SNaP-3 Satellites

Name SNaP-3
Type CubeSat
Units or mass 3U
Organisation US Army Space and Missile Defense Command
Institution Military
Entity Government (Civil / Military)
Nation US
Launch brokerer Tyvak, ?

Related to the SMDC NAnosatellite Program (SNaP) - Joint Capabilities Technology Demonstrations.


Related to the SMDC NAnosatellite Program (SNaP) - Joint Capabilities Technology Demonstrations.


Initial contact was made with Alice and Jimi on the first available pass visible to Redstone Arsenal ground stations while initial contact with Eddie was made on 9 October. During this mission, the SNaP spacecraft successfully completed all mission objectives. This included successfully relaying BLOS voice communications between two users with PRC-152 tactical radios using man-portable and standard whip antennas (in unobstructed and obstructed skies) between Redstone Arsenal and other BLOS locations, relaying text communications between PRC-117 and PRC-152 tactical radios and successfully demonstrating an encrypt/decrypt test of the KI-55 on all three satellites. The KI-55 is a 2013 NSA-approved type 1 encryption device developed for use on small satellites. This was the first successful demonstration of the KI-55 in space. 

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Related Spacecraft

Name Status Rocket Date Orbit
SNaP-3 A ALICE ((Space and Missile Defense Command Nano-Satellite-3) Was operational? (Smallsat 2020) Atlas V 2015-10-08 500 x 800 km, 64.8 deg
SNaP-3 B EDDIE ((Space and Missile Defense Command Nano-Satellite-3) Was operational? (Smallsat 2020) Atlas V 2015-10-08 500 x 800 km, 64.8 deg
SNAP-3 C JIMI (Space and Missile Defense Command Nano-Satellite-3) Was operational? (Smallsat 2020) Atlas V 2015-10-08 500 x 800 km, 64.8 deg

Last modified: 2024-05-29

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Created by Erik Kulu


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