeSat Demonstrator)US Naval Academy Satellite LabUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Autonomous Mobile On-orbit Diagnostic System (AMODS) to perform on-orbit inspections on conventional spacecraft.

Rupercorp Constellation 1RupercorpArgentina6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial Earth Observation constellation based on NanoAvionics M6P platform.

Rupercorp Constellation 2RupercorpArgentina6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial Earth Observation constellation based on NanoAvionics M6P platform.

Rupercorp Constellation 3RupercorpArgentina6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Commercial Earth Observation constellation based on NanoAvionics M6P platform.

Rupercorp Constellation DemoRupercorpArgentina6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Precursor for a succeeding Earth observation constellation.

RyeF3Ex-1 (Ryerson Femtosatellite Formation Flying Experiment, RyeFemSat, RYF3EX)Ryerson UniversityCanadaPocketQubex_cancelledcancelled

Multiple tethered femto-satellites with tiny thrusters for technology demonstration.

RyeF3Ex-2 (Ryerson Femtosatellite Formation Flying Experiment, RyeFemSat, RYF3EX)Ryerson UniversityCanadaPocketQubex_cancelledcancelled

Multiple tethered femto-satellites with tiny thrusters for technology demonstration.

SAGE IV (Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment Pathfinder)NASA Langley Research CenterUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate a new capability for measuring stratospheric ozone by using a solar occultation technique.

SAI-2Space AIUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Test and operate a prototype spacecraft bus for heritage, and performance feedback for the design.

Sallesat-1La Salle UniversitySpain1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Remote control and Telemetry acquisition and processing (world wide).

Samara Earth Observation Unit Samara UniversityRussia2Ux_cancelledcancelled


SamSat-QB50Samara UniversityRussia3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

SAPTICARDLaboratoire des technologies InnovantesFrance1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Subsystems design and development

SASSatSingapore American SchoolSingaporePocketQube 1px_cancelledcancelled
SatRev Australia ASMN CubeSatSatRevPoland6Ux_cancelledcancelled, ?

SatRev provides the platform and integrate it with a thruster by Neumann Space. 

SCION 1 (SCintillation and Ionospheric Occultation Nanosats)University of MichiganUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Make multipoint, GPS TEC and scintillation observations of the ionosphere.

SCION 2 (SCintillation and Ionospheric Occultation Nanosats)University of MichiganUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Make multipoint, GPS TEC and scintillation observations of the ionosphere.

SCOUT-1 A (EPS-MACCS, Earth System Processes Monitored in the Atmosphere by a Constellation of CubeSats, SCOUT, CubeMap)GomSpaceDenmark12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Quantifying atmospheric processes in the upper troposphere and in the stratosphere.

SCOUT-1 B (EPS-MACCS, Earth System Processes Monitored in the Atmosphere by a Constellation of CubeSats, SCOUT, CubeMap)GomSpaceDenmark12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Quantifying atmospheric processes in the upper troposphere and in the stratosphere.

SCOUT-1 C (EPS-MACCS, Earth System Processes Monitored in the Atmosphere by a Constellation of CubeSats, SCOUT, CubeMap)GomSpaceDenmark12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Quantifying atmospheric processes in the upper troposphere and in the stratosphere.

SeaHawk-2University of North Carolina WilmingtonUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate miniature ocean color sensor.

SeaKingPalos Verdes High SchoolUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Open-source high school satellite to take pictures from space.

SEDSat-2Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS)UK1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Educational training plus camera and detecting radar sources.


First nanosatellite of Botswana for research and educational purposes.

SERB (X-CubeSat 2, SUMO, Solar Ultraviolet Monitor and Ozone Nanosatellite)LATMOS (Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales)France3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Measure the Earth radiation budget (ERB), the solar energy input and the energy reemitted.

SERPENT B Target (Satellite Evaluation of Relative Pose Estimation of a Noncooperative Target)University of Texas at AustinUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Develop an autonomous pose estimation and prediction algorithm through the use of neural networks and computer vision.

Seven Sisters 1Seven Sisters (Fleet Space)Australia6Ux_cancelledcancelled

The Australian lunar exploration mission to send nanosatellites and sensors to the Moon to search for accessible water.

SharedSat 1Sideralis FoundationEcuador1Ux_cancelledcancelled

The Space Access Acceleration Program provides its beneficiaries with slots for payloads in the SharedSats acquired by Sideralis.

