GOMX-5 Satellite

Satellite name GOMX-5 (GOMX5)
Type CubeSat
Units or mass 12U
Status not launched, expected in 2024
Launcher not launched
Organisation GomSpace
Institution Company
Entity type Commercial
Country Denmark
Manufacturer AIVT by GomSpace
Partners ESA (European Space Agency)
Costs Over $2 million in total as of 2020.

Demonstrate new operational concepts s high delta-V orbit raising to higher LEO.


The GOMX-5 platform is further improved for increased power handling, payload volume and reliability over longer mission durations

Demonstrate new operational concepts s high delta-V orbit raising to higher LEO. High speed ISL, high ∆V propulsion. 120 W. >500 m/s (electric). >100000 kbps (X-band). 0.2 deg (3-axis).

The satellite will be equipped with several advanced payloads, which are announced to be:

  • TICRA (DK) for X-Band high gain reflectarray antenna, coupled with an X-band transmitter from GomSpace.
  • ThrustMe (FR) for Electrical Propulsion.
  • EICAS (IT) with miniaturised and improved star tracker.
  • Syrlinks (FR) with advanced GNSS Precise Pointing Positioning receiver.
  • Deimos (PT) and University of Padova (IT) with high accuracy GNSS receiver.
  • Cobham Gaisler (SE), GMV (PL), LIRMM (FR) and UFSC (BR) with powerful radiation tolerant Advanced Payload Processors (APPs) including a GNSS Software receiver.
  • Tartu Observatory (EE) with a lightweight Earth observation imager with a radiometric calibration module.
  • AIKO (IT) bringing state of the art automation AI into the spacecraft.
  • Czech Technical University, Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics (CZ) with state-of-the-art radiation monitor.
Sources [1] [2] [3] [4]
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COTS subsystems
  • PLATFORM - GomSpace
  • ANTENNA - TICRA Reflectarray
  • THRUSTER - ThrustMe NPT30i
Subsystems sources [1]
Keywords Propulsion, Steerable Solar Arrays

Last modified: 2024-05-29

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Created by Erik Kulu

Email: erik.kulu@nanosats.eu
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