Name | PHI-Demo (Payload Hosting Initiative) |
Spacecraft type | CubeSat |
Units or mass | 12U |
Status | Operational? (Clear confirmation not found and object not identified as of 2023-10-31) |
Launched | 2023-06-27 |
NORAD ID | 57200 ? |
Deployer | 12U Deployer [Aerospace Capital] |
Launcher | Sojuz |
Organisation | Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre (MBRSC) |
Institution | Institute |
Entity | Government (Civil / Military) |
Headquarters | United Arab Emirates |
Oneliner |
A 12U modular satellite platform for payload hosting. |
Description |
A 12U modular satellite platform that foster innovation in space technologies sector and ensure the experience exchange between governmental entities, universities and start-up companies. It will consist of a yearly launch of 1 to 2 satellite missions in which MBRSC will call for these entities to load their innovative systems and payload and launch them on these satellites. PHI considered as the first payload hosting initiative managed by MBRSC. It started with the goal to design and build a modular cost-effective platform for small satellites that can host multi-purpose innovative payloads in short period of time. MBRSC kicked off the PHI-demo programme in early 2022 by giving the opportunity for start-up companies to host their innovative technologies. PHI-demo is a technology demonstration programme where MBRSC aims to demonstrate a new modular bus that designed in-house by MBRSC engineers. PHI-demo is hosting IoT communication payload using 5G technology. The data will be shared and demonstrated to different entities in ground. Also, PHI-demo is hosting a water-fueled propulsion system, a new technology expected to be safe, green and efficient for small satellites. |
Sources | [1] [2] [3] |
Photo sources | [1] [2] [3] |
Keywords | Propulsion |
On the same launch |
Last modified: 2024-12-15