Hatchling Satellite

Spacecraft Hatchling (Canary Hatchling, Veery FS-1, Orion, VEERY-FS1)
Form factor PocketQube
Units or mass PocketQube 1p
Status Reentry 2024-04-11. No signal (Antennas are thought to have not been deployed as reported on official Twitter on 2022-10-31 as of 2022-12-20)
Launched 2022-05-25
Deployer PocketPod / PicoBus [Fossa Systems]
Launcher Falcon 9 (Transporter-5) (Momentus Vigoride)
Deployment Deployed from Vigoride on 2022-07-18
Entity name Care Weather
Institution Company
Entity Commercial
Country US
Launch brokerer Fossa Systems, Momentus

Early pathfinder mission for future cubesat constellation, which will map global oceanic vector winds on an hourly basis.


Hatchling is an early pathfinder mission for Care Weather’s future cubesat constellation, which will map global oceanic vector winds on an hourly basis. The Hatchling mission provides in-orbit testing for Care Weather’s vertically integrated satellite bus.

Failure cause Antennas are thought to have been stuck while trapped on Vigoride.
Sources [1]
Photo sources [1] [2]
On the same launch

Last modified: 2024-05-29

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Created by Erik Kulu

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