SharedSat 1
SHFT-2 (Space-based High Frequency Testbed)DARPAUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Collect radio frequency signals in the HF (5-30 MHz) band to study the galactic background emissions.

Shiver AAir Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)US12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Perform autonomous station keeping between four 12U spacecraft systems.

Shiver BAir Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)US12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Perform autonomous station keeping between four 12U spacecraft systems.

Shiver CAir Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)US12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Perform autonomous station keeping between four 12U spacecraft systems.

Shiver DAir Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)US12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Perform autonomous station keeping between four 12U spacecraft systems.

SINOD-D 2 (SRI International NanoSat Orbital Demonstration)SRI InternationalUS2Ux_cancelledcancelled

High-speed data downlink for wide-bandwidth CubeSat payloads via software defined radio communications.

SIPS (Scanning Imaging Photometer Systems)Orion Space Solutions (ASTRA, Atmosphericc & Space Technology Research Associates)US6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Low cost and versatile sensor for UV remote sensing of the ionosphere.

SiriusSat 3 (SiriusSat-3)Sirius Educational CentreRussia1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Assembled by schoolchildren for educational training plus particle detector payload.

SKCube-2Slovak Organisation for Space ActivitiesSlovakia3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Precursor or a demo mission for a fleet of at least nine 3U CubeSats, which shall be equipped with CsI gamma-ray detectors.

SMARTSat (Shape Memory Alloy Research Technology Satellite)Texas A&M UniversityUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate the use of shape memory alloys to deploy solar panels plus camera.

SMDC-ONE 2.5US Army Space and Missile Defense CommandUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate the ability to rapidly design and develop militarily relevant low cost spacecraft and communications relay.

SMDC-ONE 2.6US Army Space and Missile Defense CommandUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate the ability to rapidly design and develop militarily relevant low cost spacecraft and communications relay.

SMDC-ONE 2.7US Army Space and Missile Defense CommandUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate the ability to rapidly design and develop militarily relevant low cost spacecraft and communications relay.

SME-SAT (SMESAT)University of SurreyUK3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies.

SMOG-2Budapest University of Technology and EconomicsHungaryPocketQube 3px_cancelledcancelled

Spectrum monitoring pocketqube class satellites with wider monitored spectrum range.

Solar BladeCarnegie Mellon UniversityUS5 kgx_cancelledcancelled

Develop the first spacecraft to utilize solar radiation pressure for attitude and orbit control.

Solar Blade
SORA (Spectrometry Observation for Reflectivity Analysis)University at Buffalo (UB)US12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Gather light data on space debris in either geostationary or low earth orbit.

SpaceICEUniversity of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Test freeze-casting technique in space.

SpaceTime 1SpaceTimeUK3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Real-time high-resolution video, imagery and immersive experiences from space.

SpaceTime 2SpaceTimeUK3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Real-time high-resolution video, imagery and immersive experiences from space.

SpectroCubeESA (European Space Agency)France3Ux_cancelledcancelled, ?

Astrochemistry & radiation demo in GTO orbit.


Air quality monitoring with novel spectrometer to measure NO2 emissions.

SporeSat2 (SporeSat-2)NASA Ames Research CenterUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Space biology science experiment project to investigate biophysical mechanisms of plant gravity sensing.

SriSat001FishiFoxSri Lanka1Ux_cancelledcancelled

CubeSat mission by private company in Sri Lanka. 

STARE CNaval Postgraduate School (NPS) US3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Observe objects that are predicted to pass close to a valuable space asset

Starling 1Aerial & MaritimeDenmark3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for collecting AIS and ADS-B messages.

Starling 2Aerial & MaritimeDenmark3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for collecting AIS and ADS-B messages.

Starling 3Aerial & MaritimeDenmark3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for collecting AIS and ADS-B messages.

Starling 4Aerial & MaritimeDenmark3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for collecting AIS and ADS-B messages.

Starling 5Aerial & MaritimeDenmark3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for collecting AIS and ADS-B messages.

Starling 6Aerial & MaritimeDenmark3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for collecting AIS and ADS-B messages.

Starling 7Aerial & MaritimeDenmark3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for collecting AIS and ADS-B messages.

Starling 8Aerial & MaritimeDenmark3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Constellation for collecting AIS and ADS-B messages.

