Lemur-2 (Sentinel) Spacecraft

Lemur-2 (Sentinel)
Lemur-2 (Sentinel)
Lemur-2 (Sentinel)
Lemur-2 (Sentinel)
Lemur-2 (Sentinel)
Lemur-2 (Sentinel)
Lemur-2 (Sentinel)
Lemur-2 (Sentinel)
Lemur-2 (Sentinel)
Lemur-2 (Sentinel)
Lemur-2 (Sentinel)
Lemur-2 (Sentinel)
Lemur-2 (Sentinel)
Lemur-2 (Sentinel)
Lemur-2 (Sentinel)
Lemur-2 (Sentinel)
Lemur-2 (Sentinel)
Lemur-2 (Sentinel)
Spacecraft Lemur-2 Sentinel
Form factor CubeSat
Units or mass 3U
Status not launched, expected in 2025
Launcher Falcon 9, (Transporter-13)
Organization Spire
Institution Company
Entity type Commercial
Nation (HQ) US
Nation (AIT) UK

Lemur-2 satellite with additional camera and star tracker.


Spire plans to manufacture, launch, and operate one 6U LEMUR-class satellite to be known as “Sentinel.” The satellite will operate as part of the Spire Constellation, utilizing all the same frequencies and operating parameters as the satellites authorized therein. While nearly identical to the LEMUR-class satellites authorized under the Spire Authorization,

Sentinel includes two additional non-standard systems, which account for the increase in form factor:

  1. a low light grayscale imager for coarse spatial resolution Earth imaging; and
  2. a star camera to increase the pointing control accuracy in support of such optical imaging.

These additional payloads support a secondary mission to test and validate a new predictive cyber-analytics and anomaly detection software, intended to secure space assets from future unauthorized intrusion or disruption.

Sources [1] [2] [3]
Photo sources [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Keywords AIS, ADS-B

Last modified: 2025-01-13

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Created by Erik Kulu

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