Ceres (Arkyd-100) Satellites

Ceres (Arkyd-100)
Spacecraft name Ceres (Arkyd-100)
Type CubeSat
Units or mass 12U
Organization Planetary Resources
Institution Company
Entity Commercial
Nation US

Commercial constellation for weekly hyperspectral and mid-wave infrared data.


Constellation of Arkyd 100 spacecraft. With just 10 satellites, the Ceres constellation provides weekly hyperspectral and mid-wave infrared data for any spot on Earth at a lower cost than existing multispectral data. 10m Hyperspectral and 15m Midwave Infrared resolution. Global coverage. Sensor re-configurability on-orbit.

Sources [1]
Photo sources [1]
Keywords Hyperspectral

Related Spacecraft

Name Status Launcher Date Orbit
Ceres 1 (Arkyd-100) cancelled cancelled x_cancelled cancelled
Ceres 2 (Arkyd-100) cancelled cancelled x_cancelled cancelled
Ceres 3 (Arkyd-100) cancelled cancelled x_cancelled cancelled
Ceres 4 (Arkyd-100) cancelled cancelled x_cancelled cancelled
Ceres 5 (Arkyd-100) cancelled cancelled x_cancelled cancelled
Ceres 6 (Arkyd-100) cancelled cancelled x_cancelled cancelled
Ceres 7 (Arkyd-100) cancelled cancelled x_cancelled cancelled
Ceres 8 (Arkyd-100) cancelled cancelled x_cancelled cancelled
Ceres 9 (Arkyd-100) cancelled cancelled x_cancelled cancelled
Ceres 10 (Arkyd-100) cancelled cancelled x_cancelled cancelled

Last modified: 2024-05-29

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Created by Erik Kulu

Email: erik.kulu@nanosats.eu
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/erikkulu

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