STARS-NT AShizuoka UniversityJapan1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Robotic satellite operated by amateur radio, which aims to develop the technology for space debris capture by a net tether.

STARS-NT BShizuoka UniversityJapan1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Robotic satellite operated by amateur radio, which aims to develop the technology for space debris capture by a net tether.

STARS-NT CShizuoka UniversityJapan1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Robotic satellite operated by amateur radio, which aims to develop the technology for space debris capture by a net tether.


Test a novel in-orbit docking system based on the XBOX Kinect technology.


Test a novel in-orbit docking system based on the XBOX Kinect technology.

STU-1ShanghaiTech UniversityChina2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

STUDSAT-2ANitte Meenakshi Institute of TechnologyIndia10 kgx_cancelledcancelled

AIS for ship-tracking. HAM radio payload.

STUDSAT-2BNitte Meenakshi Institute of TechnologyIndia10 kgx_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate drag sail and inter-satellite links plus camera.

SULIS-A1 (Solar cUbesats for Linked Imaging Spectropolarimetry)Northumbria UniversityUK12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Place three pairs of formation-flying coronagraphs within CubeSats in 1AU orbits around the Sun for Sun magnetic field observations.

SULIS-A2 (Solar cUbesats for Linked Imaging Spectropolarimetry)Northumbria UniversityUK12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Place three pairs of formation-flying coronagraphs within CubeSats in 1AU orbits around the Sun for Sun magnetic field observations.

SULIS-B1 (Solar cUbesats for Linked Imaging Spectropolarimetry)Northumbria UniversityUK12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Place three pairs of formation-flying coronagraphs within CubeSats in 1AU orbits around the Sun for Sun magnetic field observations.

SULIS-B2 (Solar cUbesats for Linked Imaging Spectropolarimetry)Northumbria UniversityUK12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Place three pairs of formation-flying coronagraphs within CubeSats in 1AU orbits around the Sun for Sun magnetic field observations.

SULIS-E1 (Solar cUbesats for Linked Imaging Spectropolarimetry)Northumbria UniversityUK12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Place three pairs of formation-flying coronagraphs within CubeSats in 1AU orbits around the Sun for Sun magnetic field observations.

SULIS-E2 (Solar cUbesats for Linked Imaging Spectropolarimetry)Northumbria UniversityUK12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Place three pairs of formation-flying coronagraphs within CubeSats in 1AU orbits around the Sun for Sun magnetic field observations.

SunCube 1 (AOSAT1)Arizona State UniversityUSSunCubex_cancelledcancelled

First SunCube, 3 cm by 3 cm by 3 cm.

SunCube 1
SunewnewSatYamouk UniversityJordanPocketQube 1px_cancelledcancelled

Promoting space science and education among Jordanian students.

SunSatUniversity of SheffieldUK2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Understand the rate of deforestation by observing the Earth.

SWEET 0 (Sweet Water Earth Education Technologies)Technical University of Munich (TUM)Germany2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Water level and water quality monitoring of medium-to-large sweet water reservoirs in Africa.

SWIMSat (Science Weather and Meteor Impact Monitoring)Arizona State UniversityUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Monitor space weather and provide warnings.

SWITCH (Stratospheric Water Inventory, Tomography of Convective Hydration)NASA Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Measure water vapor in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere with microwave sensor.

T-sat1University of ManitobaCanada3Ux_cancelledcancelledT-sat1
TalTech PocketQube (Picosatellite)Tallinn University of TechnologyEstoniaPocketQube 1px_cancelledcancelled
TARONational Cheng Kung UniversityTaiwan2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Precursor of PACE satellite to verify sensors and actuators.

TBA (IRIM)IRIM - Croatian MakersCroatiaPocketQube 1px_cancelledcancelled

Launched by Croatian high school students, organized by an educational non-profit IRIM – Croatian Makers.

TechCube 1NASA Goddard Space Flight CenterUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

The satellite carries a REPT (Relativistic Electron Proton Telescope) sensor and cam

TechCube 1
TechEdSat-2San Jose State UniversityUS6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Mission to test Iridium-modem was integrated into PhoneSat 1.0b.

Tempo3 (Tethered Expperiment for Mars interPlanetary Operations Cubed)Mars SocietyUS2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate artificial gravity generation.

