Svyatobor-1 Spacecraft

Satellite name Svyatobor-1 (RS-S, Space-PI, Space π)
Form factor CubeSat
Units or mass 3U
Mass in kg 3.4 kg
Status Operational (Assumed to be operational because the object ID is known)
Launched 2023-06-27
NORAD ID 57187
Deployer 12U Deployer [Aerospace Capital]
Launcher Sojuz
Entity name National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
Institution University
Entity Academic / Education
Country Russia
Partners Sputnix, FASIE, LaPlaz Institute

Modified plasma engine and 2 cameras to monitor forest fires.


The 3U CubeSat SC “Svyatobor-1”(«Святобор-1») with a modified plasma engine and 2 cameras has been integrated with the deployer!

The satellite will keep an eye on forest fire with a thermal imaging camera that will quickly detect fires and thermal anomalies on the Earth's surface. A visible color camera is necessary for photographic fixation of fires with a lesion of 15-17 meters per pixel.

The satellite will monitor forest fires, for this it was equipped with a thermal imaging camera, which will quickly detect fires and thermal anomalies on the Earth's surface. A color camera in the visible range is needed to photograph fires with a resolution of 15-17 meters per pixel. To correct and maintain the orbit, the satellite has a propulsion system developed by the LaPlaz Institute and students of NRNU MEPhI. 

To correct the orbit, the satellite has a propulsion system developed by the LaPlaz Institute and students of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI. This scientific and educational SC was created on the platform of the Sputnix company, within the framework of Space-π project supported by FASIE.

Sources [1] [2] [3]
Photo sources [1] [2] [3]
COTS subsystems
  • PLATFORM - Sputnix
Keywords Propulsion
On the same launch

Last modified: 2023-11-04

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Created by Erik Kulu


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