VCUB1 Spacecraft

Spacecraft name VCUB1
Type CubeSat
Units or mass 6U
Status Operational (Personal contact 2023-12-19)
Launched 2023-04-15
NORAD ID 56215
Deployer EXOpod 12U/16U [Exolaunch]
Launcher Falcon 9 (Transporter-7) (D-Orbit ION)
Deployment Deployed from D-Orbit ION on 2023-04-22
Organization Visiona Tecnologia Espacial
Institution Company
Entity Commercial
Country Brazil
Partners Akaer

Demonstrate Visiona's ability to design high-performance space systems.


VCUB1 will be the first Earth Observation and Data Collection satellite designed by the industrial company Nacional. In operation, it should demonstrate Visiona's ability to design high-performance space systems.

The VCUB1 has a scalable architecture, which makes it capable of performing missions from 3U to 27U+. The mission will mark the national industry's dominance of embedded satellite software and its dual paid payload will be capable of simultaneously collecting images and communication data.

Small with the Soul of a Giant - Performed under the rigor of ECSS and NASA standards and modern design techniques such as Model Based Engineering, VCUB1 has characteristics of larger satellites such as a control system with sensor data fusion capability, an ultra-stabilized platform and an autonomous fault identification and correction.

National Embedded Software - The VCUB1 should allow validation in space of the on-board data management software, communications, telemetry and orbit and attitude control, designed for the satellites of the Brazilian Space Program.

Superior Image Quality - Its reflective OPTO 3UCAM camera uses Push-Broom sensors with Time-Delayed Integration technology and is equipped with a high-frequency gyroscope to compensate for the effects of satellite motion. These technologies combined with a stable platform with ultra-balanced reaction wheels allow the collection of images with high exposure and radiometric and geometric quality not found in this class of satellites.

Optimized for Agricultural and Environmental Applications - With a spatial resolution of 3.5 meters and high image quality, VCUB1 will be one of the smallest satellites in the world capable of collecting images in the Red Edge Band, allowing the development of state-of-the-art agricultural and environmental monitoring applications, supported by the WebVis Platform.

High Definition Mode for Intelligence and Defense Missions - Through the use of image processing algorithms, Visiona should be able to deliver images with improved resolution for use in intelligence and defense missions.

A Lab in Space - The satellite uses the software-defined satellite concept and can be reconfigured in flight for the development of new applications. Its bi-directional UHF data collection system is initially aimed at hydro-meteorological data collection applications but may fulfill various civilian and military communications and IoT missions.

Sources [1] [2] [3] [4]
Photo sources [1] [2] [3] [4]
COTS subsystems
  • SOLAR PANELS - Space Inventor
  • EPS - Space Inventor
  • ADM - Space Inventor
  • TRANSCEIVER - Space Inventor
Subsystems sources [1]
On the same launch

Last modified: 2024-04-29

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Created by Erik Kulu


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