TetherSat 1Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) US1.5Ux_cancelledcancelled

Splits into two joined by a 1 km tether to test electrodynamic tether propulsion.

TetherSat 2Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) US1.5Ux_cancelledcancelled

Splits into two joined by a 1 km tether to test electrodynamic tether propulsion.

TFTqubeThe Flame TrenchUSPocketQube 1px_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate various PocketQube platform technologies.

ThaiIOTThe Navaminda Kasatriyadhiraj Royal Thai Air Force AcademyThailand3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Receive uplink data via LoRa module and private LoRaWAN-server to store data and then use S-band transceiver to downlink the data to ground station.

ThapSatThapar Institute of Engineering & TechnologyIndia2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Monitoring the environmental greenhouse gases present in the Punjab region.

TINYSCOPE (Tactical Imaging Nanosat Yielding Small-Cost Operations for Persistent Earth-coverage)Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) US6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Low-cost and easily replaceable imaging spacecraft that can produce tactically relevant imagery data.

Tomsk-TPU 1 TBDTomsk Polytechnic UniversityRussia3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Measuring the position among them and towards the Earth – these are the first actions of the ‘swarm.

Tomsk-TPU 2 TBDTomsk Polytechnic UniversityRussia3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Measuring the position among them and towards the Earth – these are the first actions of the ‘swarm.

Topside SounderOrion Space Solutions (ASTRA, Atmosphericc & Space Technology Research Associates)US12Ux_cancelledcancelled

Low power FMCW HF Sounding instrument to make topside measurements of the ionosphere.


Test AIS payload for ocean traffic monitoring for future constellation.

TU Sat 1Taylor UniversityUS2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Gravity gradient boom of 30 m Nitinol tether to receive very low frequency radio waves.

TU Sat 1
TUDSatTU Darmstadt Space Technology (TUDSat)Germany1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Technology demonstration of transparent reflector array mounted on a solar cell.

TwinCubeWest Pomeraian University of TechnologyPoland3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Divided in orbit into two subsatellites connected by a 1 km long tether.

TwinSat-1NUniversity College LondonUK2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Detection and monitoring of earthquake precursors. Companion to Russian TwinSat microsatellite.

TY-1Northwestern Polytechnical UniversityChina2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Communication experiment and testing the performance of our component, such as the star tracker and the solar panel.

TY-3 (TY3)SpacetyChina6Ux_cancelledcancelled

A camera to take photos for deep space. and amateur radio communications.

TY-5 (TY5)SpacetyChina6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Test software defined radio technology.

TY1-03Hunan Amateur Radio SocietyChina6Ux_cancelledcancelled

The mission includes Telecommand & telemetry in UHF band, APRS Relay in VHF band and Digipeater in S band.

TY1-04Hunan Amateur Radio SocietyChina6Ux_cancelledcancelled

The mission includes Telecommand & telemetry in UHF band, APRS Relay in VHF band and Digipeater in S band.

TY7-01Hunan Amateur Radio SocietyChina6Ux_cancelledcancelled

9k6 APRS relay.

U2UAir Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)US2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Carries the Electron and Globalstar Mapping (EGM) Experiment.

UAPSAT-2Alas Peruanas UniversityPeru6Ux_cancelledcancelledUAPSAT-2
UCISat 1University of California, IrvineUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Educational training and capture images of Earth.

UCISat 2 (UCI Satellite-II)University of California, IrvineUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Determine whether natural sunlight and high energy radiation can break down pollutant compounds in water for recycling during extended space explorations.

Ukko AReOrbitFinland6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate on-orbit capabilities such as autonomous station keeping, fault handling, formation flying, as well as rendezvous and proximity operations using a set of CubeSats flying in a vicinity. 

Ukko BReOrbitFinland6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate on-orbit capabilities such as autonomous station keeping, fault handling, formation flying, as well as rendezvous and proximity operations using a set of CubeSats flying in a vicinity. 

Ulises 1National Polytechnic InstituteMexicoTubeSatx_cancelledcancelled

Put a spatial opera into orbit

Ulises 2National Autonomous University of MexicoMexicoTubeSatx_cancelledcancelled
Unicorn (D)Alba OrbitalGermanyPocketQube 1px_cancelledcancelled

Amateur radio mission.

