X-1 Satellite

Satellite X-1
Spacecraft type CubeSat
Units or mass 3U
Status not launched, expected in 2024
Launcher not launched
Organization NASA Ames Research Center
Institution University
Entity Academic / Education
Country US
Launch brokerer NASA CSLI / ELaNa

Test a high-performance processor in space and retroreflectors and light-emitting diodes for ground tracking.


Rapid technology demonstration for new communications, flight computing and avionics, and guidance navigation and control capabilities. The X-1 CubeSat will test a high-performance processor to demonstrate its performance in space and use a combination of retroreflectors and light-emitting diodes for ground tracking, spacecraft pointing, and optical communications experiments.

Sources [1]
Keywords License Plate Identification Tag, Tracking Enhancement Device

Last modified: 2024-05-29

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Created by Erik Kulu

Email: erik.kulu@nanosats.eu
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