PetitSat Spacecraft

Satellite name PetitSat (Plasma Enhancements in The Ionosphere-Thermosphere Satellite)
Form factor CubeSat
Units or mass 6U
Status Reentry 2023-04-10. Was operational until? (Deployed from ISS on 2022-12-29 and press release on 2023-02-01, but marked as Failure in the NASA CubeSat Fleet Missions database)
Launched 2022-11-26
NORAD ID 55130
Deployer NRCSD (NanoRacks CubeSat Deployer) [Quad-M]
Launcher Falcon 9 (CRS-26) (ELaNa 49)
Deployment Deployed from ISS on 2022-12-29
Entity name NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Institution Space agency
Entity Government (Civil / Military)
Headquarters US
Partners Utah State University, Boston University, Virginia Tech

Provide in-situ measurements of plasma density, 3D ion drift, as well as ion and neutral composition.


Study density irregularities in the mid and low-latitude ionosphere. Ion-Neutral Mass Spectrometer, or INMS — the world’s smallest mass spectrometer. Gridded Retarding Ion Drift Sensor.

petitSat is a GSFC 6U CubeSat led by Principal Investigator Dr. Jeffrey Klenzing. The mission is funded by the NASA Science Mission Directorate Heliophysics Division. It is a collaboration that includes Utah State University, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, and Boston University.

petitSat will also be incorporating a technology demonstration of an impulse control system utilizing ion thrusters that was developed internally at GSFC. This demonstration will be conducted once the mission's science objectives have been met.


Marked as Failure in the NASA SmallSat/CubeSat Fleet Missions Database.

Sources [1] [2] [3] [4]
Photo sources [1] [2] [3]
Keywords Propulsion
On the same launch

Last modified: 2023-12-26

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Created by Erik Kulu


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