CAS-10 Spacecraft

Spacecraft name CAS-10 (Hope-4, XW-4, Macau Student Science Satellite, AomenKepu-1, Aomen Kepu-1, Aoki-1)
Form factor CubeSat
Units or mass 8U
Status Reentry 2023-03-15. Was operational (Amateur radio reports from BA1PK on Twitter and many observations on SatNOGS as of 2022-12-18)
Launched 2022-11-12
NORAD ID 54816
Deployer Tianzhou CubeSat Deployment System
Launcher Long March 7 (Tianzhou)
Deployment Deployed from Tianzhou on 2022-12-18
Organization CAMSAT (Chinese Amateur Satellite Group)
Institution Non-profit
Entity type Academic / Education
Country China

A follow on mission from CAS-9 with transponder and camera payloads.


A follow on mission from CAS-9 and also known as Hope-4 (XW-4). Carrying a V/U Mode Linear Transponder, a UHF - CW Telemetry Beacon, a UHF - AX.25 4.8k/9.6kbps GMSK Telemetry downlink and a space camera.

  • CAS-10 carries a VHF uplink and UHF downlink linear transponder with a bandwidth of 30kHz. This transponder will work all day during the life cycle of the satellite, and amateur radio enthusiasts around the globe can use it for two-way radio relay communications.
  • CAS-10 carries a camera, and the pictures it takes are stored in the flash memory on the satellite, we have designed a simple remote control system based on DTMF, and amateur radio enthusiasts around the globe can send DTMF commands to download the camera photos.
  • On the other hand, CW beacon use Morse code to send satellite telemetry data, which is also a feature that is widely welcomed by amateur radio enthusiasts.

Assuming Aomen Kepu-1 (Macau Student Science Satellite No. 1) is the same satellite as CAS-10/XW-4 because only 1 object was deployed from Tianzhou and it could be one of the payloads instead. Photos also match unless the CAS-10/XW-4 photo is wrong. However, this assumption can be wrong and that spacecraft may have not been launched yet or may have not been deployed or object is not tracked.

Sources [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
Photo sources [1] [2] [3]

Last modified: 2024-12-26

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Created by Erik Kulu


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