UNSA-SAT1National University of St Agustin of ArequipaPeru2Ux_cancelledcancelled

High-rate downlink 3.4GHZ, 5.8GHz, 2.4GHz.

UoMBSat1 (UMBSAT1)University of MaltaMaltaPocketQube 1px_cancelledcancelled

Study the properties of an ionised region of the Earth’s upper atmosphere.

UoS3 (Project BLAST, University of Southampton Small Satellite)University of SouthamptonUK1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Obtain position and attitude data for the validation of re-entry prediction software plus camera.

UWECUBE-1University of the West of EnglandUK3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Monitor the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

VariSat-2 1VariSat (Omniteq)US6Ux_cancelledcancelled, ?

6 satellite constellation for HF marine data communications.

VariSat-2 2VariSat (Omniteq)US6Ux_cancelledcancelled, ?

6 satellite constellation for HF marine data communications.

VariSat-2 3VariSat (Omniteq)US6Ux_cancelledcancelled, ?

6 satellite constellation for HF marine data communications.

VariSat-2 4VariSat (Omniteq)US6Ux_cancelledcancelled, ?

6 satellite constellation for HF marine data communications.

VariSat-2 5VariSat (Omniteq)US6Ux_cancelledcancelled, ?

6 satellite constellation for HF marine data communications.

VariSat-2 6VariSat (Omniteq)US6Ux_cancelledcancelled, ?

6 satellite constellation for HF marine data communications.

VELOX-PNanyang Technological UniversitySingapore1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies plus camera.

Waypoint 1Spacefab.USUS12Ux_cancelledcancelled

21 centimeter mirror with extended optics and hyperspectral camera for Earth observation and astronomy.

Waypoint 1

Keep data safe by uploading it to satellites.

WiPThermUniversity of PortoPortugal3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Wireless Energy Transfer solution via a photo-thermoelectric plasmonic (HPTP) generator that can convert photonic energy to electrical energy via thermal gradient.

Wisa WoodsatArctic AstronauticsFinland1Ux_cancelledcancelled, ?

WISA Woodsat is a Kitsat with a plywood surfaces and substructure with upgraded systems for spaceflight.

Wisa Woodsat
WISCER (Wideband Ionospheric Sounder Cubesat Experiment)Thales Alenia SpaceUK3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Wideband (~100 MHz) beacon on a low cost cubesat in order to measure and evaluate the ionospheric channel.

WroSatWroclaw University of Science and TechnologyPoland2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Robotic arm driven by SMA (Shape Memory Alloys) actuators. Perovskite photovoltaic cells. Experimental platform for testing flexible absorbers of ionizing radiation.

WUSAT-3University of WarwickUK3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Technology for wildlife monitoring and educational mission.

X-1NASA Ames Research CenterUS3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Test a high-performance processor in space and retroreflectors and light-emitting diodes for ground tracking.

XNavSatIndian Institute of Space Science and TechnologyIndia6Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate autonomous navigation by using millisecond X-ray pulsars.

XS-SatSonoma State UniversityUS1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate Gamma Ray astronomy with a CadmiumZincTelluride array.

Yamsat 1ANational Space Program OfficeTaiwan1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Ambitious and novel R.O.C. made components, including 15 domestic organizations and companies' participation.

Yamsat 1BNational Space Program OfficeTaiwan1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Backup of YamSat-1A.

Yamsat 1CNational Space Program OfficeTaiwan1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Amateur communication experiment end-to-end field test and for public education purpose.

YUsend-1York UniversityCanada1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies including solid propellant thruster.

YUsend-2York UniversityCanada1Ux_cancelledcancelled

Spectral imaging instrument for atmospheric monitoring.

YUsend-QB50York UniversityCanada2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

Zeus-MS 1 (Qosmosys)QosmosysSingapore3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Precursor to a series of multi-mission platforms that will allow customers to host their payloads to offer unprecedented line of services to the Moon on regularly scheduled flights.

Zeus-MS 2 (Qosmosys)QosmosysSingapore3Ux_cancelledcancelled

Precursor to a series of multi-mission platforms that will allow customers to host their payloads to offer unprecedented line of services to the Moon on regularly scheduled flights.

ZJU CubeSatZhejiang UniversityChina2Ux_cancelledcancelled

Part of QB50 to study lower termosphere.

Feel free to connect at any time.

Created by Erik Kulu


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