Warp-01 Spacecraft

Spacecraft name Warp-01 (Nichirin, Warp-1)
Form factor CubeSat
Units or mass 1U
Status Reentry 2022-05-01. Was operational? (CW beacon reports on SatNOGS forums as of 2021-08-18)
Launched 2021-02-20
NORAD ID 47924
Deployer J-SSOD (JEM Small Satellite Orbital Deployer)
Launcher Antares (NG-15)
Deployment Deployed from ISS on 2021-03-14
Organisation WARPSPACE
Institution Company
Entity type Commercial
Nation Japan
Manufacturer AIVT by University of Tsukuba
Launch brokerer Space BD
Partners University of Tsukuba

Demonstrate new satellite bus components and custom radio transmitter in space.


WARP-01 is a 1U CubeSat developed by a Japanese space startup, Warpspace Inc., and University of Tsukuba and launched by a Japanese launch service provider, Space BD Inc.  

WARP-01’s mission objective is:

  • To demonstrate new satellite bus components: the University of Tsukuba and Warpspace Inc. developed new and cost-effective satellite bus components, a UHF communications module, electric power supply module, on board computer module with GPS receiver IC, and an aluminum chassis. The WARP-01 CubeSat demonstrates the performance of these new components in space.
  • To carry wedding memorial plates into space: as part of a commercial mission, WARP-01 carries wedding memorial plates made of titanium into space.
  • To gather images of the Earth and space: after deployment from the International Space Station (ISS), WARP-01 deploys a panel that has an attached camera and sensors to gather images of the Earth and space.
  • To survey the radiation environment in space: WARP-01 demonstrates the performance of a radiation sensor to survey the radiation environment in low-Earth orbit. Specifically, the sensor contains a micro SD card to observe single event upsets (SEUs) caused by beta radiation.
  • To survey the radio environment in space: WARP-01 demonstrates software defined radio (SDR), and surveys the radio environment in space. Specifically, the SDR receives signals in the 430MHz amateur radio band and analyzes the radio field intensity.

Using the COTS one-chip transceiver IC, demonstrate functionalities of original designed and developed transmitter in space environment by radio-wave transmission of CW beacon and various digital modulation such as GFSK, 4GFSK, FSK, 4FSK. This transceiver is designed from the scratch with ham-radio spirits. - To make satellite ham radio communication more popular, introduce fast, low-cost and flexible digital transceiver technology for worldwide amateur.

Sources [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Photo sources [1] [2]
On the same launch

Last modified: 2023-12-16

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